791 research outputs found

    Effect of yogic practices on selected physiological variables among hypertensive middle-aged women

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    The purpose of the random group experimental study was to investigate the effect of Yogic Practices on selected Physiological variables such as Systolic, Diastolic and Body Mass Index (BMI) among Hypertensive middle aged women. It was hypothesized that there would be a significant difference due to Yogic Practices on selected Physiological variables such as Systolic, Diastolic and Body Mass Index (BMI) among Hypertensive middle-aged women than the control group. Random group experimental design was used. The random sampling design was followed to select the subjects. To achieve the purpose of the study, 30 women between the age 45 and 55 years were selected randomly from Chennai and they were divided into two groups such as Yogic Practices (Group A) and Control Group (Group B). Each group consists of 15 subjects. The pre-test was taken for the two Groups on the selected dependent variables before the start of the training program. Group A was undergoing Yogic Practices for 12weeks, 6 days a week, One-hour maximum daily and Group B (Control Group) was permitted to undergo their normal lifestyle (active rest) during the course of the experiment. After the experimental period of 12 weeks, Post-tests were conducted for the two groups on selected dependent variables. The selected Physiological variables such as Systolic, Diastolic and Body Mass Index (BMI) were measured through Lab test. Analysis of Co-Variance (ANCOVA) was used to find out the significant difference between experimental group and the Control Group. The test of significance was fixed at 0.05 level of confidence. It was concluded that Yogic Practices improved Physiological variables among Hypertensive middle-aged women than the Control Group. Hence, the hypothesis was accepted at 0.05 level of confidence

    Eco-Friendly Virtue of Kurinjith Thinai as shown in Kuruntthokai

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    This article deals with the study of environmental ethics on the basis of the principle of ecology, which deals with the higher ideas expressed in the Kurinjith Thinai songs of the Sangam literature. One of the Sangam pieces of literature, the Kuruntthokai, contains a plethora of elements of ecological theory. Ecology is a field that deals with the natural environment and artificial environment around us. The main objective of this department is to explain the relationship between living and non-living factors and to prevent the destruction of the living environment by avoiding artificial life and taking up natural life. The Kuruntthokai explains the life of the people living in the five kinds of lands. Thus, the purpose of this article is to bring out ideas about the ecological ethics found in the hilly and mountainous Kurinjith Thinai

    Eff ect of gamma rays on germination, morphological and yield characters of bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus [L.] Moench)

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    Bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus [L.] Moench) is the most common vegetable crop of the world. The genus Abelmoschus belongs to family Malvaceae is represented by 12 species. This investigation was carried out to the study of different doses of gamma irradiation on bhendi seeds of varieties arka anamika. Gamma irradiation treatment at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 KR levels. The main objective of the present study is to determine the effect gamma irradiation on different morpho-agronomic characteristics. Agronomic traits were analyzed such as days of first flower, height of plants, number of fruits per plant, fruit length, seed yield per plant, fresh weight per plant, dry weight per plant, 100 seed weight. The seed pre-soaked in distilled water for 6 h before the sown in the field. The results showed that the positive shift with respect to all parameters. High doses of gammairradiation (40 and 50 KR) observed in moderate to high values

    Spatial distribution of Groundwater quality assessment using Water Quality Index and GIS techniques in Thanjavur Taluk, Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu, India

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    Assessment of groundwater quality is of utmost importance to ensure sustainable use of water. Since the availability of water, irrespective of quantity and quality, varies from area to area in Thanjavur taluk. The present paper attempts to determine the spatial distribution of groundwater quality parameters and identify locations with the best quality for drinking and irrigation in the study area using GIS and WQI. Using IDW interpolation methods with ArcGIS 10.8, the spatial distribution maps of physical parameters, anions, cations, WQI, and irrigations indices have been generated. Piper pilot shows that Ca-Mg-Cl (mixed), Na-Cl, Ca-Cl, and Ca–Mg–HCO3 water types are found in the study area. Using a water quality index with a rating scale, 42.85%, 28.57%, and 14.3% of groundwater samples are fit, good, and very poor for drinking purposes, respectively. The obtained results of higher SAR, RSC, Na% show that 75% of groundwater samples are perfectly fit for irrigation purposes due to the long residence time of water, dissolution of minerals from lithological composition, and the addition of chemical fertilizers.  The results of groundwater quality analysis have been used to suggest models for assessing water quality. The present study ascertained that the area's groundwater must be treated prior to consumption and protected from the perils of contamination

    Tinnitus and Qigong

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    Subjective tinnitus is the perception of sound despite the absence of an external stimulus. This challenging sensory event affects millions of people per year. There currently is no cure for tinnitus, but there have been many different options researched to help patients manage its effects, albeit with varying efficacy. In a viral internet video, the Beating the Heavenly Drum maneuver, found in the Eastern practice of Qigong, was said to eliminate the perception of tinnitus for the participants. In this current study, the Beating the Heavenly Drum maneuver was compared to a sham maneuver and evaluated for effectiveness in relieving tinnitus. To be included in this study, participants had experienced tinnitus for at least 6 months and were not currently receiving other tinnitus care. Exclusionary criteria included a diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, any neurological condition, whiplash, neck injury, or severe anxiety or depression, as determined by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Participants completed a tinnitus case history form, Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI), Tinnitus Handicap Index (THI), and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) ranking the annoyance of their tinnitus. Participants were assigned to groups in an alternating fashion, with odd identifiers in Group 1 and even identifiers in Group 2. In Group 2, participants received the experimental maneuver (Beating the Heavenly Drum) during the first session and the sham maneuver (circles rubbed at the base of the skull) during the second. In Group 1, participants received a sham maneuver during the first session and the experimental maneuver during the second session. Within 48 hours after each session, participants completed the TFI, THI, and rated the annoyance of their tinnitus on a scale of 0 to 10 (keeping the same parameters from the VAS) via phone call. Of the twelve participants, two reported that the experimental maneuver, Qigong, was effective for tinnitus relief; while five reported the sham condition relieved their tinnitus. The remaining five participants stated that neither maneuver altered their tinnitus sensation. Across all participants, there were no significant difference scores on the THI, and only one significant difference score on the TFI. While participants reported some change in their tinnitus with either maneuver, none of the questionnaire measures corroborated their subjective report. Additionally, the sham maneuver was perceived as more effective than the experimental maneuver. The Qigong maneuver was not effective for tinnitus relief in this study. It should be noted that a limitation to this study is the small sample size. While this Qigong maneuver did not relieve tinnitus, there are other Internet tinnitus “cures” that should be investigated for their effectiveness in tinnitus relief. With the rise of the Internet and more patients searching for “quick fixes” to tinnitus, it is vital that clinicians provide appropriate education and research to best help patients manage their tinnitus

    Analysis of SPWM Technique for Solar Inverter

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    Reactive power control is necessary to maintain power system stable. In a three phase grid connected PV system, the inverter should regulate the reactive power. Low Voltage Ride Through has to be done to ensure the system stability in fault conditions. Fault current has to be limited. In this paper, we propose a control strategy for grid connected solar PV inverter. The system study is done under LVRT condition. The strategy is based on current loop under single axis dq rotating coordinate system. Grid connected PV systems has a three phase inverter fed by DC-DC converter which will take care of maximum power point. In this project, a 100kW PV system is studied. The entire system is simulated and analysed using MATLAB Simulink software

    Analysing an Imbalanced Stroke Prediction Dataset Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    A stroke is a medical condition characterized by the rupture of blood vessels within the brain which can lead to brain damage. Various symptoms may be exhibited when the brain's supply of blood and essential nutrients is disrupted. To forecast the possibility of brain stroke occurring at an early stage using Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) is the main objective of this study. Timely detection of the various warning signs of a stroke can significantly reduce its severity. This paper performed a comprehensive analysis of features to enhance stroke prediction effectiveness. A reliable dataset for stroke prediction is taken from the Kaggle website to gauge the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The dataset has a class imbalance problem which means the total number of negative samples is higher than the total number of positive samples. The results are reported based on a balanced dataset created using oversampling techniques. The proposed work used Smote and Adasyn to handle imbalanced problem for better evaluation metrics. Additionally, the hybrid Neural Network and Random Forest (NN-RF) utilizing the balanced dataset by Adasyn oversampling achieves the highest F1-score of 75% compared to the original unbalanced dataset and other benchmarking algorithms. The proposed algorithm with balanced data utilizing hybrid NN-RF achieves an accuracy of 84%. Advanced ML techniques coupled with thorough data analysis enhance stroke prediction. This study underscores the significance of data-driven methodologies, resulting in improved accuracy and comprehension of stroke risk factors. Applying these methodologies to medical fields can enhance patient care and public health outcomes. By integrating our discoveries, we can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the public health system

    Impact of urbanisation on formation of urban heat island in Tirupur region using geospatial technique

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    1593-1598In the recent times, considerable urbanisation has taken place in few places around the world. This urbanisation has occurred due to rapid development in various industries. Furthermore, urbanisation has lead to an increase in movement of the people from rural to urban centres in search of employment. As people kept moving from urban to rural areas there has been a constant demand for the extension of built-up area. As a result of which, the land which was once covered by green vegetation having permeable and low emissivity is now replaced by built-up area with impermeable land and high emissivity. In addition to this, the surface of these built up areas absorbs solar radiation during the day time and emit radiation during the night time and causes increase in surface temperature. The rate of temperature is higher in urban built up area when compared to the rural counterpart making Urban Heat Island (UHI). In this study, an attempt is made to investigate the impact of urbanisation and formation of UHI in the Tirupur region around the corporation limit. The land use land cover (LULC) pattern mapping was carried out through maximum likelihood supervised classification technique for the years 1991, 2001, 2009, 2011 and 2018. Along with this study, Land Surface Temperature (LST) was estimated using Landsat satellite data of the years 2001 and 2018. Furthermore, the impact on LST shows that the urban area has relatively higher LST when compared to the surrounding rural area. Thus it is found that UHI has formed in the region

    Gamma rays, EMS and DES induced changes on cytology of bhendi [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench]

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    Mutation breeding in crop plants such as bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus (L). Moench) is a successful approach in change of product having narrow genetic base. In the present study to the determine the effect of physical mutagen such as gamma rays and chemical mutagens such as Ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS) and Diethyl sulphate (DES) were used. The seeds were treating with different doses/concentration of Gamma irradiation (10KR, 20KR, 30KR, 40KR, 50KR and 60KR), EMS and DES (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6%) for six hours were applied to 200 seed sample of each concentration and one respective control on bhendi. plants of four generations viz., M1, M2, M3 and M4. The cytological analysis, for example, chromosomal number was watched and recorded for images. The maximum changes of chromosome were observed in 50 KR of gamma rays and 0.4 % of EMS treatments than the other physical and chemical mutagens. The length and shape of chromosome for varied in treated plants than the untreated plants
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