257 research outputs found


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    Human Resources (HR) is one of the crucial factors which cannot be separated from an organization. In this era, developing HR is in VUCA World (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) is a challenge that an institution must deal with. State Civil Apparatus competency development institute, particularly in the Ministry of Home Affairs, is PPSDM in Makassar Region. The strategy for developing competency in the VUCA world era is a vital task. The method used in this research is literary study, while the research location is in PPSDM of the Ministry of Home Affairs Makassar Region. The present research result is that the correct strategy to develop state civil apparatus competency corresponding to Coronavirus Pandemic is to employ digital service (digitalization) through optimizing institutional and program activities to face the VUCA world. This method was applied to support LMS (Learning Management System) in PPSDM of the Ministry of Home Affairs Makassar Region creatively and innovatively. It is supported by a synergic inter-institutional managerial system and learning organization; subsequently, it holds on training rate indicator concept and learning concepts corresponding to the current circumstances by involving all stakeholders

    Pemikiran Teologi Hassan Hanafi

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    Teologi merupakan pondasi sebuah agama, sedangkanemikiran Teologi dari seorang ahli teolog akanmemberikan efek yang signifian kepada penganutnyadalam kehidupan konkret. Karena sebagai pondasiagama tadi, teologi akan menjadi dasar berperilaku danpenyemangat kehidupan seseorang. Maka dibutuhkankonsep teologi yang tidak hanya teosentris, namun jugaantroposentris. Hasan Hanaf mencoba menafsirkankembali dalil-dalil teologi dalam al-Qur'an dan Sunnah,dengan metode pemikiran dialektika, fenomenologi, danhermeneutik. Dalil-dalil teologi tidak lagi dipergunakanHasan Hanaf untuk membuktikan ke-Maha-an dankesucian Tuhan, namun digunakan sebagai tuntutankepada manusia untuk dapat mengamalkan konsepdari dalil-dalil tersebut dalam kehidupan nyata. Konsepantroposentris inilah yang ditekankan oleh para teologdi era kontemporer seperti Muhammad Abduh, M.Iqbal, Fazlur Rahman, Murtadha Mutahhari dan lainlain. Rekonstruksi Teologi Hasan Hanaf dari teosentriske antroposentris yang diejawentahkan dalam gerakan“Kiri Islam”, telah menginspirasi banyak orang untukmemikirkan kembali pemikiran teologi yang mempunyaikontribusi positif dalam perilaku kehidupan umatIslam

    Application of Web Communication Relationship Management in Small and Medium Enterprises

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    Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) in Indonesia are still managed traditionally since the touch of information technology is not optimal. On the other hand, the number of customers or transactions made by UKM may no longer be of small value. One modern business approach is to pay attention to customer factors, not only before the transaction but also after the transaction. Applications in the field of information technology in this domain are called Customer Relationship Management (CRM). This research tries to develop a CRM model adapted to the community's culture and the SME business model in Indonesia and considers the penetration of information technology in general. The approach used is to use the Prototype model in which the system creation process is structured and has several stages that must be passed so that the information system becomes better and easier. The results show the small and medium businesses can make CRM simpler and more generi

    Induction of Agarwood in Aquilaria Malaccensis Using Nitrogen Fertilizer and Fusarium Solani

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    Aquilaria malaccensis is agarwood producing species in Indonesia. Agarwood compounds are formed as a chemical response of Aquliaria malaccensis tree to various physical damages, phatogen infection, or chemical treatment. Factors influencing agarwood formation are age of the tree, season, geographical location, environment, and treatment period. Agarwood induction may be done in tree or sapling. Agarwood induction in saplings need more effort than in trees. Combination of fungi (Fusarium solani) and nutrient (Nitrogen fertilizer) treatment may be one way to induce agarwood in A. malaccensis saplings. This study aims to produce A. malaccensis agarwood (aromatic compounds and colour) by induction of F. solani and nitrogen fertilizer, and analyse the agarwood chemical content. The agarwood chemical content was investigated by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) analysis. Results indicated that agarwood had a different colour for every treatment. The darkest brown and most fragrant agarwood were produced by A. malaccensis treated by a combination of nitrogen fertilizer (4 gr/sapling) and F. solani inoculation. Three chemical compounds were identified i.e. silanediol dimethyl, 4-ethyl benzoic acid and 1,4,7,10,13,16- hexaoxacyclooctadecane with percentages of 25.7, 17.62, and 3.56 respectively. A. malaccensis treated by nitrogen fertilizer and F. solani for 3 months is able to induce aromatic compounds formation, but the colour still dark brown. Biosynthesis of aromatic compounds in agarwood occurs first before changes in the colour of the wood

    Hypnocounseling Sebagai Metode Terapi Bimbingan Dan Konseling Islam (Studi Pada Lembaga Indonesian Hypnocounseling Association Budi Sarwono YOGYAKARTA)

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    Perkembangan psikologis dan kesehatan mental menjadikan penerapan hypnocounseling berbasiskan bimbingan dan konseling Islam sangat diperlukan. Asumsi ini berasal dari perkiraan rasional antara jumlah populasi penduduk Islam di Indonesia dengan data mengenai kesehatan mental penduduk Indonesia secara umum. Terdapat sekitar 85,2% atau 199.959.285 jiwa dari total 234.693.997 jiwa penduduk Indonesia beragama Islam. Asumsi sederhana ini mengundang para praktisi yang bergerak pada upaya membantu individu untuk semakin merespon perkembangan zaman dengan cara mengembangkan metode-metode penanganan layanan konseling yang lebih efektif dan tetap sesuai dengan nilai-nilai agama sebagai konsekuensi dari karakteristik manusia Indonesia. Aplikasi hypnocounseling dalam Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam menjadi keunggulan baru. Proses hypnocounseling dapat dilakukan selama proses assesment sekaligus sebagai metode preventif, kuratif dan pengembangan. Dengan hypnocounseling, selain dapat melaksanakan bimbingan dan konseling, konselor dapat memberikan terapi dan arahan-arahan kepada klien dengan efektif karena proses ini dilakukan dengan menyampaikan sugesti-sugesti positif secara langsung pada pikiran bawah sadar sebagai pusat kendali klien

    Android Based Education Application Design For Tuberculosis Patients In Tasikmalaya City

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease with a high incidence rate in Indonesia. This disease is a health problem nationally and globally. Disobedience of TB patients in taking medication is an obstacle in healing. PMO (Drug Supervisor) officers have a very important duty to ensure TB patients are disciplined in taking their medication, so they can improve patient’s quality of life. However, majority of patients forget to take medicine frequently and PMO to remind them in taking medicine unconsistently. This means that there is a high probability that good behavior that is carried out after education is not consistent, because patients do not have adequate support systems to comply with treatment and orderly in preventing transmission. The purpose of this study was to design an android-based educational application for TB patients in Tasikmalaya city. Prototype design was used in this research. The results found 4 features in the application design such as education (providing health education through pictures, posters and videos), screening (tracking of families are at high risk of spreading), taking medication (remind and evaluate of taking medication) and consultation (counseling related to disease). Based on the test results, it can be concluded that the SMART-TB application design can able to provide information and convenience for some TB patients in reporting taking medication and health-related consultations. Keywords: Tuberculosis; application design; Android base


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    Penyiraman tanaman merupakan suatu kegiatan yang perlu diperhatikan dalam melakukan pemeliharaan tanaman, dikarenakan tanaman memerlukan asupan air yang cukup untuk melakukan fotosintesis dalam memperoleh kebutuhannya untuk tumbuh dan berkembang. Selain itu pemberian air yang cukup merupakan faktor penting bagi pertumbuhan tanaman, karena air berpengaruh terhadap kelembaban tanah. Tanpa air yang cukup produktivitas suatu tanaman menjadi tidak akan maksimal.penelitian dimulai dari melakukan identifikasi masalah dan kemudian melakukan studi literatur. Hasil yang didapat dari melakukan studi literatur digunakan untuk melakukan kegiatan eksplorasi mengenai NodeMCU ESP8266. Setelah melakukan eksplorasi kegiatan penelitian berlanjut pada pembuatan sistem atau perangkat. Pembangunan sistem atau perangkat ini menggunakan model proses waterfall. Model ini memulai aktivitas pembangunan dari Analisis, analisis yang dilakukan akan menghasilkan pengusulan proyek. Perangkat keras yang digunakan merupakan kebutuhan yang ditunjukkan untuk mendukung kelancaran pembangunan perangkat keras sistem penyiraman tanaman, kebutuhan komponen perangkat keras dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga) yaitu komponen masukkan (input), komponen proses, dan komponen keluaran (output). berikut ini merupakan komponen perangkat keras yang digunakan dalam pembangunan prototype sistem penyiraman tanaman. Membuat rancangan prototype penyiraman tanaman sesuai dengan rancangan yang dibutuhkan Telah membuat antarmuka untuk melakukan monitoring serta kendali sistem penyiraman tanaman menggunakan blynk, Perangkat penyiraman tanaman dapat bekerja jika perangat terhubung dalam jaringan internet Kata kunci : Penyiraman tanaman, Prototype, Nodemcu Esp8266, blynk, interne
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