56 research outputs found

    Antifouling activity of novel polyisoprene-based coatings made from photocurable natural rubber derived oligomers

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    Natural rubber is a renewable resource with a potential as precursor of a very wide range of novel polymers, including polyisoprene-based surfaces with antifouling (AF) activity. In this work, new ionic and non-ionic coatings were prepared by the photocrosslinking reaction of photosensitive cis-1,4- oligoisoprenes, bearing a variable number of ammonium groups. The photochemical crosslinking was achieved using radical (via acrylate groups) or cationic (via epoxy groups) processes. Surface properties of these coatings were studied by static contact angle measurements and AFM imaging. Assessment of bioactivity demonstrated that most of the resulting coatings showed AF potential against fouling organisms: growth inhibition of marine bacteria (Pseudoalteromonas elyakovii, Shewanella putrefaciens, Cobetia marina, Polaribacter irgensii, Vibrio aestuarianus) and fungi (Halosphaeriopsis mediosetigera, Asteromyces cruciatus, Lulworthia uniseptata, Zalerion sp., Monodictys pelagica); decreased adhesion of microalgae (Navicula jeffreyi, Cylindrotheca closterium, Chlorarachnion globosum, Pleurochrysis roscoffensis, Exanthemachrysis gayraliae, Amphora coffeaeformis); inhibition of attachment and/or germination of spores of Ulva intestinalis. The best AF activity was obtained with the ionic surfaces. These new coatings prepared from precursors obtained from natural rubber are in essence active by contact. As the biocidal functions are fixed covalently to the polymer chain, detectable release of biocidal products in the marine ecosystem is prevented so that a valuable environment-friendly alternative for new AF coatings is hereby proposed

    Finding related sentence pairs in MEDLINE

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    We explore the feasibility of automatically identifying sentences in different MEDLINE abstracts that are related in meaning. We compared traditional vector space models with machine learning methods for detecting relatedness, and found that machine learning was superior. The Huber method, a variant of Support Vector Machines which minimizes the modified Huber loss function, achieves 73% precision when the score cutoff is set high enough to identify about one related sentence per abstract on average. We illustrate how an abstract viewed in PubMed might be modified to present the related sentences found in other abstracts by this automatic procedure

    Stochastic upscaling of hydrodynamic dispersion and retardation factor in a physically and chemically heterogeneous tropical soil

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    [EN] Stochastic upscaling of flow and reactive solute transport in a tropical soil is performed using real data collected in the laboratory. Upscaling of hydraulic conductivity, longitudinal hydrodynamic dispersion, and retardation factor were done using three different approaches of varying complexity. How uncertainty propagates after upscaling was also studied. The results show that upscaling must be taken into account if a good reproduction of the flow and transport behavior of a given soil is to be attained when modeled at larger than laboratory scales. The results also show that arrival time uncertainty was well reproduced after solute transport upscaling. This work represents a first demonstration of flow and reactive transport upscaling in a soil based on laboratory data. It also shows how simple upscaling methods can be incorporated into daily modeling practice using commercial flow and transport codes.The authors thank the financial support by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) (Project 401441/2014-8). The doctoral fellowship award to the first author by the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES) is acknowledged. The first author also thanks the international mobility grant awarded by CNPq, through the Sciences Without Borders program (Grant Number: 200597/2015-9). The international mobility grant awarded by Santander Mobility in cooperation with the University of Sao Paulo is also acknowledged. DHI-WASI is gratefully thanked for providing a FEFLOW license.Almeida De-Godoy, V.; Zuquette, L.; Gómez-Hernández, JJ. (2019). Stochastic upscaling of hydrodynamic dispersion and retardation factor in a physically and chemically heterogeneous tropical soil. 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    Prevalence, associated factors and predictors of anxiety: a community survey in Selangor, Malaysia

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    Background: Anxiety is the most common mental health disorders in the general population. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of anxiety, its associated factors and the predictors of anxiety among adults in the community of Selangor, Malaysia. Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out in three districts in Selangor, Malaysia. The inclusion criteria of this study were Malaysian citizens, adults aged 18 years and above, and living in the selected living quarters based on the list provided by the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOS). Participants completed a set of questionnaires, including the validated Malay version of Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 (GAD 7) to detect anxiety. Results: Of the 2512 participants who were approached, 1556 of them participated in the study (61.90 %). Based on the cut-off point of 8 and above in the GAD-7, the prevalence of anxiety was 8.2 %. Based on the initial multiple logistic regression analysis, the predictors of anxiety were depression, serious problems at work, domestic violence and high perceived stress. When reanalyzed again after removing depression, low self-esteem and high perceived stress, six predictors that were identified are cancer, serious problems at work, domestic violence, unhappy relationship with family, non-organizational religious activity and intrinsic religiosity. Conclusion: This study reports the prevalence of anxiety among adults in the community of Selangor, Malaysia and also the magnitude of the associations between various factors and anxiety

    Targeting the calmodulin-regulated ErbB/Grb7 signaling axis in cancer therapy

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    Signal transduction pathways essential for the survival and viability of the cell and that frequently present aberrant expression or function in tumors are attractive targets for pharmacological intervention in human cancers. In this short review we will describe the regulation exerted by the calcium-receptor protein calmodulin (CaM) on signaling routes involving the family of ErbB receptors - highlighting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR/ErbB1) and ErbB2 - and the adaptor protein Grb7, a downstream signaling component of these receptors. The signaling mechanism of the ErbB/Grb7 axis and the regulation exerted by CaM on this pathway will be described. We will present a brief overview of the current efforts to inhibit the hyperactivity of ErbB receptors and Grb7 in tumors. The currently available information on targeting the CaM-binding site of these signaling proteins will be analyzed, and the pros and cons of directly targeting CaM versus the CaM-binding domain of the ErbB receptors and Grb7 as potential anti-cancer therapy will be discussed.The work in the authors laboratory was funded in part by grants (to AV) from the Secretaría de Estado de Investigación Desarrollo e Innovación - SEIDEI (SAF2011-23494), the Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid (S2010/BMD-2349), the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo - AECID (AP/040803/11), and the European Commission (contract PITN-GA-2011-289033). IG-P, SRS and KJ were respectively supported by a fellowship from the Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte, a Madame Curie contract from the European Commission, and a grant from the AECID.Peer reviewe

    Bioartificial liver: biomechanical considerations

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    Long term human primary hepatocyte cultures in a microfluidic liver biochip show maintenance of mRNA levels and higher drugs metabolisms when compared to Petri cultures.

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    International audienceHuman primary hepatocytes were cultivated in a microfluidic bioreactor and in Petri dishes for 13 days. mRNA kinetics in biochips showed an increase in the levels of CYP2B6, CYP2C19, CYP2C8, CYP3A4, CYP1A2, CYP2D6, HNF4a, SULT1A1, UGT1A1 mRNA related genes when compared with post extraction levels. In addition, comparison with Petri dishes showed higher levels of CYP2B6, CYP2C19, CYP2C8, CYP3A4, CYP1A2, CYP2D6 related genes at the end of culture. Functional assays illustrated a higher urea and albumin production over the period of culture in biochips. Bioreactor drug metabolism (midazolam and phenacetin) was not superior to the Petri dish after 2 days of culture. The CYP3A4 midazolam metabolism was maintained in biochips after 13 days of culture, whereas it was almost undetectable in Petri dishes. This led to a 5000-fold higher value of the metabolic ratio in the biochips. CYP1A2 phenacetin metabolism was found to be higher in biochips after 5, 9 and 13 days of culture. Thus, a 100-fold higher metabolic ratio of APAP in biochips was measured after 13 days of perfusion. These results demonstrated functional primary human hepatocyte culture in the bioreactor in a long-term culture

    Modeling the Translocation and Transformation of Chemicals in the Soil-Plant Continuum: A Dynamic Plant Uptake Module for the HYDRUS Model

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    Food contamination is responsible for thousands of deaths worldwide every year. Plants represent the most common pathway for chemicals into the human and animal food chain. Although existing dynamic plant uptake models for chemicals are crucial for the development of reliable mitigation strategies for food pollution, they nevertheless simplify the description of physicochemical processes in soil and plants, mass transfer processes between soil and plants and in plants, and transformation in plants. To fill this scientific gap, we couple a widely used hydrological model (HYDRUS) with a multicompartment dynamic plant uptake model, which accounts for differentiated multiple metabolization pathways in plant's tissues. The developed model is validated first theoretically and then experimentally against measured data from an experiment on the translocation and transformation of carbamazepine in three vegetables. The analysis is further enriched by performing a global sensitivity analysis on the soil-plant model to identify factors driving the compound's accumulation in plants' shoots, as well as to elucidate the role and the importance of soil hydraulic properties on the plant uptake process. Results of the multilevel numerical analysis emphasize the model's flexibility and demonstrate its ability to accurately reproduce physicochemical processes involved in the dynamic plant uptake of chemicals from contaminated soils

    Antifouling action of polyisoprene-based coatings by inhibition of photosynthesis in microalgae

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    International audiencePrevious studies have demonstrated that ionic and non-ionic natural rubber-based coatings inhibit adhesion and growth of marine bacteria, fungi, microalgae, and spores of macroalgae. Nevertheless, the mechanism of action of these coatings on the different micro-organisms is not known. In the current study, antifouling activity of a series of these rubber-based coatings (one ionic and two non-ionic) was studied with respect to impacts on marine microalgal photosynthesis using pulse-amplitude-modulation (PAM) fluorescence. When grown in contact with the three different coatings, an inhibition of photosynthetic rate (relative electron transport rate, rETR) was observed in all of the four species of pennate diatoms involved in microfouling, Cocconeis scutellum, Amphora coffeaeformis, Cylindrotheca closterium, and Navicula jeffreyi. The percentage of inhibition ranged from 44% to 100% of the controls, depending on the species and the coating. The ionic coating was the most efficient antifouling (AF) treatment, and C. scutellum and A. coffeaeformis are the most sensitive and tolerant diatoms tested, respectively. Photosynthetic inhibition was reversible, as almost complete recovery of rETR was observed 48 h post exposure, after detachment of cells from the coatings. Thus, the antifouling activity seemed mostly due to an effect of contact with materials. It is hypothesized that photosynthetic activity was suppressed by coatings due to interference in calcium availability to the microalgal cells; Ca(2+) has been shown to be an essential micro/macro nutrient for photosynthesis, as well as being involved in cell adhesion and motility in pennate diatom