43 research outputs found

    Mind the gap: comparing exploration effort with global biodiversity patterns and climate projections to determine ocean areas with greatest exploration needs

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    The oceans contain 1,335 million km3 of water covering 361.9 million km2 of seafloor across 71% of the planet. In the past few decades, there has been substantial effort put into mapping and exploring the ocean fueled by the advent of new technologies that more easily enable deepwater access. However, we are still far from achieving our shared goals of a well characterized and documented ocean. In 2010, Webb et al. documented the paucity of deep-sea data in general, with a specific focus on the lack of pelagic records in the Ocean Biogeographic Information System OBIS, which is the largest of the ocean biodiversity archives. While significant exploration progress has been made, the rate of change in the ocean is outstripping the rate of characterization and research. Given the limited resources available, future work needs to be prioritized to focus on areas of greatest need. Here, we investigated several lines of inquiry to determine priority areas for future exploration. We accumulated the largest database of global deep submergence dive records ever compiled and used it, plus OBIS biodiversity records, to assess the level of exploration in different ocean regions. Then, we compared these measures of exploration effort with different biogeographic province schemas and estimates of climate change velocity projections to identify the largest remaining gaps in exploration and research sampling. Given that marine science has only explored between 5 and 20% of the ocean (depending on estimates) in the last hundred and fifty years, future exploration needs to be more targeted to attempt to keep pace with the rate and impact of environmental and biodiversity change in the ocean

    New records of corallivory in the Red Sea

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    The impact of autotrophic versus heterotrophic nutritional pathways on colony health and wound recovery in corals

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    For animals that harbor photosynthetic symbionts within their tissues, such as corals, the different relative contributions of autotrophy versus heterotrophy to organismal energetic requirements have direct impacts on fitness. This is especially true for facultatively symbiotic corals, where the balance between host‐caught and symbiont‐produced energy can be altered substantially to meet the variable demands of a shifting environment. In this study, we utilized a temperate coral–algal system (the northern star coral, Astrangia poculata, and its photosynthetic endosymbiont, Symbiodinium psygmophilum) to explore the impacts of nutritional sourcing on the host's health and ability to regenerate experimentally excised polyps. For fed and starved colonies, wound healing and total colony tissue cover were differentially impacted by heterotrophy versus autotrophy. There was an additive impact of positive nutritional and symbiotic states on a coral's ability to initiate healing, but a greater influence of symbiont state on the recovery of lost tissue at the lesion site and complete polyp regeneration. On the other hand, regardless of symbiont state, fed corals maintained a higher overall colony tissue cover, which also enabled more active host behavior (polyp extension) and endosymbiont behavior (photosynthetic ability of Symbiondinium). Overall, we determined that the impact of nutritional state and symbiotic state varied between biological functions, suggesting a diversity in energetic sourcing for each of these processes.PADI Foundation; Cell Signaling Technologies; Boston University Marine Program Warren McLeod Fellowship; New England Aquarium; National Science Foundation, Grant/Award Number: IOS-1354935 (PADI Foundation; Cell Signaling Technologies; Boston University Marine Program Warren McLeod Fellowship; New England Aquarium; IOS-1354935 - National Science Foundation)Published versio

    The impact of autotrophic versus heterotrophic nutritional pathways on colony health and wound recovery in corals

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    For animals that harbor photosynthetic symbionts within their tissues, such as corals, the different relative contributions of autotrophy versus heterotrophy to organismal energetic requirements have direct impacts on fitness. This is especially true for facultatively symbiotic corals, where the balance between host‐caught and symbiont‐produced energy can be altered substantially to meet the variable demands of a shifting environment. In this study, we utilized a temperate coral–algal system (the northern star coral, Astrangia poculata, and its photosynthetic endosymbiont, Symbiodinium psygmophilum) to explore the impacts of nutritional sourcing on the host's health and ability to regenerate experimentally excised polyps. For fed and starved colonies, wound healing and total colony tissue cover were differentially impacted by heterotrophy versus autotrophy. There was an additive impact of positive nutritional and symbiotic states on a coral's ability to initiate healing, but a greater influence of symbiont state on the recovery of lost tissue at the lesion site and complete polyp regeneration. On the other hand, regardless of symbiont state, fed corals maintained a higher overall colony tissue cover, which also enabled more active host behavior (polyp extension) and endosymbiont behavior (photosynthetic ability of Symbiondinium). Overall, we determined that the impact of nutritional state and symbiotic state varied between biological functions, suggesting a diversity in energetic sourcing for each of these processes.PADI Foundation; Cell Signaling Technologies; Boston University Marine Program Warren McLeod Fellowship; New England Aquarium; National Science Foundation, Grant/Award Number: IOS-1354935 (PADI Foundation; Cell Signaling Technologies; Boston University Marine Program Warren McLeod Fellowship; New England Aquarium; IOS-1354935 - National Science Foundation)Published versio

    Deep-sea microbes as tools to refine the rules of innate immune pattern recognition.

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    The assumption of near-universal bacterial detection by pattern recognition receptors is a foundation of immunology. The limits of this pattern recognition concept, however, remain undefined. As a test of this hypothesis, we determined whether mammalian cells can recognize bacteria that they have never had the natural opportunity to encounter. These bacteria were cultivated from the deep Pacific Ocean, where the genus Moritella was identified as a common constituent of the culturable microbiota. Most deep-sea bacteria contained cell wall lipopolysaccharide (LPS) structures that were expected to be immunostimulatory, and some deep-sea bacteria activated inflammatory responses from mammalian LPS receptors. However, LPS receptors were unable to detect 80% of deep-sea bacteria examined, with LPS acyl chain length being identified as a potential determinant of immunosilence. The inability of immune receptors to detect most bacteria from a different ecosystem suggests that pattern recognition strategies may be defined locally, not globally.R01 AI093589 - NIAID NIH HHS; P30 DK034854 - NIDDK NIH HHS; U19 AI133524 - NIAID NIH HHS; R01 AI147314 - NIAID NIH HHS; R01 AI116550 - NIAID NIH HHS; R37 AI116550 - NIAID NIH HHS; R01 AI123820 - NIAID NIH HHSAccepted manuscrip

    A Connection between Colony Biomass and Death in Caribbean Reef-Building Corals

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    Increased sea-surface temperatures linked to warming climate threaten coral reef ecosystems globally. To better understand how corals and their endosymbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium spp.) respond to environmental change, tissue biomass and Symbiodinium density of seven coral species were measured on various reefs approximately every four months for up to thirteen years in the Upper Florida Keys, United States (1994–2007), eleven years in the Exuma Cays, Bahamas (1995–2006), and four years in Puerto Morelos, Mexico (2003–2007). For six out of seven coral species, tissue biomass correlated with Symbiodinium density. Within a particular coral species, tissue biomasses and Symbiodinium densities varied regionally according to the following trends: Mexico≥Florida Keys≥Bahamas. Average tissue biomasses and symbiont cell densities were generally higher in shallow habitats (1–4 m) compared to deeper-dwelling conspecifics (12–15 m). Most colonies that were sampled displayed seasonal fluctuations in biomass and endosymbiont density related to annual temperature variations. During the bleaching episodes of 1998 and 2005, five out of seven species that were exposed to unusually high temperatures exhibited significant decreases in symbiotic algae that, in certain cases, preceded further decreases in tissue biomass. Following bleaching, Montastraea spp. colonies with low relative biomass levels died, whereas colonies with higher biomass levels survived. Bleaching- or disease-associated mortality was also observed in Acropora cervicornis colonies; compared to A. palmata, all A. cervicornis colonies experienced low biomass values. Such patterns suggest that Montastraea spp. and possibly other coral species with relatively low biomass experience increased susceptibility to death following bleaching or other stressors than do conspecifics with higher tissue biomass levels

    National-scale marine bioregions for the Southwest Pacific

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    Existing marine bioregions covering the Pacific Ocean are conceptualised at spatial scales that are too broad for national marine spatial planning. Here, we developed the first combined oceanic and coastal marine bioregionalisation at national scales, delineating 262 deep-water and 103 reef-associated bioregions across the southwest Pacific. The deep-water bioregions were informed by thirty biophysical environmental variables. For reef-associated environments, records for 806 taxa at 7369 sites were used to predict the probability of observing taxa based on environmental variables. Both deep-water and reef-associated bioregions were defined with cluster analysis applied to the environmental variables and predicted species observation probabilities, respectively to classify areas with high taxonomic similarity. Local experts further refined the delineation of the bioregions at national scales for four countries. This work provides marine bioregions that enable the design of ecologically representative national systems of marine protected areas within offshore and inshore environments in the Pacific

    Impacts of Sediments on Coral Energetics: Partitioning the Effects of Turbidity and Settling Particles

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    Sediment loads have long been known to be deleterious to corals, but the effects of turbidity and settling particles have not previously been partitioned. This study provides a novel approach using inert silicon carbide powder to partition and quantify the mechanical effects of sediment settling versus reduced light under a chronically high sedimentary regime on two turbid water corals commonly found in Singapore (Galaxea fascicularis and Goniopora somaliensis). Coral fragmentswere evenly distributed among three treatments: an open control (30% ambient PAR), a shaded control (15% ambient PAR) and sediment treatment (15% ambient PAR; 26.4 mg cm22 day21). The rate of photosynthesis and respiration, and the dark-adapted quantum yield were measured once a week for four weeks. By week four, the photosynthesis to respiration ratio (P/R ratio) and the photosynthetic yield (Fv/Fm) had fallen by 14% and 3–17% respectively in the shaded control,contrasting with corals exposed to sediments whose P/R ratio and yield had declined by 21% and 18–34% respectively. The differences in rates between the shaded control and the sediment treatment were attributed to the mechanical effects of sediment deposition. The physiological response to sediment stress differed between species with G. fascicularis experiencing a greater decline in the net photosynthetic yield (13%) than G. somaliensis (9.5%), but a smaller increase in the respiration rates (G. fascicularis = 9.9%, G. somaliensis = 14.2%). These different physiological responses were attributed, in part, to coral morphology and highlighted key physiological processes that drive species distribution along high to low turbidity and depositional gradients