198 research outputs found

    'Navigatio sancti Brendani', volgarizzamento veneto: edizione del ms. Paris, BNF, it. 1708

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    Il saggio pubblica l\u2019edizione del volgarizzamento veneziano della Navigatio Sancti Brendani contenuto nel manoscritto Paris, Biblioth\ue8que nationale de France, it. 1708, accompagnata da uno studio sul codice, sulla lingua del testo e sullo statuto letterario dei volgarizzamenti del testo mediolatino, con particolare riferimento al ramo veneto della tradizione.The paper contains the critical edition of the venetian vernacular translation of the Navigatio Sancti Brendani from the ms. Paris, Biblioth\ue8que nationale de France , it. 1708. The work is introduced by a critical study concerning the manuscript, the language of the text and the status of Italian vernacular translations, with particular reference to the branch of the Venetian tradition

    Ricordo di Cesare Segre (1928-2014)

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    Temi misogini al servizio del saber : il caso del Sendebar castigliano

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    Il saggio analizza i racconti a tema misogino del Sendebar, mostrando come essi si relazionino in maniera profonda e sistematica con il tema principale della raccolta, la ricerca e la costruzione della perfetta saggezza.The paper analyzes the misogynistic stories of Sendebar, showing how they relate in a deep and systematic way with the main theme of the collection, the search and construction of perfect wisdom

    Tradizione e ricezione della prosa agiografica, con un caso di studio: il volgarizzamento fiorentino della Legenda Aurea

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    Il saggio descrive e analizza la tradizione manoscritta e la ricezione del volgarizzamento fiorentino trecentesco della "Legenda Aurea" di Iacopo da Varagine e pubblica in edizione critica e con commento, due agiografie volgarizzate (Callisto e Clemente).The paper describes and analyzes the manuscript tradition and the reception of the fourteenth-century Florentine vulgarization of the "Legenda Aurea" by Iacopo da Varagine and publishes a critical edition, with commentary, concerning two vernacular hagiographies (Callisto and Clemente)


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    Presentazione del numero monografico della rivista "Linguae &", dedicato ai risultati del corso di alta formazione \u201cCostruire l\u2019Europa: lingue, culture e letterature dal Medioevo alle Modernit\ue0\u201d, rivolto a docenti di scuole secondarie e a giovani studiosi e dedicato ad approfondire il ruolo delle discipline umanistiche, prime fra tutte la filologia romanza, nella fondazione del concetto di Europa, con particolare riguardo alle sue declinazioni linguistiche, letterarie e culturali, tenutosi a Urbino dal 17 al 21 luglio 2017

    Bibliografia unificata degli scritti di Francesco Novati

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    Il saggio presenta una nuova versione unificata, corretta, ampliata e aggiornata della bibliografia degli scritti di Francesco Novati (1859-1915), integrata da un\u2019introduzione che sottolinea il ruolo del filologo cremonese nel mondo accademico e culturale del suo tempo e la necessit\ue0 di approfondire gli studi sull\u2019importanza del suo contributo e delle sue intuizioni in molti ambiti dello scibile umanistico, anche non immediatamente riconducibili alla sua professione ufficiale di filologo e medievista.The paper presents a new bibliography of the writings of Francesco Novati (1859-1915) unified, corrected, expanded and updated, with an introduction concerning the role of the philologist in the academic and cultural world of his time. The introduction focuses on the importance of studying in deep Novati\u2019s contribution and his intuitions in many Humanistic disciplines, also not immediately related to his official profession of philologist and medievalist

    How strong was the bottleneck associated to the peopling of the Americas? New insights from multilocus sequence data

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    In spite of many genetic studies that contributed for a deep knowledge about the peopling of the Americas, no consensus has emerged about important parameters such as the effective size of the Native Americans founder population. Previous estimates based on genomic datasets may have been biased by the use of admixed individuals from Latino populations, while other recent studies using samples from Native American individuals relied on approximated analytical approaches. In this study we use resequencing data for nine independent regions in a set of Native American and Siberian individuals and a full-likelihood approach based on isolation-with-migration scenarios accounting for recent flow between Asian and Native American populations. Our results suggest that, in agreement with previous studies, the effective size of the Native American population was small, most likely in the order of a few hundred individuals, with point estimates close to 250 individuals, even though credible intervals include a number as large as ~4,000 individuals. Recognizing the size of the genetic bottleneck during the peopling of the Americas is important for determining the extent of genetic markers needed to characterize Native American populations in genome-wide studies and to evaluate the adaptive potential of genetic variants in this population

    Statistical properties of acoustic emission signals from metal cutting processes

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    Acoustic Emission (AE) data from single point turning machining are analysed in this paper in order to gain a greater insight of the signal statistical properties for Tool Condition Monitoring (TCM) applications. A statistical analysis of the time series data amplitude and root mean square (RMS) value at various tool wear levels are performed, �nding that ageing features can be revealed in all cases from the observed experimental histograms. In particular, AE data amplitudes are shown to be distributed with a power-law behaviour above a cross-over value. An analytic model for the RMS values probability density function (pdf) is obtained resorting to the Jaynes' maximum entropy principle (MEp); novel technique of constraining the modelling function under few fractional moments, instead of a greater amount of ordinary moments, leads to well-tailored functions for experimental histograms.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure
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