4,111 research outputs found

    Monthly and Diurnal Variability of Rain Rate and Rain Attenuation during the Monsoon Period in Malaysia

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    Rain is the major source of attenuation for microwave propagation above 10 GHz. In tropical and equatorial regions where the rain intensity is higher, designing a terrestrial and earth-to-satellite microwave links is very critical and challenging at these frequencies. This paper presents the preliminary results of rain effects in a 23 GHz terrestrial point-to-point communication link 1.3km long. The experimental test bed had been set up at Skudai, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. In this area, a monsoon equatorial climate prevails and the rainfall rate can reach values well above 100mm/h with significant monthly and diurnal variability. Hence, it is necessary to implement a mitigation technique for maintaining an adequate radio link performance for the action of very heavy rain. Since we now know that the ULPC (Up Link Power Control) cannot guarantee the desired performance, a solution based on frequency band diversity is proposed in this paper. Here, a secondary radio link operating in a frequency not affected by rain (C band for instance) is placed parallel with the main link. Under no rain or light rain conditions, the secondary link carries without priority radio signals. When there is an outage of the main link due to rain, the secondary link assumes the priority traffic. The outcome of the research shows a solution for higher operating frequencies during rainy events

    Structural, Vibrational and Thermodynamic Properties of AgnCu34-n Nanoparticles

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    We report results of a systematic study of structural, vibrational and thermodynamical properties of 34-atom bimetallic nanoparticles from the AgnCu34-n family using model interaction potentials as derived from the embedded atom method and in the harmonic approximation of lattice dynamics. Systematic trends in the bond length and dynamical properties can be explained largely on arguments based on local coordination and elemental environment. Thus increase in the number of silver atoms in a given neighborhood introduces a monotonic increase in bond length while increase of the copper content does the reverse. Moreover, based on bond lengths of the lowest coordinated (6 and 8) copper atoms with their nearest neighbors (Cu atoms), we find that the nanoparticles divide into two groups with average bond length either close to (~ 2.58 A) or smaller (~ 2.48 A) than that in bulk copper, accompanied by characteristic features in their vibrational density of states. For the entire set of nanoparticles, vibrational modes are found above the bulk bands of copper/silver. Furthermore, a blue shift in the high frequency end with increasing number of copper atoms in the nanoparticles is traced to a shrinkage of bond lengths from bulk values. The vibrational densities of states at the low frequency end of the spectrum scale linearly with frequency as for single element nanoparticles, however, the effect is more pronounced for these nanoalloys. The Debye temperature was found to be about one third of that of the bulk for pure copper and silver nanoparticles with a non-linear increase with increasing number of copper atoms in the nanoalloys.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figure

    Magnetotail structures in a simulated Earth's magnetosphere

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    The structure of the magnetotail is investigated in a laboratory simulated magnetosphere. Particular emphasis is placed on the region of distant magnetotail where the closed field line region of the plasma sheet terminates and the process of reconnection takes place. Our study builds upon the previous investigation of the magnetotail where the main results were based on the magnetic field measurements in the tail region of the simulated magnetosphere. In this paper, more elaborate measurements of plasma flow and electric field are presented. Besides these measurements, this region of distant magnetotail is also explored by high resolution imaging with a gated optical imager (GOI) and by digital image analysis. These images clearly reveal a Y-type magnetic neutral line for the northward 'interplanetary' field (IMF) and a usual X-type for the southward IMF that confirms our previous results deduced from the magnetic field measurements. In the neighborhood of these neutral points a strong component of dawn to dusk electric field (E(sub y)) and a counterstreaming plasma flow is also observed. Plasma flow is measured by using a double sided Faraday cup which is also used to measure the y-component of tail current (J(sub y)) at different locations. These measurements reveal that the tail current is not carried by ions as previously thought, rather it is carried by electrons alone

    Association of Physical Activity with Co-morbid Conditions in Geriatric Population

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    To find out association of physical activity with co-morbid conditions in geriatric population, a cross-sectional study was conducted in different cties of Pakistan in 2015. A total of 114 participants were inducted by non-probability convenience sampling technique. Data was collected after informed verbal consent by a validated questionnaire that is Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity (RAPA). Participants were categorized into two groups i.e. physically active and physically inactive. Data was entered and analyzed in SPSS version 20. There were 66 (57.9%) males and 48 (42.1%) females with mean age of 57.04±7.348 years. Among hypertensive individuals (n=43, 37.7%) there were 39 (90.7%) physically inactive, among individuals having angina (n=17, 14.9%) there were 15 (88.2%) physically inactive. Out of 37 (32.5%) diabetics, 35 (94.6%) were physically inactive. Among individuals suffering from arthritis (n=40, 35.1%), there were 38 (95%) physically inactive. A significant association was found between physical activity and diabetes and arthritis with p-value of 0.048 and 0.029 respectively. Physical activity is significantly associated with diabetes and arthritis in geriatric population. Adequate physical activity should be performed to reduce the risk of co-morbid conditions and improve the quality of life in geriatric population

    High yield fusion in a Staged Z-pinch

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    We simulate fusion in a Z-pinch; where the load is a xenon-plasma liner imploding onto a deuterium-tritium plasma target and the driver is a 2 MJ, 17 MA, 95 ns risetime pulser. The implosion system is modeled using the dynamic, 2-1/2 D, radiation-MHD code, MACH2. During implosion a shock forms in the Xe liner, transporting current and energy radially inward. After collision with the DT, a secondary shock forms pre-heating the DT to several hundred eV. Adiabatic compression leads subsequently to a fusion burn, as the target is surrounded by a flux-compressed, intense, azimuthal-magnetic field. The intense-magnetic field confines fusion α\alpha-particles, providing an additional source of ion heating that leads to target ignition. The target remains stable up to the time of ignition. Predictions are for a neutron yield of 3.0×10193.0\times 10^{19} and a thermonuclear energy of 84 MJ, that is, 42 times greater than the initial, capacitor-stored energy

    Safe Area for Residential Population to Reside Near Limestone Mining: a Risk Management Approach

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    Di Sukabumi, batu kapur ditambang oleh penduduk setempat tanpa pengendalian bahaya yang memadai. Untuk mengestimasi risiko kesehatan akibat pajanan penambangan kapur dan menentukan lokasi aman untuk penduduk di sekitarnya, telah dilakukan analisis risiko kesehatan lingkungan untuk partikulat tersuspensi total (TSP) dan PM10 di Desa Padabeunghar, Kecamatan Jampang Tengah, Kabupaten Sukabumi. TSP dan PM10 diukur di lokasi penambangan dan di 10 tempat pemukiman dengan interval koaksial sekitar 500 m. Berat badan dan waktu kontak pemajanan diukur dari 110 orang penduduk lelaki dan perempuan dewasa yang dipilih secara acak dari 6.523 rumah tangga di sekitar lokasi penambangan. Estimasi risiko kesehatan, yang dinyatakan sebagai risk quotient (RQ), dihitung dari rata-rata asupan harian TSP dan PM10 dan dosis referensinya (RfC). Risiko kesehatan dianggap ada dan perlu dikendalikan jika RQ>1. Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa hanya sekitar 9% penduduk Desa Padabeunghar yang aman dari risiko kesehatan oleh pajanan debu partikulat sepanjang hidup mereka. Dengan RQ gabungan yang berkisar 0,67 sampai 13, lokasi yang aman untuk dihuni berada mulai dari 4 km dari pusat pertambangan ke luar, sedangkan menurut baku mutu lingkungan udara ambien (PP 41/1999) lokasi aman mulai dari 3 km. Konsentrasi TSP dan PM10 yang terukur masing-masing 23-1.606 dan 10-175 μg/M3, sedangkan menurut rumusan manajemen risiko masing-masing 81 μg/M3 dan 57 μg/M3. Angka tingkat aman ini, yang lebih rendah dari ketentuan PP 41/1999 sebesar 90 μg/M3 untuk TSP, dapat dicapai dengan menurunkan laju penambangan dari 25 ton/hari menjadi 6,3 ton/hari, atau dengan memindahkan tungku pembakaran kapur ke lokasi yang lebih jauh dari pemukima


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    The aim of this article to inspect the effect of nonlinear thermal radiation, heat joule, viscous dissipation and magnetic field on viscoelastic second grade fluid. Flow is generated due to stretching of sheet. Flow features are studied considering hydrodynamic boundary conditions. Chemical reaction on the surface is further accounted. The flow governing nonlinear partial system of differential equations is obtained incorporating boundary layer assumptions. The dimensional model is made dimensionless by taking suitable transformations and then tackled via HAM for convergent series solution. Effects of flow controlling parameters on velocity, concentration, temperature, local skin friction coefficient, Sherwood number and Nusselt numbers are discussed by plotting graphs. Main observations are listed at the end


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    Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was applied for molecular characterization of five Salmonella enteritidis strains from different avian sources and human cases of infection. A total of 16 primers were used and only five primers showed good discriminatory power for all five isolates. Dendrogram showed a common lineage among all five isolates. There was a close genetic relationship among isolates of eggs and human sources, while there was less pronounced homology among isolates of broiler meat and human sources. On the basis of results we have found that an endemic strain of S. enteritidis is prevalent between the poultry derived food and humans which gives us an insight to genetic diversity of S. enteritidis from these sources

    Involvement of Mycoplasma synoviae in Respiratory Distress Cases of Broilers

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    Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) is an important pathogen of poultry worldwide, causing respiratory tract infection and infectious synovitis in chickens and turkeys. The study was designed to detect M. synoviae through serology, culture isolation and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay to document the involvement of MS infection in respiratory distress cases of broiler birds. The validated PCR assay amplifying the conserved gene region of 16SrRNA gene was applied for the detection of M. synoviae from culture as well as in clinical samples. The results indicated that 04 out of total 17 commercial broiler flocks showing respiratory distress signs were found positive with M. synoviae infection indicating 76.57% sero-positivity as, determined with rapid serum agglutination (RSA) test. Out of 85 clinical specimens (collected from sero-positive birds); M. synoviae culture isolation was successfully attained in 36 (42.35%) samples. Whereas, PCR test has detected 84 (98.82%) positive cases. The prevalence of MS in broiler birds was observed maximum as measured through PCR. It is suggested that the true prevalence of MS may best be reflected by combining RSA and PCR test findings


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    Six isolates of egg drop syndrome (EDS) virus were recovered from five different outbreaks of EDS in commercial laying hens in and around Faisalabad. The aberrant eggs were fed to the susceptible laying hens for experimental induction of infection. The samples from infected birds (egg washing, cloacal swabs, oviducts and spleens) were collected, processed and inoculated into 11-day old duck embryos. The presence of virus in harvested allanto-amniotic fluid was monitored by spot and microhaemagglutination tests and confirmed by haemagglutination inhibition and agar gel precipitation tests. The EDS virus grew well in duck embryos and agglutinated only avian but not mammalian red blood cells. These isolates were purified through velocity density gradient centrifugation. Protein concentration was determined through Lowry method and sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was conducted by loading 300 µg protein concentration on 12.5% gel using discontinuous buffer system. All the six isolates showed 13 polypeptides, which were identical to those described in the referral EDS-76 virus (strain-127). The molecular weights of the polypeptides ranged from 6.5 KDa to 126 KDa