187 research outputs found

    evergreen species response to mediterranean climate stress factors

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    Abstract: Recent climatic projections predict a decline in rainfall mainly during the summer period and an increase in air temperature for the Mediterranean basin, resulting in extended periods of soil water deficit. Mediterranean evergreen species attain drought resistance through different traits or combination of traits. The main objective of this research is to analyze the response of the evergreen species co-occurring in the Mediterranean maquis to variations in water availability and air temperature during the year. The results show that leaf structural traits significantly affect physiological traits as confirmed by the Partial Least Squares Regression analysis (PLS). In particular, the considered species have a similar leaf respiration (RL) trend during the year with the lowest rates in winter (mean 0.95 ± 0.44 µmol m-2 s-1) and the highest in drought (mean 3.05 ± 0.96 µmol m-2 s-1). Nevertheless, a different RL effect on gross photosynthesis (PG) during drought was observed. C. incanus, E. multiflora, R. officinalis and S. aspera have the highest RL/PG ratio (mean 0.54 ± 0.08), while Q. ilex, P. latifolia, P. lentiscus, A. unedo and E. arborea have the lowest (mean 0.22 ± 0.07). RL/PG ratio variations depend on the sensitivity of both the two parameters to drought. Considering the increase of the length and intensity of drought in the Mediterranean basin, and that the photosynthesis of Mediterranean evergreen species is frequently limited by sub-optimal conditions (i.e., water deficit, high light intensity and high air temperature), it is important to improve knowledge on RL, since it has a critical function in modulating carbon balance of Mediterranean species

    Donar, un cambio de vida: comprender la experiencia de familiares que aceptaron la donación de órganos

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.Background: Most organ donors are already death. Therefore family members become an essential link in the final decision for organ donation. Aim: To get acquainted about the life lessons of people who accepted donating an organ of a deceased family member. Material and Methods: Qualitative research, in depth interviews to eight families that accepted donating an organ of a deceased family member. The interviews were analyzed using the method proposed by Streubert et al and modified by Rivera. Results: The life lessons are described in six comprehensive categories. The painful experience changed towards the feeling that the loved one remains alive. This sensation generated a sense of pride in family members and sensitized them towards the painful experience of other people. Therefore, a desire to help and improve as humans beings was awakened. Conclusions: A compassionate approach towards families donating organs with improve organ donation and humanize the process. Key words: Family; Social values; Tissue and organ procurement

    photochemical performance of carpobrotus edulis in response to various substrate salt concentrations

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    Abstract Substrate salinity is one of the main abiotic factors limiting plant establishment, growth and distribution in coastal habitats. Nevertheless, few studies have investigated the interaction between salt concentration and duration of exposure on the physiology and growth of Carpobrotus edulis, an important invasive plant species growing in coastal dune habitats. In this study, four salinity treatment cycles of different length (three, six, twelve and twenty-four days) at salinity of 0 M, 0.1 M, 0.2 M and 0.3 M were imposed. A significant response in plant growth was elicited after 24 days of treatment. The main shoot length (MSL) and stem biomass (SBMS) increased by 11% and 4%, respectively at 0.1 M and by 25% and 6% at 0.2 M compared with the control. At 0.3 M MSL did not significantly differ from the control while SBMS was 18% lower. Moreover, C. edulis showed a high photoprotection mechanism efficiency resulting in a high carotenoid to chlorophyll ratio increase which was two, three and four times higher than the control at 0.1 M, 0.2 M and 0.3 M, respectively. Photochemically, the quantum yield of photosynthesis (ΦPSII) was 17%, 50% and 52% lower than the control at 0.1 M, 0.2 M and 0.3 M. The ΦPSII decrease was associated with a low leaf nitrogen content (NL) decrease (16%, 21% lower than the control at 0.1 M and 0.2 M, respectively). By contrast, NL had the highest decrease (41% lower than the control) at 0.3 M, which constrains the growth capacity. Overall, C. edulis was able to modulate its response to salinity. The salt stimulated shoot elongation at low or moderate salt concentrations could confer a competitive advantage making C. edulis even more efficient in establishing within the areas which it colonizes. Since the expansion of C. edulis may be enhanced by the forecasted increase in soil salinity, it will be of paramount importance to apply effective management practices in areas invaded by C. edulis to limit its expansion and preserve the native plant biodiversity

    Age-related changes in anatomical and morphological leaf traits of Wollemia nobilis

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    The results highlight significant variations of Wollemia nobilis leaf traits which reflect age-related changes of the subsequent growth units along the branches. Age-related changes appear in a gradual increase of leaf size from young leaves to old leaves. The LMA increasing from 13.75 g/cm(2) in current year leaves to 24.84 g/cm(2) in 7 year leaves is associated with an increment of the number of lignified elements (vascular tissues, astrosclereids), of hypodermal and epidermal-cuticle structures (cuticle, wax layer) and of oil bodies abundance, which may increase resistance to stress factors. These characteristics highlight that W. nobilis leaves can adapt to variable environmental conditions with a return rate on a larger time-scale since leaves on a branch stay alive for a long time until the branch dies

    Evergreen species response to Mediterranean climate stress factors

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    Landscape statistics of the low autocorrelated binary string problem

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    The statistical properties of the energy landscape of the low autocorrelated binary string problem (LABSP) are studied numerically and compared with those of several classic disordered models. Using two global measures of landscape structure which have been introduced in the Simulated Annealing literature, namely, depth and difficulty, we find that the landscape of LABSP, except perhaps for a very large degeneracy of the local minima energies, is qualitatively similar to some well-known landscapes such as that of the mean-field 2-spin glass model. Furthermore, we consider a mean-field approximation to the pure model proposed by Bouchaud and Mezard (1994, J. Physique I France 4 1109) and show both analytically and numerically that it describes extremely well the statistical properties of LABSP

    Last passage percolation and traveling fronts

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    We consider a system of N particles with a stochastic dynamics introduced by Brunet and Derrida. The particles can be interpreted as last passage times in directed percolation on {1,...,N} of mean-field type. The particles remain grouped and move like a traveling wave, subject to discretization and driven by a random noise. As N increases, we obtain estimates for the speed of the front and its profile, for different laws of the driving noise. The Gumbel distribution plays a central role for the particle jumps, and we show that the scaling limit is a L\'evy process in this case. The case of bounded jumps yields a completely different behavior

    Long-lasting defence priming by β-aminobutyric acid in tomato is marked by genome-wide changes in DNA methylation

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    Exposure of plants to stress conditions or to certain chemical elicitors can establish a primed state, whereby responses to future stress encounters are enhanced. Stress priming can be long-lasting and likely involves epigenetic regulation of stress-responsive gene expression. However, the molecular events underlying priming are not well understood. Here, we characterise epigenetic changes in tomato plants primed for pathogen resistance by treatment with β-aminobutyric acid (BABA). We used whole genome bisulphite sequencing to construct tomato methylomes from control plants and plants treated with BABA at the seedling stage, and a parallel transcriptome analysis to identify genes primed for the response to inoculation by the fungal pathogen, Botrytis cinerea. Genomes of plants treated with BABA showed a significant reduction in global cytosine methylation, especially in CHH sequence contexts. Analysis of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) revealed that CHH DMRs were almost exclusively hypomethylated and were enriched in gene promoters and in DNA transposons located in the chromosome arms. Genes overlapping CHH DMRs were enriched for a small number of stress response-related gene ontology terms. In addition, there was significant enrichment of DMRs in the promoters of genes that are differentially expressed in response to infection with B. cinerea. However, the majority of genes that demonstrated priming did not contain DMRs, and nor was the overall distribution of methylated cytosines in primed genes altered by BABA treatment. Hence, we conclude that whilst BABA treatment of tomato seedlings results in characteristic changes in genome-wide DNA methylation, CHH hypomethylation appears only to target a minority of genes showing primed responses to pathogen infection. Instead, methylation may confer priming via in-trans regulation, acting at a distance from defence genes, and/or by targeting a smaller group of regulatory genes controlling stress responses

    Phase transition and landscape statistics of the number partitioning problem

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    The phase transition in the number partitioning problem (NPP), i.e., the transition from a region in the space of control parameters in which almost all instances have many solutions to a region in which almost all instances have no solution, is investigated by examining the energy landscape of this classic optimization problem. This is achieved by coding the information about the minimum energy paths connecting pairs of minima into a tree structure, termed a barrier tree, the leaves and internal nodes of which represent, respectively, the minima and the lowest energy saddles connecting those minima. Here we apply several measures of shape (balance and symmetry) as well as of branch lengths (barrier heights) to the barrier trees that result from the landscape of the NPP, aiming at identifying traces of the easy/hard transition. We find that it is not possible to tell the easy regime from the hard one by visual inspection of the trees or by measuring the barrier heights. Only the {\it difficulty} measure, given by the maximum value of the ratio between the barrier height and the energy surplus of local minima, succeeded in detecting traces of the phase transition in the tree. In adddition, we show that the barrier trees associated with the NPP are very similar to random trees, contrasting dramatically with trees associated with the pp spin-glass and random energy models. We also examine critically a recent conjecture on the equivalence between the NPP and a truncated random energy model

    Higher spin quaternion waves in the Klein-Gordon theory

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    Electromagnetic interactions are discussed in the context of the Klein-Gordon fermion equation. The Mott scattering amplitude is derived in leading order perturbation theory and the result of the Dirac theory is reproduced except for an overall factor of sixteen. The discrepancy is not resolved as the study points into another direction. The vertex structures involved in the scattering calculations indicate the relevance of a modified Klein-Gordon equation, which takes into account the number of polarization states of the considered quantum field. In this equation the d'Alembertian is acting on quaternion-like plane waves, which can be generalized to representations of arbitrary spin. The method provides the same relation between mass and spin that has been found previously by Majorana, Gelfand, and Yaglom in infinite spin theories