287 research outputs found

    Near IR diffraction-limited integral-field SINFONI spectroscopy of the Circinus galaxy

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    Using the adaptive optics assisted near infrared integral field spectrometer SINFONI on the VLT, we have obtained observations of the Circinus galaxy on parsec scales. The morphologies of the H_2(1-0)S(1) 2.12um and Br_gamma 2.17um emission lines are only slightly different, but their velocity maps are similar and show a gradient along the major axis of the galaxy, consistent with rotation.Since V_rot/sigma is approximately 1 suggests that random motions are also important, it is likely that the lines arise in a rotating spheroid or thickened disk around the AGN. Comparing the Br_gamma flux to the stellar continuum indicates that the star formation in this region began almost 10^8 yr ago. We also detect the [SiVI] 1.96um,[AlIX] 2.04um and [CaVIII] 2.32um coronal lines. In all cases we observe a broad blue wing, indicating the presence of two or more components in the coronal line region. A correlation between the ionisation potential and the asymmetry of the profiles was found for these high excitation species.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to the Proceedings of the IFS Workshop, Jul 4-8 2005, Durham, Englan

    PROFIT: a new alternative for emission-line PROfile FITting

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    I briefly describe a simple routine for emission-line profiles fitting by Gaussian curves or Gauss-Hermite series. The PROFIT (line-PROfile FITting) routine represent a new alternative for use in fits data cubes, as those from Integral Field Spectroscopy or Fabry-Perot Interferometry, and may be useful to better study the emission-line flux distributions and gas kinematics in distinct astrophysical objects, such as the central regions of galaxies and star forming regions. The PROFIT routine is written in IDL language and is available at http://www.ufsm.br/rogemar/software.html. The PROFIT routine was used to fit the [Fe II]1.257um emission-line profiles for about 1800 spectra of the inner 350 pc of the Seyfert galaxy Mrk1066 obtained with Gemini NIFS and shows that the line profiles are better reproduced by Gauss-Hermite series than by the commonly used Gaussian curves. The two-dimensional map of the h_3 Gauss-Hermite moment shows its highest absolute values in regions close to the edge of the radio structure. These high values may be originated in an biconical outflowing gas associated with the radio jet - previously observed in the optical [O III] emission. The analysis of this kinematic component indicates that the radio jet leaves the center of the galaxy with the north-west side slightly oriented towards us and the south-east side away from us, being partially hidden by the disc of the galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication Astrophysics & Space Science - 7 pges; 4 Fig

    Examining the frequency and nature of gambling marketing in televised broadcasts of professional sporting events in the United Kingdom

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    Objective: Gambling operators in the United Kingdom have introduced a voluntary ban on adverts broadcast during televised sport before 21:00 (the 'whistle-to-whistle' ban). To inform debates around the potential effectiveness of this ban, we examine the frequency and nature of gambling marketing in televised broadcasts across professional sporting events. Study Design: Frequency analysis of verbal and visual gambling marketing references during television broadcasts of football (n=5), tennis, Formula 1, boxing and rugby union (each n=1) from 2018. Methods: For each gambling reference, we coded: whether it appeared in-play or out-of-play; location (e.g. pitch-side advertising); format (e.g. branded merchandise); duration (seconds); number of identical references visible simultaneously; brand; and presence of age restriction or harm reduction messages. Results: Boxing contained the most gambling references, on average, per broadcast minute (4.70 references), followed by football (2.75), rugby union (0.55), and tennis (0.11). Formula 1 contained no gambling references. In boxing, references most frequently appeared within the area-of-play. For football and rugby union, references most frequently appeared around the pitch border or within the area-of-play (e.g. branded shirts). Only a small minority of references were for adverts during commercial breaks that would be subject to the whistle-to-whistle ban(e.g. 2% of references in football). Less than 1% of references in boxing, and only 3% of references in football, contained age restriction or harm-reduction messages. Conclusions: As gambling sponsorship extends much beyond adverts in commercial breaks, the 'whistle-to-whistle' ban will have limited effect on gambling exposure. Gambling sponsorship activities rarely contain harm reduction messages

    Geometrothermodynamics of five dimensional black holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-theory

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    We investigate the thermodynamic properties of 5D static and spherically symmetric black holes in (i) Einstein-Maxwell-Gauss-Bonnet theory, (ii) Einstein-Maxwell-Gauss-Bonnet theory with negative cosmological constant, and in (iii) Einstein-Yang-Mills-Gauss-Bonnet theory. To formulate the thermodynamics of these black holes we use the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy relation and, alternatively, a modified entropy formula which follows from the first law of thermodynamics of black holes. The results of both approaches are not equivalent. Using the formalism of geometrothermodynamics, we introduce in the manifold of equilibrium states a Legendre invariant metric for each black hole and for each thermodynamic approach, and show that the thermodynamic curvature diverges at those points where the temperature vanishes and the heat capacity diverges.Comment: New sections added, references adde

    Heat kernel and number theory on NC-torus

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    The heat trace asymptotics on the noncommutative torus, where generalized Laplacians are made out of left and right regular representations, is fully determined. It turns out that this question is very sensitive to the number-theoretical aspect of the deformation parameters. The central condition we use is of a Diophantine type. More generally, the importance of number theory is made explicit on a few examples. We apply the results to the spectral action computation and revisit the UV/IR mixing phenomenon for a scalar theory. Although we find non-local counterterms in the NC ϕ4\phi^4 theory on \T^4, we show that this theory can be made renormalizable at least at one loop, and may be even beyond

    A new current algebra and the reflection equation

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    We establish an explicit algebra isomorphism between the quantum reflection algebra for the Uq(sl2^)U_q(\hat{sl_2}) R-matrix and a new type of current algebra. These two algebras are shown to be two realizations of a special case of tridiagonal algebras (q-Onsager).Comment: 14 pages; v2: More details in Section 4; Typos corrected; References added; To appear in Lett. Math. Phy