3,239 research outputs found


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    Abstract. Planetary surfaces consist of rough terrain and cave-like environments. Future planetary exploration demands for accurate mapping. However, recent backpack mobile mapping systems are mostly tested in structured, indoor environments. This paper evaluates the use of a backpack mobile mapping system in a cave-like environment. The experiments demonstrate the abilities of an continuous-time optimization approach by mapping part of a lavatube of the La Corona volcano system on Lanzarote. We compare two strategies for trajectory estimation relying either on 2D or 3D laser scanners and show that a 3D laser scanner substantially improved the final results.</p

    A Possible Diapir in Athabasca Region on Mars

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    A circular feature was observed on Mars by the HiRISE camera. From DTM analysis its circular positive relief shape has been interpreted as diapiric phenomenon

    Aspectos econômico-produtivos da atividade leiteira em sistemas de produção de base familiar na região noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    A Região Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul representa um importante pólo de produção leiteira e, a qual está, em grande parte, baseada em unidades familiares. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar, analisar e discutir aspectos econômico-produtivos desses sistemas de produção, com enfoque na pecuária leiteira. Interagindo com as famílias de agricultores participantes do Programa Rede Leite, tem-se acompanhado várias unidades produtivas, observando e realizando registros. Nesse estudo, analisaram-se dados provenientes de 29 propriedades, caracterizadas por 18 indicadores econômico-produtivos, utilizando-se como ferramenta a estatística multivariada. Identificou-se a formação de dois tipos básicos de sistemas de produção, diferenciados principalmente pela área total da propriedade, que, por sua vez, condiciona diferenças em outras variáveis. Os agricultores dispõem de variadas estratégias produtivas em função das condições e recursos próprios do sistema. A identificação e caracterização dos tipos de sistemas de produção nos permitem gerar proposições no sentido de melhorar os processos produtivos e conferir maior sustentabilidade

    Equatorial Layered Deposits in Arabia Terra, Mars: Facies and process variability

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    We investigated the equatorial layered deposits (ELDs) of Arabia Terra, Mars, in Firsoff crater and on the adjacent plateau. We produced a detailed geological map that included a survey of the relative stratigraphic relations and crater count dating. We reconstructed the geometry of the layered deposits and inferred some compositional constraints. ELDs drape and onlap the plateau materials of late Noachian age, while they are unconformably covered by early and middle Amazonian units. ELDs show the presence of polyhydrated sulfates. The bulge morphology of the Firsoff crater ELDs appears to be largely depositional. The ELDs on the plateau display a sheet-drape geometry. ELDs show different characteristics between the crater and the plateau occurrences. In the crater they consist of mounds made of breccia sometimes displaying an apical pit laterally grading into a light-toned layered unit disrupted in a meter-scale polygonal pattern. These units are commonly associated with fissure ridges suggestive of subsurface sources. We interpret the ELDs inside the craters as spring deposits, originated by fl uid upwelling through the pathways likely provided by the fractures related to the crater formations, and debouching at the surface through the fi ssure ridges and the mounds, leading to evaporite precipitation. On the plateau, ELDs consist of rare mounds, fl atlying deposits, and cross-bedded dune fields. We interpret these mounds as possible smaller spring deposits, the fl at-lying deposits as playa deposits, and the cross-bedded dune fi elds as aeolian deposits. Groundwater fluctuations appear to be the major factor controlling ELD deposition

    Dysfunctional mitochondria accumulate in a skeletal muscle knockout model of Smn1, the causal gene of spinal muscular atrophy

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    The approved gene therapies for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), caused by loss of survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1), greatly ameliorate SMA natural history but are not curative. These therapies primarily target motor neurons, but SMN1 loss has detrimental effects beyond motor neurons and especially in muscle. Here we show that SMN loss in mouse skeletal muscle leads to accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria. Expression profiling of single myofibers from a muscle specific Smn1 knockout mouse model revealed down-regulation of mitochondrial and lysosomal genes. Albeit levels of proteins that mark mitochondria for mitophagy were increased, morphologically deranged mitochondria with impaired complex I and IV activity and respiration and that produced excess reactive oxygen species accumulated in Smn1 knockout muscles, because of the lysosomal dysfunction highlighted by the transcriptional profiling. Amniotic fluid stem cells transplantation that corrects the SMN knockout mouse myopathic phenotype restored mitochondrial morphology and expression of mitochondrial genes. Thus, targeting muscle mitochondrial dysfunction in SMA may complement the current gene therapy

    Test of polycross progenies and cultivars of alfalfa

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    Cinco cultivares de alfafa (Medicago sativa L.) e quinze progênies de policruzamento foram avaliadas durante maio/81 a dezembro/82, na Estação Experimental Agronômica da UFRS, Guaíba, RS. A relação folha/caule (F/C) média total variou de 1,48 a 1,94 (progênie 1/7 e cultivar WL 318, respectivamente). Os valores F/C foram mais elevados no outono; e as alturas médias das plantas, no verão e primavera. Os rendimentos totais de matéria seca variaram de 6.667 a 10.950 kg.ha-1 (progênies 1/4 e 7/16, respectivamente), sem diferenças significativas entre tratamentos. A distribuição média estacional do rendimento de matéria seca (kg.ha-1) foi de 4.081 na primavera, 2.186 no verão, 1.863 no inverno e 1.120 no outono. A percentagem média de proteína bruta nas folhas foi de 29,13%, 2,38 vezes superior à dos caules (12,23%). Houve correlação significativa e positiva entre o rendimento de matéria seca, número inicial e final de plantas/m e altura média das plantas, e entre número médio inicial, percentagem de redução do número de plantas e F/C. A relação F/C evidenciou correlação significativa e negativa com a altura média das plantas. A cultivar Crioula e suas progênies mostraram-se mais persistentes e adaptadas às condições ambientais da Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul.Five cultivars and fifteen polycross progenies of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) were evaluated from May 81 to December 82 at the Estação Experimental Agronômica da UFRS, Guaíba, RS, Brazil. Total mean leaf to stem ratio (L/S) ranged from 1.48 to 1.94 (1/7 progeny and WI 318 cultivar, respectively). The L/S were higher in Autumn and highest plant mean heights in summer and spring. Total dry matter yield ranged from 6,667 to 10,950 kg.ha-1 (1/4 and 7/16 progenies, respectively), without significant differences among treatments. Mean seasonal dry matter yield distribution (kg.ha-1) ranged from 4,081 in spring, 2,186 in summer, 1,863 in winter to 1,120 in autumn. Average leaf crude protein content was 29.13%, 2.38 times higher than in stems (12.23%). A positive correlation was found between dry matter yield, initial and final number of plants/m and plant mean height, and between mean initial number of plants, percentage reduction in number and L/S. L/S showed a negative significant correlation with plants mean height. The Crioula cultivar and its progenies were more persistent and adapted to the Central Depression of Rio Grande do Sul environmental conditions

    Combined Therapy with Insulin and Growth Hormone in 17 Patients with Type-1 Diabetes and Growth Disorders.

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    Combined growth hormone (GH) and insulin therapy is rarely prescribed by pediatric endocrinologists. We investigated the attitude of Italian physicians to prescribing that therapy in the case of short stature and type-1 diabetes (T1DM). Methods: A questionnaire was sent and if a patient was identified, data on growth and diabetes management were collected. Results: Data from 42 centers (84%) were obtained. Of these, 29 centers reported that the use of combined therapy was usually avoided. A total of 17 patients were treated in 13 centers (GH was started before T1DM onset in 9 patients and after the onset of T1DM in 8). Height SDS patterns during GH therapy in the 11 patients affected by GH deficiency ranged from -0.3 to +3.1 SDS. In the 8 diabetic patients in whom GH was added subsequently, mean insulin dose increased during the first 6 months of therapy from 0.7 ± 0.2 to 1.0 ± 0.2 U/kg (p = 0.004). HbA1c was unchanged during the first 6 months of combined therapy. Conclusions: Most Italian physicians do not consider prescribing the combined GH-insulin therapy in diabetic children with growth problems. However, the results of the 17 patients identified would confirm that the combined therapy was feasible and only caused mild insulin resistance. GH therapy was effective in promoting growth in most patients and did not affect diabetes metabolic contro

    Methods and criteria for validating the multimodal functions of perinatal derivatives when used in oncological and antimicrobial applications

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    Perinatal derivatives or PnDs refer to tissues, cells and secretomes from perinatal, or birth-associated tissues. In the past 2 decades PnDs have been highly investigated for their multimodal mechanisms of action that have been exploited in various disease settings, including in different cancers and infections. Indeed, there is growing evidence that PnDs possess anticancer and antimicrobial activities, but an urgent issue that needs to be addressed is the reproducible evaluation of efficacy, both in vitro and in vivo. Herein we present the most commonly used functional assays for the assessment of antitumor and antimicrobial properties of PnDs, and we discuss their advantages and disadvantages in assessing the functionality. This review is part of a quadrinomial series on functional assays for the validation of PnDs spanning biological functions such as immunomodulation, anticancer and antimicrobial, wound healing, and regeneration

    Perinatal derivatives: How to best characterize their multimodal functions in vitro. Part C: Inflammation, angiogenesis, and wound healing

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    Perinatal derivatives (PnD) are birth-associated tissues, such as placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic and chorionic membrane, and thereof-derived cells as well as secretomes. PnD play an increasing therapeutic role with beneficial effects on the treatment of various diseases. The aim of this review is to elucidate the modes of action of non-hematopoietic PnD on inflammation, angiogenesis and wound healing. We describe the source and type of PnD with a special focus on their effects on inflammation and immune response, on vascular function as well as on cutaneous and oral wound healing, which is a complex process that comprises hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation (including epithelialization, angiogenesis), and remodeling. We further evaluate the different in vitro assays currently used for assessing selected functional and therapeutic PnD properties. This review is a joint effort from the COST SPRINT Action (CA17116) with the intention to promote PnD into the clinics. It is part of a quadrinomial series on functional assays for validation of PnD, spanning biological functions, such as immunomodulation, anti-microbial/anti-cancer activities, anti-inflammation, wound healing, angiogenesis, and regeneration
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