696 research outputs found

    Biogeographical patterns of the neotropical genus Battus Scopoli 1777 (Lepidoptera Papilionidae)

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    A phylogenetic approach to the groups of species of the neotropical Troidines currently included in the genus Battus Scopoli 1777 has been conducted. In the light of historical and ecological processes of evolution in the neotropical biota, the cladogram of Battiti is discussed. General vicariance patterns, as well as dispersal events which contributed to the present distribution of the taxa, are suggested to have operated at different spatial and temporal points

    New Paraguayan Specimens and First Confirmed Phenological Data for Catharisa cerina Jordan, 1911 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)

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    Phenological data is provided for the first time for the little known and recently rediscovered Saturniid Catharisa cerina Jordan, 1911. The species exhibits at least two annual flights, which are possibly associated with the onset of the rains.(Uma nova espécie paraguaia e primeiros dados fenológicos confirmados para Catharisa cerina Jordan, 1911 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)). Dados fenológicos são fornecidos pela primeira vez para a mariposa Saturniidae Catharisa cerina Jordan 1911, recentemente redescoberta e pouco conhecida. Esta espécie exibe pelo menos dois vôos anuais, possivelmente associados com o aparecimento das chuvas

    Cohen v. Facebook, Inc. Complaint

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    Listy Ludwika Krzywickiego do żony z Londynu (1895)

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    The article examines the letters of Ludwik Krzywicki (1859–1941) – Polish sociologist, a socialist movement activist and a community worker to his wife Rachel, nee Feldberg (1863/4–1924). The letters were written in London in July and August 1895 when he did research in the British Museum Library. They show that mid-90s of the 19th century were the time when Krzywicki made a final decision to dedicate himself to academic work and to start research on his monumental book – Horda pierwotna (Primordial Horde), published posthumously as Pierwociny więzi społecznej (The Rudiments of a Social Bond).W artykule zanalizowano listy polskiego socjologa, działacza ruchu socjalistycznego i społecznika, Ludwika Krzywickiego (1859–1941), do żony Racheli z domu Feldberg (1863/4–1924), pisane z Londynu w lipcu i sierpniu 1895 roku, gdzie przebywał na kwerendzie w bibliotece British Museum. Listy te są świadectwem, że połowa lat dziewięćdziesiątych XIX wieku to czas: podjęcia przez Krzywickiego ostatecznej decyzji o poświęceniu się pracy naukowej, rozpoczęcia badań nad dziełem jego życia – Hordą pierwotną, wydaną pośmiertnie jako Pierwociny więzi społecznej

    Ecological and evolutionary consequences of variation in aristolochic acids, a chemical resource, for sequestering specialist Troidini butterflies

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    Plant-insect interactions provide an opportunity to examine fundamental ecological and evolutionary processes, including mechanisms of species cooccurrence and adaptations to herbivory and predation. An example is the interaction between butterflies in the Troidini tribe (Papilionidae), a group that sequesters chemical defenses from its host plants in the genus Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae). In this dissertation, I examined the ecological and evolutionary consequences of variation in aristolochic acids, the chemical compounds sequestered by Troidini from it host plants, through a combination of observational, experimental and laboratory studies. I conducted studies at several sites throughout the Americas where different levels of knowledge about this interaction are available. These differences allowed me to ask specific questions in areas where there is ample background information (i.e. North America) and to ask more general, but fundamental questions in areas where little is known (i.e. South America). In North America, I showed for a Troidini species, Battus philenor, that larvae preferentially fed on less tough, younger leaves, and found no evidence that aristolochic acid content influenced larval foraging. For these herbivores, mechanical resistance might be a more important determinant of larval foraging behavior and development compared to plant chemical defenses. In another study in North America, with data from three consecutive seasons, I found that larger egg clutches of B. philenor suffer less predation compared to small clutches. This study suggests that, for eggs protected with toxic chemicals, there is a clear benefit in laying eggs in large clusters in areas with high levels of predator threat. In Iguazú National Park, Argentina, little is known about Troidini- Aristolochia interaction; therefore I studied general and specific aspects of this interaction. Our main finding, in contrast to what has been reported in North America, is that many Aristolochia and Troidini are not defended with aristolochic acids, contrary to the currently accepted paradigm that all Troidines are toxic. Studying these species in areas where they are understudied and reach higher diversity gives a more complete picture of this plant-butterfly interaction. My results contribute to furthering our understanding of the role of chemical ecology in shaping evolutionary dynamics and ecological processes

    Contributo alla conoscenza della Macrolepidotterofauna del Molise - Bombyces et Sphinges (Heterocera)

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    CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE MACROLEPIDOPTERA OF MOLISE (ITALY) - BOMBYCES AND SPHINGES (HETEROCERA) The Authors listed 134 species of Bombyces and Sphinges collected in Molise (Italy); 57 species are reported for the first time in this region. The number of Bombyces and Sphinges actually known in Molise is updated to 145 species. Key words: Lepidoptera Heterocera, faunistic reports, Molise. Sono elencate 134 specie di Bombici e Sfingi catturati nel Molise (Italia); 57 specie sono citate per la prima volta per la regione. Con le nuove segnalazioni i Bombici e Sfingi noti per il Molise assommano a 145 specie. Parole chiave: Lepidoptera Heterocera, segnalazioni faunistiche, Molise

    A global checklist of the Bombycoidea (Insecta: Lepidoptera)

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The attached file is the published pdf plus supplementary data file.NHM Repositor

    Rachela Bojmwoł : szkic do portretu

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    The paper delineates the history of Rachel Boymvol — a poetess, and an author of aphorisms, fables both for children and adults, and a compendium concerning Yiddish idiomatics. Her life — from the fascination with communism in the 1930s to facing persecutions in 1940s and 1950s, and emigration to Israel in 1971 — is one of the many fates of Russian writers of Jewish descent. Previously a noteworthy fabulist, published in millions of volumes, this later forgotten author is slowly regaining her place within Russian literature after 2000

    Sześcioksiąg w mozaikach bazyliki Santa Maria Maggiore w Rzymie

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    The main nave of the Santa Maria Maggiore at Rome has been decorated with 42 mosaic panels, presenting the scenes from the Pentateuch and the Book of Josue. The mosaics were created at the time of the construction of the basilica in the first half of the fifth century and thus they are the oldest monumental Bible illustration cycle. Some illuminated codices probably served as a model for the mosaics, but the final result is rather an original conception, linked theologically with the mosaics of the triumphal arch of the basilica. The paper describes the surviving 27 mosaics. Their conformance to traditional Roman iconography is underlined. The main idea behind the cycle is interpreted as an attempt to convince the people of Rome that the history of the People of God, which begins with the patriarchs of the Old Testament, is as glorious and ancient as the Roman one.The main nave of the Santa Maria Maggiore at Rome has been decorated with 42 mosaic panels, presenting the scenes from the Pentateuch and the Book of Josue. The mosaics were created at the time of the construction of the basilica in the first half of the fifth century and thus they are the oldest monumental Bible illustration cycle. Some illuminated codices probably served as a model for the mosaics, but the final result is rather an original conception, linked theologically with the mosaics of the triumphal arch of the basilica. The paper describes the surviving 27 mosaics. Their conformance to traditional Roman iconography is underlined. The main idea behind the cycle is interpreted as an attempt to convince the people of Rome that the history of the People of God, which begins with the patriarchs of the Old Testament, is as glorious and ancient as the Roman one

    Matriarchinie Izraela w tradycji żydowskiej

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    The four “mothers” (Sarah, Rebekah, Lea and Rachela), the wives of the three patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), played significant roles in the second part of Genesis narratives.In Jewish tradition these biblical stories were broadly developed and enriched, stressing the virtues of the four matriarchs as examples to follow by Jewish girls and women. The article shows the different streams and contents of the very vivid and instructive traditions going back to antiquity.The four “mothers” (Sarah, Rebekah, Lea and Rachela), the wives of the three patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), played significant roles in the second part of Genesis narratives.In Jewish tradition these biblical stories were broadly developed and enriched, stressing the virtues of the four matriarchs as examples to follow by Jewish girls and women. The article shows the different streams and contents of the very vivid and instructive traditions going back to antiquity