3,706 research outputs found

    Nanostructure and properties of a Cu-Cr composite processed by severe plastic deformation

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    A Cu-Cr composite was processed by severe plastic deformation to investigate the role of interphase boundaries on the grain size reduction mechanisms. The as-deformed material exhibits a grain size of only 20nm. This gives rise to a dramatic increase of the hardness. Some deformation induced Cu super saturated solid solutions were clearly exhibited and it is shown that they decrease the hardness. The formation of such supersaturated solid solution and their influence on the mechanical properties are discussed

    Decomposition process in a FeAuPd alloy nanostructured by severe plastic deformation

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    The decomposition process mechanisms have been investigated in a Fe50Au25Pd25 (at.%) alloy processed by severe plastic deformation. Phases were characterized by X-ray diffraction and microstructures were observed using transmission electron microscopy. In the coarse grain alloy homogenized and aged at 450circC450 ^{circ}\mathrm{C}, the bcc \alpha-Fe and fcc AuPd phases nucleate in the fcc supersaturated solid solution and grow by a discontinuous precipitation process resulting in a typical lamellar structure. The grain size of the homogenized FeAuPd alloy was reduced in a range of 50 to 100nm by high pressure torsion. Aging at 450circC450 ^{circ}\mathrm{C} this nanostructure leads to the decomposition of the solid solution into an equi-axed microstructure. The grain growth is very limited during aging and the grain size remains under 100nm. The combination of two phases with different crystallographic structures (bcc \alpha-Fe and fcc AuPd) and of the nanoscaled grain size gives rise to a significant hardening of the allo

    Grain boundary segregation in UFG alloys processed by severe plastic deformation

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    Grain boundary segregations were investigated by Atom Probe Tomography in an Al-Mg alloy, a carbon steel and Armco\trademark Fe processed by severe plastic deformation (SPD). In the non-deformed state, the GBs of the aluminium alloy are Mg depleted, but after SPD some local enrichment up to 20 at.% was detected. In the Fe-based alloys, large carbon concentrations were also exhibited along GBs after SPD. These experimental observations are attributed to the specific structure of GBs often described as "non-equilibrum" in ultra fine grained materials processed by SPD. The grain boundary segregation mechanisms are discussed and compared in the case of substitutional (Mg in fcc Al) and interstitial (C in bcc Fe) solute atoms

    The central region of spiral galaxies as seen by Herschel: M 81, M 99, and M 100

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    With appropriate spatial resolution, images of spiral galaxies in thermal infrared (~10 ÎŒm and beyond) often reveal a bright central component, distinct from the stellar bulge, superimposed on a disk with prominent spiral arms. ISO and Spitzer studies have shown that much of the scatter in the mid-infrared colors of spiral galaxies is related to changes in the relative importance of these two components, rather than to other modifications, such as the morphological type or star formation rate, that affect the properties of the galaxy as a whole. With the Herschel imaging capability from 70 to 500 ÎŒm, we revisit this two-component approach at longer wavelengths, to see if it still provides a working description of the brightness distribution of galaxies, and to determine its implications on the interpretation of global far-infrared properties of galaxies. We quantify the luminosity of the central component by both a decomposition of the radial surface brightness profile and a direct extraction in 2D. We find the central component contribution is variable within the three galaxies in our sample, possibly connected more directly to the presence of a bar than to the morphological type. The central component’s relative contribution is at its maximum in the mid-infrared range and drops around 160 ÎŒm to reach a constant value beyond 200 ÎŒm. The central component contains a greater fraction of hot dust than the disk component, and while the colors of the central components are scattered, colors of the disk components are more homogenous from one galaxy to the next

    Dissecting the spiral galaxy M83: mid-infrared emission and comparison with other tracers of star formation

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    We present a detailed mid-infrared study of the nearby, face-on spiral galaxy M83 based on ISOCAM data. M83 is a unique case study, since a wide variety of MIR broad-band filters as well as spectra, covering the wavelength range of 4 to 18\mu m, were observed and are presented here. Emission maxima trace the nuclear and bulge area, star-formation regions at the end of the bar, as well as the inner spiral arms. The fainter outer spiral arms and interarm regions are also evident in the MIR map. Spectral imaging of the central 3'x3' (4 kpc x 4 kpc) field allows us to investigate five regions of different environments. The various MIR components (very small grains, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules, ionic lines) are analyzed for different regions throughout the galaxy. In the total 4\mu m to 18\mu m wavelength range, the PAHs dominate the luminosity, contributing between 60% in the nuclear and bulge regions and 90% in the less active, interarm regions. Throughout the galaxy, the underlying continuum emission from the small grains is always a smaller contribution in the total MIR wavelength regime, peaking in the nuclear and bulge components. The implications of using broad-band filters only to characterize the mid-infrared emission of galaxies, a commonly used ISOCAM observation mode, are discussed. We present the first quantitative analysis of new H-alpha and 6cm VLA+Effelsberg radio continuum maps of M83. The distribution of the MIR emission is compared with that of the CO, HI, R band, H-alpha and 6cm radio. A striking correlation is found between the intensities in the two mid-infrared filter bands and the 6cm radio continuum. To explain the tight mid-infrared-radio correlation we propose the anchoring of magnetic field lines in the photoionized shells of gas clouds.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Preparation of ordered states in ultra–cold gases using Bayesian optimization

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    Ultra-cold atomic gases are unique in terms of the degree of controllability, both for internal and external degrees of freedom. This makes it possible to use them for the study of complex quantum many-body phenomena. However in many scenarios, the prerequisite condition of faithfully preparing a desired quantum state despite decoherence and system imperfections is not always adequately met. To path the way to a specific target state, we explore quantum optimal control framework based on Bayesian optimization. The probabilistic modeling and broad exploration aspects of Bayesian optimization is particularly suitable for quantum experiments where data acquisition can be expensive. Using numerical simulations for the superfluid to Mott- insulator transition for bosons in a lattice as well for the formation of Rydberg crystals as explicit examples, we demonstrate that Bayesian optimization is capable of finding better control solutions with regards to finite and noisy data compared to existing methods of optimal control

    Morphological Dependence of MIR Properties of SDSS Galaxies in the Spitzer SWIRE Survey

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    We explore the correlation between morphological types and mid-infrared (MIR) properties of an optically flux-limited sample of 154 galaxies from the Forth Data Release (DR4) of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), cross-correlated with Spitzer SWIRE (Spitzer Wide-Area InfraRed Extragalactic Survey) fields of ELAIS-N1, ELAIS-N2 and Lockman Hole. Aperture photometry is performed on the SDSS and Spitzer images to obtain optical and MIR properties. The morphological classifications are given based on both visual inspection and bulge-disk decomposition on SDSS g- and r-band images. The average bulge-to-total ratio (B/T) is a smooth function over different morphological types. Both the 8um(dust) and 24um(dust) luminosities and their relative luminosity ratios to 3.6um (MIR dust-to-star ratios) present obvious correlations with both the Hubble T-type and B/T. The early-type galaxies notably differ from the late-types in the MIR properties, especially in the MIR dust-to-star ratios. It is suggested that the MIR dust-to-star ratio is an effective way to separate the early-type galaxies from the late-type ones. Based on the tight correlation between the stellar mass and the 3.6um luminosity, we have derived a formula to calculate the stellar mass from the latter. We have also investigated the MIR properties of both edge-on galaxies and barred galaxies in our sample. Since they present similar MIR properties to the other sample galaxies, they do not influence the MIR properties obtained for the entire sample.Comment: Accepted for publication by AJ. 18 pages, 14 figures, and 4 table

    Dust in an extremely metal-poor galaxy: mid-infrared observations of SBS 0335-052

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    The metal deficient (Z = Z_sun/41) Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy (BCD) SBS 0335-052 was observed with ISOCAM between 5 and 17 mic. With a L_12mic/L_B ratio of 2.15, the galaxy is unexpectedly bright in the mid-infrared for such a low-metallicity object. The mid-infrared spectrum shows no sign of the Unidentified Infrared Bands, which we interpret as an effect of the destruction of their carriers by the very high UV energy density in SBS 0335-052. The spectral energy distribution (SED) is dominated by a very strong continuum which makes the ionic lines of [SIV] and [NeIII] very weak. From 5 to 17 mic, the SED can be fitted with a grey-body spectrum, modified by an extinction law similar to that observed toward the Galactic Center, with an optical depth of A_V~19-21 mag. Such a large optical depth implies that a large fraction (as much as ~ 75%) of the current star-formation activity in SBS 0335-052 is hidden by dust with a mass between 3x10^3 M_sun and 5x10^5 M_sun. Silicate grains are present as silicate extinction bands at 9.7 and 18 mic can account for the unusual shape of the MIR spectrum of SBS 0335-052. It is remarkable that such a nearly primordial environment contains as much dust as galaxies which are 10 times more metal-rich. If the hidden star formation in SBS 0335-052 is typical of young galaxies at high redshifts, then the cosmic star formation rate derived from UV/optical fluxes would be underestimated.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, requires aaspp4.sty, accepted in Ap

    Homogeneous Cu-Fe super saturated solid solutions prepared by severe plastic deformation

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    A Cu-Fe nanocomposite containing 50 nm thick iron filaments dispersed in a copper matrix was processed by torsion under high pressure at various strain rates and temperatures. The resulting nanostructures were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, atom probe tomography and M\"ossbauer spectrometry. It is shown that alpha-Fe filaments are dissolved during severe plastic deformation leading to the formation of a homogeneous supersaturated solid solution of about 12 at.% Fe in fcc Cu. The dissolution rate is proportional to the total plastic strain but is not very sensitive to the strain rate. Similar results were found for samples processed at liquid nitrogen temperature. APT data revealed asymmetric composition gradients resulting from the deformation induced intermixing. On the basis of these experimental data, the formation of the supersaturated solid solutions is discusse

    Physical conditions in the gas phases of the giant HII region LMC-N11 unveiled by Herschel - I. Diffuse [CII] and [OIII] emission in LMC-N11B

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    (Abridged) The Magellanic Clouds provide a nearby laboratory for metal-poor dwarf galaxies. The low dust abundance enhances the penetration of UV photons into the interstellar medium (ISM), resulting in a relatively larger filling factor of the ionized gas. Furthermore, there is likely a hidden molecular gas reservoir probed by the [CII]157um line. We present Herschel/PACS maps in several tracers, [CII], [OI]63um,145um, [NII]122um, [NIII]57um, and [OIII]88um in the HII region N11B in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Halpha and [OIII]5007A images were used as complementary data to investigate the effect of dust extinction. Observations were interpreted with photoionization models to infer the gas conditions and estimate the ionized gas contribution to the [CII] emission. Photodissociation regions (PDRs) are probed through polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). We first study the distribution and properties of the ionized gas. We then constrain the origin of [CII]157um by comparing to tracers of the low-excitation ionized gas and of PDRs. [OIII] is dominated by extended emission from the high-excitation diffuse ionized gas; it is the brightest far-infrared line, ~4 times brighter than [CII]. The extent of the [OIII] emission suggests that the medium is rather fragmented, allowing far-UV photons to permeate into the ISM to scales of >30pc. Furthermore, by comparing [CII] with [NII], we find that 95% of [CII] arises in PDRs, except toward the stellar cluster for which as much as 15% could arise in the ionized gas. We find a remarkable correlation between [CII]+[OI] and PAH emission, with [CII] dominating the cooling in diffuse PDRs and [OI] dominating in the densest PDRs. The combination of [CII] and [OI] provides a proxy for the total gas cooling in PDRs. Our results suggest that PAH emission describes better the PDR gas heating as compared to the total infrared emission.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Fixed inverted line ratio in Sect. 5.
