268 research outputs found

    Higher Order Bose-Einstein Correlations test the Gaussian Density Matrix Approach

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    A multiparticle system produced by a large number of independent sources is described by a gaussian density matrix W. All theoretical approach to Bose-Einstein Correlatios Cn in high energy physics use this form for W. One of the most salient consequences of this form is the fact that all higher order (n>2) moments of the current distribution can be expressed in terms of the first two. We test this property by comparing the data on C2(Q^2), C3(Q^2) and C4(Q^2) from pion-p and K-p reactions at 250 GeV/c with the predictions of a general quantum statistical space-time approach. Even a simplified version of such approach can account for the data. Previous attempts along these lines, which did not use the space-time approach, met with difficulties.Comment: 17 pages (including one Table) and 2 figures. To appear in Physics Letters B (PLB 13397

    The Bose-Einstein correlation function C2(Q)C_2(Q) from a Quantum Field Theory point of view

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    We show that a recently proposed derivation of Bose-Einstein correlations (BEC) by means of a specific version of thermal Quantum Field Theory (QFT), supplemented by operator-field evolution of the Langevin type, allows for a deeper understanding of the possible coherent behaviour of the emitting source and a clear identification of the origin of the observed shape of the BEC function C2(Q)C_2(Q). Previous conjectures in this matter obtained by other approaches are confirmed and have received complementary explanation.Comment: Some misprints corrected. To be publishe in Phys. Rev.

    Dynamical Properties of Heavy-Ion Collisions from the Photon-Photon Intensity Correlations

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    We consider here the bremsstrahlung emission of photons at low and intermediate energies Elab1000MeV/u E_{lab}\le 1000 MeV/u of the projectile. and derive expressions more general than previous results obtained by Neuhauser which were limited to the case of isotropic systems. We find that the two-photon correlation function strongly depends not only on the space-time properties of the collision region but also on the dynamics of the proton-neutron scattering process in nuclear matter. As a consequence of polarisation correlations it turns out that for a purely chaotic source the intercept of the correlation function of photons can reach the value 33 (as compared with the maximum value 22 for isotropic systems). Furthermore even for ``hard" photons (Eγ>25MeVE_{\gamma} > 25 MeV) the maximum of the correlation function can reach the value of 22 in contrast with the value of 1.51.5 derived by Neuhauser for this case. The formulae obtained in this paper which include also the possible presence of a coherent component can be used as a basis for a systematic analysis of photon intensity-interferometry experiments.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, DMR-THEP-93-2/

    Hydrodynamical Beam Jets in High Energy Hadronic Collisions

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    A study of hadronic data up to TEVATRON energies in terms of relativistic hydrodynamics indicates an extended 1-dimensional stage of the expansion which suggests a jet like behaviour of the fireball along the collision axis.Comment: 3 pages (1 page of figures) ,(LATEX), GSI-93-2

    Production of a chaotic squeezed state from a ``pion liquid" and overbunching of identical pion correlations

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    It is shown that a one to one correspondence between quantum fields in two different "phases" as might be realized for pions produced from a "hadron liquid" leads to squeezed states. The single and double inclusive cross sections for at chaotic superposition of such states are calculated. The correlation of identical pions is overbunched in comparison with canonical Bose-Einstein correlations.Comment: Latex File, 6 page

    pi-/pi+ ratio in heavy ions collisions: Coulomb effect or chemical equilibration?

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    We calculate the pi-/pi+ ratio for Pb+Pb at CERN/SPS energies and for Au+Au at BNL/AGS energies using a (3+1) dimensional hydrodynamical model. Without consideration of Coulomb effect an enhancement of this ratio at low mt is found compatible with that observed in these experiments. Our calculations are based on previous (3+1) dimensional hydrodynamical simulations (HYLANDER), which described many other aspects of experimental data. In this model the observed enhancement is a consequence of baryon and strangeness conservation and of chemical equilibration of the system and is caused by the decay of produced hyperons, which leads to a difference in the total number of positive and negative pions as well. Based on the same approach, we also present results for the pi-/pi+ ratio for S+S (CERN/SPS) collisions, where we find a similar effect. The absence of the enhancement of the pi-/pi+ ratio in the S+S data presented by the NA44 Collaboration, if confirmed, could indicate that chemical equilibration has not yet been estabilished in this reaction.Comment: 8 pages and 2 figures, submmited to Phys. Lett. B. This reviewed version (Nov.29,1996) contains more details about the model simulated efficiency considering the experimental detection conditions. Other small modifications were mad

    The Fractal Properties of the Source and BEC

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    Using simple space-time implementation of the random cascade model we investigate numerically influence of the possible fractal structure of the emitting source on Bose-Einstein correlations between identical particles. The results are then discussed in terms of the non-extensive Tsallis statistics.Comment: LaTeX file and 2 PS files with figures, 8 pages altogether. Talk presented at the 12th Indian Summer School "Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, 30 August-3 Sept. 1999; to be published in Czech J. Phys. (1999). Some typos correcte

    Thermal photon production in heavy ion collisions

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    Using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation of the collision and an equation of state containing a first order phase transition to the quark-gluon plasma, we study thermal photon production for Au+AuAu+Au collisions at Elab=11.5E_{lab}=11.5 AGeV and for Pb+PbPb+Pb collisions at 160160 AGeV. We obtain surprisingly high rates of thermal photons even at the lower energy, suggesting that, contrary to what was expected so far, photon production may be an interesting topic for experimental search also at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron. When applied to the reaction S+AuS+Au at 200200 AGeV, our model can reproduce preliminary data obtained by the WA80 Collaboration without having to postulate the existence of an extremely long-lived mixed phase as was recently proposed.Comment: 9 pages, figures are uudecoded compressed and tare

    Bounds for Bose-Einstein Correlation Functions

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    Bounds for the correlation functions of identical bosons are discussed for the general case of a Gaussian density matrix. In particular, for a purely chaotic system the two-particle correlation function must always be greater than one. On the other hand, in the presence of a coherent component the correlation function may take values below unity. The experimental situation is briefly discussed.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, DMR-THEP-93-5/

    Hydrodynamical analysis of single inclusive spectra and Bose-Einstein correlations for Pb+PbPb+Pb at 160 AGeV

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    We present the first analysis of preliminary data for Pb+PbPb+Pb at 160 AGeVAGeV using 3+1-dimensional relativistic hydrodynamics. We find excellent agreement with the rapidity spectra of negative hadrons and the correlation measurements. The data indicates a large amount of stopping; 65%65\% of the invariant energy of the collision is thermalized and 73%73\% of the baryons are contained in the central fireball. Within our model this implies that a quark-gluon-plasma of lifetime 3.4 fm/cfm/c was formed.Comment: 13 pages, 5 Postscript figures (attached to this file as compressed and uuencoded Postscript file