17 research outputs found

    Pectinmethyesterases Modulate Plant Homogalacturonan Status in Defenses Against the Aphid Myzus persicae.

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    Because they suck phloem sap and act as vectors for phytopathogenic viruses, aphids pose a threat to crop yields worldwide. Pectic homogalacturonan (HG) has been described as a defensive element for plants during infections with phytopathogens. However, its role during aphid infestation remains unexplored. Using immunofluorescence assays and biochemical approaches, the HG methylesterification status and associated modifying enzymes during the early stage of Arabidopsis thaliana infestation with the green peach aphid Myzus persicae were analyzed. Additionally, the influence of PME activity on aphid settling and feeding behavior was evaluated by free choice assays and the Electrical Penetration Graph technique, respectively. Our results revealed that HG status and HG-modifying enzymes are significantly altered during the early stage of the plant-aphid interaction. Aphid infestation induced a significant increase in total PME activity and methanol emissions, concomitant with a decrease in the degree of HG methylesterification. Conversely, inhibition of PME activity led to a significant decrease in the settling and feeding preference of aphids. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the PME inhibitor AtPMEI13 has a defensive role during aphid infestation, since pmei13 mutants are significantly more susceptible to M. persicae in terms of settling preference, phloem access, and phloem sap drainage

    Individual tree and stand-level carbon and nutrient contents across one rotation of loblolly pine plantations on a reclaimed surface mine

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    While reclaimed loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations in east Texas, USA have demonstrated similar aboveground productivity levels relative to unmined forests, there is interest in assessing carbon (C) and nutrients in aboveground components of reclaimed trees. Numerous studies have previously documented aboveground biomass, C, and nutrient contents in loblolly pine plantations; however, similar data have not been collected on mined lands. We investigated C, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg aboveground contents for first-rotation loblolly pine growing on reclaimed mined lands in the Gulf Coastal Plain over a 32-year chronosequence and correlated elemental rates to stand age, stem growth, and similar data for unmined lands. At the individual tree level, we evaluated elemental contents in aboveground biomass components using tree size, age, and site index as predictor variables. At the stand-level, we then scaled individual tree C and nutrients and fit a model to determine the sensitivity of aboveground elemental contents to stand age and site index. Our data suggest that aboveground C and nutrients in loblolly pine on mined lands exceed or follow similar trends to data for unmined pine plantations derived from the literature. Diameter and height were the best predictors of individual tree stem C and nutrient contents (R ≄ 0.9473 and 0.9280, respectively) followed by stand age (R ≄ 0.8660). Foliage produced weaker relationships across all predictor variables compared to stem, though still significant (P ≀ 0.05). The model for estimating stand-level C and nutrients using stand age provided a good fit, indicating that contents aggrade over time predictably. Results of this study show successful modelling of reclaimed loblolly pine aboveground C and nutrients, and suggest elemental cycling is comparable to unmined lands, thus providing applicability of our model to related systems

    Antidiabetic effects of natural plant extracts via inhibition of carbohydrate hydrolysis enzymes with emphasis on pancreatic alpha amylase

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    Topologically inseparable functions I: Finitary case

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    Given a finite set A and a distinguished function f: A --> A, we study the set of all functions g: A --> A that are continuous for all topologies for which f is continuous. The main result is a characterization of the functions f such that this set is trivial, that is, contains only the constant functions and the iterates of f

    Hope springs eternal in the starfish gonad: preserved potential for sexual reproduction in a single-clone population of a fissiparous starfish

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    Among echinoderms, asexual reproduction by fission occurs in few species. This strategy is considered a temporary response to stressful conditions and usually alternates with sexual reproduction events; thus, monoclonal populations are extremely rare. The occurrence of a single-clone population of the starfish Coscinasterias tenuispina at Llançà (NW Mediterranean) allowed us to study intra-clonal variation of the reproductive cycle during a two-year study. The few developed gonads (all male) were found in winter months, coinciding with the minimum photoperiod (ρ = −0.82; P < 0.001) and lowest temperatures (ρ = −0.75; P < 0.001), only in best-fed individuals, indicating that food availability influences individual ability for gonad development. Fissiparity happened throughout all the sampled period, but its rate increased with warm temperatures (ρ = 0.68; P < 0.0001). In contrast to what has been reported in other species, no correlation between fission rates and population density was found. The population was maintained over time by asexual reproduction and remained monoclonal. Although sexual reproduction has probably not occurred in this all-male population for a long time, the ability to yearly produce mature gonads is retained by some individuals, indicating that potential to reproduce sexually may be preserved, even in the case of strictly asexual populations

    Gastrointestinal and external parasitism in the Magellanic Horned Owl Bubo magellanicus (Strigiformes: Strigidae) in Chile

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    Abstract To describe the parasitic community of the Magellanic Horned Owl, Bubo magellanicus (Aves, Strigiformes), 19 carcasses from central Chile were analyzed. Ectoparasites were collected through plumage inspection, while endoparasites were collected through traditional techniques of parasitological necropsy. Sixteen owls were infected with at least one species of ectoparasite (84.21%) or endoparasite (31.58%). Eleven of 19 birds (57.89%) harbored feather mites of the three species Pandalura cirrata (42.11%), Glaucalges attenuatus (47.37%), and Kramerella sp. (10.53%), whereas 16 individuals (84.21%) harbored the chewing louse Strigiphilus chilensis. Only six birds (31.58%) were infected with helminths; the nematodes Capillaria tenuissima (26.32%) and Dispharynx nasuta (5.26%); the acanthocephalan Centrorhynchus spinosus (5.26%); and the trematode Neodiplostomum sp. (5.26%). Apart from S . chilensis, all parasites comprised new records for B . magellanicus