348 research outputs found

    ALMA observations of lensed Herschel sources: testing the dark matter halo paradigm

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    With the advent of wide-area submillimetre surveys, a large number of high-redshift gravitationally lensed dusty star-forming galaxies have been revealed. Because of the simplicity of the selection criteria for candidate lensed sources in such surveys, identified as those with S500 μm > 100 mJy, uncertainties associated with the modelling of the selection function are expunged. The combination of these attributes makes submillimetre surveys ideal for the study of strong lens statistics. We carried out a pilot study of the lensing statistics of submillimetre-selected sources by making observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) of a sample of strongly lensed sources selected from surveys carried out with the Herschel Space Observatory. We attempted to reproduce the distribution of image separations for the lensed sources using a halo mass function taken from a numerical simulation that contains both dark matter and baryons. We used three different density distributions, one based on analytical fits to the haloes formed in the EAGLE simulation and two density distributions [Singular Isothermal Sphere (SIS) and SISSA] that have been used before in lensing studies. We found that we could reproduce the observed distribution with all three density distributions, as long as we imposed an upper mass transition of ∼1013 M⊙ for the SIS and SISSA models, above which we assumed that the density distribution could be represented by a Navarro–Frenk–White profile. We show that we would need a sample of ∼500 lensed sources to distinguish between the density distributions, which is practical given the predicted number of lensed sources in the Herschel surveys

    Far-infrared spectroscopy of a lensed starburst: a blind redshift from Herschel

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    We report the redshift of HATLAS J132427.0+284452 (hereafter HATLAS J132427), a gravitationally lensed starburst galaxy, the first determined 'blind' by the Herschel Space Observatory. This is achieved via the detection of [C II] consistent with z = 1.68 in a far-infrared spectrum taken with the SPIRE Fourier Transform Spectrometer. We demonstrate that the [C II] redshift is secure via detections of CO J = 2 - 1 and 3 - 2 using the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy and the Institut de Radioastronomie Millimetrique's Plateau de Bure Interferometer. The intrinsic properties appear typical of high-redshift starbursts despite the high lensing-amplified fluxes, proving the ability of the FTS to probe this population with the aid of lensing. The blind detection of [C II] demonstrates the potential of the SAFARI imaging spectrometer, proposed for the much more sensitive SPICA mission, to determine redshifts of multiple dusty galaxies simultaneously without the benefit of lensing.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS as a Lette

    Predictions for surveys with the SPICA Mid-infrared Instrument

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    We present predictions for number counts and redshift distributions of galaxies detectable in continuum and in emission lines with the Mid-infrared (MIR) Instrument (SMI) proposed for the Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics. We have considered 24 MIR fine-structure lines, four polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon bands (at 6.2, 7.7, 8.6 and 11.3 mu m) and two silicate bands (in emission and in absorption) at 9.7 and 18.0 mu m. Six of these lines are primarily associated with active galactic nuclei (AGNs), the others with star formation. A survey with the SMI spectrometers of 1-h integration per field of view (FoV) over an area of 1 deg(2) will yield 5 sigma detections of similar or equal to 140 AGN lines and of similar or equal to 5.2 x 10(4) star-forming galaxies, similar or equal to 1.6 x 10(4) of which will be detected in at least two lines. The combination of a shallow (20.0 deg(2), 1.4 x 10(-1) h integration per FoV) and a deep survey (6.9 x 10(-3) deg(2), 635 h integration time), with the SMI camera, for a total of similar to 1000 h, will accurately determine the MIR number counts of galaxies and of AGNs over five orders of magnitude in flux density, reaching values more than one order of magnitude fainter than the deepest Spitzer 24 mu m surveys. This will allow us to determine the cosmic star formation rate (SFR) function down to SFRs more than 100 times fainter than reached by the Herschel Observatory

    Anatomical basis of erector spinae plane block: a dissection and histotopographic pilot study

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    Purpose: Erector spinae plane (ESP) block is an interfascial blockade used in different clinical scenarios. This study investigated the ventral extent of dye diffusion in ESP block. Methods: The ultrasound-guided ESP block was bilaterally performed with an injection at the T5 vertebral level (21-Gauge, 50\ua0mm needle), using diluted black tissue marking dye (20\ua0mL; 1:4 ratio with standard saline solution) instead of local anesthetic on two fresh-frozen corpses within the body donation program of the University of Padova. Subsequently, the gross anatomical dissection was performed by a combined posterior plus anterior approach, and the histotopographic examination completed. Results: Macroscopically by gross anatomical dissection, the dye spreading ranged on the dorsal side of the chest from T2/3 to T10/11 with an extension up to 10\ua0cm laterally, and on the ventral side of the chest from T2/3\u2013T9/10. Microscopically by histotopographic examination, the dye diffused ventrally to the intercostal spaces (2\u20133 and 5\u20136 spaces on the right and left, respectively) by following the blood vessels coupled to the dorsal nerve passing through the costotransverse foramen. Conclusions: The anterior pathway of dye diffusion from the site of injection within the erector spinae muscle group during an ESP block seems to follow the blood vessels and dorsal rami of spinal nerves, suggesting the passing through the costotransverse foramen to reach the anterior paravertebral space and the intercostal nerves. These findings display an anterior histotopographic diffusion of dye resembling a paravertebral block

    ALMA constraints on the faint millimetre source number counts and their contribution to the cosmic infrared background

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    We have analysed 18 ALMA continuum maps in Bands 6 and 7, with rms down to 7.8μ\muJy, to derive differential number counts down to 60μ\muJy and 100μ\muJy at λ=\lambda=1.3 mm and λ=\lambda=1.1 mm, respectively. The area covered by the combined fields is 9.5×10−4deg2\rm 9.5\times10^{-4}deg^2 at 1.1mm and 6.6×10−4deg2\rm 6.6\times10^{-4}deg^{2} at 1.3mm. We improved the source extraction method by requiring that the dimension of the detected sources be consistent with the beam size. This method enabled us to remove spurious detections that have plagued the purity of the catalogues in previous studies. We detected 50 faint sources with S/N>>3.5 down to 60μ\muJy, hence improving the statistics by a factor of four relative to previous studies. The inferred differential number counts are dN/d(Log10S)=1×105 deg2\rm dN/d(Log_{10}S)=1\times10^5~deg^2 at a 1.1 mm flux Sλ=1.1 mm=130 μS_{\lambda = 1.1~mm} = 130~\muJy, and dN/d(Log10S)=1.1×105 deg2\rm dN/d(Log_{10}S)=1.1\times10^5~deg^2 at a 1.3 mm flux Sλ=1.3 mm=60 μ\rm S_{\lambda = 1.3~mm} = 60~\muJy. At the faintest flux limits, i.e. 30μ\muJy and 40μ\muJy, we obtain upper limits on the differential number counts of dN/d(Log10S)<7×105 deg2\rm dN/d(Log_{10}S) < 7\times10^5~deg^2 and dN/d(Log10S)<3×105 deg2\rm dN/d(Log_{10}S)<3\times10^5~deg^2, respectively. Our results provide a new lower limit to CIB intensity of 17.2Jy deg−2{\rm Jy\ deg^{-2}} at 1.1mm and of 12.9Jy deg−2{\rm Jy\ deg^{-2}} at 1.3mm. Moreover, the flattening of the integrated number counts at faint fluxes strongly suggests that we are probably close to the CIB intensity. Our data imply that galaxies with SFR<40 M⊙/yr<40~M_{\odot}/yr certainly contribute less than 50% to the CIB while more than 50% of the CIB must be produced by galaxies with SFR>40 M⊙/yr\rm SFR>40~M_{\odot}/yr. The differential number counts are in nice agreement with recent semi-analytical models of galaxy formation even as low as our faint fluxes. Consequently, this supports the galaxy evolutionary scenarios and assumptions made in these models.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, A&A accepte

    Chandra and ALMA observations of the nuclear activity in two strongly lensed star-forming galaxies

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    Aim. According to coevolutionary scenarios, nuclear activity and star formation play relevant roles in the early stages of galaxy formation. We aim at identifying them in high-redshift galaxies by exploiting high-resolution and high-sensitivity X-ray and millimeter-wavelength data to confirm the presence or absence of star formation and nuclear activity and describe their relative roles in shaping the spectral energy distributions and in contributing to the energy budgets of the galaxies. Methods. We present the data, model, and analysis in the X-ray and millimeter (mm) bands for two strongly lensed galaxies, SDP.9 (HATLAS J090740.0-004200) and SDP.11 (HATLAS J091043.1-000322), which we selected in the Herschel-ATLAS catalogs for their excess emission in the mid-IR regime at redshift b3 1.5. This emission suggests nuclear activity in the early stages of galaxy formation. We observed both of them with Chandra ACIS-S in the X-ray regime and analyzed the high-resolution mm data that are available in the ALMA Science Archive for SDP.9. By combining the information available in mm, optical, and X-ray bands, we reconstructed the source morphology. Results. Both targets were detected in the X-ray, which strongly indicates highly obscured nuclear activity. ALMA observations for SDP.9 for the continuum and CO(6-5) spectral line with high resolution (0.02 arcsec corresponding to 3c65 pc at the distance of the galaxy) allowed us to estimate the lensed galaxy redshift to a better accuracy than pre-ALMA estimates (1.5753 \ub1 0.0003) and to model the emission of the optical, millimetric, and X-ray band for this galaxy. We demonstrate that the X-ray emission is generated in the nuclear environment, which strongly supports that this object has nuclear activity. On the basis of the X-ray data, we attempt an estimate of the black hole properties in these galaxies. Conclusions. By taking advantage of the lensing magnification, we identify weak nuclear activity associated with high-z galaxies with high star formation rates. This is useful to extend the investigation of the relationship between star formation and nuclear activity to two intrinsically less luminous high-z star-forming galaxies than was possible so far. Given our results for only two objects, they alone cannot constrain the evolutionary models, but provide us with interesting hints and set an observational path toward addressing the role of star formation and nuclear activity in forming galaxies

    The Asiago-ESO/RASS QSO Survey. III. Clustering analysis and its theoretical interpretation

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    This is the third paper of a series describing the Asiago-ESO/RASS QSO survey (AERQS), a project aimed at the construction of an all-sky statistically well-defined sample of relatively bright QSOs (B<15) at z<0.3. We present here the clustering analysis of the full spectroscopically identified database (392 AGN). The clustering signal at 0.02<z<0.22 is detected at a 3-4 sigma level and its amplitude is measured to be r_0=8.6\pm 2.0 h^{-1} Mpc (in a LambdaCDM model). The comparison with other classes of objects shows that low-redshift QSOs are clustered in a similar way to Radio Galaxies, EROs and early-type galaxies in general, although with a marginally smaller amplitude. The comparison with recent results from the 2QZ shows that the correlation function of QSOs is constant in redshift or marginally increasing toward low redshift. We discuss this behavior with physically motivated models, deriving interesting constraints on the typical mass of the dark matter halos hosting QSOs, M_DMH= 10^{12.7} h^{-1} M_sun (10^{12.0}-10^{13.5}h^{-1} M_sun at 1 sigma confidence level). Finally, we use the clustering data to infer the physical properties of local AGN, obtaining M_BH=2 10^8 h^{-1} M_sun (10^7-3 10^9 h^{-1} M_sun) for the mass of the active black holes, tau_{AGN}= 8 10^6 yr (2 10^{6}-5 10^{7} yr) for their life-time and eta = 0.14 for their efficiency (always for a LambdaCDM model).Comment: 37 pages, Astronomical Journal in press. Changes to match the referee comment

    An Analysis of Volume, Length and Segmentation of Free Fibula Flap in Reconstruction of the Jaws: Investigation of Their Role on Flap Failure

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    Reconstruction of defects of the jaws is mainly performed via free fibula flap. An incidence of 2-21% of overall flap failure is still described. We investigated the roles of volume, length and number of fibula flap segments on flap survival using novel three-dimensional segmentation tools. We also analyzed the role of other possible risk factors. Seventy-one consecutive patients with a follow up of at least three months and who underwent free fibula flap reconstruction in a single center between 2002 and 2022 have been evaluated. A total of 166 fibula segments were analyzed. Malignancies were the main reason of resection (45.1%). In 69% of the cases a reconstruction of the mandible was performed. The flaps were mainly divided in two segments (39%) (range 1-4), with a mean length of 2.52 cm and a mean volume was 3.37 cm(3). Total flap failure (TFF) occurred in 12 cases, (16.9%), while partial flap failure (PFF) appeared in 3 patients (4.2%). Volume, length and number of fibula flap segments did not seem to influence flap failure incidence in uni- and multivariate analysis. Reconstruction of the maxilla and use of a recipient vessel different from the facial artery seemed to significantly impact on flap failure. Smoking and previous surgeries showed a higher trend to flap failure, but they did not reach statistical significance. Prospective and multicentric analysis on a wider population should be assessed
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