709 research outputs found

    An interdisciplinary study of the estuarine and coastal oceanography of Block Island Sound and adjacent New York coastal waters

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Photo-optical additive color quantitative measurements were made of ERTS-1 reprocessed positives of New York Bight and Block Island Sound. Regression of these data on almost simultaneous ship sample data of water's physical, chemical, biological, and optical properties showed that ERTS bands 5 and 6 can be used to predict the absolute value of the total number of particles and bands 4 and 5 to predict the relative extinction coefficient in New York Bight. Water masses and mixing patterns in Block Island Sound heretofore considered transient were found to be persistent phenomena requiring revision of existing mathematical and hydraulic models

    Impact of foot progression angle modification on plantar loading in individuals with diabetes mellitus and peripheral neuropathy

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    AIMS: To determine if participants can reduce foot progression angle (FPA), and if FPA reduction decreases regional plantar stresses and forces in individuals with diabetes. METHODS: DESIGN: Three-group cross-sectional design with repeated measures. SUBJECTS: twenty-eight participants either with diabetes mellitus (DM), diabetes and peripheral neuropathy with (DMPN+NPU) or without a prior history of ulceration (DMPN−NPU) were studied. INTERVENTION: Participants were first instructed to walk over a 3.6 m walkway at their preferred FPA, and then to walk with their foot aligned parallel with the line of gait progression at their self-selected speed. Dynamic plantar kinetics in six masked regions were collected using an EMED-st-P-2 pedobarograph. MAIN MEASURES: Primary outcome measures were FPA, peak plantar pressure (PPP), and force-time integral (FTI). A repeated measures ANOVA was conducted to determine group differences in FPA for both walking conditions. Regional differences in PPPs and FTIs between preferred and corrected walking conditions were analyzed using repeated measures ANCOVA. RESULTS: Participants showed a reduction in FPA magnitude on the ‘Involved’ foot between the preferred and corrected walking conditions (p<0.01). There were no differences in PPPs or FTIs in any mask between walking conditions (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: Results from this investigation offer important evidence that people with diabetes can modify their FPA with a simple intervention of visual and verbal cueing. Future research should examine if gait retraining strategies in regular footwear more effectively offload areas of elevated regional plantar stresses and forces in adults with diabetes mellitus and peripheral neuropathy

    Deconjugation Kinetics of Glucuronidated Phase II Flavonoid Metabolites by B-glucuronidase from Neutrophils

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    Flavonoids are inactivated by phase II metabolism and occur in the body as glucuronides. Mammalian ß-glucuronidase released from neutrophils at inflammatory sites may be able to deconjugate and thus activate flavonoid glucuronides. We have studied deconjugation kinetics and pH optimum for four sources of ß-glucuronidase (human neutrophil, human recombinant, myeloid PLB-985 cells, Helix pomatia) with five flavonoid glucuronides (quercetin-3-glucuronide, quercetin-3'-glucuronide, quercetin-4'-glucuronide, quercetin-7-glucuronide, 3'-methylquercetin-3-glucuronide), 4-methylumbelliferyl-ß-D-glucuronide, and para-nitrophenol-glucuronide. All substrate-enzyme combinations tested exhibited first order kinetics. The optimum pH for hydrolysis was between 3.5-5, with appreciable hydrolysis activities up to pH 5.5. At pH 4, the Km ranged 44-fold from 22 µM for quercetin-4'-glucuronide with Helix pomatia ß-glucuronidase, to 981 µM for para-nitrophenol-glucuronide with recombinant ß-glucuronidase. Vmax (range: 0.735-24.012 µmol·min-1·unit-1 [1 unit is defined as the release of 1 µM 4-methylumbelliferyl-ß-D-glucuronide per min]) and the reaction rate constants at low substrate concentrations (k) (range: 0.002-0.062 min-1·(unit/L)-1 were similar for all substrates-enzyme combinations tested. In conclusion, we show that ß-glucuronidase from four different sources, including human neutrophils, is able to deconjugate flavonoid glucuronides and non-flavonoid substrates at fairly similar kinetic rates. At inflammatory sites in vivo the pH, neutrophil and flavonoid glucuronide concentrations seem favorable for deconjugation. However, it remains to be confirmed whether this is actually the case

    The Enemy Within: A Commentary on The Exploding Problem Of Employee Theft

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    Few companies recognize the big bite that thefts, both large and small, take out of their profit margin. It is estimated that theft in some form absorbs 5 percent of all business revenues, which translates into about $652 billion in losses per year. Small businesses take a disproportionate share of the hit. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the rapidly expanding scope of the employee theft problem and to suggest common sense Risk Management techniques that companies can use to prevent losses and to reduce the damages from those that occur. In many cases, the loss control measures are inexpensive and easy to implement

    Ontwikkeling methode voor het bepalen van vitamine B6 in levensmiddelen

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    Twee reversed phase HPLC-systemen voor de scheiding van pyridoxine (PN), pyridoxamine (PM) en pyridoxal (PL) werden onderzocht lolaarbij de invloed van een aantal variabelen in kaart gebracht werd. De voor de analyse van vitamine B6 wenselijk geachte hydrolyse van de fosfaatesters werd onderzocht met behulp van standaardoplossingen van de B6 vitaminen. Hierbij werd aandacht geschonken aan een enzymatische hydrolyse en aan een hydrolyse bij verhoogde druk en temperatuur (autoclaaf)

    Controle da ferrugem asiática da soja com diferentes épocas de aplicação de fungicidas.

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a resposta de linhagens da cultura da soja a diferentes épocas de aplicação de fungicidas no controle da ferrugem asiática. O experimento foi conduzido em condições de campo no Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro- campus Uberaba. Foram utilizadas 2 linhagens promissoras (resistentes a ferrugem asiática) do Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Embrapa, EPAMIG/Fundação Triângulo (BRSMG 771F e MGBR08-77511) além de uma cultivar suscetível (BRSMG Vencedora) do mesmo programa e quatro épocas de aplicação de fungicida (Piraclostrobina & Epoxiconazol 0,50+ óleo mineral 0,5% dose L p.c.ha-1): T1- testemunha (sem aplicação de fungicida) T2- aplicação na fase R1+ 20 dias + 20 dias, T3- aplicação primeiras pústulas + retorno das pústulas+ retorno das pústulas, T4- aplicação primeiras pústulas + 20 dias após primeiras pústulas + R5.1, T5- aplicação na fase R5.1. A aplicação dos fungicidas foram efetuadas utilizando um pulverizador costal. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi um fatorial em blocos ao acaso 3x5x4 (3 linhagens x 5 épocas de aplicação de fungicidas x 4 repetições) totalizando 15 tratamentos. As parcelas experimentais constam de quatro linhas com seis metros de comprimento por dois metros de largura e o espaçamento entrelinhas de 0,5 metros. Após duas avaliações, observa-se para os tratamentos com variedades resistentes a ferrugem, que ocorre um atraso no início da doença no campo. Porém, ainda faz-se necessário avaliar o comportamento de tais materiais em condições de alta pressão de inoculo, o que ocorrerá até o fim do ciclo da cultura

    Acoustic detection of microbubble formation induced by enhanced optical breakdown of silver/dendrimer nanocomposites

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    We utilize a real-time acoustic technique, based on pulse-echo measurements to detect formation of microbubbles in an aqueous solution of a silver/dendrimer nanocomposite (DNC). Wave-field plots of successive recordings illustrate the generation and behavior of bubbles created by the optical breakdown process. A significant threshold reduction is achieved with DNC particles compared to its host dendrimer, enabling a diverse field of low-threshold breakdown applications. © 2003 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/70570/2/APPLAB-82-6-994-1.pd

    Impact of a 6-wk olive oil supplementation in healthy adults on urinary proteomic biomarkers of coronary artery disease, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes (types 1 and 2): a randomized, parallel, controlled, double-blind study

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    Background: Olive oil (OO) consumption is associated with cardiovascular disease prevention because of both its oleic acid and phenolic contents. The capacity of OO phenolics to protect against low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation is the basis for a health claim by the European Food Safety Authority. Proteomic biomarkers enable an early, presymptomatic diagnosis of disease, which makes them important and effective, but understudied, tools for primary prevention. Objective: We evaluated the impact of supplementation with OO, either low or high in phenolics, on urinary proteomic biomarkers of coronary artery disease (CAD), chronic kidney disease (CKD), and diabetes. Design: Self-reported healthy participants (n = 69) were randomly allocated (stratified block random assignment) according to age and body mass index to supplementation with a daily 20-mL dose of OO either low or high in phenolics (18 compared with 286 mg caffeic acid equivalents per kg, respectively) for 6 wk. Urinary proteomic biomarkers were measured at baseline and 3 and 6 wk alongside blood lipids, the antioxidant capacity, and glycation markers. Results: The consumption of both OOs improved the proteomic CAD score at endpoint compared with baseline (mean improvement: –0.3 for low-phenolic OO and −0.2 for high-phenolic OO; P &#60; 0.01) but not CKD or diabetes proteomic biomarkers. However, there was no difference between groups for changes in proteomic biomarkers or any secondary outcomes including plasma triacylglycerols, oxidized LDL, and LDL cholesterol. Conclusion: In comparison with low-phenolic OO, supplementation for 6 wk with high-phenolic OO does not lead to an improvement in cardiovascular health markers in a healthy cohort. This trial was registered at www.controlled-trials.com as ISRCTN93136746

    Regioselective synthesis of plant (iso)flavone glycosides in Escherichia coli

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    The flavonoids genistein, biochanin A, luteolin, quercetin, and kaempferol are plant natural products with potentially useful pharmacological and nutraceutical activities. These natural products usually exist in plants as glycosides, and their glycosylation has a remarkable influence on their pharmacokinetic properties. The glycosyltransferases UGT71G1 and UGT73C8 from Medicago truncatula are excellent reagents for the regioselective glycosylation of (iso)flavonoids in Escherichia coli grown in Terrific broth. Ten to 20 mg/L of either genistein or biochanin A 7-O-glucoside was produced after feeding genistein or biochanin A to E. coli expressing UGT71G1, and similar levels of luteolin 4’-O- and 7-O-glucosides were produced after feeding luteolin to cultures expressing UGT73C8. For the production of kaempferol 3-O-glucoside or quercetin 3-O-glucoside, the Phe148Val or Tyr202Ala mutants of UGT71G1 were employed. Ten to 16 mg/L of either kaempferol 3-O- or quercetin 3-O-glucosides were produced on feeding kaempferol or quercetin to E. coli expressing these enzymes. More than 90% of the glucoside products were released to the medium, facilitating their isolation