75 research outputs found

    Implementasi String Matching untuk Mendeteksi Kemiripan Judul Skripsi Berbasis Web

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sistem deteksi kemiripan judul skripsi menggunakan algoritma winnowing ini berhasil menghasilkan output persentase kemiripan berdasarkan judul yang dimasukkan. Jadi, sistem ini dapat membantu dosen/mahasiswa dalam proses pengajuan judul agar tidak terjadi kesalahan yang berulang-ulang

    Villa Olímpica

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    At the Olympic Village a number of separate sectors were planned, namely: men's residential zone, ladies' residential zone, press and T.V. zone, general services, administrative services, reception, and others. Apartment buildings are of two types. Some have six storeys and others ten, and all of them have four apartments per storey. The whole Village was designed so that, after the Games, it could serve as a low rent urban zone, of common property, and consisting of 29 buildings, with a total of 900 flats, as well as schools, clinics, commercial zones, parochial church, club and a folkloric stage.En esta Villa Olímpica fueron organizados varios sectores, destinados: a residencia masculina; residencia femenina; zona de prensa y T.V.; servicios generales; servicios administrativos y de recepción; etc. Los edificios de apartamentos pertenecen a dos tipos: unos de 6 plantas y oíros de 10; pero en todos los casos con cuatro apartamentos por planta. Todo ello fue proyectado con el fin de que sirviera, después de los Juegos Olímpicos, como conjunto urbano popular, en régimen de condominio, formado por 29 edificios, con un total de: 900 apartamentos; escuelas; clínicas; zonas comerciales; templo parroquial; club, y «lienzo charro»

    Carbohydrate Metabolism Is Essential for the Colonization of Streptococcus thermophilus in the Digestive Tract of Gnotobiotic Rats

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    Streptococcus thermophilus is the archetype of lactose-adapted bacterium and so far, its sugar metabolism has been mainly investigated in vitro. The objective of this work was to study the impact of lactose and lactose permease on S. thermophilus physiology in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of gnotobiotic rats. We used rats mono-associated with LMD-9 strain and receiving 4.5% lactose. This model allowed the analysis of colonization curves of LMD-9, its metabolic profile, its production of lactate and its interaction with the colon epithelium. Lactose induced a rapid and high level of S. thermophilus in the GIT, where its activity led to 49 mM of intra-luminal L-lactate that was related to the induction of mono-carboxylic transporter mRNAs (SLC16A1 and SLC5A8) and p27Kip1 cell cycle arrest protein in epithelial cells. In the presence of a continuous lactose supply, S. thermophilus recruited proteins involved in glycolysis and induced the metabolism of alternative sugars as sucrose, galactose, and glycogen. Moreover, inactivation of the lactose transporter, LacS, delayed S. thermophilus colonization. Our results show i/that lactose constitutes a limiting factor for colonization of S. thermophilus, ii/that activation of enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism constitutes the metabolic signature of S. thermophilus in the GIT, iii/that the production of lactate settles the dialogue with colon epithelium. We propose a metabolic model of management of carbohydrate resources by S. thermophilus in the GIT. Our results are in accord with the rationale that nutritional allegation via consumption of yogurt alleviates the symptoms of lactose intolerance

    Lactobacillaceae and Cell Adhesion: Genomic and Functional Screening

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    The analysis of collections of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from traditional fermented plant foods in tropical countries may enable the detection of LAB with interesting properties. Binding capacity is often the main criterion used to investigate the probiotic characteristics of bacteria. In this study, we focused on a collection of 163 Lactobacillaceace comprising 156 bacteria isolated from traditional amylaceous fermented foods and seven strains taken from a collection and used as controls. The collection had a series of analyses to assess binding potential for the selection of new probiotic candidates. The presence/absence of 14 genes involved in binding to the gastrointestinal tract was assessed. This enabled the detection of all the housekeeping genes (ef-Tu, eno, gap, groEl and srtA) in the entire collection, of some of the other genes (apf, cnb, fpbA, mapA, mub) in 86% to 100% of LAB, and of the other genes (cbsA, gtf, msa, slpA) in 0% to 8% of LAB. Most of the bacteria isolated from traditional fermented foods exhibited a genetic profile favorable for their binding to the gastrointestinal tract. We selected 30 strains with different genetic profiles to test their binding ability to non-mucus (HT29) and mucus secreting (HT29-MTX) cell lines as well as their ability to degrade mucus. Assays on both lines revealed high variability in binding properties among the LAB, depending on the cell model used. Finally, we investigated if their binding ability was linked to tighter cross-talk between bacteria and eukaryotic cells by measuring the expression of bacterial genes and of the eukaryotic MUC2 gene. Results showed that wild LAB from tropical amylaceous fermented food had a much higher binding capacity than the two LAB currently known to be probiotics. However their adhesion was not linked to any particular genetic equipment

    SLAC-PUB-9825 PEP-II Alignment *

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    The PEP-II Asymmetric B-factory consists of two independent storage rings, one located atop the other in the 2200m-circumference PEP tunnel. The high-energy ring, which stores a 9-GeV electron beam, is an upgrade of the existing PEP collider. It reutilizes all of the PEP magnets and incorporates a state-of-the-art copper vacuu