80 research outputs found


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    Sebagai kaum marjinal yang bertinggal di lingkungan padat perkotaan tidak memiliki daya dalam memperbaiki kualitas bertinggal mereka agar tahan terhadap bahaya kebakaran yang sewaktu-waktu dapat menimpa. Kecamatan Tanjungbalai Utara merupakan salah satu wilayah yang sangat rentan terhadap bencana kebakaran yang ditetapkan sebagai wilayah studi penelitian untuk menemukan rumusan sistem yang bagaimana dapat menanggulangi bencana kebakaran. Sebagai pendekatan dilakukan identifikasi terhadap wilayah studi dengan menggunakan rumusan Model Crunch yang menerjemahkan bahwa tingkat resiko bencana kebakaran (R) merupakan penjumlahan atas sumber bahaya (H) dan kerentanan (V) yang dikurangi dengan ketahanan (C). Sedangkan tindakan mengungkap keberadaan lingkungan mereka digunakan pemikiran tipologi perumahan masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah di perkotaan dan didukung dengan pemikiran-pemikiran para ahli dan instansi, standarisasi serta peraturan pemerintah untuk mengetahui keberadaan lingkungan permukiman mereka terhadap tingkat resiko kebakaran yang ada.   Kemudian dilakukan penilaian yang dimuat melalui variabel-variabel tolok ukur tertentu berdasarkan sumber bahaya, kerentanan dan ketahanan terhadap lingkungan permukiman mereka. Setelah dilakukan penilaian melalui model Crunch yang didukung dengan rumus Sturges atas interval penilaian yang ada, ternyata wilayah studi memiliki status tingkat resiko bencana kebakaran yang cukup tinggi dengan nilai -7. Berdasarkan status tingkat resiko bencana kebakaran wilayah studi, dilakukan analisis praktis dengan melihat potensi yang dimiliki wilayah studi untuk diolah menjadi suatu sistem penanggulangan kebakaran yang dapat meningkatkan nilai ketahanan. Kemudian lahirlah sistem swadaya penanggulangan bencana kebakaran di lingkungan padat perkotaan sebagai rumusan pemikiran yang diharapkan ideal bagi lingkungan permukiman mereka

    Mikroenkapsulasi Controlled Release Lansoprazol dengan Kombinasi Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose Phthalate dan Natrium Alginat secara Gelasi Ionotropik

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    Lansoprazol adalah obat anti ulkus peptikum golongan penghambat pompa proton yang memiliki absorpsi efektif di usus tetapi terurai oleh asam lambung sehingga perlu menggunakan sistem controlled release untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan hayatinya. Polimer yang digunakan untuk sistem controlled release yaitu natrium alginat 2% dengan penambahan kalsium laktat dalam konsentrasi 5% (Formula I), 7,5% (Formula II) dan 10% (Formula III). Mikrokapsul dibuat dengan metode gelasi ionotropik. Natrium alginat dan lansoprazol dicampur dengan rasio 3:1, kemudian diteteskan ke dalam larutan kalsium laktat dengan kecepatan pengadukan 100 putaran per menit. Mikrokapsul yang dihasilkan dicuci dengan air suling dan dikeringkan selama 4 jam pada suhu 60 oC. Hasil kemudian dikarakterisasi diantaranya organoleptik, kadar air, distribusi ukuran mikrokapsul, perolehan kembali dan penjeratan, indeks pengembangan dan pelepasan zat aktif. Mikrokapsul yang dihasilkan memiliki indeks pengembangan tertinggi pada Formula II yaitu 256,89%. Formula I memiliki rata-rata distribusi ukuran mikrokapsul terkecil sekitar 925-1000 μm dan terbesar pada Formula III sekitar 1075-1150 μm. Formula III memiliki nilai perolehan kembali tertinggi yaitu 86,5%. Penjeratan zat tertinggi pada Formula III yaitu 64,46%. Persen pelepasan lansoprazol pada jam ke-8 dari Formula I, II dan II berturut-turut adalah 87,89%, 68,09% dan 57,09%. Mikrokapsul menunjukkan sifat gastroresisten setelah disalut dengan larutan HPMCP 5% dan 10%.Lansoprazole is a proton pump inhibitor that has been used as an anti-peptic ulcer and demonstrates an effective absorption in the intestine but decomposed by stomach acid. Therefore, it was necessary to use the controlled release system to improve bioavailability. The polymers used for the system was sodium alginate (2%) by adding calcium lactate at a concentration of 5% (Formula I), 7.5% (Formula II), and 10% (Formula III). The microcapsules were prepared using ionotropic gelation method. Sodium alginate and lansoprazole were mixed with a ratio of 3:1, and then dripped into a solution of calcium lactate with a stirring speed of 100 rpm. The resulting microcapsules were washed with distilled water and dried for 4 hours at temperature of 60 °C. The results were then characterized for organoleptic, water content, size distribution, recovery and loading capacity, swelling index and release of active substance. The microcapsules produced had the highest swelling index of 256.89%. Formula I has the smallest microcapsule size distribution in the range from 925 to 1000 μm whereas the largest in Formula III in the range from 1075 to 1150 μm. Formula III has the highest recovery (86.5%).The highest entrapment eficiency (Formula III) was 64.46%. The release of lansoprazole within 8 hours of Formula I, II and II were 87.89%, 68.09% and 57.09%, respectively. The microcapsules exhibited gastroresistance after coating with 5 and 10 % HPMCP solution

    Perancangan Antena 4G untuk Mobile Handset pada Frekuensi 2.3 GHz

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    Microstrip antenna as a communication device has small dimension with good receiving signal ability, this microstrip antenna is a technology that can be used on a wireless network application with high rate data speed. Microstrip antenna is very suitable for long term evolution applications. This microstrip antennas are small, designed in such a way that can be used daily without causing bad image effects for user appereance. The antenna is designed by using CST STUDIO SUITE software, the designed result are : frequ…ency 2.3 GHz with return loss ≤ -10 dB, and VSWR ≤ 2


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    Several studies revealed that Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walp, known as bay leaves, has the potential to be used as herbal medicine due to its active compounds including flavonoids. Herbal medicines are chosen to replace synthetic drugs which have side effects on health. However, some active substances of herbal medicines including bay leaves are less soluble in water and have low bioavailability to be absorbed by the intestine is low. A formulation into nanoparticles will provide more effective results. This study aimed to develop a standardized herbal medicine from the bay leaves extract in nanoparticle form with fine quality and efficacious in lowering blood glucose levels. The nanoparticle formulation was conducted using the ionic gelation method with chitosan- tripolyphosphate base and was designed into pre- and post-test-controlled group designs. Wistar white rats (Rattus norvegicus) were used as the experimental animal and grouped into a negative control group, normal control group, positive control (Glibenclamide) groups, and test dosages-induced control group. Fasting blood glucose levels were measured using an enzymatic glucometer and the AUC was analyzed based on the trapezoidal formula statistically using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. The results showed that the bay leaves contained secondary metabolite including flavonoid with concentrations at 96%, 70%, 50%, respectively. The nanoparticles sizes were 1.48%; 1.62%; 1.50%; and 0.03%, respectively. The average particle size was 549.2 nm, and the zeta potential was -40.2 mV. Nanoparticle administration at a dose of 426.80 mg/kg BW; 213.40 mg/kg BW; and 106.70 mg/kg BW showed decreasing blood glucose levels when compared to the positive control group but not significant (P>0.005). The smallest dose of nanoparticle extract that lowered blood glucose levels was at a dose of 106.70 mg/kg BW. It can be concluded the nanoparticles form of bay leaves extract can lower blood glucose levels and meets the quality requirements

    Formulasi dan Evaluasi Sediaan Gel Nanopartikel Ekstrak Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) sebagai Tabir Surya

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    Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) is known as a plant that has many health benefits, including antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and anticancer. The purpose of this study was to formulate a gel preparation containing temulawak extract nanoparticles as a sunscreen. The gel formed must be evaluated physically including: organoleptic, homogentias, viscosity and spreadability, as well as pH test and SPF examination. Temulawak extract, Nanocurcumin manufacturing method using ionic gelation characterized using particle size analyzer. Results showed that temulawak extract gel and temulawak extract nanoparticle gel did not change color and remained in a homogeneous state. The viscosity of temulawak extract gel is 25098 cPs, while temulawak extract nanoparticle gel is 25673 cPs. The spreading ability of temulawak extract gel was 6.3 cm while the temulawak extract nanoparticle gel formula was 6.5 cm. The pH value of the temulawak extract gel was 5.61 while the pH value of the temulawak extract nanoparticle gel was 5.47. The SPF value of temulawak extract gel was 16.77 while that of temulawak nanoparticle gel was 19.88. Thus, temulawak extract nanoparticle gel can have potential as a sunscreen gel

    Formulasi dan Aktivitas Gel yang Mengandung Nanopartikel Ekstrak Temulawak sebagai Antiacne

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     Javanese turmeric is one of the Indonesia’s authentic plant that has many benefits, antimicrobial effect is one of them. Curcuminoid and xanthorrhizol contents are responsible for it's antimicrobial activity. Acne vulgaris is one of skin’s disorder that caused by bacteria, the major cause is Propionibacterium acnes. This study aimed to compare antimicrobial activity difference between nanoparticle and extract gel. Javanese turmeric was extracted and then formulated into nanoparticles. Javanese turmeric extract and it's nanoparticles were then  formulated in gel preparation. Gel preparations were evaluated physically (organoleptic, homogeinity, spreadibility, and viscosity and rheology), chemically (pH value), and tested for their antimicrobial activity. Gel evaluations showed that both formula (nanoparticle and extract gel formula) did not show any discoloration and still homogeny. Extract gel formula had viscosity about 1540–1600 Ps, while nano extract gel had viscosity in the range of 487.63–501.01Ps. Extract gel formula had spreadability in the range of 51.75-53.35  mm,  while nano extract gel has viscosity in the range of 65.125-72.75 mm. Extract gel formula had pH value in the range of 5.98–6.02, while nano extract gel had pH value in the range of 5.88–5.93. Extract gel formula has inhibition zone in the range of 10.0 mm–10.3 mm, while nanoextract gel has inhibition zone in the range of 13.0 mm–13.4 mm. Based on statistical paired sample t-test analysis, nano extract gel formula was signifi cantly different from extract  gel formula in antimicrobial activity. Temulawak adalah salah satu tanaman asli Indonesia yang memiliki banyak manfaat, salah satunya adalah efek antimikroba. Kandungan curcuminoid dan xanthorrhizol bertanggung jawab atas aktivitas antimikroba. Acne vulgaris adalah salah satu kelainan kulit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri, penyebab utamanya adalah Propionibacterium acnes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan perbedaan aktivitas antimikroba antara nanopartikel dan ekstrak gel. Temulawak diekstraksi dan kemudian diformulasikan menjadi partikel nano. Ekstrak temulawak dan nanopartikelnya kemudian diformulasikan dalam sediaan gel. Sediaan gel dievaluasi secara fi sik (organoleptik, homogenitas, spreadibility, dan viskositas dan reologi), secara kimiawi (nilai pH), dan diuji aktivitas antimikroba nya. Evaluasi gel menunjukkan bahwa kedua formula (nanopartikel dan ekstrak ekstrak gel) tidak menunjukkan perubahan warna dan masih homogen. Formula gel ekstrak memiliki viskositas sekitar 1540–1600 Ps, sedangkan gel ekstrak nano memiliki viskositas pada kisaran 487,63-501,01Ps. Formula gel ekstrak memiliki daya sebar dalam kisaran 51,75-53,35 mm, sedangkan gel ekstrak nano memiliki viskositas pada kisaran 65,125-72,75 mm. Formula gel ekstrak memiliki nilai pH di kisaran 5,98-6,02, sedangkan gel ekstrak nano memiliki nilai pH di kisaran 5,88-5,93. Formula gel ekstrak memiliki zona hambat pada kisaran 10,0 mm - 10,3 mm, sedangkan nanoextract gel memiliki zona hambat pada kisaran 13,0 mm - 13,4 mm. Berdasarkan analisis uji-t sampel berpasangan statistik, formula gel ekstrak nano berbeda secara signifi kan dari formula ekstrak gel dalam aktivitas antimikroba


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    Ekstrak teripang mengandung glukosamin yang berpotensi dapat menekan peradangan (inflamasi) dan  menyembuhkan osteoarthritis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji  aktivitas antiinflamasi secara in vitro dan in vivo dari nanopartikel kitosan-ekstrak kering teripang (Stichopus variegatus). Aktivitas antiinflamasi secara in vitro dilakukan dengan metode denaturasi protein Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA). Aktivitas antiinflamasi secara in vivo dilakukan dengan metode induksi karagenan pada telapak kaki tikus dengan parameter pengukuran edema kaki. Penelitian ini menggunakan tikus putih jantan galur Sprague-Dawley dan dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok yaitu kelompok yang diberi nanopartikel kitosan-ekstrak teripang kering dosis 50 mg/KgBB dan 100 mg/Kg BB, kelompok kontrol negatif (aquadest) serta kelompok kontrol positif (natrium diklofenak). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sampel nanopartikel memiliki aktivitas antiinflamasi secara in vitro dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 267,76 bpj. Nanopartikel kitosan-ekstrak teripang kering dosis 50 mg/Kg BB dan 100 mg/KgBB memiliki aktivitas antiinflamasi dengan nilai persentase penghambatan inflamasi secara berturut-turut sebesar 53,37%, dan 49,95 %. Adapun nilai ED50 yaitu sebesar 99,27 mg/KgBB

    Comparative Analysis of Logistic Regression, SVM, Xgboost, and Random Forest Algorithms for Diabetes Classification

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    Diabetes is a disease that can attack anyone, where this disease occurs because there is excessive sugar content in the human body. Therefore, prevention of diabetes is necessary so that preventive measures can be given as early as possible. In this research, a classification process will be carried out using the Random Forest algorithm, Support Vector Classification and XGBoost. This research will use a dataset which consists of 768 total data with a distribution of non-diabetic data of 500 and a distribution of diabetes data of 268. For the classification results after testing, the results were that classification using random forest obtained a testing accuracy of 79.22%, with using support vector classification gets a testing accuracy of 76.62%, using XGBoost gets a testing accuracy of 79.22% using Logistic Regression gets a testing accuracy of 80.52%. The best classification value is obtained when using the Logistic Regression algorithm, namely with a precision of 79.00%, recall of 77.00% and F1-Score of 78.00%


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    ABSTRACTObjective: Test the antioxidant activity of banana peel extract, watermelon rind extract, and combinations, also in lotion dosage form.Methods: The antioxidant activity of each extract and their combinations were tested with 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil method and formulated intoa lotion dosage forms. Evaluation of the lotion dosage forms, including organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, viscosity and rheology, microbiology, acutedermal irritation test, as well as the antioxidant activity test.Results: Antioxidant activity test on the extract showed inhibitory concentration 50% (IC50) values of banana peel is 64.03 part per million (ppm)and watermelon rind extract of 300.12 ppm. Combination of banana peel and watermelon rind extract with three different concentrations, IC50:IC50,inhibitory concentration at 75% (IC75):inhibitory concentration at 25% (IC25), IC25:IC75 resulted the best antioxidant activity is a combination of bananapeel, and watermelon rind extract IC75:IC25 with IC50 value of 177.56 ppm. The antioxidant activity test in lotion dosage form showed IC50 values oflotion base is 853.16 ppm, lotion banana peel extract is 472.50 ppm, lotion watermelon rind extract is 496.71 ppm, and the combination of bananapeel and watermelon rind extract are 300.04 ppm.Conclusion: Lotion dosage form formula that meets the requirements of quality, efficacy, and safety with the best antioxidant activity is lotion dosageform combination of banana peel and watermelon rind extract formula (IC75:IC25).Keywords: Antioxidant activity, Banana peel (Musa paradisiaca), Watermelon rind (Citrullus vulgaris), Combination of banana peel and watermelonrind extract, Lotion of antioxidant