174 research outputs found

    Influence of Retempering with Superplasticizer on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Prolonged Mixed Concretes Containing Supplementary Cementitious Materials

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    Ready-mixed concrete suffers in terms of fresh and hardened properties as a result of prolonged mixing, hot weather concreting and/or possible delays in construction site. To overcome these problems, this study focused on the provision of sufficient workability with the retempering of concrete mixtures during prolonged mixing periods with use of superplasticizer (SP). Four mixtures with substitution of different mineral admixtures such as blast furnace slag (BFS), fly ash (FA), ground clay brick (GCB) and natural pozzolan (NP) and control mixture were designed. 5, 60, 120, 180 and 240 minutes mixing periods were applied on the mixtures. 15 ± 2 cm slump value was targeted after the retempering. In addition, air content, 7 and 28 day compressive and splitting tensile strength of the mixtures were tested. Results showed that slump values fall to zero after prolonged mixing when mixtures were not retempered, while slump loss was completely eliminated after retempering with SP. The air content of the mixtures decreased significantly as a result of the stiffening of the concrete after prolonged mixing. After the retempering process, compressive and splitting tensile strengths of the mixtures slightly increased. Also, the fresh and hardened properties of concrete improved with the use of high amounts of mineral admixtures

    Opium Alkaloids

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    Opium alkaloids, derived from crude Papaver somniferum L. plant, are potent analgesic drugs, but their use is limited because of dependence and withdrawal. Opium alkaloids activate the mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system, which project from the ventral tegmental area to the nucleus accumbens and medial prefrontal cortex, and dopamine is critically important in opioid consumption and sustaining. The reward effect resulting from the activation of the dopaminergic system leads to continued opioid consumption and occurs opioid dependence. After the development of opioid dependence, consumption continues to avoid withdrawal syndrome. Opioid dependence is accompanied with tolerance, which requires the use of high doses to achieve the same effect. When tolerance develops, the chronic consumer continues to use opioid above known toxic doses to produce the same effect, which can result in death regardless of the type of opioid used. Raw Papaver somniferum L. has five high-density main opium alkaloids including morphine, noscapine, codeine, thebaine, and papaverine. Some of these alkaloids bind to classical opioid receptors to produce an opioid-like effect, while the other part mediates non-opioid effects. This chapter reviews the opiod history, receptors, mechanism of action, dependence, withdrawal. In addition, general information about five main opium alkaloids, their effects, uses, routes of administration, pharmacokinetics, adverse reactions, contraindications; effects on reproduction, pregnancy, and lactation were compiled


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    PROSES IDENTIFIKASI FORENSIK OLEH PENYIDIK KEPOLISIAN TERHADAP PENEMUAN MAYAT TANPA IDENTITAS AKIBAT PEMBUNUHAN (Studi Kasus di Wilayah Hukum Polresta Padang) (Raci Hardiyansah, 1210113034, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Andalas, 2016, 77 Halaman) ABSTRAK Ilmu Forensik merupakan bidang ilmu pengetahuan yang digunakan untuk membantu proses penegakan keadilan melalui proses penerapan ilmu atau sains. Proses identifikasi terhadap penemuan mayat dilakukan oleh penyidik dan dokter yang ahli dibidang kedokteran kehakiman agar menjadi alat bukti yang sah didalam kepentingan peradilan. Penemuan mayat tanpa identitas, rusak, membusuk dan kepala terpisah yang ditemukan dibelakang warung kosong dikawasan Ladang Padi, Panorama I, Kelurahan Indarung, Kecamatan Lubuk Kilangan Km 22, menyebabkan sulitnya proses identifikasi oleh penyidik kepolisian di Tempat Kejadian Perkara (TKP). Sehingga kepolisian melakukan koordinasi dengan dokter forensik dengan meminta Visum et Repertum sesuai pasal 133 KUHAP. Penulis mengemukakan beberapa rumusan permasalahan, yakni : 1) Bagaimana proses identifikasi forensik oleh penyidik Kepolisian di wilayah hukum Polresta Padang terhadap penemuan mayat tanpa identitas akibat pembunuhan? 2) Apa kendala yang di hadapi penyidik Kepolisian dalam proses identifikasi forensik di wilayah hukum Polresta Padang terhadap penemuan mayat tanpa identitas akibat pembunuhan. Adapun pendekatan masalah yang Penulis gunakan adalah pendekatan yuridis sosiologis dengan deskriptif-analitis. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh hasil, yakni: Dalam proses identifikasi forensik yang dilakukan oleh penyidik Kepolisian Sektor Lubuk Kilangan, setelah dilakukan visum dan autopsi oleh dokter forensik, terungkap bahwa mayat tersebut adalah korban kejahatan penganiayaan karena ditemukan luka lebam akibat benda tumpul, kemudian juga terungkap identitas korban yang mana bernama Afni Martin (35th) warga Panggambiran Kelurahan Ampalu kecamatan Lubuk Begalung. Kendala yang ditemui dilapangan yaitu: iklim/cuaca yang mengakibatkan hilangnya atau kaburnya sidik jari laten di TKP dan dalam olah TKP, TKP nya bersih dalam artian tidak ditemukan tanda-tanda perlawanan, apakah mayat yang ditemukan dibuang disana atau dibunuh disana, karena akibat hujan deras maka menyebabkan TKP menjadi kabur sehingga menyulitkan penyidik dan petugas identifikasi untuk melakukan identifikasi terhadap sidik jari berupa jejak kaki di TKP. Kemudian Kurangnya tertib administrasi dengan penyidik, Seringnya permintaan Visum terlambat, sehingga jenazah terbengkalai, Kurangnya koordinasi Stekholder eksternal seperti: pada saat ditemukannya mayat seharusnya pihak aparat lebih banyak mengkoordinasi dengan wartawan, dan kurang nya informasi publik, Kurangnya Sarana dan Prasarana dalam identifikasi forensik yang belum memadai dan minimnya dana pemeriksaan

    Distorted and lower forms of capitalist industrial production in underdeveloped countries : contemporary artisan shops and workshops in Eskişehir and Gaziantep, Turkey.

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    Thesis. 1977. Ph.D.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning.MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCH.Bibliography: leaves 412-433.Ph.D


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    Në pjesën veri-lindore të Istogut, 1.2 km nga qendra e qytetit është menduar për urbanizimin dhe projektimin e një lagjeje, ky projekt i pari në komunen e Istogut vjen për ti dhënë qytetit një ngjyrë tjetë dhe një jetë ideale. Me 2 lloje të shtëpive (lloji A, dhe B), të cilat kanë sipërfaqe të ndryshme, duke ruajtur në të njëjtën kohë idenë unike të dizajnit të brendshëm dhe funksionit. Lagjia e re do të ketë 111 shtëpi, secila prej tyre do të kenë intimitetin e vet, duke siguruar një ambient të rehatshëm familjar. Tipi A është një shtëpi e cila i përfshin të gjitha hapësirat e nevojshme për një familje. Kati i parë përfshin një dhomë të madhe ndenje me dritë të mjaftueshme natyrore shoqëruar nga një kuzhinë me një tavolinë ngrënie, dhe një depo e vogël ushqimesh. Kati i sipërm ka 4 dhoma gjumi, njëra prej të cilave ka banjo të veçantë dhe garderobë. Në dizajn janë gjithashtu te përfshirë dy vendparkingje.. Tipi B është një tipi tjeter i shtepise ku e dhe këtu kati i parë përfshin një dhomë ndenjeje, kuzhinë, nje dhome gjumi dhe një hapësirë parkimi .Kurse kati i sipërm ka një dhomë gjumi me banjo të veçantë, si edhe dy dhoma të tjera me banjo të përbashkët. Gjithashtu për komunitetin është menduar një hapësirë e perbashket, fusha sportive dhe stola. Lagjja është menduar ne bendi te qytetit, duke u ndërtuar në një mjedis të pasur të rrethuar nga natyra

    One-Week L-Arginine Supplementation Had No Effect on 200m Freestyle Swimming Time Trial in Moderately-Trained Male Swimmers

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    Research on the effect of L-arginine supplementation on exercise performance is still inconsistent and its influence on single-bout swimming performance has not been investigated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess if one-week L-arginine supplementation would enhance 200-m freestyle swimming performance in trained/developmental (regularly training ∼3 times per week with a purpose to compete) male swimmers. In a randomized, cross-over, double-blind design, 8 trained/developmental male swimmers (age 25 ± 5 years; mean ± SD) completed 200-m freestyle swimming time-trial on 3 separate occasions: a control trial; and after 2 separate 7-d supplementation periods, with a daily dose of either 8 g/d of L-arginine or placebo trials. Blood lactate concentration was measured immediately post time-trial swimming. Completion time of the 200-m freestyle swimming time-trial did not differ significantly (F = 4.55; P = 0.060; ŋp2 = 0.394) between control (149.40 ± 9.88 s), L-arginine (146.02 ± 10.34 s) and placebo trials (147.58 ± 10.86 s). There was no statistically significant difference in post time-trial swimming blood lactate concentration between trials (control: 11.2 ± 2.7; L-arginine: 13.1 ± 1.8; Placebo: 12.2 ± 2.7, F = 3.52; P = 0.058; ŋp2 = 0.335). One-week of supplementation with 8 g/d of L-arginine, had no ergogenic effect on middle-distance (200-m), freestyle swimming performance in trained/developmental male swimmers

    Özgecan Aslan Cinayetinin Dijital Platformlarda Yansıması: Ekşi Sözlük Üzerine Bir İnceleme

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    Bu çalışma, kadına yönelik şiddetin dijital platformlarda nasıl yansıdığını konu edinmekte ve 11 Şubat 2015 tarihinde vahşice katledilen üniversite öğrencisi Özgecan Aslan’ın öldürülmesinden sonra dijital platformlardan olan Ekşi Sözlük yazarlarının söz konusu olaya verdiği tepkiyi analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, cinayetten sonraki ilk üç ay olan 13 Şubat- 09 Mayıs 2015 tarihleri aralığında Ekşi Sözlük’te Özgecan Aslan başlığı altında yer alan yorumlar evreninden yargısal örneklem yöntemiyle belirlenen 141 yorum eleştirel söylem çözümlemesinin sağladığı analitik bakış açısıyla incelenmiştir. Sanal kimlikler aracılığıyla kadına yönelik şiddete karşı oluşan toplumsal hareketi okumaya yönelik olması nedeniyle önem kazanan bu çalışmanın elde edilen bulgularına göre, yorumlardaki söylemlerin toplumda mevcut olan genel kanaatle diğer bir ifadeyle, toplumsal cinsiyetçi bakış açısıyla paralel olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Dolaysıyla, sanal bir kamusal alan olarak da nitelendirilmesi mümkün olan Ekşi Sözlük’te kadına şiddete karşı verilen tepkilerin toplumsal algıda hâkim olan eril bakış açısıyla örtüştüğü ve kadın kimliğinin bir sorun olarak görüldüğü sonucuna varılmıştır


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    Maksud dari penelitan ini yakni guna mengetahui perpajakan transaksi e-commerce serta faktor dan solusi penghambat perpajakan pada transaksi e-commerce. Metode penelitian berupa tinjauan literatur, setelah itu hasil studi sebelumnya dibandingkan dan dianalisa untuk menarik kesimpulan. Asal mula pustaka dan data sekunder yang berhubungan pada e-commerce seperti jurnal, buku, forum media dan dokumen penelitian yang dilakukan organisasi survei yang telah digunakan untuk menganalisa penelitian ini. Berdasarkan penelitian, transaksi e-commerce akan dikenai pajak berupa PPh dan PPN. Kendala dari pungutan PPh dan PPN pada transaksi e-commerce di negara Indonesia ialah rendahnya pemahaman pengusaha online tentang pembayaran pajak, kurangnya penegasan hukum terhadap wajib pajak yang lalai melengkapi tanggungannya, tidak adanya kewajiban mempunyai NPWP bagi pengusaha online dan belum terdapat ketentuan yang dengan tegas mengelola pemungutan pajak terhadap pengusaha online tersebut

    Colposcopy and cytodiagnosis in the prevention of cervical malignancies

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    Background: The aim of this study was to establish the value of cytology, colposcopy, and pathohistology in the prevention of cervical malignancies. Methodology: A prospective study involving 750 patients hospitalized in the Obstetric-Gynecologic department during the period between January 2008 to January 2009 for different reasons in whom cervical dysplasia were noted on speculum examination or who showed typical clinical symptoms, direct biopsy was also obtained from 117 patients. Results: 272 of the 750 patients (36.27%) showed clinical symptoms of cervical pathology. Atypical epithelial changes noted during colposcopy were more frequent in patients 31-40 years of age (60 patients, 32.09%) and 41- 50 years of age (59 patients, 31.55%). Histopathological changes were noticed in 19 cases (16.24%) of cervical dysplasia at different stages, six cases (5.13%) of carcinoma in situ, and three cases (2,56%) of invasive carcinoma. Conclusions: The correct clinical evaluation of cervical epithelial alterations enables a prompt diagnosis and the timely implementation of appropriate therapeutic measures.Key words: colposcopy, cytodiagnosis, cervi

    Acute Beetroot Juice Supplementation Enhances Intermittent Running Performance but Does Not Reduce Oxygen Cost of Exercise among Recreational Adults

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    Nitrate (NO3−) supplementation has been reported to enhance intermittent exercise performance; however, its impact on oxygen (O2) cost during intermittent running exercise is unclear. The aim of this study was to assess if acute NO3− supplementation would elicit performance benefits in recreationally active individuals during the Yo–Yo intermittent recovery level 1 (Yo-Yo IR1) test, with its potential benefit on O2 consumption (VO2), in a double-blind, randomized, crossover study, 12 recreational males consumed NO3−-rich (NIT; ~12.8 mmol), and NO3−-depleted (PLA; 0.04 mmol) concentrated beetroot juice 3 h before completing the Yo-Yo IR1 test. VO2 was measured at 160, 280 and 440 m (sub-maximal) and when the test was terminated (peak). Performance in the Yo–Yo IR1 was greater with NIT (990 ± 442.25 m) compared to PLA (870 ± 357.4 m, p = 0.007). The VO2 was not significantly different at 160 m (1.92 ± 0.99 vs. 2.1 ± 0.88 L·min−1), 280 m (2.62 ± 0.94 vs. 2.83 ± 0.94 L·min−1), 440 m (3.26 ± 1.04 vs. 3.46 ± 0.98 L·min−1) and peak (4.71 ± 1.01 vs. 4.92 ± 1.17 L·min−1) between NIT and PLA trials (all p > 0.05). The present study has indicated that acute supplementation of NO3− enhanced intermittent running performance but had no effect on VO2 during the Yo–Yo IR1 test in recreational young adults