494 research outputs found

    Dependências de controle em arquiteturas super escalares e mecanismos para o seu tratamento

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    Este trabalho analisa as dependências de controle em arquiteturas Super Escalares. Neste contexto, este trabalho avalia as limita cões fundamentais do desempenho de processadores pipeline e superescalares dando ênfase as dependências de controle. Por este motivo, as principais t écnicas empregadas na redu cão do custo de desvios são discutidas e os resultados esperados, assim como os problemas envolvidos em cada uma das t ecnicas, são analisados. Por m, apresentamos sugestoes e tendencias na arquitetura de processadores paralelos a n vel de instru cão.This work analizes the superscalar processors control dependency. In this context, this work analizes the fundamental limitations in the performance of pipelined and superscalar processors foccusing the control dependency. Thus, the basic schemes used to reduce the branch penalties are discussed and the expected results and problems are analized. Finally, suggestions and trends in the instruction-level parallel processors architecture are discussed.Eje: Procesamiento distribuido y paralelo. Tratamiento de señalesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Dependências de controle em arquiteturas super escalares e mecanismos para o seu tratamento

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    Este trabalho analisa as dependências de controle em arquiteturas Super Escalares. Neste contexto, este trabalho avalia as limita cões fundamentais do desempenho de processadores pipeline e superescalares dando ênfase as dependências de controle. Por este motivo, as principais t écnicas empregadas na redu cão do custo de desvios são discutidas e os resultados esperados, assim como os problemas envolvidos em cada uma das t ecnicas, são analisados. Por m, apresentamos sugestoes e tendencias na arquitetura de processadores paralelos a n vel de instru cão.This work analizes the superscalar processors control dependency. In this context, this work analizes the fundamental limitations in the performance of pipelined and superscalar processors foccusing the control dependency. Thus, the basic schemes used to reduce the branch penalties are discussed and the expected results and problems are analized. Finally, suggestions and trends in the instruction-level parallel processors architecture are discussed.Eje: Procesamiento distribuido y paralelo. Tratamiento de señalesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Implementação de um algoritmo de criação de checkpoints para a linguagem distribuída DPC++

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    Este trabalho apresenta um mecanismo e algoritmo para criar checkpoints e au mentar a con abilidade de DPC O mecanismo proposto permite a cria c ao de checkpoints distribu dos e a recupera c ao de objetos DPC na ocorr encia de falhas Ao nal e apresentada uma an alise de futuros trabalhosThis work presents a mechanism and algorithm to create checkpoints and increase the reliability of DPC This mechanism allow the creation of distributed check points and the recovery of DPC objects when a fault occurs Finally the future works are introducedEje: Procesamiento distribuido y paralelo. Tratamiento de señalesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Implementação de um algoritmo de criação de checkpoints para a linguagem distribuída DPC++

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    Este trabalho apresenta um mecanismo e algoritmo para criar checkpoints e au mentar a con abilidade de DPC O mecanismo proposto permite a cria c ao de checkpoints distribu dos e a recupera c ao de objetos DPC na ocorr encia de falhas Ao nal e apresentada uma an alise de futuros trabalhosThis work presents a mechanism and algorithm to create checkpoints and increase the reliability of DPC This mechanism allow the creation of distributed check points and the recovery of DPC objects when a fault occurs Finally the future works are introducedEje: Procesamiento distribuido y paralelo. Tratamiento de señalesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Revealing a novel Otubain-Like Enzyme from Leishmania infantum with deubiquitinating activity toward K48-linked substrate

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    Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) play an important role in regulating a variety of eukaryotic processes. In this context, exploring the role of deubiquitination in Leishmania infantum could be a promising alternative to search new therapeutic targets for leishmaniasis. Here we present the first characterization of a DUB from L. infantum, otubain (OtuLi), and its localization within parasite. The recombinant OtuLi (rOtuLi) showed improved activity on lysine 48 (K48)-linked over K63-linked tetra-ubiquitin (Ub) and site-directed mutations on amino acids close to the catalytic site (F82) or involved in Ub interaction (L265 and F182) caused structural changes as shown by molecular dynamics, resulting in a reduction or loss of enzyme activity, respectively. Furthermore, rOtuLi stimulates lipid droplet biogenesis (an inflammatory marker) and induces IL-6 and TNF-a secretion in peritoneal macrophages, both proinflammatory cytokines. Our findings suggest that OtuLi is a cytoplasmic enzyme with K48-linked substrate specificity that could play a part in proinflammatory response in stimulated murine macrophages

    Selection of common bean families for resistance to anthracnose, grain yield and carioca grain type

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    Na obten??o de cultivares de feij?o com resist?ncia ? antracnose, outros atributos agron?micos tamb?m devem ser considerados para atender a prefer?ncia do consumidor e do produtor. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se identificar fam?lias de feij?o que re?nam, al?m da resist?ncia ? antracnose, alta produtividade, gr?os tipo Carioca e porte ereto. Foram cruzados os genitores CNFC 10706, B1 portador do alelo de resist?ncia ? antracnose Co-4 e H147 portador do alelo de resist?ncia Co-5. Os tr?s possuem gr?os semelhantes ao Carioca. Inicialmente foram avaliadas 224 fam?lias F2:3, derivadas dos tr?s cruzamentos, mais a cultivar Talism? como testemunha, no inverno/primavera de 2004, em Lavras, com base no tipo de gr?o. Foram selecionadas 99 fam?lias F2:4 e avaliadas com a testemunha Talism?, na seca de 2005 em Lavras e Lambari. Essas 99 fam?lias foram tamb?m inoculadas com as ra?as 593 e 337 de C. lindemuthianum, para auxiliar na sele??o daquelas portadoras dos alelos de resist?ncia Co-4 e Co-5. As 35 fam?lias F2:5 remanescentes, foram avaliadas no inverno/primavera de 2005, em Ijaci, MG. Em todos os experimentos foi utilizado, o delineamento l?tice quadrado. As 35 fam?lias foram novamente inoculadas com as ra?as 65 e 321. Por meio das inocula??es e tamb?m com o uso de um marcador molecular SCAR ligado ao alelo Co-4, foi poss?vel identificar a constitui??o gen?tica da maioria das 35 fam?lias quanto ? rea??o antracnose e selecionar quatro que re?nem, simultaneamente, tipo de gr?os semelhante ao Carioca, porte ereto e boa produtividade, al?m de serem portadoras dos alelos Co-4 e Co-5 de resist?ncia ? antracnose.Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecu?ria de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)In the common bean breeding, besides anthracnose resistance other agronomical traits need to be considered for achieving the producer and consumer requirements. So the aims of this research were to select common bean families resistant to anthracnose, high grain yield, Carioca grain type and upright plant type. The lines CNFC 10706, B1 and H147 were crossed. All of them have Carioca grain type. The B1 line is resistant to anthracnose due to the Co-4 allele, and the H147 due to the Co-5 allele. From the CNFC 10706 x H147, CNFC 10706 x B1 and H147x B1, 224 F2:3 families plus the check Talism? were evaluated in the winter/spring of 2004, in Lavras county, based on grain type. Ninety nine families were selected and evaluated, plus the check, in the seca of 2005 at Lavras and Lambari county. The families were also inoculated with the 337 and 593 races of C. lindemunthianum for selecting those with the Co-4 and Co-5 resistant alleles. The 35 selected families (F2:5) were evaluated in the winter/spring of 2005, in Ijaci county. The square lattice design was used in all experiments. Those 35 families were also inoculated with the 65 and 321 races of C. lindemunthianum. Through the inoculations and the Co-4 SCAR marker the genetic constitutions of most of the 35 families were identified. Four families were selected with Carioca grain type, upright plant type, high grain yield and besides bearing the Co-4 and Co-5 alleles for anthracnose resistance

    Exploiting ConvNet Diversity for Flooding Identification

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    Flooding is the world's most costly type of natural disaster in terms of both economic losses and human causalities. A first and essential procedure toward flood monitoring is based on identifying the area most vulnerable to flooding, which gives authorities relevant regions to focus. In this letter, we propose several methods to perform flooding identification in high-resolution remote sensing images using deep learning. Specifically, some proposed techniques are based upon unique networks, such as dilated and deconvolutional ones, whereas others were conceived to exploit diversity of distinct networks in order to extract the maximum performance of each classifier. The evaluation of the proposed methods was conducted in a high-resolution remote sensing data set. Results show that the proposed algorithms outperformed the state-of-the-art baselines, providing improvements ranging from 1% to 4% in terms of the Jaccard Index

    Latin American critical thought. Theory and practice

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    The resurgence of LATin AmericAn criTicAL thought in the late 1990s and the early twenty-first century has brought about some discoveries that distinguish it from the sociological production of the world. it is a scientific framework that has taken on the features of a new social scientific paradigm. A growing number of authors have aligned themselves with this perspective, with visions that include critical read- ings geared to contributing to transformative social change, in a Latin American context. Thus, we ask ourselves: What are the characteristics that distinguish Latin American critical thought and give it its identity? What are its germinal features and what are its unresolved matters? A distinguishing feature of this thought is its belonging to social sciences, particularly sociology and its traditions of critical theory, whose roots, as gramsci said, do not come from fundamentalist op- position but rather from the acquisition of scientific certainty on the basis of critical analysis (...

    Structural dynamics of first-order phase transition in giant magnetocaloric La(Fe,Si)13: The free energy landscape

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    Maximizing the performance of magnetic refrigerators and thermomagnetic energy harvesters is imperative for their successful implementation and can be done by maximizing their operation frequency. One of the features delimiting the frequency and efficiency of such devices is the phase transition kinetics of their magnetocaloric/thermomagnetic active material. While previous studies have described the magnetic component governing the kinetics of the magnetovolume phase transition in La(Fe,Si)13 giant magnetocaloric materials, a comprehensive description of its structural component has yet to be explored. In this study, in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction is employed to describe the structural changes upon magnetic field application/removal. Long magnetic field dependent relaxation times up to a few hundred seconds are observed after the driving field is paused. The phase transition is found to be highly asymmetric upon magnetic field cycling due to the different Gibbs energy landscapes and the absence of an energy barrier upon field removal. An exponential relationship is found between the energy barriers and the relaxation times, suggesting the process is governed by a non-thermal activation over an energy barrier process. Such fundamental knowledge on first-order phase transition kinetics suggests pathways for materials optimization and smarter design of magnetic field cycling in real-life devices