17 research outputs found

    Prospective organisation of neonatal arm movements : a motor foundation of embodied agency, disrupted in premature birth

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    Prospective motor control moves the body into the future, from where one is to where one wants to be. It is a hallmark of intentionality. But its origins in development is uncertain. In this study, we tested whether or not the arm movements of newborn infants were prospectively controlled. We measured the spatiotemporal organisation of 480 neonatal arm movements and 384 arm movements of infants prematurely born at-risk for neurodevelopmental disorder. We found 75% of healthy term-birth neonatal movements and 68% of prematurely-born infant movements conformed to the tauG-coupling model of prospective sensorimotor control. Prospective coupling values were significantly reduced in the latter (p = .010, r = .087). In both cases prospectively controlled movements were tightly organised by fixed-duration units with a base duration of 218 ms and additional temporal units of 145 ms. Yet distances remained constant. Thus, we demonstrate for the first time a precise prospective spatiotemporal organisation of neonatal arm movements and demonstrate at-risk infants exhibit reduced sensorimotor control. Prospective motor control is a hallmark of primary sensorimotor intentionality and gives a strong embodied foundation to conscious motor agency

    Comparison of major depression diagnostic classification probability using the SCID, CIDI, and MINI diagnostic interviews among women in pregnancy or postpartum: An individual participant data meta‐analysis

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    OBJECTIVES: A previous individual participant data meta-analysis (IPDMA) identified differences in major depression classification rates between different diagnostic interviews, controlling for depressive symptoms on the basis of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. We aimed to determine whether similar results would be seen in a different population, using studies that administered the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) in pregnancy or postpartum. METHODS: Data accrued for an EPDS diagnostic accuracy IPDMA were analysed. Binomial generalised linear mixed models were fit to compare depression classification odds for the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI), Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI), and Structured Clinical Interview for DSM (SCID), controlling for EPDS scores and participant characteristics. RESULTS: Among fully structured interviews, the MINI (15 studies, 2,532 participants, 342 major depression cases) classified depression more often than the CIDI (3 studies, 2,948 participants, 194 major depression cases; adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 3.72, 95% confidence interval [CI] [1.21, 11.43]). Compared with the semistructured SCID (28 studies, 7,403 participants, 1,027 major depression cases), odds with the CIDI (interaction aOR = 0.88, 95% CI [0.85, 0.92]) and MINI (interaction aOR = 0.95, 95% CI [0.92, 0.99]) increased less as EPDS scores increased. CONCLUSION: Different interviews may not classify major depression equivalently

    Duas abordagens artroscópicas para a articulação escapulo umeral no cão Two arthroscopic approaches for the shoulder joint in dog

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar em cadáveres de cães a exeqüibilidade do exame das estruturas intra-articulares através de duas diferentes abordagens artroscópicas da articulação escápulo-umeral. As articulações constituíram dois grupos: (A) o portal artroscópico foi estabelecido cranial e o portal instrumental caudal ao processo acromial; (B) o portal artroscópico foi confeccionado caudal e o portal instrumental cranial ao processo acromial. Durante o exame, procurou-se avaliar a possibilidade de visibilização concomitante com o toque através de sonda nas estruturas intra-articulares: cartilagem da cabeça do úmero (cranial, media e caudal), cavidade glenóide, tendão do músculo bíceps braquial, tendão do músculo subescapular, ligamento glenoumeral medial e lateral e bolsa articular caudal. As estruturas localizadas na porção cranial e média da articulação foram mais bem examinadas pela abordagem artroscópica realizada no grupo B, enquanto que aquelas estruturas situadas na porção média e caudal da articulação foram mais bem acessadas pela técnica utilizada no grupo A. Em nenhuma das abordagens, o ligamento glenoumeral lateral foi satisfatoriamente examinado.<br>This research was aimed at studing in dog corpses the feasibility of the exam of the intrarticular structures by using two different arthroscopic shoulder approaches. The joints were assembled in two groups: (A) the arthroscopic portal was established cranially and the instrumental portal caudally to the acromial process; (B) the arthroscopic portal was established caudally and the instrumental portal cranially to the acromial process. At the time of the exam the possibility of arthroscopic visualization concurrently with the touch with the probe of the intra articular structures was evaluated: humeral head cartilage (cranial, midlle and caudal), glenoid cavity, brachial biceps muscle tendon, subscapularis muscle tendon, medial and lateral glenohumeral ligament and caudal joint pouch. The intra articular structures situated in the cranial and middle side of the joint were better examined by approaching used in B group. On the other hand the structures localized in the caudal and middle portions of the joint were better inspected by approaching used in A group. However the lateral glenohumeral ligament was not completely checked neither using the A group approach nor using the B group approach

    Evidence of CYP3A Allosterism In Vivo: Analysis of Interaction Between Fluconazole and Midazolam

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    The allosteric effect of fluconazole (effector) on the formation of 1’-hydroxymidazolam (1’-OH-MDZ) and 4-hydroxymidazolam (4-OH-MDZ) from the CYP3A4/5 substrate, midazolam (MDZ), was examined in healthy volunteers. Following pre-treatment of fluconazole, AUC(4-OH)/AUC(MDZ) increased 35–62%, while AUC(1’-OH)/AUC(MDZ) decreased 5–37%; AUC(1’-OH)/AUC(4-OH) ratio decreased 46–58% by fluconazole and had no association with CYP3A5 genotype. 1’-OH-MDZ formation in vitro was more susceptible than 4-OH-MDZ formation to inhibition by fluconazole. Fluconazole decreased the intrinsic formation clearance ratio of 1’-OH-MDZ/4-OH-MDZ to an extent that was quantitatively comparable to in vivo observations. The elimination clearance of midazolam metabolites appeared unaffected by fluconazole. This study demonstrated that fluconazole alters midazolam product formation both in vivo and in vitro in a manner consistent with an allosteric interaction. The 1'-OH-MDZ/4-OH-MDZ ratio may serve as a biomarker of such interactions between midazolam, CYP3A4/5 and other putative effectors