143 research outputs found

    Relação entre personalidade, factores motivacionais no trabalho e políticas de RH: estudo de caso

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    O presente estudo de investigação tem como objectivo explorar a existência de uma relação causal entre as políticas de recursos e a motivação nos colaboradores, cujos comportamentos são motivados por factores diferentes, dadas as suas características de personalidade. Pretende-se desta forma investigar o impacto que as políticas de recursos humanos poderão ter na motivação dos colaboradores com características de personalidade particulares assim como indagar de que forma as políticas de recursos humanas são desenhadas tendo em conta as características de personalidade dos colaboradores e as funções que desempenham. Como metodologia de investigação utilizaremos o estudo de caso e como instrumentos de recolha de dados/informações faremos uso de dois questionários, um a aplicar aos gestores de recursos humanos/de equipas e outro aos colaboradores; ABSTRACT: The goal of the present research study is to explore a causal relationship between human resources politics and the specific factors of employer’s motivation, derivatives of a particular personality. We pretend to research the impact of that politics on employers that have particulars tasks/jobs functions and personality characteristics. The used methodology is the case study and the used instruments are a open questions questioner to managers and a closed question questioner to other employers. The first questioner search for the human resources politics and values, and the second questioner look for the perception of employers about that politics

    Satisfação profissional dos fisioterapeutas em Portugal: setor público vs privado

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    Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação de Tecnologias em SaúdeExistem muitos estudos em Portugal sobre a satisfação profissional em vários profissionais de saúde, no entanto especificamente em Fisioterapeutas isso não acontece. Em função do exposto, foram delineados como objetivos da investigação identificar se existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas na satisfação profissional entre fisioterapeutas que exercem em entidades com gestão pública comparativamente aos que exercem em entidades com gestão privada; e identificar se existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas na satisfação profissional em função dos seus dados sociodemográficos e em função dos seus dados profissionais. Delineou-se um estudo de carácter observacional e transversal, seguindo um modelo de análise descritivo-correlacional com uma abordagem quantitativa. Recorreu-se à aplicação de um questionário on-line a uma população-alvo de Fisioterapeutas, tendo sido selecionada a amostra pelo método de amostragem não probabilístico. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário composto por dados sociodemográficos e profissionais e pela Escala de Satisfação com o Trabalho de Ribeiro (2002), validada para a população portuguesa. O tratamento estatístico dos dados foi efetuado utilizando o software estatístico SPSS versão 22. Apesar da maioria da amostra exercer em entidades privadas [77,5% (n=100)], os fisioterapeutas que exercem em entidades públicas mostraram-se mais satisfeitos em termos de valores médios. Evidenciaram-se apenas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre a satisfação com o trabalho e a variável carga horária semanal. As principais limitações do estudo estão relacionadas com o método de divulgação do questionário e com a dimensão da amostra, nomeadamente na desigualdade entre o setor público e privado.ABSTRACT - There are many studies in Portugal on the professional satisfaction of several health professionals. However, specifically with Physiotherapists, this does not happen. Based on the above, we have outlined as research objectives to identify whether there are statistically significant differences in professional satisfaction amongst Physiotherapists who exercise in publicly managed entities compared to those exercised in privately managed entities; and to identify whether there are statistically significant differences in professional satisfaction according to their sociodemographic data and according to their professional data. An observational and cross-sectional study was drawn up, following a descriptive-correlational analysis model with a quantitative approach. An online questionnaire was applied to a target population of Physiotherapists, and the sample was selected using the non-probabilistic sampling method. Data was collected through a questionnaire composed of sociodemographic and professional information and the Ribeiro Job Satisfaction Scale (2002), validated for the Portuguese population. Statistical treatment of the data was performed using statistical software SPSS version 22. Although most of the elements of the sample performed in private entities [77.5% (n = 100)], Physiotherapists working in public entities were more satisfied in terms of average values. There were only statistically significant differences between job satisfaction and the weekly workload variable. The main limitations of the study are related to the method of disclosure of the questionnaire and the size of the sample, namely in the inequalities between the public and private sectors.N/

    O sentimento de vazio: estudo exploratório

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    O presente estudo pretende conceptualizar o constructo de vazio como sentimento. Definindo-o verbalmente com pensamentos e conceitos associativos. Pretende-se identificar a dimensão do sentimento de vazio. Ainda os estados emocionais correlacionáveis à experiência do sentimento de vazio e verificar a existência de expressão corporal. Para além disso, inferir sobre as características da população que experiência o sentimento de vazio. A pertinência do estudo surge em volta da multiplicidade de referências sintomatológicas da sensação de "vazio", mencionadas na saúde mental, no distúrbio do Boderline e na Depressão Major. Bem como nas referências ao vazio nos campos da psicanálise, sociologia, arte e literatura. Pretende-se distanciar a sensação de vazio de sintoma, revelando-o consciente e com expressão verbal e física, sendo um sentimento de caracter consciente e com dimensão. Realizou-se um estudo com uma amostra probabilística aleatória, através de um questionário on-line, com 138 indivíduos, 43 do sexo masculino e 97 do sexo feminino, com idades entre os 16 anos e os 58 anos. A recolha de dados foi feita através dos seguintes instrumentos: questionário sociodemográfico, a PANAS – Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, a SAM- The Self-Assessement Mankin, The Embody Tool e questionários factuais e descritivos. Considerou-se da investigação que o sentimento de vazio é um termo multifocal, com expressões, adjetivos e conceitos que o definem enquanto conceito. O sentimento de vazio é consciente, definido como doloroso e de forte sofrimento psíquico. O sujeito demonstra uma dessensibilização e inatividade, com fortes carências de auto estima e sem projeção futura, tomam como desejo a solidão e o afastamento social. O sentimento de vazio está associado a afetos específicos, de carácter negativo, como desamparo, desadequação ao meio, sensação de inutilidade, inadaptação e caos. Demonstrou tratar-se de uma experiência negativa e muito intensa, onde o individuo tem um fraco controlo sobre a mesma. Revelou-se necessidade de investigação futura para relacionar o sentimento de vazio com a solidão e a depressão, e inferir sobre a afetação do sentimento de vazio ao nível do grau de bem-estar da população.This study aims to conceptualize the construct as empty feeling. Defining it verbally with thoughts and associative concepts .; size of the feeling of emptiness, the emotional states correlated to empty experience, check for physical expression of empty experience. Infer the characteristics of the population that experiences the feeling of emptiness. The relevance of the study arises around the multiplicity of symptomatic references the feeling of "emptiness" as in mental health, disorder borderline and Depression Major, as well as the references to empty the fields of psychoanalysis, sociology, art and literature. It is intended to distance the sense of symptom empty, revealing the conscious and verbal and physical expression, and a sense of conscious character and dimension. We conducted a study with a random probability sample through an online questionnaire, with 138 individuals, 43 males and 97 females, aged between 16 and 58 years. Data collection was performed using the socio-demographic questionnaire, the PANAS - Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, the SAM- The Self-Assessement Mankin, The Embody Tool and factual and descriptive questionnaires. It was considered the investigation that void will be a multifocal term, with expressions, adjectives and concepts that define it as a concept. The feeling of emptiness is aware, having been defined as painful and strong psychological distress, where the subject demonstrates a desensitization and inactivity, with strong self esteem and needs no future projection, take as desire loneliness and social withdrawal. The feeling of emptiness is associated with assigned specific, negative character, as helplessness, inadequacy in half, feeling of worthlessness, inadequacy and chaos. It demonstrated that it was a negative experience and very intense, where the individual has a weak control over it. Was necessary further research to correlate the feeling of emptiness and loneliness, attesting to their difference, and infer the allocation of empty feeling in terms of the level of welfare of the population

    In vivo and in vitro studies of [M(η6-pseudoerlotinib)2]+ sandwich complexes (M = Re, 99mTc)

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    The pursuit of molecular imaging for tumors has led to endeavors focused on targeting epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFR) through monoclonal antibodies or radionuclide-labelled EGF analogs with 99mTc, 111In, or 131I. In this context, various 99mTc-labeled EGFR inhibitors using quinazoline structures have been reported based on the so-called pendant approach and on two types of complexes and labelling strategies: “4 + 1” mixed ligand complexes and fac-tricarbonyl complexes. Apart from this approach, which alters lead structures by linking pharmacophores to chelator frameworks through different connectors, the integrated incorporation of topoisomerase and tyrosine kinase inhibitors into Re and 99mTc complexes has not been explored. Here we present [M(η6-inhibitor)2]+ (M = Re, 99mTc) and [Re(η6-bz)(η6-inhibitor)]+ complexes, where the core structure of an EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor binds directly to the metal center. These complexes exhibit potential for tumor imaging: initial biological investigations highlight the influence of one versus two bound inhibitors on the metal center

    Fatores críticos da implementação de projetos de gestão dos centros históricos património mundial cultural da UNESCO em Portugal

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    Mestrado em Ciência PolíticaEste trabalho debruça-se sobre a análise da implementação de políticas públicas de gestão de 3 dos 4 centros históricos Património Mundial, localizados nas cidades de Évora, Guimarães e Porto. Através da análise de documentação relevante e da condução de entrevistas a responsáveis locais, tentou-se compreender o processo de implementação das políticas públicas de gestão dos centros históricos e identificar quais os principais fatores críticos para esses processos. Através da aplicação desta metodologia, foi possível observar que os fatores que foram descritos como mais decisivos prendem-se com as questões relativas ao financiamento e ao apoio político local.This work is focused on the implementation of public policies for the management of 3 of the 4 World Heritage historic centres sites, located in the cities of Évora, Guimarães and Porto. Through the analysis of relevant documentation and the conduction of interviews with local officials, an attempt was made to understand the process of implementing public policies for the management of historical centres and to identify the main critical factors for these processes. Through the application of this methodology, it was possible to observe that the factors that have been described as more decisive are related to the issues related to financing and local political suppor

    Melanoma targeting with alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone analogs labeled with fac-[Tc-99m(CO)(3)](+): effect of cyclization on tumor-seeking properties

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    Early detection of primary melanoma tumors is essential because there is no effective treatment for metastatic melanoma. Several linear and cyclic radiolabeled alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) analogs have been proposed to target the melanocortin type 1 receptor (MC1R) overexpressed in melanoma. The compact structure of a rhenium-cyclized alpha-MSH analog (Re-CCMSH) significantly enhanced its in vivo tumor uptake and retention. Melanotan II (MT-II), a cyclic lactam analog of alpha-MSH (Ac-Nle-cyclo[Asp-His-DPhe-Arg-Trp-Lys]-NH2]), is a very potent and stable agonist peptide largely used in the characterization of melanocortin receptors. Taking advantage of the superior biological features associated with the MT-II cyclic peptide, we assessed the effect of lactam-based cyclization on the tumor-seeking properties of alpha-MSH analogs by comparing the pharmacokinetics profile of the (99)mTc-labeled cyclic peptide beta Ala-Nle-cyclo[Asp-His-DPhe-Arg-Trp-Lys]-NH2 with that of the linear analog beta Ala-Nle-Asp-His-DPhe-Arg-Trp-Lys-NH2 in melanoma-bearing mice. We have synthesized and coupled the linear and cyclic peptides to a bifunctional chelator containing a pyrazolyl-diamine backbone (pz) through the amino group of beta Ala, and the resulting pz-peptide conjugates were reacted with the fac-[Tc-99m(CO)(3)](+) moiety. The Tc-99m(CO)(3)-labeled conjugates were obtained in high yield, high specific activity, and high radiochemical purity. The cyclic Tc-99m(CO)(3)-labeled conjugate presents a remarkable internalization (87.1% of receptor-bound tracer and 50.5% of total applied activity, after 6 h at 37 degrees C) and cellular retention (only 24.7% released from the cells after 5 h) in murine melanoma B16F1 cells. A significant tumor uptake and retention was obtained in melanoma-bearing C57BL6 mice for the cyclic radioconjugate [9.26 +/- 0.83 and 11.31 +/- 1.83% ID/g at 1 and 4 h after injection, respectively]. The linear Tc-99m(CO)(3)-pz-peptide presented lower values for both cellular internalization and tumor uptake. Receptor blocking studies with the potent (Nle(4),DPhe(7))-alpha MSH agonist demonstrated the specificity of the radioconjugates to MC1R (74.8 and 44.5% reduction of tumor uptake at 4 h after injection for cyclic and linear radioconjugates, respectively)

    Pt(IV)/Re(I) Chitosan Conjugates as a Flexible Platform for the Transport of Therapeutic and/or Diagnostic Anticancer Agents

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    New chitosan derivatives modified with (3-carboxypropyl) trimethylammonium chloride (1) and coupled with (OC-6-44)-diammine(4-carboxypropanoato) dichloridoethanolatoplatinum(IV) (2), were synthesized and their preliminary biological evaluation carried out in human tumor cells. Some of these derivatives were also loaded with a chelating ligand (3) that was derived from bis(quinolin-2-ylmethyl) amine to obtain chitosan-based nanoparticles for an EPR-mediated delivery of Pt(IV) prodrugs and Re(I) tricarbonyl complexes (4), to explore a multimodal theranostic approach to cancer. The cytotoxicity of the different chitosan conjugates (C12, C123, and C1234), carrying different combinations of the Pt(IV) complex, the chelator and the Re(I) complex, was evaluated in the A2780 human ovarian cancer cell line using the MTT assay. The Pt(IV)-containing nanosystems showed low to moderate cytotoxic activity (IC50 values in the range 13.5-33.7 uM) and was comparable to that found for the free Pt(IV) complex (IC50 = 13.7 uM). Therefore, the Pt(IV)-chitosan conjugation did not enhance the cytotoxic activity of the Pt(IV) prodrug, which certainly reflects the inefficient cellular uptake of the nanoconjugates. Nevertheless, a clearer view of their potential for the delivery of anticancer agents requires further in vivo tests because the EPR effect increases extravasation and retention within the tumor tissue, not necessarily within the tumor cells

    Tricarbonyl M(I) (M = Re, 99mTc) complexes bearing acridine fluorophores : synthesis, characterization, DNA interaction studies and nuclear targeting

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    © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010New pyrazolyl-diamine ligands with acridine derivatives at the 4-position of the pyrazolyl ring were synthesized and characterized (L1 and L2). Coordination towards the fac-[M(CO)3]+ (M = Re, 99mTc) led to complexes fac-[M(CO)3(κ3-L)] (L = L1: M = Re1, Tc1; L = L2: M = Re2, Tc2). The interaction of the novel pyrazolyl-diamine ligands (L1 and L2) and rhenium(I) complexes (Re1 and Re2) with calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) was investigated by a variety of techniques, namely UV-visible , fluorescence spectroscopy and circular and linear dichroism . Compounds L1 and Re1 have moderate affinity to CT-DNA and bind to DNA by intercalation, while L2 and Re2 have a poor affinity for CT-DNA. Moreover, LD measurements showed that L1 and Re1 act as perfect intercalators . By confocal fluorescence microscopy we found that L1 and Re1 internalize and localize in the nucleus of B16F1 murine melanoma cells . The congener Tc1 complex also targets the cell nucleus exhibiting a time-dependent cellular uptake and a fast and high nuclear internalization (67.2% of activity after 30 min). Plasmid DNA studies have shown that Tc1 converts supercoiled (sc) puc19 DNA to the open circular (oc) form.Teresa Esteves and Sofia Gama thank the FCT for a doctoral and postdoctoral research grants (SFRH/BD/29154/2006 and SFRH/BPD/29564/2006, respectively). COST Action D39 is also acknowledge. The QITMS instrument was acquired with the support of the Programa Nacional de Reequipamento Científico (Contract>REDE/1503/REM/2005-ITN) of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and is part of RNEM - Rede Nacional de Espectrometria de Massa

    Comparative study of chemical approaches to the solid-phase synthesis of a tumor-seeking alpha-MSH analogue

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    The synthesis of a cyclic melanocortin analogue (H-pz-beta Ala-Nle-cyclo[Asp-His-DPhe-Arg-Trp-Lys]-NH(2)), where the Boc-protected derivative of a metal-chelating pyrazolyl ligand (pz) was inserted as N-terminal residue, was addressed by several different Fmoc/tBu and Boc/Bzl solid-phase strategies. On-resin cyclization was achieved immediately following incorporation of Asp, by condensation of the Asp side chain carboxyl with the Lys side chain primary amine after selective and simultaneous removal of side chain protecting groups. The success of the synthesis was highly dependent on the chemical strategy employed, with Boc/Bzl chemistry giving the best results. On the light of our findings, Fmoc/tBu strategies are not advantageous for the solid-phase synthesis of this particular type of lactam-bridged peptides. Last, but not least, the target peptide was recently found to have promising tumor-seeking properties (J Biol Inorg Chem 13:449-459, 2008)