1,019 research outputs found

    Examining Trait Mindfulness as a Moderator of the Mediating Relationship Between Social Anxiety, Coping Motives, and Substance-Related Consequences

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    The present research examined the mediating relationship between social anxiety, drinking to cope with social anxiety, and alcohol-related consequences. Additionally, this study examined the mediating relationship between social anxiety, using cannabis to cope with social anxiety and cannabis-related consequences. Furthermore, this study examined whether or not trait mindfulness exhibited a moderating effect on both of these mediation relationships which have been previously observed in the literature. The study consisted of students recruited through the psychology research participant pool at a mid-sized southeastern university. Two data sets were created based on type of substance use (alcohol or cannabis). The majority of participants in each sample were female (n = 166, 68.3% for alcohol; n = 168, 67.5% for cannabis) and reported a mean age of 21. Participants completed measures of social anxiety, alcohol use, cannabis use, drinking to cope with social anxiety, using cannabis to cope with social anxiety, alcohol-related consequences, cannabis-related consequences, and trait mindfulness. The present study found partial support for The Biopsychosocial model of social anxiety and substance use, as well as cognitive models of both social anxiety and substance abuse. In particular, it was found that the relationship between social anxiety and alcohol-related consequences was mediated by drinking to cope with social anxiety. This same pattern of mediation was also observed in the relationship between social anxiety and cannabis-related consequences, which was mediated by using cannabis to cope with social anxiety. Further, this study examined relationships between trait mindfulness and both alcohol- and cannabis-related variables, including alcohol and cannabis use, using alcohol and cannabis to cope, and alcohol- and cannabis-related consequences. It was found that trait mindfulness moderated the mediating effect of using cannabis to cope with social anxiety on the relationship between social anxiety and cannabis related problems

    Grain Elevators of South Dakota and Associated Farm Supply Businesses: Some Factors Affecting Their Growth and Future Prospects

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    The purpose of this study is to explore some of the characteristics of the South Dakota grain elevator and farm supply industry and to identify factors affecting the growth or survival of an elevator. It is possible by utilizing known economies of volume through their marketing systems, South Dakota producers could realize a savings of at least $19 million annually

    On the propagation of bubbles in the geomagnetic tail

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    Using three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations, we investigate the propagation of low-entropy magnetic flux tubes ("bubbles") in the magnetotail. Our simulations address fundamental properties of the propagation and dynamics of such flux tubes rather than the actual formation process. We find that the early evolution, after a sudden reduction of pressure and entropy on a localized flux tube, is governed by re-establishing the balance of the total pressure in the dawn-dusk and north-south directions through compression on a time scale less than about 20s for the typical magnetotail. The compression returns the equatorial pressure to its original unperturbed value, due to the fact that the magnetic field contributes only little to the total pressure, while farther away from the equatorial plane the magnetic field compression dominates. As a consequence the pressure is no longer constant along a flux tube. The subsequent evolution is characterized by earthward propagation at speeds of the order of 200-400km/s, depending on the initial amount of depletion and the cross-tail extent of a bubble. Simple acceleration without depletion does not lead to significant earthward propagation. It hence seems that both the entropy reduction and the plasma acceleration play an important role in the generation of fast plasma flows and their propagation into the near tail. Earthward moving bubbles are found to be associated with field-aligned current systems, directed earthward on the dawnward edge and tailward on the duskward edge. This is consistent with current systems attributed to observed bursty bulk flows and their auroral effects.<br><br><b>Key words.</b> Magnetospheric physics (magnetospheric configuration and dynamics; magnetotail; plasma sheet)nguage

    Neurological Features and Enzyme Therapy in Patients With Endocrine and Exocrine Pancreas Dysfunction Due to CEL Mutations

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    OBJECTIVE—To further define clinical features associated with the syndrome of diabetes and pancreatic exocrine dysfunction due to mutations in the carboxyl-ester lipase (CEL) gene and to assess the effects of pancreatic enzyme substitution therapy

    Analysis of Pinterest as a Tool for Dissemination of Nutrition Information for Parents of Teenagers

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    This study focused on exploring the type of nutrition information disseminated on the social media site, Pinterest. The information analyzed focused specifically on nutrition information for teenagers. Data were collected by purposive sampling based upon specific inclusion criteria. Five sets of search terms were used: teen breakfast healthy, teen lunch healthy, teen dinner healthy, teen nutrition and healthy snacks for teens. From these sets of search terms, 99 pins were collected for through mixed methods by two separate researchers. Data collected from the pins were compared to the MyPlate guidelines. At least one food group from MyPlate was featured in the information shared, with the majority of pins featuring two to five of the MyPlate guidelines. The results indicated that overall, the pins were not from nutrition-related credible sources; rather, the information came primarily from parents of teenagers sharing their personal experiences. In general, the nutrition information shared was mostly accurate, albeit vague. Due to the lack of nutrition-related credible sources, this study highlights a platform that registered dietitians and other health professionals could use to share relatable, evidence-based nutrition and wellness information to parents and adolescents

    Breakdown of the Isobaric Multiplet Mass Equation for the A = 20 and 21 Multiplets

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    Using the Penning trap mass spectrometer TITAN, we performed the first direct mass measurements of 20,21Mg, isotopes that are the most proton-rich members of the A = 20 and A = 21 isospin multiplets. These measurements were possible through the use of a unique ion-guide laser ion source, a development that suppressed isobaric contamination by six orders of magnitude. Compared to the latest atomic mass evaluation, we find that the mass of 21Mg is in good agreement but that the mass of 20Mg deviates by 3{\sigma}. These measurements reduce the uncertainties in the masses of 20,21Mg by 15 and 22 times, respectively, resulting in a significant departure from the expected behavior of the isobaric multiplet mass equation in both the A = 20 and A = 21 multiplets. This presents a challenge to shell model calculations using either the isospin non-conserving USDA/B Hamiltonians or isospin non-conserving interactions based on chiral two- and three-nucleon forces.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure