372 research outputs found


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    Tem-se observado uma tendência na redefinição da gestão do conhecimento e da produção em nossa sociedade, onde se percebe um maior direcionamento do conhecimento como fator de inovação e competitividade das empresas, aliados a um contexto de mudanças sociais, políticas, demográfica, econômica e tecnológica, que por sua vez, também impulsionam mudanças na educação. Ao que parece as fortalezas da encastelada universidade, detentora até então da criação e da difusão universal do conhecimento humano, e da formação superior, começam a encontrar substitutos e assim, sem mais, defrontam-se com as suas fragilidades, cada vez mais necessárias e reclamadas pela sociedade. Este estudo buscou como fontes de consultas tanto as de origem acadêmica quanto as disponíveis na mídia especializada. A busca por artigos não acadêmicos se deve a dois fatores, primeiro pela escassa existência de artigos e livros que tratem dos temas em questão, assim como também pelo enfoque de sondar junto à mídia de massa, como estão sendo tratados os temas de estudo, além dos muros da academia. Uma discussão sobre os fatores que estão proporcionando essas mudanças e em especial a influência do movimento MOOC nas universidades é o objetivo a que se propõe este estudo

    New Sign Uncertainty Principles

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    We prove new sign uncertainty principles which vastly generalize the recent developments of Bourgain, Clozel & Kahane and Cohn & Gon\c{c}alves, and apply our results to a variety of spaces and operators. In particular, we establish new sign uncertainty principles for Fourier and Dini series, the Hilbert transform, the discrete Fourier and Hankel transforms, spherical harmonics, and Jacobi polynomials, among others. We present numerical evidence highlighting the relationship between the discrete and continuous sign uncertainty principles for the Fourier and Hankel transforms, which in turn are connected with the sphere packing problem via linear programming. Finally, we explore some connections between the sign uncertainty principle on the sphere and spherical designs.Comment: 45 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, v3: typos corrected, numerics extende


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    Discute-se o impacto da Educação a Distância (EaD) nos cursos de Administração, em relação aos tradicionais cursos do ensino presencial de Administração. Parte destas mudanças decorrem cada vez mais da utilização intensiva das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs), que alavancadas pela evolução tecnológica, estão potencializando seus usos cada vez mais na Educação. A expansão da EaD no Brasil iniciou-se em 2006, com a criação da Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB), que escolheu como projeto de implantação o Curso Piloto de Administração, o que veio a influenciar nas mudanças de cunho acadêmico e de gestão educacional nas universidades públicas brasileiras. Ilustra-se essas implicações pedagógicas e de gestão acadêmica com o estudo de caso de dos cursos de Administração de uma universidade estadual brasileira, onde demostra-se uma melhor performance do curso de Administração na modalidade a distância

    Melhoria na lealdade de um retalhista perante os seus clientes

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    Estágio realizado na Enabler/WIPRO e orientado pelo Eng.º Ricardo NogueiraTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Accessible software development: a conceptual model proposal

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    Equal access to all software and digital content should be a reality in the Digital Era. This argument is something defended both by existing regulations, norms and standards, and also business organizations and governments. Despite this acknowledgement, the reality is still far from the desired equality. For certain groups of disabled or impaired citizens, such as the visually impaired, the existence of e-accessibility compliance represents an opportunity to integrate, in a more simple and straightforward manner, their societies. Despite the existing poor results on e-accessibility compliance, the mentioned citizens insist on using digital devices in their daily lives. Even though, in the last decade, multiple standards and regulations have been published towards indicating how to develop accessible digital user interfaces, there are still two major issues surrounding its implementation: the complexity and disparity of the documents containing the abovementioned norms, and also the lack of e-accessibility know-how by software experts. With this in mind, a proposal for an accessible software development model that encompasses e-accessibility incorporation as one of the development process activities has been presented. This model might represent a very interesting support tool for software development organizations and a novel resource for learning and training institutions to be able to improve their computer science and informatics students’ skills on e-accessibility.This work was supported by national funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the Project UID/CEC/04524/2016. This work was financed by the ERDF—European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization—COMPETE 2020 within Project (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006961), and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT— Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia as part of Project (UID/EEA/50014/2013).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Molecular structure and polymorphism of a cyclohexanediol: trans-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol

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    This study aims to investigate the molecular structure and polymorphism of trans-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol, including the bi-axial/bi-equatorial equilibrium and the nature of the intermolecular H-bond networks in condensed phases created by the hydroxyl group torsions. The full conformational space of the single molecule was explored by MP2 calculations, showing that the optimized bi-equatorial conformers have similar stability and the bi-axial ones have much higher energies. The hydroxymethyl substituents have preference for gauche/anti or gauche+/gauche− conformations. Polymorphic forms were generated by crystallization from solutions and by cooling the melt, which were characterized by a combination of techniques: DSC, PLTM and XRD. Two polymorphs were isolated and their crystal structures were solved by direct methods based on single-crystal X-ray analysis. Both were found to contain two of the most stable conformers found in the computational calculations. The influence of H-bonding in the polymorphic structures was verified by analysis of the structural differences between the geometries present in the polymorphs determined by XRD and their single molecule counterparts resulting from the theoretical calculations. The bi-axial conformations are destabilized over the bi-equatorial ones in isolated and crystalline forms of trans-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol

    Features and performance of edible films, obtained from whey protein isolate formulated with antimicrobial compounds

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    The goal of this research effort was to assess the efficacy of edible films produced fromwhey protein isolate (WPI) and glycerol, including incorporation of lactic acid (LA) and propionic acid (PRO), chitooligosaccharideswith nominal MW of 3 kDa (COS) and natamycin (NA) as antimicrobial agents. Their features were evaluated in vitro via agar diffusion and viable cell counting, against spoilage microflora often found contaminating cheese surfaces. The effect of incorporating the aforementioned compounds upon thickness, moisture content (MC), solubility (S), density (ρs),water activity (aw) and water vapor permeability (WVP), as well as upon tensile and optical properties of those films were also evaluated. Films formulated with LA, PRO or COS exhibited antimicrobial activity against all microorganisms tested, yet the viable cell count assay was more sensitive and reproducible. COS was the most active against Gram-negative bacteria, whereas LA was the most active against Gram-positive ones. NA was not active against bacteria, but displayed the strongest effect against yeasts. Incorporation of said antimicrobial compounds did not significantly (pN0.05) affect film thickness, yet it significantly (pb0.05) reduced tensile strength (TS). Incorporation of LA and NA in particular did not significantly (pb0.05) affect MC, S, ρs, WVP, elongation at break (EB) and Young's modulus (YM) values; however, a statistically significant increase (pb0.05) of MC, S andWVP, together with a statistically significant decrease (pb0.05) of ρs were attained upon incorporation of PRO or COS. Moreover, PRO produced the highest variation (pb0.05) in EB, TS and YM,whereas COS produced the highest change (pb0.05) in optical properties.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of chitooligosaccharides upon lymphocytes

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    Two COS mixtures and a low molecular weight chitosan (LMWC) were tested for potential cytotoxicity and genotoxicity upon human lymphocytes. Genotoxicity was evaluated in vitro by cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus and alkaline comet assays, while cytotoxicity was assessed by flow cytometry analysis. Our results suggest that COS do not exhibit any genotoxicity upon human lymphocytes, independently of MW or concentration. However, above 0.07 mg/mL COS induced strong cytotoxic effects. According to the concentration used, such cytotoxicity will induce cell death, essentially by necrosis (>0.10 mg/mL) and/or apoptosis (<0.10 mg/mL). The level of necrosis/apoptosis induced by high COS concentrations, suggests a promising use as apoptosis inducers in specific cancer situations.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Technological and scientific prospection of Piperaceae of the State of Rio de Janeiro - Potential strategy for conservation

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    Objetiva-se realizar uma prospecção tecnológica e potenciais de usos de espécies da família de Piperaceae do estado do Rio de Janeiro, bem como despertar a importância da ferramenta para potencializar como estratégia de conservação. Para isso foram levantadas as espécies e buscou-se essas no banco de dados de patentes. Verificando suas potencialidades de aplicação e uso sobre indicadores associados as patentes e elaborado pelos autores. Encontrando 21 espécies que apresentaram patentes. Fazendo levantamento mais detalhado para pimenta do reino (Piper nigrum L.), pois apresentou 182 depósitos de patentes, comparando com as outras Piperaceae (n=20). A CIP com maior expressão para Piperaceae foi a A61K. As aplicações foram diversas e responde de forma positiva quando comparado sua inovação com o seu uso populares, demonstrando uma abordagem muito útil para descrição de suas aplicações para o processo estratégica da conservação dessas espécies

    Antioxidant activity of chitooligosaccharides upon two biological systems: erythrocytes and bacteriophages

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    Most of the reports to date on the antioxidant capacity of chitosans and chitooligosaccharides (COS) are based on strictly chemical methods. When studying antioxidants with potential in vivo applications, the method used to evaluate the antioxidant activity should be representative of the conditions in which the antioxidant might have a protective effect. In this work we evaluate the antioxidant activity of two COS mixtures and a low MW chitosan (LMWC) upon two biological oxidizable substrates – erythrocytes and phages, subjected to accelerated oxidation conditions. Our results suggest that COS/LMWC can be used as antioxidants in biological systems. All the tested compounds reduced either the hemolytic and DNA damage, by inhibiting H2O2- and AAPH-radicals. However, the results obtained for these biological assays did not reveal a dose dependence, contrary to the chemical assay, suggesting that the protective concentrations should be established, in order to prevent enhancement of the oxidative damage – i.e. a prooxidant effect.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio