1,233 research outputs found

    The linkages between business strategies and compensation policies using miles and snow's framework

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    This study links a multidimensional measure of compensatíon strategy to Miles and Snow's (1978) business strategies, and examines their interactive impact on firm performance. The results reported here indicate that a more mechanistic compensation strategy makes a greater contribution to firm performance among defenders, while a more organic compensation strategy makes a greater contribution to firm performance among prospector

    The importance of various work aspects and their organiza tional consequences using Hofstede's cultural dimensions

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    This study examines the importance employees place on various work aspects according to their nation's relative positioning along Hofstede's four cultural dimension: power distance, individualism, uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity/feminity. Based on a cross-national sample of over 5,000 employees representing 20 countries, the results uncover differential patterns of responses by cultural groupings. The data also suggest that importance and satisfaction interactively affect several organizational consequences critería: job satisfaction, company satisfaction, intent to leave the firm, and organizational cornmitment

    The effectiveness of organization-wide compensation strategies in technology intensive firms

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    This study examines compensation strategies formulated and implemented by high technology firms and their relative effectiveness. Based on a sample of 173 firms, empirical results indicate that the following pay strategies are most appropriate for high technology organizations: A greater emphasis on the individual rather than the job as the unit of analysis, sharing of risks between employees and the firm, an external market orientation, dispersed decision making authority for pay allocation purposes, reliance on aggregate incentives and a longer time orientation

    Almidón resistente: una fracción indigestible en los alimentos

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    Resistant starch (RS), the dietary starch that scape digestion in the small intestine, can yields up to 20% of the starch in cereal and legume products. Several fractions contribute to the total RS of foods: retrograded amylose, starch inaccessible to digestive enzymes because of mechanical barriers, chemically modified starch fragments, undigested starch due to α-amylase inhibitors and starch complexed with other food components. RS is formed in products processed following heat treatments (baking, extrusion, autoclaving, etc.). RS produces significant fecal bulking and is partially fermentable by anaerobic bacteria of the colon. On the other hand, the relation of resistant starch with the glucose and insulin response in human subjects is an important nutritional effect. RS analytical methods are reported.El almidón resistente (RS), fracción de almidón de la dieta que no es digerido en el intestino delgado, puede alcanzar hasta un 20% del almidón en productos derivados de cereales y legumbres. Varias fracciones contribuyen al contenido total de almidón resistente: amilosa retrogradada, almidón inaccesible físicamente a los enzimas digestivos, almidón indigestible debido a inhibición de α-amilasas y almidón complejado con otros constituyentes de los alimentos. El almidón resistente se forma en productos que han sufrido tratamientos térmicos (panificación, extrusión, autoclave, etc.) El RS aumenta el volumen de heces y es fermentado parcialmente en el colon por bacterias anaeróbicas. Igualmente, está relacionado con los niveles de glucosa en sangre y la respuesta de insulina en humanos. Se describen los métodos analíticos para su determinación

    Phylogeny of the "orchid-like" bladderworts (gen. Utricularia sect. Orchidioides and Iperua : Lentibulariaceae) with remarks on the stolon-tuber system

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    Background and Aims The "orchid-like" bladderworts (Utricularia) comprise 15 species separated into two sections: Orchidioides and Iperua. These robust and mostly epiphytic species were originally grouped within the section Orchidioides by the first taxonomical systems. These species were later split into two sections when sect. Iperua was proposed. Due to the lack of strong evidence based on a robust phylogenetic perspective, this study presents a phylogenetic proposal based on four different DNA sequences (plastid and nuclear) and morphology to test the monophyly of the two sections. Methods In comparison with all previous phylogenetic studies, the largest number of species across the sections was covered: 11 species from sections Orchidioides and Iperua with 14 species as an external group. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inferences were applied to DNA sequences of rps16, trnL-F, matK, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and three morphological characters: (1) the crest of the corolla; (2) the primary organs in the embryo; and (3) tubers. Additionally, a histochemical analysis of the stolons and tubers is presented from an evolutionary perspective. Key Results The analyses showed the paraphyly of sect. Iperua, since Utricularia humboldtii is more related to the clade of sect. Orchidioides. Utricularia cornigera is grouped in the sect. Iperua clade based on chloroplast DNA sequences, but it is nested to sect. Orchidioides according to ITS dataset. Morphological characters do not support the breaking up of the 'orchid-like' species into two sections, either. Moreover, the stolon-tuber systems of both sections serve exclusively for water storage, according to histological analyses. Conclusions This study provides strong evidence, based on DNA sequences from two genomic compartments (plastid and nucleus) and morphology to group the Utricularia sect. Orchidioides into the sect. Iperua. The tubers are important adaptations for water storage and have been derived from stolons at least twice in the phylogenetic history of 'orchid-like' bladderworts

    Floral micromorphology and nectar composition of the early evolutionary lineage Utricularia (subgenus Polypompholyx, Lentibulariaceae)

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    Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) is a genus comprising around 240 species of herbaceous, carnivorous plants. Utricularia is usually viewed as an insect-pollinated genus, with the exception of a few bird-pollinated species. The bladderworts Utricularia multifida and U. tenella are interesting species because they represent an early evolutionary Utricularia branch and have some unusual morphological characters in their traps and calyx. Thus, our aims were to (i) determine whether the nectar sugar concentrations and composition in U. multifida and U. tenella are similar to those of other Utricularia species from the subgenera Polypompholyx and Utricularia, (ii) compare the nectary structure of U. multifida and U. tenella with those of other Utricularia species, and (iii) determine whether U. multifida and U. tenella use some of their floral trichomes as an alternative food reward for pollinators. We used light microscopy, histochemistry, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy to address those aims. The concentration and composition of nectar sugars were analysed using high-performance liquid chromatography. In all of the examined species, the floral nectary consisted of a spur bearing glandular trichomes. The spur produced and stored the nectar. We detected hexose-dominated (fructose + glucose) nectar in U. multifida and U. tenella as well as in U. violacea. In both U. multifida and U. tenella, there were trichomes that blocked the entrance into the throat and spur. Because these trichomes were rich in chromoplasts and contained lipid droplets, they may form an additional visual attractant. Bearing in mind the phylogenetic hypothesis for the genus, we suggest that an early ancestor of Utricularia had a nectariferous spur flower with a lower lip that formed a wide landing platform for bee pollinators

    A Historical Perspective of Bladderworts (Utricularia): Traps, Carnivory and Body Architecture

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    The genus Utricularia includes around 250 species of carnivorous plants, commonly known as bladderworts. The generic name Utricularia was coined by Carolus Linnaeus in reference to the carnivorous organs (Utriculus in Latin) present in all species of the genus. Since the formal proposition by Linnaeus, many species of Utricularia were described, but only scarce information about the biology for most species is known. All Utricularia species are herbs with vegetative organs that do not follow traditional models of morphological classification. Since the formal description of Utricularia in the 18th century, the trap function has intrigued naturalists. Historically, the traps were regarded as floating organs, a common hypothesis that was maintained by different botanists. However, Charles Darwin was most likely the first naturalist to refute this idea, since even with the removal of all traps, the plants continued to float. More recently, due mainly to methodological advances, detailed studies on the trap function and mechanisms could be investigated. This review shows a historical perspective on Utricularia studies which focuses on the traps and body organization

    Salivary secretory immunoglobulin A as a potential biomarker of psychosocial stress response during the first stages of life: A systematic review

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    Mucosal secretory immunoglobulin A (s-IgA) has been recognized as a key component of human first line defense against infection. However, its reactivity to psychosocial stressors is poorly understood. This systematic review aimed to explore whether s-IgA levels changed after psychosocial stress in subjects under the age of 18. Fifteen articles were included. s-IgA basal levels are increased in children older than 9 years old exposed to stress. Furthermore, s-IgA seems to follow a circadian rhythm, which is altered under stress conditions. Finally, the collective evidence suggests that salivary s-IgA rapidly increases under acute stress after puberty. Overall, our review indicates that s-IgA could be considered a potential psychosocial stress biomarker of interest for pediatric and child-juvenile psychiatric population. Further studies are needed to validate the role of s-IgA circadian rhythm and basal levels as psychosocial stress biomarkers and disentangle the role of age and type of stressor