5,135 research outputs found

    Effects of Amphetamine on Striatal Dopamine Release, Open-Field Activity, and Play in Fischer 344 and Sprague–Dawley Rats

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    Previous work from our laboratories has shown that juvenile Fischer 344 (F344) rats are less playful than other strains and also appear to be compromised in dopamine (DA) functioning. To determine whether the dysfunctional play in this strain is associated with deficits in the handling and delivery of vesicular DA, the following experiments assessed the extent to which F344 rats are differentially sensitive to the effects of amphetamine. When exposed to amphetamine, striatal slices obtained from F344 rats showed a small increase in unstimulated DA release when compared with slices from Sprague–Dawley rats; they also showed a more rapid high K+-mediated release of DA. These data provide tentative support for the hypothesis that F344 rats have a higher concentration of cytoplasmic DA than Sprague–Dawley rats. When rats were tested for activity in an open field, F344 rats presented a pattern of results that was consistent with either an enhanced response to amphetamine (3 mg/kg) or a more rapid release of DA (10 mg/kg). Although there was some indication that amphetamine had a dose-dependent differential effect on play in the two strains, play in F344 rats was not enhanced to any degree by amphetamine. Although these results are not consistent with our working hypothesis that F344 rats are less playful because of a deficit in vesicular release of DA, they still suggest that this strain may be a useful model for better understanding the role of DA in social behavior during the juvenile period

    How Reasoning Aims at Truth

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    Many hold that theoretical reasoning aims at truth. In this paper, I ask what it is for reasoning to be thus aim-directed. Standard answers to this question explain reasoning’s aim-directedness in terms of intentions, dispositions, or rule-following. I argue that, while these views contain important insights, they are not satisfactory. As an alternative, I introduce and defend a novel account: reasoning aims at truth in virtue of being the exercise of a distinctive kind of cognitive power, one that, unlike ordinary dispositions, is capable of fully explaining its own exercises. I argue that this account is able to avoid the difficulties plaguing standard accounts of the relevant sort of mental teleology

    Preliminary investigation of the prevalence and implantation potential of abnormal embryonic phenotypes assessed using time-lapse imaging.

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    This retrospective, single site observational study aimed to delineate five abnormal embryonic developmental phenotypes, assessing their prevalence, development potential and suitability for inclusion in embryo selection models for IVF. In total, 15,819 embryos from 4559 treatment cycles cultured in EmbryoScope® incubators between January 2014 and January 2016 were included. Time-lapse images were assessed retrospectively for five abnormal embryo phenotypes: direct cleavage, reverse cleavage, absent cleavage, chaotic cleavage and cell lysis. The prevalence of each abnormal phenotype was assessed. Final embryo disposition, embryo quality and implantation rate were determined and compared with a control embryo cohort. The collective prevalence for the five abnormal phenotypes was 11.4%; chaotic cleavage and direct cleavage together constituted 9.7%. Implantation rates were 17.4%, 0%, 25%, 2.1% and 0% for direct, reverse, absent, chaotic cleavage and cell lysis, respectively. The overall implantation rate for all abnormal embryos with known implantation status was significantly lower compared with the control population (6.9% versus 38.7%, P < 0.0001). The proportion of good quality embryos in each category of abnormal cleavage remained below 25%. Embryos exhibiting an abnormal phenotype may have reduced developmental capability, manifested in both embryo quality and implantation potential, when compared with embryos of normal phenotype

    Potential of Deshi Cattle of India for Dairy Production

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    There were 1,405 lactation records of 336 cows at the Central Livestock Research- cum-Breeding Station, Haringhata, India from 1958 to 1968 used to estimate the potential dairy merit of Deshi cattle. This breed is native to northeast India and one of the smallest breeds in India (mature females 200 kg and males 250 kg). Averages and standard deviations for milk yield (exclusive of that suckled), age of first calving, calving interval, lactation length, days open, and days dry were 412 ± 178 kg, 44.5 ± 6.8 months, 419 ± 90 days, 264 ± 81 days, 135 ± 86 days, and 139 ± 80 days. Mortality, culling, and retention rates for females from birth to first calving were 24, 27, and 49%. Lactation number, season of calving, and death of calf early in lactation had significant effects on milk yield. Repeatabilities of milk yield, lactation length, calving interval, dry period, and days open were .42, .19, .21, .03, and .23 with corresponding heritabilities .64, .19, .09, .19, and .27. Heritability for age of first calving was .84. Confounding by some environmental effects probably biased heritability estimates upward. Potential genetic improvement of milk yield by mass selection was estimated at .8% per year. Contemporary Jersey X Deshi crosses exceeded Deshi for milk yield, age of first calving, lactation length, calving interval, and days open by +923 kg, -15 months, +41, -84, and -96 days. At least one generation of crossing with European breeds is recommended over mass selection of Deshi

    Examining the efficacy of six published time-lapse imaging embryo selection algorithms to predict implantation to demonstrate the need for the development of specific, in-house morphokinetic selection algorithms.

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    OBJECTIVE: To study the efficacy of six embryo-selection algorithms (ESAs) when applied to a large, exclusive set of known implantation embryos. DESIGN: Retrospective, observational analysis. SETTING: Fertility treatment center. PATIENT(S): Women undergoing a total of 884 in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) treatment cycles (977 embryos) between September 2014 and September 2015 with embryos cultured using G-TL (Vitrolife) at 5% O2, 89% N2, 6% CO2, at 37°C in EmbryoScope instruments. INTERVENTION(S): None. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Efficacy of each ESA to predict implantation defined using specificity, sensitivity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), and likelihood ratio (LR), with differences in implantation rates (IR) in the categories outlined by each ESA statistically analyzed (Fisher's exact and Kruskal-Wallis tests). RESULT(S): When applied to an exclusive cohort of known implantation embryos, the PPVs of each ESA were 42.57%, 41.52%, 44.28%, 38.91%, 38.29%, and 40.45%. The NPVs were 62.12%, 68.26%, 71.35%, 76.19%, 61.10%, and 64.14%. The sensitivity was 16.70%, 75.33%, 72.94%, 98.67%, 51.19%, and 62.33% and the specificity was 85.83%, 33.33%, 42.33%, 2.67%, 48.17%, and 42.33%, The AUC were 0.584, 0.558, 0.573, 0.612, 0.543, and 0.629. Two of the ESAs resulted in statistically significant differences in the embryo classifications in terms of IR. CONCLUSION(S): These results highlight the need for the development of in-house ESAs that are specific to the patient, treatment, and environment. These data suggest that currently available ESAs may not be clinically applicable and lose their diagnostic value when externally applied

    On Exchange of Orbital Angular Momentum Between Twisted Photons and Atomic Electrons

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    We obtain an expression for the matrix element for a twisted (Laguerre-Gaussian profile) photon scattering from a hydrogen atom. We consider photons incoming with an orbital angular momentum (OAM) of \ell \hbar, carried by a factor of eiϕe^{i \ell \phi} not present in a plane-wave or pure Gaussian profile beam. The nature of the transfer of +2+2\ell units of OAM from the photon to the azimuthal atomic quantum number of the atom is investigated. We obtain simple formulae for these OAM flip transitions for elastic forward scattering of twisted photons when the photon wavelength λ\lambda is large compared with the atomic target size aa, and small compared the Rayleigh range zRz_R, which characterizes the collimation length of the twisted photon beam.Comment: 16 page


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    Після зруйнування Чортомлицької Січі російськими військами полковника Яковлєва та козаками Гната Галаган між запорожцями та турецьким султаном Ахметом ІІІ було укладено pacta conventa. За умовами угоди при впадінні річки Кам’янки в Дніпро, вище сьогоднішнього м. Берислава (Кизикермена) запорожцями була заснована Кам’янська Січ. Топографія Січі підтверджувалася свідченням козацьких істориків ХVIII ст. С. Мишецьким, документальними джерелами із січового архіву, архіву Малоросійської колегії, дослідженнями археологічних експедицій Державного історико-культурного заповідника запорозького козацтва на о. Хортиця в 1971-1975 рр. та ін. Археологічні знахідки свідчать, що Кам’янська Січ проіснувала близько 8 років з однією тривалою перервою (1712-1728), коли Запорожці сиділи в шостій по числу – Олешківській Січі. Після трагедії на Чортомлицькій Січі новий кошовий спадкоємець героя Полтавської баталії Костя Гордієнка, енергійний і кмітливий Яків Богуш організував опір козаків Чортомлицької Січі, а потім очолив їх і заклав Кам’янську Січ

    Discreet element modeling of under sleeper pads using a box test

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    It has recently been reported that under sleeper pads (USPs) could improve ballasted rail track by decreasing the sleeper settlement and reducing particle breakage. In order to find out what happens at the particle-pad interface, discrete element modelling (DEM) is used to provide micro mechanical insight. The same positive effects of USP are found in the DEM simulations. The evidence provided by DEM shows that application of a USP allows more particles to be in contact with the pad, and causes these particles to transfer a larger lateral load to the adjacent ballast but a smaller vertical load beneath the sleeper. This could be used to explain why the USP helps to reduce the track settlement. In terms of particle breakage, it is found that most breakage occurs at the particle-sleeper interface and along the main contact force chains between particles under the sleeper. The use of USPs could effectively reduce particle abrasion that occurs in both of these regions

    Effect of Applied Biosolids to Bahiagrass Pastures on Copper Status of Cattle

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    When grazing ruminants consume forages high in Mo but adequate in S, there is a risk of molybdenosis (a Mo-induced Cu deficiency). This occurs when Mo, S, and Cu join to form Cu-thiomolybdate complexes in the rumen that are not readily absorbed (Suttle, 1991). High dietary S reduces Cu absorption, possibly due to unabsorbable Cu sulphide formation, independent from its part in thiomolybdate complexes. The use of municipal sludge (biosolids) as a pasture fertiliser is of interest since some contain high Mo which may induce Cu deficiency. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and Cu status of cattle grazing pastures fertilized with biosolids

    Antimicrobial Resistance in Irish isolates of Verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli (E. coli)-VTEC.

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    This study compared the antimicrobial resistance profiles of Escherichia coli O157:H7 isolates (n = 257) recovered from bovine hides, minced beef and human clinical samples in Ireland, to those profiles of a range of Irish non-O157 E. coli (O111 and O26) isolates (n=31) from a variety of clinical and veterinary sources. Four multi-drug resistant (MDR) E. coli O157:H7 food isolates were identified, with resistance to 10 (1 isolate), 6 (1 isolate) and 4 (2 isolates) antimicrobial agents respectively. Two of these isolates (resistant to 7 and 4 antimicrobial classes) were characterised further by molecular methods and found to contain class 1 integrons along with a -lactamase-encoding tem-1 gene. Transfer of antimicrobial resistance (ampicillin, streptomycin and sulphonamides), the tem-1 gene and markers (int1, qacE1, sul1) characteristic of class 1 integrons were evident in one MDR isolate (resistant to 4 antimicrobial classes) when conjugation and transformation experiments were performed. A clinical isolate and a veterinary isolate of the O111 serotype were MDR and resistant to 4 and 3 antimicrobial classes respectively. These data suggests that the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance among the three VTEC serotypes examined in this study is low. These organisms may become a public health risk should they enter the food chain