283 research outputs found

    Vibrations and Berry Phases of Charged Buckminsterfullerene

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    A simple model of electron-vibron interactions in buckminsterfullerene ions is solved semiclassically. Electronic degeneracies of C60_{60}n^{n-} induce dynamical Jahn-Teller distortions, which are unimodal for n ⁣ ⁣3n\!\ne\!3 and bimodal for n ⁣= ⁣3n\!=\!3. The quantization of motion along the Jahn-Teller manifold leads to a symmetric-top rotator Hamiltonian. I find Molecular Aharonov-Bohm effects where electronic Berry phases determine the vibrational spectra, zero point fluctuations, and electrons' pair binding energies. The latter are relevant to superconductivity in alkali-fullerenes.Comment: Latex 11 pages. IIT-00

    Renormalization Group Approach to the Coulomb Pseudopotential for C_{60}

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    A numerical renormalization group technique recently developed by one of us is used to analyse the Coulomb pseudopotential (μ{\mu^*}) in C60{{\rm C}_{60}} for a variety of bare potentials. We find a large reduction in μ{\mu^*} due to intraball screening alone, leading to an interesting non-monotonic dependence of μ{\mu^*} on the bare interaction strength. We find that μ{\mu^*} is positive for physically reasonable bare parameters, but small enough to make the electron-phonon coupling a viable mechanism for superconductivity in alkali-doped fullerides. We end with some open problems.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 7 figures available from [email protected]

    Pion double charge exchange on 4He

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    The doubly differential cross sections for the 4^4He(π+,π)4p(\pi^+,\pi^-) 4p reaction were calculated using both a two-nucleon sequential single charge exchange model and an intranuclear cascade code. Final state interactions between the two final protons which were the initial neutrons were included in both methods. At incident pion energies of 240 and 270 MeV the low-energy peak observed experimentally in the energy spectrum of the final pions can be understood only if the contribution of pion production is included. The calculated cross sections are compared with data.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Current-Induced Torques in Magnetic Metals: Beyond Spin Transfer

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    Current-induced torques on ferromagnetic nanoparticles and on domain walls in ferromagnetic nanowires are normally understood in terms of transfer of conserved spin angular momentum between spin-polarized currents and the magnetic condensate. In a series of recent articles we have discussed a microscopic picture of current-induced torques in which they are viewed as following from exchange fields produced by the misaligned spins of current carrying quasiparticles. This picture has the advantage that it can be applied to systems in which spin is not approximately conserved. More importantly, this point of view makes it clear that current-induced torques can also act on the order parameter of an antiferromagnetic metal, even though this quantity is not related to total spin. In this informal and intentionally provocative review we explain this picture and discuss its application to antiferromagnets.Comment: 5 figures, to appear in Journal of Magnetism and

    Splitting of the Dipole and Spin-Dipole Resonances

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    Cross sections for the 90,92,94Zr(p,n) reactions were measured at energies of 79.2 and 119.4 MeV. A phenomenological model was developed to describe the variation with bombarding energy of the position of the L=1 peak observed in these and other (p,n) reactions. The model yields the splitting between the giant dipole and giant spin dipole resonances. Values of these splittings are obtained for isotopes of Zr and Sn and for 208Pb.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Quasiclassical description of transport through superconducting contacts

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    We present a theoretical study of transport properties through superconducting contacts based on a new formulation of boundary conditions that mimics interfaces for the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity. These boundary conditions are based on a description of an interface in terms of a simple Hamiltonian. We show how this Hamiltonian description is incorporated into quasiclassical theory via a T-matrix equation by integrating out irrelevant energy scales right at the onset. The resulting boundary conditions reproduce results obtained by conventional quasiclassical boundary conditions, or by boundary conditions based on the scattering approach. This formalism is well suited for the analysis of magnetically active interfaces as well as for calculating time-dependent properties such as the current-voltage characteristics or as current fluctuations in junctions with arbitrary transmission and bias voltage. This approach is illustrated with the calculation of Josephson currents through a variety of superconducting junctions ranging from conventional to d-wave superconductors, and to the analysis of supercurrent through a ferromagnetic nanoparticle. The calculation of the current-voltage characteristics and of noise is applied to the case of a contact between two d-wave superconductors. In particular, we discuss the use of shot noise for the measurement of charge transferred in a multiple Andreev reflection in d-wave superconductors

    Muon capture by 3He nuclei followed by proton and deuteron production

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    The paper describes an experiment aimed at studying muon capture by 3He{}^{3}\mathrm{He} nuclei in pure 3He{}^{3}\mathrm{He} and D2+3He\mathrm{D}_2 + {}^{3}\mathrm{He} mixtures at various densities. Energy distributions of protons and deuterons produced via μ+3Hep+n+n+νμ\mu^-+{}^{3}\mathrm{He}\to p+n+n + \nu_{\mu } and μ+3Hed+n+νμ\mu^-+{}^{3} \mathrm{He} \to d+n + \nu_{\mu} are measured for the energy intervals 104910 - 49 MeV and 133113 - 31 MeV, respectively. Muon capture rates, λcapp(ΔEp)\lambda_\mathrm{cap}^p (\Delta E_p) and λcapd(ΔEd)\lambda_\mathrm{cap}^d (\Delta E_d) are obtained using two different analysis methods. The least--squares methods gives λcapp=(36.7±1.2)s1\lambda_\mathrm{cap}^p = (36.7\pm 1.2) {s}^{- 1}, λcapd=(21.3±1.6)s1\lambda_\mathrm{cap}^d = (21.3 \pm 1.6) {s}^{- 1}. The Bayes theorem gives λcapp=(36.8±0.8)s1\lambda_\mathrm{cap}^p = (36.8 \pm 0.8) {s}^{- 1}, λcapd=(21.9±0.6)s1\lambda_\mathrm{cap}^d = (21.9 \pm 0.6) {s}^{- 1}. The experimental differential capture rates, dλcapp(Ep)/dEpd\lambda_\mathrm{cap}^p (E_p) / dE_p and dλcapd(Ed)/dEd d\lambda_\mathrm{cap}^d (E_d) / dE_d, are compared with theoretical calculations performed using the plane--wave impulse approximation (PWIA) with the realistic NN interaction Bonn B potential. Extrapolation to the full energy range yields total proton and deuteron capture rates in good agreement with former results.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Theoretical study of lepton events in the atmospheric neutrino experiments at SuperK

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    Super-Kamiokande has reported the results for the lepton events in the atmospheric neutrino experiment. These results have been presented for a 22.5kT water fiducial mass on an exposure of 1489 days, and the events are divided into sub-GeV, multi-GeV and PC events. We present a study of nuclear medium effects in the sub-GeV energy region of atmospheric neutrino events for the quasielastic scattering, incoherent and coherent pion production processes, as they give the most dominant contribution to the lepton events in this energy region. We have used the atmospheric neutrino flux given by Honda et al. These calculations have been done in the local density approximation. We take into account the effect of Pauli blocking, Fermi motion, Coulomb effect, renormalization of weak transition strengths in the nuclear medium in the case of the quasielastic reactions. The inelastic reactions leading to production of leptons along with pions is calculated in a Δ\Delta - dominance model by taking into account the renormalization of Δ\Delta properties in the nuclear medium and the final state interaction effects of the outgoing pions with the residual nucleus. We present the results for the lepton events obtained in our model with and without nuclear medium effects, and compare them with the Monte Carlo predictions used in the simulation and the experimentally observed events reported by the Super-Kamiokande collaboration.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figure

    Virtual Compton Scattering and Neutral Pion Electroproduction in the Resonance Region up to the Deep Inelastic Region at Backward Angles

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    We have made the first measurements of the virtual Compton scattering (VCS) process via the H(e,ep)γ(e,e'p)\gamma exclusive reaction in the nucleon resonance region, at backward angles. Results are presented for the WW-dependence at fixed Q2=1Q^2=1 GeV2^2, and for the Q2Q^2-dependence at fixed WW near 1.5 GeV. The VCS data show resonant structures in the first and second resonance regions. The observed Q2Q^2-dependence is smooth. The measured ratio of H(e,ep)γ(e,e'p)\gamma to H(e,ep)π0(e,e'p)\pi^0 cross sections emphasizes the different sensitivity of these two reactions to the various nucleon resonances. Finally, when compared to Real Compton Scattering (RCS) at high energy and large angles, our VCS data at the highest WW (1.8-1.9 GeV) show a striking Q2Q^2- independence, which may suggest a transition to a perturbative scattering mechanism at the quark level.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures. To appear in Phys.Rev.

    Strangeness nuclear physics: a critical review on selected topics

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    Selected topics in strangeness nuclear physics are critically reviewed. This includes production, structure and weak decay of Λ\Lambda--Hypernuclei, the Kˉ\bar K nuclear interaction and the possible existence of Kˉ\bar K bound states in nuclei. Perspectives for future studies on these issues are also outlined.Comment: 63 pages, 51 figures, accepted for publication on European Physical Journal