492 research outputs found

    What is wrong with post‐fire soil erosion modelling? A meta‐analysis on current approaches, research gaps, and future directions

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    In the near future, a higher occurrence of wildfires is expected due to climate change, carrying social, environmental, and economic implications. Such impacts are often associated with an increase of post‐fire hydrological and erosive responses, which are difficult to predict. Soil erosion models have been proven to be a valuable tool in the decision‐making process, from emergency response to long‐term planning, however, they were not designed for post‐fire conditions, so they need to be adapted to include fire‐induced changes. In the recent years, there has been an increasing number of studies testing different models and adaptations for the prediction of post‐fire soil erosion. However, many of these adaptations are being applied without field validation or model performance assessment. Therefore, this study aims to describe the scientific advances in the last twenty years in post‐fire soil erosion modelling research and evaluate model adaptations to burned areas that aim to include: i) fire‐induced changes in soil and ground cover, ii) fire‐induced changes in infiltration, iii) burn severity, and iv) mitigation measures in their predictions. This study also discusses the strengths and weaknesses of those approaches, suggests potential improvements, and identifies directions for future research. Results show that studies are not homogeneously distributed worldwide, neither according to the model type used, nor by regions most affected by wildfires. During calibration, 73% of the cases involved model adaptation to burned conditions, and only 21% attempted to accommodate new processes. Burn severity was addressed in 75% of the cases, whilst mitigation measures were simulated in 27%. Additionally, only a minor percentage of model predictions were validated with independent field data (17%) or assessed for uncertainties (13%). Therefore, further efforts are required on the adaptation of erosion models to burned conditions to be widely used for post‐fire management decision.publishe

    Prediction, validation, and uncertainties of a nation‑wide post‑fire soil erosion risk assessment in Portugal

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    Wildfires are a recurrent and increasing threat in mainland Portugal, where over 4.5 million hectares of forests and scrublands have burned over the last 38 years. These fire-affected landscapes have suffered an intensification of soil erosion processes, which can negatively affect soil carbon storage, reduce fertility and forest productivity, and can become a source of pollutants. The main objective of the present study is to produce a post-fire soil erosion risk map for the forest and shrubland areas in mainland Portugal and assess its reliability. To this end, the semi-empirical Morgan–Morgan–Finney erosion model was used to assess the potential post-fire soil erosion according to distinct burn severity and climate scenarios, and the accuracy of the predictions was verified by an uncertainty analysis and validated against independent field datasets. The proposed approach successfully allowed mapping post-fire soil erosion in Portugal and identified the areas with higher post-fire erosion risk for past and future climate extremes. The outcomes of this study comprise a set of tools to help forest managers in their decision-making for post-fire emergency stabilization, ensuring the adequate selection of areas for mitigation to minimize the economic and environmental losses caused by fire-enhanced soil erosion.publishe

    Comparación de diversos sustratos para su utilización en viveros ecológicos

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    Se comparan 20 tipos de mezclas de sustratos diferentes, bajo la base de 8 materiales: turba, compost, sustrato forestal, fibra de coco, arena, cascarilla de arroz (en cuatro medidas de triturado), perlita y vermiculita. La mezcla de turba con perlita y vermiculita se tomó como testigo. El ensayo se realiza en bandejas de poliestireno expandido, con dos tipos de especies hortícolas (tomat cult. Rio Grande, y lechuga cult. Inverna). Se miden diversas características: germinación, precocidad, altura de la planta, peso del vuelo y de las raíces, y dificultades durante su cuidado en vivero. Pese a no ser los más precoces, los mejores resultados se obtienen con aquellas mezclas en las cuales se encuentra presente el compost. El mayor desarrollo se adquiere en las de compost con perlita y vermiculita, compost con arroz y compost con fibra de coco. La mezcla de compost con arroz y coco dieron resultados medianos. Las mezclas con arena eran poco manejables, y dieron resultados muy negativos con arroz o coco

    Glycoprotein profile assessed by1h-nmr as a global inflammation marker in patients with HIV infection. A prospective study

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    Plasma glycoproteins are a composite biomarker of inflammation and can be detected byH-NMR. The aim of this study was to prospectively appraise the clinical value of plasma glycopro-teins assessed byH-NMR in people living with HIV (PLWH). A total of 221 patients with HIV infection were recruited and studied at baseline and at 48 and 144 weeks. Patients were distributed into two groups according to baseline CD4 T-cell number below or above 200 cells/µL. Patients with fewer than 200 cells/µL were distributed into the responders and nonresponders according to antiretroviral therapy (ART) response at 144 weeks. Glycoprotein concentrations were determined byH-NMR arising from the protein bond N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylgalactosamine signals (GlycA); and N-acetylneuraminic acid signal (GlycB) associated with the sugar-protein bond con-centration and aggregation state (shapes (height/width)). Basal glycoprotein concentrations were higher in patients with < 200 CD4 T-cell/µL (Glyc A: 1040(917.9-1199.1) vs. 950.4(845.5-1050.9), p < 0.001, and Glyc B: 521(440.3-610.3) vs. 468.6(417.9-507.0) µ mol/L, p < 0.001) being reduced by ART. The height/width (H/W) ratio was the parameter showing a better association with this clinical sta-tus. Baseline glycoproteins predict the condition of responder/nonresponder. In this study,H-NMR glycoproteins provide novel insights to assess inflammation status and have prognostic value in PLWH

    The changing culture of silviculture

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    Changing climates are altering the structural and functional components of forest ecosystems at an unprecedented rate. Simultaneously, we are seeing a diversification of public expectations on the broader sustainable use of forest resources beyond timber production. As a result, the science and art of silviculture needs to adapt to these changing realities. In this piece, we argue that silviculturists are gradually shifting from the application of empirically derived silvicultural scenarios to new sets of approaches, methods and practices, a process that calls for broadening our conception of silviculture as a scientific discipline. We propose a holistic view of silviculture revolving around three key themes: observe, anticipate and adapt. In observe, we present how recent advances in remote sensing now enable silviculturists to observe forest structural, compositional and functional attributes in near-real-time, which in turn facilitates the deployment of efficient, targeted silvicultural measures in practice that are adapted to rapidly changing constraints. In anticipate, we highlight the importance of developing state-of-the-art models designed to take into account the effects of changing environmental conditions on forest growth and dynamics. In adapt, we discuss the need to provide spatially explicit guidance for the implementation of adaptive silvicultural actions that are efficient, cost-effective and socially acceptable. We conclude by presenting key steps towards the development of new tools and practical knowledge that will ensure meeting societal demands in rapidly changing environmental conditions. We classify these actions into three main categories: re-examining existing silvicultural trials to identify key stand attributes associated with the resistance and resilience of forests to multiple stressors, developing technological workflows and infrastructures to allow for continuous forest inventory updating frameworks, and implementing bold, innovative silvicultural trials in consultation with the relevant communities where a range of adaptive silvicultural strategies are tested. In this holistic perspective, silviculture can be defined as the science of observing forest condition and anticipating its development to apply tending and regeneration treatments adapted to a multiplicity of desired outcomes in rapidly changing realities

    Prevalencia de la obesidad en la población atendida en asistencia primaria de Girona, 1995–1999

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    ResumenObjetivosEstimar y comparar la prevalencia de la obesidad y el sobrepeso en la población de Girona, entre 1995 y 1999, estratificando geográficamente por sexo y edad.MétodosMedidas directas de talla y peso correspondientes a 24.554 usuarios mayores de 14 años (10.595 varones y 13.959 mujeres) atendidos en cuatro áreas básicas de salud (ABS): Girona 1, Girona 4, Salt y Camprodon, así como en un centro de atención primaria (CAP) de la provincia de Girona. Se calculó el índice de masa corporal (IMC) como el cociente entre el peso y la talla al cuadrado. La obesidad se define como los grados II y III del índice de Garrow (IMC ≥ 30 kg/m2) y el sobrepeso como el grado I (25 kg/m2 ≤ IMC < 30 kg/m2). Al no utilizarse una muestra aleatoria de sujetos, el cálculo de prevalencias y de sus errores estándar se corrigió mediante el uso de ponderaciones adecuadas. La comparación de las prevalencias entre dos ABS distintas para cada sexo se realizó utilizando un contraste paramétrico de diferencia de proporciones. La comparación entre las prevalencias de un determinado grado del índice de Garrow, controlando por sexo y edad, se llevó a cabo utilizando una regresión logística jerárquica.ResultadosLa prevalencia de la obesidad se estimó en 15,6% entre los varones de 20 a 74 años (desde el 14,0% en Girona 1 hasta el 22,4% en Camprodon) y en un 17,5% entre las mujeres (un 15,6% en Girona 1 y un 22,7% en Camprodon), un 16,7% de promedio ponderado. La prevalencia del sobrepeso se sitúa en el 44% en varones y en un 33% en mujeres, un 37,8% de promedio ponderado. Existe una gradación en las prevalencias de la obesidad, con diferencias estadísticamente significativas: Girona 1, Salt, Girona 4, Camprodon y Sils.ConclusionesLas estimaciones de la prevalencia de la obesidad y sobrepeso obtenidas en este trabajo no están tan alejadas como se creía de las estimadas en poblaciones de nuestro entorno. De hecho, podrían ser muy similares a las estimadas en la Unión Europea y, para algunos grupos de edad, incluso a las de Estados Unidos.AbstractObjectivesTo estimate the prevalence of obesity and overweight in the population of Girona (Spain) between 1995 and 1999 and to divide the prevalences in geographical areas according to age and sex.MethodsHeight and weight were directly measures in 24,554 health care consumers older than 14 years (10,595 men and 13,959 women) treated in four primary health care areas: Girona 1, Girona 4, Salt and Camprodon and in one primary health care center in the province of Girona. Body mas index (BMI) was calcuted by dividing weight in kilograms bye height in meters squared. Obesity was defined as grades II and III of Garrow's index (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) and overweight as degree I (25 kg/m2 ≥ BMI < 30 kg/m2). Because the sample was not randomized, the prevalences were adequately weighted. The comparison between prevalences in two different primary health care areas for each sex (in the same Garrow's index and age group) was carried out using a parametric test of differences in proportions (Student's t-test). A hierarchical logistic regression was used to compare prevalences in the same grade Garrow's index, controlling for age and sex.ResultsThe prevalence of obesity was estimated as 15.6% in men aged from 20-74 years (from 14.0% in Girona 1 to 22.4% in Camprodon) and 17.5% for women (15.6% in Girona 1, 22.7% in Camprodon). The weighted mean was 16.7%. The prevalence of overweight was 44% in men and 33% in women and the weighted mean was 37.8%. The prevalence of obesity was graduated with statistically significant differences between Girona 1, Salt, Girona 4, Camprodon and Sils.ConclusionsThe estimates of the prevalences of obesity and overweight obtained in this study were closer to those of other studies in similar populations than previously believed. Inde-ed, the prevalences may be similar to those of the European Union and, in some age groups, to those of the United States

    Further investigation of confirmed urinary tract infection (UTI) in children under five years: a systematic review.

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    Background: Further investigation of confirmed UTI in children aims to prevent renal scarring and future complications. Methods: We conducted a systematic review to determine the most effective approach to the further investigation of confirmed urinary tract infection (UTI) in children under five years of age. Results: 73 studies were included. Many studies had methodological limitations or were poorly reported. Effectiveness of further investigations: One study found that routine imaging did not lead to a reduction in recurrent UTIs or renal scarring. Diagnostic accuracy: The studies do not support the use of less invasive tests such as ultrasound as an alternative to renal scintigraphy, either to rule out infection of the upper urinary tract (LR- = 0.57, 95%CI: 0.47, 0.68) and thus to exclude patients from further investigation or to detect renal scarring (LR+ = 3.5, 95% CI: 2.5, 4.8). None of the tests investigated can accurately predict the development of renal scarring. The available evidence supports the consideration of contrast-enhanced ultrasound techniques for detecting vesico-ureteric reflux (VUR), as an alternative to micturating cystourethrography (MCUG) (LR+ = 14.1, 95% CI: 9.5, 20.8; LR- = 0.20, 95%CI: 0.13, 0.29); these techniques have the advantage of not requiring exposure to ionising radiation. Conclusion: There is no evidence to support the clinical effectiveness of routine investigation of children with confirmed UTI. Primary research on the effectiveness, in terms of improved patient outcome, of testing at all stages in the investigation of confirmed urinary tract infection is urgently required

    A deletion affecting an LRR-RLK gene co-segregates with the fruit flat shape trait in peach

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaIn peach, the flat phenotype is caused by a partially dominant allele in heterozygosis (Ss), fruits from homozygous trees (SS) abort a few weeks after fruit setting. Previous research has identified a SSR marker (UDP98-412) highly associated with the trait, found suitable for marker assisted selection (MAS). Here we report a ∼10 Kb deletion affecting the gene PRUPE.6G281100, 400 Kb upstream of UDP98-412, co-segregating with the trait. This gene is a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase (LRRRLK) orthologous to the Brassinosteroid insensitive 1-associated receptor kinase 1 (BAK1) group. PCR markers suitable for MAS confirmed its strong association with the trait in a collection of 246 cultivars. They were used to evaluate the DNA from a round fruit derived from a somatic mutation of the flat variety 'UFO-4', revealing that the mutation affected the flat associated allele (S). Protein BLAST alignment identified significant hits with genes involved in different biological processes. Best protein hit occurred with AtRLP12, which may functionally complement CLAVATA2, a key regulator that controls the stem cell population size. RT-PCR analysis revealed the absence of transcription of the partially deleted allele. The data support PRUPE.6G281100 as a candidate gene for flat shape in peach