1,628 research outputs found

    Novel symmetries in N = 2 supersymmetric quantum mechanical models

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    We demonstrate the existence of a novel set of discrete symmetries in the context of N = 2 supersymmetric (SUSY) quantum mechanical model with a potential function f(x) that is a generalization of the potential of the 1D SUSY harmonic oscillator. We perform the same exercise for the motion of a charged particle in the X-Y plane under the influence of a magnetic field in the Z-direction. We derive the underlying algebra of the existing continuous symmetry transformations (and corresponding conserved charges) and establish its relevance to the algebraic structures of the de Rham cohomological operators of differential geometry. We show that the discrete symmetry transformations of our present general theories correspond to the Hodge duality operation. Ultimately, we conjecture that any arbitrary N = 2 SUSY quantum mechanical system can be shown to be a tractable model for the Hodge theory.Comment: LaTeX file, 23 pages, Title and Abstract changed, Text modified, version to appear in Annals of Physic

    Evaluating the Acoustic Effect of Over-the-Rotor Foam-Metal Liner Installed on a Low Speed Fan Using Virtual Rotating Microphone Imaging

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    An in-duct beamforming technique for imaging rotating broadband fan sources has been used to evaluate the acoustic characteristics of a Foam-Metal Liner installed over-the-rotor of a low-speed fan. The NASA Glenn Research Center s Advanced Noise Control Fan was used as a test bed. A duct wall-mounted phased array consisting of several rings of microphones was employed. The data are mathematically resampled in the fan rotating reference frame and subsequently used in a conventional beamforming technique. The steering vectors for the beamforming technique are derived from annular duct modes, so that effects of reflections from the duct walls are reduced

    Comments on multiple scattering of high-energy muons in thick layers

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    We describe two independent methods to calculate the angular distribution of muons after traversing a thick scatterer due to multiple Coulomb scattering. Both methods take into account the nuclear size effect. We demonstrate a necessity to account for the nucleus extension as well as incoherent scattering on atomic electrons to describe the muon scattering at large angles in thick matter layers. The results of the two methods of calculations are in good agreement.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Nucl. Instrum. and Met

    Cooper pair dispersion relation for weak to strong coupling

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    Cooper pairing in two dimensions is analyzed with a set of renormalized equations to determine its binding energy for any fermion number density and all coupling assuming a generic pairwise residual interfermion interaction. \ Also considered are Cooper pairs (CPs) with nonzero center-of-mass momentum (CMM)--usually neglected in BCS theory--and their binding energy is expanded analytically in powers of the CMM up to quadratic terms. A Fermi-sea-dependent {\it linear} term in the CMM dominates the pair excitation energy in weak coupling (also called the BCS regime) while the more familiar quadratic term prevails in strong coupling (the Bose regime). The crossover, though strictly unrelated to BCS theory {\it per se,} is studied numerically as it is expected to play a central role in a model of superconductivity as a Bose-Einstein condensation of CPs where the transition temperature vanishes for all dimensionality d2d\leq 2 for quadratic dispersion, but is {\it nonzero} for all d1d\geq 1 for linear dispersion.Comment: 11 pages plus 3 figures, revised version accepted in Physical Review

    “Getting into it”:People with intellectual disabilities’ experiences and views of Behavioural Activation and Guided Self-Help for depression

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    Background: No studies have explored the acceptability of Behavioural Activation and Guided Self-Help interventions for depression with people who have intellectual disabilities. Method: Twenty-five participants were purposively sampled from participants taking part in a trial comparing Behavioural Activation with a Guided Self-Help intervention. A framework analysis was used to analyse interviews covering participants’ expectations and views of therapy. Results: Participants were largely positive about both interventions. However, they identified specific aspects of each intervention which they had found helpful. All participants valued the therapeutic relationship. The participants also had a number of criticisms and suggestions for improving the therapies. A common concern was the time-limited nature of the interventions and a wish for longer-term help. Overall, both sets of participants felt the interventions had relevance for their wider lives. Conclusions: The participants reported having positive engagement with the therapies but expressed a wish for longer-term supportive relationships

    Variational Approximations in a Path-Integral Description of Potential Scattering

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    Using a recent path integral representation for the T-matrix in nonrelativistic potential scattering we investigate new variational approximations in this framework. By means of the Feynman-Jensen variational principle and the most general ansatz quadratic in the velocity variables -- over which one has to integrate functionally -- we obtain variational equations which contain classical elements (trajectories) as well as quantum-mechanical ones (wave spreading).We analyse these equations and solve them numerically by iteration, a procedure best suited at high energy. The first correction to the variational result arising from a cumulant expansion is also evaluated. Comparison is made with exact partial-wave results for scattering from a Gaussian potential and better agreement is found at large scattering angles where the standard eikonal-type approximations fail.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures, 6 tables, Latex with amsmath, amssymb; v2: 28 pages, EPJ style, misprints corrected, note added about correct treatment of complex Gaussian integrals with the theory of "pencils", matches published versio

    The Layer 0 Inner Silicon Detector of the D0 Experiment

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    This paper describes the design, fabrication, installation and performance of the new inner layer called Layer 0 (L0) that was inserted in the existing Run IIa Silicon Micro-Strip Tracker (SMT) of the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. L0 provides tracking information from two layers of sensors, which are mounted with center lines at a radial distance of 16.1 mm and 17.6 mm respectively from the beam axis. The sensors and readout electronics are mounted on a specially designed and fabricated carbon fiber structure that includes cooling for sensor and readout electronics. The structure has a thin polyimide circuit bonded to it so that the circuit couples electrically to the carbon fiber allowing the support structure to be used both for detector grounding and a low impedance connection between the remotely mounted hybrids and the sensors.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    From Majorana theory of atomic autoionization to Feshbach resonances in high temperature superconductors

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    The Ettore Majorana paper - Theory of incomplete P triplets- published in 1931, focuses on the role of selection rules for the non-radiative decay of two electron excitations in atomic spectra, involving the configuration interaction between discrete and continuum channels. This work is a key step for understanding the 1935 work of Ugo Fano on the asymmetric lineshape of two electron excitations and the 1958 Herman Feshbach paper on the shape resonances in nuclear scattering arising from configuration interaction between many different scattering channels. The Feshbach resonances are today of high scientific interest in many different fields and in particular for ultracold gases and high Tc superconductivity.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism to be publishe

    Quasi-classical path integral approach to supersymmetric quantum mechanics

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    {}From Feynman's path integral, we derive quasi-classical quantization rules in supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSY-QM). First, we derive a SUSY counterpart of Gutzwiller's formula, from which we obtain the quantization rule of Comtet, Bandrauk and Campbell when SUSY is good. When SUSY is broken, we arrive at a new quantization formula, which is found as good as and even sometime better than the WKB formula in evaluating energy spectra for certain one-dimensional bound state problems. The wave functions in the stationary phase approximation are also derived for SUSY and broken SUSY cases. Insofar as a broken SUSY case is concerned, there are strong indications that the new quasi-classical approximation formula always overestimates the energy eigenvalues while WKB always underestimates.Comment: 13 pages + 5 figures, complete paper submitted as postscript file, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum dynamics and thermalization for out-of-equilibrium phi^4-theory

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    The quantum time evolution of \phi^4-field theory for a spatially homogeneous system in 2+1 space-time dimensions is investigated numerically for out-of-equilibrium initial conditions on the basis of the Kadanoff-Baym equations including the tadpole and sunset self-energies. Whereas the tadpole self-energy yields a dynamical mass, the sunset self-energy is responsible for dissipation and an equilibration of the system. In particular we address the dynamics of the spectral (`off-shell') distributions of the excited quantum modes and the different phases in the approach to equilibrium described by Kubo-Martin-Schwinger relations for thermal equilibrium states. The investigation explicitly demonstrates that the only translation invariant solutions representing the stationary fixed points of the coupled equation of motions are those of full thermal equilibrium. They agree with those extracted from the time integration of the Kadanoff-Baym equations in the long time limit. Furthermore, a detailed comparison of the full quantum dynamics to more approximate and simple schemes like that of a standard kinetic (on-shell) Boltzmann equation is performed. Our analysis shows that the consistent inclusion of the dynamical spectral function has a significant impact on relaxation phenomena. The different time scales, that are involved in the dynamical quantum evolution towards a complete thermalized state, are discussed in detail. We find that far off-shell 1 3 processes are responsible for chemical equilibration, which is missed in the Boltzmann limit. Finally, we address briefly the case of (bare) massless fields. For sufficiently large couplings λ\lambda we observe the onset of Bose condensation, where our scheme within symmetric \phi^4-theory breaks down.Comment: 77 pages, 26 figure