35,934 research outputs found

    Static internal performance of ventral and rear nozzle concepts for short-takeoff and vertical-landing aircraft

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    The internal performance of two exhaust system concepts applicable to single-engine short-take-off and vertical-landing tactical fighter configurations was investigated. These concepts involved blocking (or partially blocking) tailpipe flow to the rear (cruise) nozzle and diverting it through an opening to a ventral nozzle exit for vertical thrust. A set of variable angle vanes at the ventral nozzle exit were used to vary ventral nozzle thrust angle between 45 and 110 deg relative to the positive axial force direction. In the vertical flight mode the rear nozzle (or tailpipe flow to it) was completely blocked. In the transition flight mode flow in the tailpipe was split between the rear and ventral nozzles and the flow was vectored at both exits for aircraft control purposes through this flight regime. In the cruise flight mode the ventral nozzle was sealed and all flow exited through the rear nozzle

    Natural laminar flow nacelle for transport aircraft

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    The potential of laminar flow nacelles for reducing installed engine/nacelle drag was studied. The purpose was twofold: to experimentally verify a method for designing laminar flow nacelles and to determine the effect of installation on the extent of laminar flow on the nacelle and on the nacelle pressure distributions. The results of the isolated nacelle tests illustrated that laminar flow could be maintained over the desired length. Installing the nacelles on wing/pylon did not alter the extent of laminar flow occurring on the nacelles. The results illustrated that a significant drag reduction was achieved with this laminar flow design. Further drag reduction could be obtained with proper nacelle location and pylon contouring

    Quantification and propagation of errors when converting vertebrate biomineral oxygen isotope data to temperature for palaeoclimate reconstruction

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    Oxygen isotope analysis of bioapatite in vertebrate remains (bones and teeth) is commonly used to address questions on palaeoclimate from the Eocene to the recent past. Researchers currently use a range of methods to calibrate their data, enabling the isotopic composition of precipitation and the air temperature to be estimated. In some situations the regression method used can significantly affect the resulting palaeoclimatic interpretations. Furthermore, to understand the uncertainties in the results, it is necessary to quantify the errors involved in calibration. Studies in which isotopic data are converted rarely address these points, and a better understanding of the calibration process is needed. This paper compares regression methods employed in recent publications to calibrate isotopic data for palaeoclimatic interpretation and determines that least-squares regression inverted to x=(y-b)/a is the most appropriate method to use for calibrating causal isotopic relationships. We also identify the main sources of error introduced at each conversion stage, and investigate ways to minimise this error. We demonstrate that larger sample sizes substantially reduce the uncertainties inherent within the calibration process: typical uncertainty in temperature inferred from a single sample is at least ±4°C, which multiple samples can reduce to ±1-2°C. Moreover, the gain even from one to four samples is greater than the gain from any further increases. We also show that when converting δ18Oprecipitation to temperature, use of annually averaged data can give significantly less uncertainty in inferred temperatures than use of monthly rainfall data. Equations and an online spreadsheet for the quantification of errors are provided for general use, and could be extended to contexts beyond the specific application of this paper.Palaeotemperature estimation from isotopic data can be highly informative for our understanding of past climates and their impact on humans and animals. However, for such estimates to be useful, there must be confidence in their accuracy, and this includes an assessment of calibration error. We give a series of recommendations for assessing uncertainty when making calibrations of δ18Obioapatite-δ18Oprecipitation-Temperature. Use of these guidelines will provide a more solid foundation for palaeoclimate inferences made from vertebrate isotopic data.We are grateful to the University of Cambridge (AJEP) and the Royal Society (RES) for financial support

    BKM Lie superalgebra for the Z_5 orbifolded CHL string

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    We study the Z_5-orbifolding of the CHL string theory by explicitly constructing the modular form tilde{Phi}_2 generating the degeneracies of the 1/4-BPS states in the theory. Since the additive seed for the sum form is a weak Jacobi form in this case, a mismatch is found between the modular forms generated from the additive lift and the product form derived from threshold corrections. We also construct the BKM Lie superalgebra, tilde{G}_5, corresponding to the modular form tilde{Delta}_1 (Z) = tilde{Phi}_2 (Z)^{1/2} which happens to be a hyperbolic algebra. This is the first occurrence of a hyperbolic BKM Lie superalgebra. We also study the walls of marginal stability of this theory in detail, and extend the arithmetic structure found by Cheng and Dabholkar for the N=1,2,3 orbifoldings to the N=4,5 and 6 models, all of which have an infinite number of walls in the fundamental domain. We find that analogous to the Stern-Brocot tree, which generated the intercepts of the walls on the real line, the intercepts for the N >3 cases are generated by linear recurrence relations. Using the correspondence between the walls of marginal stability and the walls of the Weyl chamber of the corresponding BKM Lie superalgebra, we propose the Cartan matrices for the BKM Lie superalgebras corresponding to the N=5 and 6 models.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figure

    Towards Verifying Nonlinear Integer Arithmetic

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    We eliminate a key roadblock to efficient verification of nonlinear integer arithmetic using CDCL SAT solvers, by showing how to construct short resolution proofs for many properties of the most widely used multiplier circuits. Such short proofs were conjectured not to exist. More precisely, we give n^{O(1)} size regular resolution proofs for arbitrary degree 2 identities on array, diagonal, and Booth multipliers and quasipolynomial- n^{O(\log n)} size proofs for these identities on Wallace tree multipliers.Comment: Expanded and simplified with improved result

    Nonlinear Waves in Rocks

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    We are interested in the nonlinear interaction of frequency components in large amplitude acoustic waves in rocks. As compared to other, more ordered solids, rocks are elastically highly nonlinear. The ratio of third order elastic constants to second order elastic constants in a typical rock is orders of magnitude greater than in solids such as iron [1]. This high degree of nonlinearity means that frequency components mix and elastic energy is transferred from the fundamentals to sum and difference frequencies. There are at least three reasons for our interest in these effects in rocks. 1) Accurate models of explosion and earthquake sources may depend on understanding nonlinear elastic effects. 2) Efficient frequency mixing in a highly nonlinear elastic material could lead to a low frequency seismic source generated from two high frequency input waves. 3) Accurate measurement of nonlinear coefficients in rock would provide a sensitive probe of physical characteristics such as consolidation and saturation