152 research outputs found

    Phenotyping tomato root developmental plasticity in response to salinity in soil rhizotrons

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    Plants have developed multiple strategies to respond to salt stress. In order to identify new traits related to salt tolerance, with potential breeding application, the research focus has recently been shifted to include root system architecture (RSA) and root plasticity. Using a simple but effective root phenotyping system containing soil (rhizotrons), RSA of several tomato cultivars and their response to salinity was investigated. We observed a high level of root plasticity of tomato seedlings under salt stress. The general root architecture was substantially modified in response to salt, especially with respect to position of the lateral roots in the soil. At the soil surface, where salt accumulates, lateral root emergence was most strongly inhibited. Within the set of tomato cultivars, H1015 was the most tolerant to salinity in both developmental stages studied. A significant correlation between several root traits and aboveground growth parameters was observed, highlighting a possible role for regulation of both ion content and root architecture in salt stress resilience

    Hematological indicators of the blood of males and females of the Ukrainian scaled carp breed

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    The research results on hematological indicators of males and females of the Ukrainian scaly breed of carp grown in the conditions of a fish farm in the Dnipropetrovsk region are given. In Ukraine, carp cultivation is becoming an increasingly popular method of commercial fish production. At the same time, the hydrochemical and temperature regimes of the reservoir have important practical significance for the average growth and development of fish since the intensity of respiration, metabolic processes, fish nutrition, motor activity, and resistance to various diseases depend on the chemical composition and temperature of the water. The process of formation of the hydrochemical composition of pond water occurs against the background of climatic changes. Therefore, control of temperature conditions and the physiological state of fish during carp cultivation is an important measure that ensures rational consumption of feed and high growth rates and, in the future, allows to plan of optimal cultivation technology. Therefore, the work aimed to investigate the hematological indicators of blood in males and females of the Ukrainian scaly breed of carp to control their physiological state in the conditions of the hydrochemical and temperature regime of the reservoir of the fish farm. It was established that the main hydrochemical parameters corresponded to the technological standards adopted in fish farming to cultivate carp fish. The hematological parameters of the blood of male and female carp were within the physiological norm. The determined blood composition is natural and characterizes changes in the body of fish according to the season, which reflects adaptation processes in the conditions of seasonal fluctuations in water temperature. Correlative relationships between carp blood's hematological parameters and their keeping temperature conditions were revealed. The pH of the medium (r = 0.28–0.34) has the most significant effect on hematological indicators of carp blood. A positive correlative relationship was established between water temperature and the level of hemoglobin, a color indicator, and the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the blood of fish, which was in the range of r = 0.21–0.26. There was a negative relationship between the water temperature indicator and the content of segmented nuclear neutrophils (r = 0.24). The variance analysis of the one-factor complex revealed a significant and most highly probable influence of the conditions of keeping carp on the hemoglobin content, the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and the color index of the carp's blood. The share of influence was from 56.14 to 76.90 %. The amplitude of water temperature is essential for favorable conditions for hydrophones and the formation of a natural feed base. In addition, the environment's temperature affects the speed of biological processes in fish. Therefore, the organization of carp feeding, considering scientifically based norms depending on the protein content in compound feed, water temperature, fish weight, and density of its landing, will contribute to ensuring high fish productivity and rational use of feed

    Економічна ефективність використання корів-первісток голштинської породи з різною інтенсивністю їх формування у ранньому оногенезі

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    The increase in milk productivity is indissolubly related to the production economy, as the payment of food for dairy products is directly dependent on the volume of the dairy. The aim of the research was to establish the economic efficiency of using the first-born cows of Holstein breed with different intensity of their formation in early ontogenesis. Experimental heifers significantly differed in development, both at the beginning and at the end of their breed. By the size of the live weight, the heifers and the experimental group dominated the elders with a high degree of confidence in the difference. At 6 months of age, the difference was 16.90 kg (10.40%), 12 months – 19.85 kg (7.07%) and 18 months – 21.75 kg (5.79%). Absolute gain for the period 0–6 months  in the first group was 17.15 kg more than in the second and was 153.75 kg. In the periods of 6–12 and 12–18 months, no reliable difference was found for this indicator. The analysis of average daily gains of experimental animals showed that the heifers of the first group for this indicator faithfully prevailed in the age groups of 0–6 and 0–18 months, respectively: 95.3 g (12.6%) and 40.7 g (6,4%). Average daily gains at the age of 6–12 and 12–18 months  in the heifers of groups I and II did not significally differ. The analysis of the milk productivity of the first-breed cows at different intensities of formation showed that the first-breed cows, which had higher daily average gains, were significantly superior to those of the same age with a lower intensity of formation of 1093.0 kg (28.06% for P > 0.999). The fat content of milk in experimental animals was not significantly different. Animals of the first group were characterized by high milk productivity.  Their milk yield for the fitst lactation amounted to 4988.5 kg, up to the second lactation it increased by 222.1 kg (4.5%), from the second to the third lactation by 304.0 kg (5.8%), and in general from the first to the third – by 526.1 kg (10.5%).  The milk productivity the first-breed cows of the second group was 3895.5 kg, the increase in the supply of the second lactation amounted to 906.3 kg (23.3%), productivity growth from from the second to the third lactation was 376.7 kg (7.8%), in the period from the first to the third lactation in this group, the overall increase in fertility increased by 1283.0 kg (32.9%). The rate of formation of primary cows in early ontogenesis of cows more affects the pulse rate and rectal body temperature and is less in the frequency of respiratory movements. In the first-born cows with a fast intensity of formation compared with analogues with a slow intensity of formation, a tendency towards higher rates of pulse and respiratory movements at a lower rectal body temperature have been observed. During conducting the correlation analysis of the relationship between the live weight at different ages of the first-born cows and the content of fat in milk we have been revealed a positive average power of a reliable relationship between live weight at the age of 6 and 18 months with the tardiness of the first lactation.  The relationship between live weight and fat content in milk was weak and unreliable. From the the first-born cows with a rapid intensity of formation, in comparison with the first-borns with a slow intensity of formation, more milk was extracted at a cost of 9890.6 UAH.  (on 100 heads – 989060,0). Calculated indicators of economic efficiency prove the expediency of selecting cows, not only on the indicators of dairy productivity, but also on such indicator as the intensity of the formation of the heifers up to 18 months of age.  In this case, it is necessary to take into account the average daily increment of live weight of heifers, which in the future can ensure the maximum profit of the milk industry.Підвищення молочної продуктивності нерозривно пов’язано з економікою виробництва, тому що оплата корму молочною продукцією перебуває в прямій залежності від величини надоїв. Метою досліджень було встановлення економічної ефективності використання корів-первісток голштинської породи з різною інтенсивністю їх формування у ранньому онтогенезі. Піддослідні телиці достовірно відрізнялися за розвитком  як на початку, так і в кінці вирощування. За величиною живої маси  телиці І піддослідної групи переважали ровесниць з високою достовірністю різниці. У 6-місячному віці різниця становила 16,90 кг (10,40%), 12-місячному – 19,85 кг (7,07%) та 18-місячному – 21,75 кг (5,79%). Корови-первістки, які мали вищі середньодобові прирости, достовірно переважали ровесниць з нижчою інтенсивністю формування за величиною надою на 1093,0 кг (28,06% за Р > 0,999). Вміст жиру в молоці піддослідних тварин суттєво не відрізнявся. У первісток зі швидкою інтенсивністю формування порівняно з аналогами з повільною інтенсивністю формування спостерігається тенденція до вищих показників частоти пульсу та дихальних рухів при меншій ректальній температурі тіла. Від корів-первісток зі швидкою інтенсивністю формування порівняно з первістками з повільною інтенсивністю формування отримали додатково більше молока вартістю 9890,6 грн. (на 100 голів – 989060,0)

    Properties of ZnO/ZnAl2_2O4_4 composite PEO coatings on zinc

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    Recently the successful formation of PEO coatings on zinc in a phosphate aluminate electrolyte was shown. The produced composite coatings contain various mixtures of ZnO and ZnAl2_2O4_4. In frame of the current study, the properties of the formed coatings including adhesion/cohesion, wear, corrosion and photocatalytic activity were analysed to identify possible applications. However, the coatings show internal porosity and a sponge-like structure. Thus the cohesion within the coating is quite low. Pull-off tests have demonstrated clear rupture within the PEO layer at strength values as low as 1 MPa. The photocatalytic activity is limited, in spite of the formation of a higher amount of ZnO at shorter treatment times. Interestingly, the composite coatings of ZnO and higher amounts of ZnAl2_2O4_4 spinel showed a higher activity, but not sufficient for fast and effective catalytic cleaning applications

    Fake news as a floating signifier: hegemony, antagonism and the politics of falsehood

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    ‘Fake news’ has emerged as a global buzzword. While prominent media outlets, such as The New York Times, CNN, and CBS, have used the term to designate misleading information spread through websites, President Donald Trump has recently used the term as a negative designation of these very ‘mainstream media’. In this article, we argue that the concept of ‘fake news’ has become an important component in contemporary political struggles. We showcase how the term is utilised by different positions within the social space as a means of discrediting, attacking and delegitimising political opponents. Excavating three central moments within the construction of ‘fake news’, we argue that the term has increasingly become a ‘floating signifier’: a signifier lodged in-between different hegemonic projects seeking to provide an image of how society is and ought to be structured. By approaching ‘fake news’ from the viewpoint of discourse theory, the paper reframes the current stakes of the debate and contributes with new insights into the function and consequences of ‘fake news’ as a novel political category

    Requirement of CHROMOMETHYLASE3 for somatic inheritance of the spontaneous tomato epimutation Colourless non-ripening

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    Naturally-occurring epimutants are rare and have mainly been described in plants. However how these mutants maintain their epigenetic marks and how they are inherited remain unknown. Here we report that CHROMOMETHYLASE3 (SlCMT3) and other methyltransferases are required for maintenance of a spontaneous epimutation and its cognate Colourless non-ripening (Cnr) phenotype in tomato. We screened a series of DNA methylation-related genes that could rescue the hypermethylated Cnr mutant. Silencing of the developmentally-regulated SlCMT3 gene results in increased expression of LeSPL-CNR, the gene encodes the SBP-box transcription factor residing at the Cnr locus and triggers Cnr fruits to ripen normally. Expression of other key ripening-genes was also up-regulated. Targeted and whole-genome bisulfite sequencing showed that the induced ripening of Cnr fruits is associated with reduction of methylation at CHG sites in a 286-bp region of the LeSPL-CNR promoter, and a decrease of DNA methylation in differentially-methylated regions associated with the LeMADS-RIN binding sites. Our results indicate that there is likely a concerted effect of different ethyltransferases at the Cnr locus and the plant-specific SlCMT3 is essential for sustaining Cnr epi-allele. Maintenance of DNA methylation dynamics is critical for the somatic stability of Cnr epimutation and for the inheritance of tomato non-ripening phenotype

    Ультразвуковая диагностика причин каузалгии в поздние сроки после паховой герниопластики: клинический случай

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    Diagnosis of complications after inguinal hernioplasty is of great importance in modern clinical practice. The main method of examination for this category of patients is ultrasound. Pain syndrome in the late stages after inguinal hernioplasty might be a consequence of various complications, which require differential diagnosis. One of the cases might be causalgia, in which the physical data are not always specific. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal wall was performed in 4 patients who underwent inguinal hernioplasty with complaints of pain in the area of surgical intervention. The performed examination revealed the signs of local edema and hypervascularization at the locations of metal staples fixing the mesh implant in the abdominal wall. Ultrasound examination of patients with causalgia allows to reveale the signs of local aseptic inflammation of tissues.Диагностика осложнений после паховой герниопластики имеет большое значение в современной клинической практике. Ведущим методом обследования данной категории пациентов является ультразвуковой. Болевой синдром в поздние сроки после паховой герниопластики может быть следствием различных осложнений требующих дифференциальной диагностики. Одним из частных случаев является каузалгия, при которой физикальные данные не всегда специфичны. Проведено ультразвуковое исследование брюшной стенки 4 пациентам, перенесшим паховую герниопластику, с  жалобами на  боли в зоне оперативного вмешательства. Выполненное исследование позволило выявить признаки локального отека и гиперваскуляризации в  местах расположения металлических скоб, фиксирующих сетчатый имплантат в  брюшной стенке. Ультразвуковое исследование брюшной стенки у пациентов с болевым синдромом, перенесших паховую герниопластику, позволяет выявить специфические признаки локального асептического воспаления тканей

    Циклодиализ в лечении глаукомы. История и современность

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    Cyclodialysis was proposed in 1905 by Leopold Heine and actively criticized by his contemporaries, but later received a worldwide recognition in the field of open-angle and aphakic glaucoma surgery. A number of modifications has been proposed, including the combination with other hypotensive surgeries as well as the implantation of various drainage systems, fabrics and materials into the cyclodialys cleft. The effect of this surgical procedure can be attributed to the increase in uveoscleral outflow and the reduction of intraocular fluid production. Currently, cyclodialysis gave way to laser trabeculoplasty and trabeculectomy. However, cyclodialysis modifications are still used in surgical treatment of refractory glaucoma in combination with other surgeries, including cataract extraction.Циклодиализ, предложенный в 1905 г. Леопольдом Гейне и активно критикуемый его современниками, впоследствии получил мировое признание, главным образом, в хирургии открытоугольной и афакичной глаукомы. Было предложено много модификаций, в том числе сочетание циклодиализа с другими гипотензивными операциями, а также имплантации различных тканей и материалов в циклодиализную щель. Эффект вмешательства объясняется увеличением увеосклерального оттока и снижением продукции внутриглазной жидкости. В настоящее время циклодиализ уступил место лазерной трабекулопластике и трабекулэктомии. Тем не менее модификации циклодиализа применяются в хирургии рефрактерных форм глаукомы и в комбинации с другими вмешательствами, включая экстракцию катаракты

    Роль позитронной эмиссионной и компьютерной томографии с 18F-флуоро-2-дезокси-D-глюкозой в оценке эффективности терапии и прогнозе лимфом

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     Aim. To determine the diagnostic value of positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT) with F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) for monitoring the effectiveness and prognosis of lymphoma therapy.Materials and methods. Retrospective data of 18F-FDG PET/CT (before treatment (PET1), after two cycles (PET2), and after completion of chemotherapy (PET3)) in 30 people with lymphomas were analyzed.Results. A complete metabolic response in PET2 (PET2–) was observed in 21 patients (70%). In 9 patients in PET2–, a partial metabolic response (6 people), lack of metabolic response (2 people), or metabolic progression (1person) were detected. These patients comprised the PET2+ group.After chemotherapy, a complete metabolic response (PET3–) was diagnosed in 26 patients (87%). This effect was achieved in 21 patients (100%) with PET2– and in 5 patients (66%) with PET2+. Of the 9 patients in the PET2+ group, in 4 (44%) patients, a partial metabolic response or no metabolic response was diagnosed. Further monitoring of these patients showed that progression was diagnosed in 2 cases, and in 2 patients, further treatment resulted in complete remission. A two-year follow-up of patients revealed that remission was observed in 20 (67%) patients. The analysis of the results of PET2 showed that a relapse of the disease was observed in 6 (67%) PET2+ patients and remission was noted in 3 (33%) patients. In PET2– patients, a relapse was diagnosed in 4 (19%) persons, and remission was established in 17 (81%) patients.Conclusion. Early PET/CT with 18F-FDG allows to predict the effect of  lymphoma treatment. The method can be recommended for monitoring lymphoma therapy.  Цель. Определение диагностической значимости позитронной эмиссионной и компьютерной томографии (ПЭТ/КТ) с меченной 18F-флуоро-2-дезокси-D-глюкозой  (18F-ФДГ) в оценке эффективности и прогнозе лечения  лимфом.Материалы и методы. Проанализированы  ретроспективные данные ПЭТ/КТ с 18F-ФДГ 30 человек со  злокачественными лимфомами: до лечения (ПЭТ1), через  два курса (ПЭТ2) и после завершения полихимиотерапии  (ПЭТ3).Результаты. При анализе результатов ПЭТ2 полный  метаболический ответ на два курса химиотерапии (ПЭТ2–)  наблюдался у 21 (70%) пациента. У 9 пациентов через два  цикла химиотерапии были установлены: частичный метаболический ответ (6 человек), отсутствие метаболического ответа (2 человека) или метаболическое прогрессировании (1 человек). Эти больные составили группу ПЭТ2+. После окончания химиотерапии полный метаболический ответ (ПЭТ3–) был диагностирован у 26 (87%) пациентов. Такой эффект был достигнут у 21 (100%) больного с ПЭТ2– и 5 (66%) человек с ПЭТ2+. Из 9 пациентов группы ПЭТ2+ у 4 (44%) пациентов после  завершения химиотерапии был диагностирован частичный метаболический ответ или его отсутствие. Дальнейшее  наблюдение за этими пациентами показало, что в двух  случаях было диагностировано прогрессирование, а у 2  больных последующее лечение привело к полной ремиссии. При двухлетнем наблюдении за пациентами обнаружено, что ремиссия наблюдалась у 20 (67%)  пациентов. Анализ результатов ПЭТ2 показал, что при ПЭТ2+ рецидив заболевания наблюдался в 6 (67%) случаях, ремиссия – в 3 (33%). В то время как при ПЭТ2– рецидив  диагностирован у 4 (19%) человек, ремиссия установлена у 17 (81%).Заключение. ПЭТ/КТ с 18F-ФДГ, выполненная на ранних этапах химиотерапии, позволяет предсказать эффект лечения у пациентов со злокачественными лимфомами.  Метод показан к широкому использованию в клинической практике на этапах терапии этой патологии.