166 research outputs found

    Trialling innovative sanitation solutions for low-income communities in Dhaka, Bangladesh

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    The residents of low-income communities (LICs) in Dhaka struggle to gain access to sustainable, communal sanitation services, due to a wide variety of factors including technological challenges, lack of social cohesion and poor governance. This paper details a number of innovative approaches to improving communal sanitation services for LICs in Dhaka, recently trialled by WSUP in partnership with Dhaka Water and Sewerage Authority (DWASA) and International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B) with funding from UNICEF and DFID

    Performance of arsenic and iron removal plants in Bangladesh

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    Arsenic in groundwater above 0.05 mg/L was found in 61 out of the total of 64 districts, and 433 out of the total of the 496 thanas in Bangladesh. But this dimension of the arsenic occurrence problem in groundwater in Bangladesh is yet to be fully identified. Water in around 65% areas of Bangladesh contain iron in excess of 2 mg/L, and arsenic has been found to co-exist with iron in many situations. Thus arsenic can be removed by both co-precipitation and adsorption onto the precipitated Fe(OH)3 in iron removal plants. This study evaluates the performance of 60 arsenic and iron removal plants (AIRPs) presently operating in different geo-hydrological conditions of Bangladesh

    Perbandingan Tingkat Kemajuan Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga, dan Kesehatan di SDN Se-Kecamatan Taman Tahun 2015 dengan 2023

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    PJOK merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari pendidikan nasional untuk pengembangan kemampuan peserta didik melalui aktivitas jasmani. Pada tahun 2015 kemajuan tingkat PJOK di SDN se-Kecamatan Taman sudah diteliti oleh Djati menggunakan instrumen PDPJOI dengan hasil Sedang. Oleh karena itu, pada tahun 2023 penulis meneliti kemajuan tingkat PJOK di SDN se-Kecamatan Taman untuk mengetahui perbedaan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat kemajuan PJOK di SDN se-Kecamatan Taman. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan penelitian populasi dimana semua populasi dijadikan sampel dalam penelitian menggunakan instrumen PDPJOI. Terdapat 4 kategori dalam instrumen PDPJOI pada tahun 2023 yaitu ketersediaan sarana prasarana olahraga dengan hasil 163,5, ketersediaan tenaga pelaksana dengan hasil 195, hasil kerja kurun 1 tahun yang lalu dengan hasil 204,5, prestasi dan penghargaan kurun 1 tahun yang lalu dengan hasil 81. Sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini yaitu Sekolah Dasar Negeri yang ada pada penelitian tahun 2015 dalam Kecamatan Taman yang berjumlah 20 sekolah. Data yang diperoleh dari 20 sekolah mendapatkan hasil bahwa penelitian pada tahun 2015 dengan tahun 2023 memiliki perbedaan. Hasil rata-rata memiliki perbedaan pada penelitian tahun 2015 yaitu 562,5 dengan kategori Sedang dan hasil rata-rata pada penelitian tahun 2023 yaitu 643 dengan kategori Baik

    Health care waste management issues in Bangladesh

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    Pembelajaran Pesantren Virtual: Fasilitas Belajar Kitab Kuning bagi Santri Kalong

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    This study aims to provide a description of Islamic boarding school (Pesantren) virtual learning services in deepening religious knowledge. The author also provides an analysis of the online Kitab Kuning learning content that can be used by Santri Kalong as reported by the Khaskempek website. Using a qualitative method, the author examines the content and services of 10 websites published by Khaskempek by referring to pesantren web sites, scientific articles, and books related to pesantren, then analyzed using a descriptive-analytical approach and content analysis. The results obtained, the researchers classified the 10 pesantren web services into 3 parts: about pesantren, general public services, and intense services for Santri Kalong (KBM). Of the online learning services released, there are 9 Pesantren that have not opened massive and intense online learning services; and just one Islamic boarding school (Imam Al-Bukhari) which has just started to feature an intense study service for santri or bats students who want to deepen their religious knowledge. Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan deskripsi layanan pembelajaran virtual pesantren dalam mendalami ilmu pengetahuan agama. Penulis juga memberikan analisis terhadap konten pembelajaran kitab kuning online yang bisa dimanfaatkan oleh santri kalong yang dilansir oleh situs Khaskempek. Dengan metode kualitatif, penulis mengkaji konten dan layanan dari 10 web yang dilansir oleh Khaskempek dengan merujuk pada web-web pesantren, artikel ilmiah, dan buku yang terkait pesantren, kemudian dianalisis dengan pendekakatan deskriptif-analisis dan konten analisis. Hasil yang didapatkan, peneliti mengklasifikasikan layanan 10 web pesantren tersebut menjadi 3 bagian: tentang pesantren, layanan masyarakat umum, dan pelayanan intens untuk santri kalong (KBM). Dari layanan pembelajaran online yang dirilis terdapat 9 pesantren belum membuka layanan belajar online secara massif dan intens; dan satu pesantren (Imam Al-Bukhari) yang baru mengawali membuat fitur layanan kajian intens bagi para santri atau santri kalong yang menghendaki pendalaman ilmu keagamaan

    Community based solid waste management

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    Community based solid waste managemen

    Effects of organic and inorganic fertilizer combination with insect netting on the production of Indian spinach (Basella alba L.)

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    Best horticulture management has been practiced to reduce the quantity of inorganic fertilizer applications with insect net for higher production of Indian spinach (Basella alba L.). The experiment was conducted at the Horticulture Farm of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh during February to May, 2016. Two factors experiment were conducted on insect nettings (Factor A): control (N0), Netting (N1) and different fertilizers (Factor B): control (F0), Vermicompost 10 t/ha (F1), Vermicompost 15 t/ha (F2), 2/3rdof F2+ 1/3rdof F4 (F3), Inorganic fertilizer (F4). Combination of insect net and combined of organic and inorganic fertilizers (N1F3) gave the significantly higher growth and yield of Indian spinach (B. alba) compared to other treatment combination. The maximum vine length (77.71 cm), after 45 days after sowing was found in N1F3 and it was 72% higher vine length of Indian spinach compared to control. The highest yield of Indian spinach was 38.67 t/ha in N1F3 which was, 80% higher yield compared to control (7.77 t/ha). The treatment combination of N1F3 provided maximum leaf numbers per plant and leaf length of Indian spinach. Organic and inorganic fertilizer application together where reduced amount of inorganic fertilizer technology for crop production can be practiced as a sustainable technology for better growth, yield and quality of a plant, also to  improve the soil health and environment in long run

    A study on biogas technology in Bangladesh

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    The anaerobic digestive method has the advantage of low or no energy consumption in operation, less sludge left and small land occupancy. The use of anaerobic digestive method for the treatment of various organic wastes from domestic, commercial, industrial and agricultural sources generates biogas (a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, which is being used as energy) and preserves the nutrients which are recycled back to the agricultural land in the form of slurry. The relevance of biogas technology in Bangladesh lies in the fact that it makes the best possible utilization of various organic wastes (which have no or little economic value at the present moment) as a renewable source of clean energy in the rural and semi-urban areas. The implementation of biogas technology has a great potential of mitigating several problems related to ecological imbalance, minimise crucial fuel demand, improve hygiene and health and therefore, there is an overall improvement in quality of life in rural and semi-urban areas. This paper is aimed to highlight the potential of biogas technology in the Bangladesh context, and to identify the problems and research needs in this field

    Willingness to pay/use for water supply and sanitation

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    This paper is a sociocultural case study of Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, on the willingness to pay/use for water supply and sanitation. “Willingness to use” is a relatively new concept which can be defined as the maximum amount of desire one can willingly express for a certain commodity or service. Many technical, institutional, financial and legal factors determine the willingness to use. Affordability combined with willingness to use leads to willingness to pay. The low “willingness to pay/use” is one of the reasons behind the unproportional success rate of much of the national and international efforts undertaken for safe water supply and sanitation. However safe water supply and sanitation is an urgent need in Bangladesh where the number of water borne diseases cases per 100,000 persons is 51,000, much higher than other developing countries (WHO, 1992). One of the causes behind this alarming situation is low willingness to pay/use. Along with a brief description of the present situation in Dhaka city, efforts are taken to identify the problems behind the low willingness to pay/use for water supply and sanitation in light of the sociocultural aspects. This may provide useful information for other developing countries. Some improvement strategies are also proposed
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