449 research outputs found

    Embedded AGN and star formation in the central 80 pc of IC 3639

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    [Abridged] Methods: We use interferometric observations in the NN-band with VLTI/MIDI to resolve the mid-IR nucleus of IC 3639. The origin of the nuclear infrared emission is determined from: 1) the comparison of the correlated fluxes from VLTI/MIDI with the fluxes measured at subarcsec resolution (VLT/VISIR, VLT/ISAAC); 2) diagnostics based on IR fine-structure line ratios, the IR continuum emission, IR bands produced by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and silicates; and 3) the high-angular resolution spectral energy distribution. Results: The unresolved flux of IC 3639 is 90±20mJy90 \pm 20\, \rm{mJy} at 10.5μm10.5\, \rm{\mu m}, measured with three different baselines in VLTI (UT1-UT2, UT3-UT4, and UT2-UT3; 4646-58m58\, \rm{m}), making this the faintest measurement so far achieved with mid-IR interferometry. The correlated flux is a factor of 33-44 times fainter than the VLT/VISIR total flux measurement. The observations suggest that most of the mid-IR emission has its origin on spatial scales between 1010 and 80pc80\, \rm{pc} (4040-340mas340\, \rm{mas}). A composite scenario where the star formation component dominates over the AGN is favoured by the diagnostics based on ratios of IR fine-structure emission lines, the shape of the IR continuum, and the PAH and silicate bands. Conclusions: A composite AGN-starburst scenario is able to explain both the mid-IR brightness distribution and the IR spectral properties observed in the nucleus of IC 3639. The nuclear starburst would dominate the mid-IR emission and the ionisation of low-excitation lines (e.g. [NeII]12.8μm_{12.8 \rm{\mu m}}) with a net contribution of 70%\sim 70\%. The AGN accounts for the remaining 30%\sim 30\% of the mid-IR flux, ascribed to the unresolved component in the MIDI observations, and the ionisation of high-excitation lines (e.g. [NeV]14.3μm_{14.3 \rm{\mu m}} and [OIV]25.9μm_{25.9 \rm{\mu m}}).Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    A dust-parallax distance of 19 megaparsecs to the supermassive black hole in NGC 4151

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    The active galaxy NGC 4151 has a crucial role as one of only two active galactic nuclei for which black hole mass measurements based on emission line reverberation mapping can be calibrated against other dynamical methods. Unfortunately, effective calibration requires an accurate distance to NGC 4151, which is currently not available. Recently reported distances range from 4 to 29 megaparsecs (Mpc). Strong peculiar motions make a redshift-based distance very uncertain, and the geometry of the galaxy and its nucleus prohibit accurate measurements using other techniques. Here we report a dust-parallax distance to NGC 4151 of DA=19.02.6+2.4D_A = 19.0^{+2.4}_{-2.6} Mpc. The measurement is based on an adaptation of a geometric method proposed previously using the emission line regions of active galaxies. Since this region is too small for current imaging capabilities, we use instead the ratio of the physical-to-angular sizes of the more extended hot dust emission as determined from time-delays and infrared interferometry. This new distance leads to an approximately 1.4-fold increase in the dynamical black hole mass, implying a corresponding correction to emission line reverberation masses of black holes if they are calibrated against the two objects with additional dynamical masses.Comment: Authors' version of a letter published in Nature (27 November 2014); 8 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Modeling the optical/UV polarization while flying around the tilted outflows of NGC 1068

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    Recent modeling of multi-waveband spectroscopic and maser observations suggests that the ionized outflows in the nuclear region of the archetypal Seyfert-2 galaxy NGC 1068 are inclined with respect to the vertical axis of the obscuring torus. Based on this suggestion, we build a complex reprocessing model of NGC 1068 for the optical/UV band. We apply the radiative transfer code STOKES to compute polarization spectra and images. The effects of electron and dust scattering and the radiative coupling occurring in the inner regions of the multi-component object are taken into account and evaluated at different polar and azimuthal viewing angles. The observed type-1/type-2 polarization dichotomy of active galactic nuclei is reproduced. At the assumed observer's inclination toward NGC 1068, the polarization is dominated by scattering in the polar outflows and therefore it indicates their tilting angle with respect to the torus axis. While a detailed analysis of our model results is still in progress, we briefly discuss how they relate to existing polarization observations of NGC 1068.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the meeting "The Central Kiloparsec in Galactic Nuclei" held in Bad Honnef (Germany) from August 29th to September 2nd 201

    Mapping the radial structure of AGN tori

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    We present mid-IR interferometric observations of 6 type 1 AGNs at multiple baseline lengths of 27--130m, reaching high angular resolutions up to lambda/B~0.02 arcseconds. For two of the targets, we have simultaneous near-IR interferometric measurements as well. The multiple baseline data directly probe the radial distribution of the material on sub-pc scales. Within our sample, which is small but spans over ~2.5 orders of magnitudes in the UV/optical luminosity L of the central engine, the radial distribution clearly and systematically changes with luminosity. First, we show that the brightness distribution at a given mid-IR wavelength seems to be rather well described by a power law, which makes a simple Gaussian or ring size estimation quite inadequate. Here we instead use a half-light radius R_1/2 as a representative size. We then find that the higher luminosity objects become more compact in normalized half-light radii R_1/2 /R_in in the mid-IR, where R_in is the dust sublimation radius empirically given by the L^1/2 fit of the near-IR reverberation radii. This means that, contrary to previous studies, the physical mid-IR emission size (e.g. in pc) is not proportional to L^1/2, but increases with L much more slowly, or in fact, nearly constant at 13 micron. Combining the size information with the total flux specta, we infer that the radial surface density distribution of the heated dust grains changes from a steep ~r^-1 structure in high luminosity objects to a shallower ~r^0 structure in those of lower luminosity. The inward dust temperature distribution does not seem to smoothly reach the sublimation temperature -- on the innermost scale of ~R_in, a relatively low temperature core seems to co-exist with a slightly distinct brightness concentration emitting roughly at the sublimation temperature.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    The dusty torus in the Circinus galaxy: a dense disk and the torus funnel

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    (Abridged) With infrared interferometry it is possible to resolve the nuclear dust distributions that are commonly associated with the dusty torus in active galactic nuclei (AGN). The Circinus galaxy hosts the closest Seyfert 2 nucleus and previous interferometric observations have shown that its nuclear dust emission is well resolved. To better constrain the dust morphology in this active nucleus, extensive new observations were carried out with MIDI at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer. The emission is distributed in two distinct components: a disk-like emission component with a size of ~ 0.2 ×\times 1.1 pc and an extended component with a size of ~ 0.8 ×\times 1.9 pc. The disk-like component is elongated along PA ~ 46{\deg} and oriented perpendicular to the ionisation cone and outflow. The extended component is elongated along PA ~ 107{\deg}, roughly perpendicular to the disk component and thus in polar direction. It is interpreted as emission from the inner funnel of an extended dust distribution and shows a strong increase in the extinction towards the south-east. We find no evidence of an increase in the temperature of the dust towards the centre. From this we infer that most of the near-infrared emission probably comes from parsec scales as well. We further argue that the disk component alone is not sufficient to provide the necessary obscuration and collimation of the ionising radiation and outflow. The material responsible for this must instead be located on scales of ~ 1 pc, surrounding the disk. The clear separation of the dust emission into a disk-like emitter and a polar elongated source will require an adaptation of our current understanding of the dust emission in AGN. The lack of any evidence of an increase in the dust temperature towards the centre poses a challenge for the picture of a centrally heated dust distribution.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures; A&A in pres

    Exploring the inner region of Type 1 AGNs with the Keck interferometer

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    The exploration of extragalactic objects with long-baseline interferometers in the near-infrared has been very limited. Here we report successful observations with the Keck interferometer at K-band (2.2 um) for four Type 1 AGNs, namely NGC4151, Mrk231, NGC4051, and the QSO IRAS13349+2438 at z=0.108. For the latter three objects, these are the first long-baseline interferometric measurements in the infrared. We detect high visibilities (V^2 ~ 0.8-0.9) for all the four objects, including NGC4151 for which we confirm the high V^2 level measured by Swain et al.(2003). We marginally detect a decrease of V^2 with increasing baseline lengths for NGC4151, although over a very limited range, where the decrease and absolute V^2 are well fitted with a ring model of radius 0.45+/-0.04 mas (0.039+/-0.003 pc). Strikingly, this matches independent radius measurements from optical--infrared reverberations that are thought to be probing the dust sublimation radius. We also show that the effective radius of the other objects, obtained from the same ring model, is either roughly equal to or slightly larger than the reverberation radius as a function of AGN luminosity. This suggests that we are indeed partially resolving the dust sublimation region. The ratio of the effective ring radius to the reverberation radius might also give us an approximate probe for the radial structure of the inner accreting material in each object. This should be scrutinized with further observations.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Obscuration in extremely luminous quasars

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    The spectral energy distributions and infrared (IR) spectra of a sample of obscured AGNs selected in the mid-IR are modeled with recent clumpy torus models to investigate the nature of the sources, the properties of the obscuring matter, and dependencies on luminosity. The sample contains 21 obscured AGNs at z=1.3-3 discovered in the largest Spitzer surveys (SWIRE, NDWFS, & FLS) by means of their extremely red IR to optical colors. All sources show the 9.7micron silicate feature in absorption and have extreme mid-IR luminosities (L(6micron)~10^46 erg/s). The IR SEDs and spectra of 12 sources are well reproduced with a simple torus model, while the remaining 9 sources require foreground extinction from a cold dust component to reproduce both the depth of the silicate feature and the near-IR emission from hot dust. The best-fit torus models show a broad range of inclinations, with no preference for the edge-on torus expected in obscured AGNs. Based on the unobscured QSO mid-IR luminosity function, and on a color-selected sample of obscured and unobscured IR sources, we estimate the surface densities of obscured and unobscured QSOs at L(6micron)>10^12 Lsun, and z=1.3-3.0 to be about 17-22 deg^-2, and 11.7 deg^-2, respectively. Overall we find that ~35-41% of luminous QSOs are unobscured, 37-40% are obscured by the torus, and 23-25% are obscured by a cold absorber detached from the torus. These fractions constrain the torus half opening angle to be ~67 deg. This value is significantly larger than found for FIR selected samples of AGN at lower luminosity (~46 deg), supporting the receding torus scenario. A far-IR component is observed in 8 objects. The estimated far-IR luminosities associated with this component all exceed 3.3x10^12 Lsun, implying SFRs of 600-3000 Msun/yr. (Abridged)Comment: ApJ accepte

    Suppression of the quantum-confined Stark effect in polar nitride heterostructures

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    Recently, we suggested an unconventional approach (the so-called Internal-Field-Guarded-Active-Region Design “IFGARD”) for the elimination of the quantum-confined Stark effect in polar semiconductor heterostructures. The IFGARD-based suppression of the Stark redshift on the order of electronvolt and spatial charge carrier separation is independent of the specific polar semiconductor material or the related growth procedures. In this work, we demonstrate by means of micro-photoluminescence techniques the successful tuning as well as the elimination of the quantum-confined Stark effect in strongly polar [000-1] wurtzite GaN/AlN nanodiscs as evidenced by a reduction of the exciton lifetimes by up to four orders of magnitude. Furthermore, the tapered geometry of the utilized nanowires (which embed the investigated IFGARD nanodiscs) facilitates the experimental differentiation between quantum confinement and Stark emission energy shifts. Due to the IFGARD, both effects become independently adaptable.DFG, 43659573, SFB 787: Halbleiter - Nanophotonik: Materialien, Modelle, Bauelement

    Quantifying the anisotropy in the infrared emission of powerful AGN

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    We use restframe near- and mid-IR data of an isotropically selected sample of quasars and radio galaxies at 1.0 \leq z \leq 1.4, which have been published previously, to study the wavelength-dependent anisotropy of the IR emission. For that we build average SEDs of the quasar subsample (= type 1 AGN) and radio galaxies (= type 2 AGN) from ~1-17 {\mu}m and plot the ratio of both average samples. From 2 to 8 {\mu}m restframe wavelength the ratio gradually decreases from 20 to 2 with values around 3 in the 10{\mu}m silicate feature. Longward of 12{\mu}m the ratio decreases further and shows some high degree of isotropy at 15 {\mu}m (ratio ~1.4). The results are consistent with upper limits derived from the X-ray/mid-IR correlation of local Seyfert galaxies. We find that the anisotropy in our high-luminosity radio-loud sample is smaller than in radio-quiet lower-luminosity AGN which may be interpreted in the framework of a receding torus model with luminosity-dependent obscuration properties. It is also shown that the relatively small degree of anisotropy is consistent with clumpy torus models.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; accepted by Ap

    A diversity of dusty AGN tori: Data release for the VLTI/MIDI AGN Large Program and first results for 23 galaxies

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    The AGN-heated dust distribution (the "torus") is increasingly recognized not only as the absorber required in unifying models, but as a tracer for the reservoir that feeds the nuclear Super-Massive Black Hole. Yet, even its most basic structural properties (such as its extent, geometry and elongation) are unknown for all but a few archetypal objects. Since most AGNs are unresolved in the mid-infrared, we utilize the MID-infrared interferometric Instrument (MIDI) at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) that is sensitive to structures as small as a few milli-arcseconds (mas). We present here an extensive amount of new interferometric observations from the MIDI AGN Large Program (2009 - 2011) and add data from the archive to give a complete view of the existing MIDI observations of AGNs. Additionally, we have obtained high-quality mid-infrared spectra from VLT/VISIR. We present correlated and total flux spectra for 23 AGNs and derive flux and size estimates at 12 micron using simple axisymmetric geometrical models. Perhaps the most surprising result is the relatively high level of unresolved flux and its large scatter: The median "point source fraction" is 70 % for type 1 and 47 % for type 2 AGNs meaning that a large part of the flux is concentrated on scales smaller than about 5 mas (0.1 - 10 pc). Among sources observed with similar spatial resolution, it varies from 20 % - 100 %. For 18 of the sources, two nuclear components can be distinguished in the radial fits. While these models provide good fits to all but the brightest sources, significant elongations are detected in eight sources. The half-light radii of the fainter sources are smaller than expected from the size ~ L^0.5 scaling of the bright sources and show a large scatter, especially when compared to the relatively tight size--luminosity relation in the near-infrared.Comment: A&A in press; 93 pages, 63 figures, 39 tables; data available only via CD