436 research outputs found

    Cluster spacecraft observations of a ULF wave enhanced by Space Plasma Exploration by Active Radar (SPEAR)

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    Space Plasma Exploration by Active Radar (SPEAR) is a high-latitude ionospheric heating facility capable of exciting ULF waves on local magnetic field lines. We examine an interval from 1 February 2006 when SPEAR was transmitting a 1 Hz modulation signal with a 10 min on-off cycle. Ground magnetometer data indicated that SPEAR modulated currents in the local ionosphere at 1 Hz, and enhanced a natural field line resonance with a 10 min period. During this interval the Cluster spacecraft passed over the heater site. Signatures of the SPEAR-enhanced field line resonance were present in the magnetic field data measured by the magnetometer on-board Cluster-2. These are the first joint ground- and space-based detections of field line tagging by SPEAR

    2012), The IMF dependence of the local time of transpolar arcs: Implications for formation mechanism

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    [1] Transpolar arcs are auroral features that extend from the nightside auroral oval into the polar cap. It is well established that they occur predominantly when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) has a northward component (B z > 0). Results concerning how the magnetic local time at which transpolar arcs form might depend upon the IMF dawn-dusk component (B Y ) are more mixed. Some studies have found a correlation between these two variables, with Northern Hemisphere arcs forming predominantly premidnight when B Y > 0 and postmidnight when B Y < 0 and vice versa in the Southern Hemisphere. However, a more recent statistical study found that there was no significant correlation, and other studies find that the formation of moving arcs is triggered by a change in the sign of the IMF B Y component. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between the magnetic local time at which transpolar arcs form and the IMF B Y component. It is found that there is indeed a correlation between the magnetic local time at which transpolar arcs form and the IMF B Y component, which acts in opposite senses in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. However, this correlation is weak if the IMF is only averaged over the hour before the first emergence of the arc and becomes stronger if the IMF is averaged 3-4 h beforehand. This is consistent with a mechanism where the magnetic local time at which the arc first forms depends on the B Y component in the magnetotail adjacent to the plasma sheet, which is determined by the IMF B Y component during intervals of dayside reconnection in the hours preceding the first emergence of the arc. We do not find evidence for the triggering of arcs by an IMF B Y sign change

    The interaction between transpolar arcs and cusp spots

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    Transpolar arcs and cusp spots are both auroral phenomena which occur when the interplanetary magnetic field is northward. Transpolar arcs are associated with magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail, which closes magnetic flux and results in a "wedge" of closed flux which remains trapped, embedded in the magnetotail lobe. The cusp spot is an indicator of lobe reconnection at the high-latitude magnetopause; in its simplest case, lobe reconnection redistributes open flux without resulting in any net change in the open flux content of the magnetosphere. We present observations of the two phenomena interacting--i.e., a transpolar arc intersecting a cusp spot during part of its lifetime. The significance of this observation is that lobe reconnection can have the effect of opening closed magnetotail flux. We argue that such events should not be rare

    Flux ropes in the Hermean magnetotail: Distribution, properties, and formation

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    An automated method was applied to identify magnetotail flux rope encounters in MESSENGER (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging) magnetometer data. The method identified significant deflections of the northâ south component of the magnetic field coincident with enhancements in the total field or dawnâ dusk component. Two hundred fortyâ eight flux ropes are identified that possess wellâ defined minimum variance analysis (MVA) coordinate systems, with clear rotations of the field. Approximately 30% can be well approximated by the cylindrically symmetric, linearly forceâ free model. Flux ropes are most common moving planetward, in the postmidnight sector. Observations are intermittent, with the majority (61%) of plasma sheet passages yielding no flux ropes; however, the peak rate of flux ropes during a reconnection episode is â ¼5 minâ 1. Overall, the peak postmidnight rate is â ¼0.25 minâ 1. Only 25% of flux ropes are observed in isolation. The radius of flux ropes is comparable to the ion inertial length within Mercury’s magnetotail plasma sheet. No clear statistical separation is observed between tailward and planetward moving flux ropes, suggesting the nearâ Mercury neutral line (NMNL) is highly variable. Flux ropes are more likely to be observed if the preceding lobe field is enhanced over background levels. A very weak correlation is observed between the flux rope core field and the preceding lobe field orientation; a stronger relationship is found with the orientation of the field within the plasma sheet. The core field strength measured is â ¼6 times stronger than the local dawnâ dusk plasma sheet magnetic field.Key PointsTwo hundred fortyâ eight flux ropes identified in Mercury’s magnetotail (74 cylindrical and linearly forceâ free)Flux ropes most commonly observed by MESSENGER postmidnight, moving planetwardFlux ropes observed intermittently, but most often when the preceding lobe field is enhancedPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138858/1/jgra53697_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138858/2/jgra53697.pd

    The Contribution of Flux Transfer Events to Mercury's Dungey Cycle

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    Bursty dayside reconnection plays a proportionally larger role in the driving of Mercury's magnetosphere than it does at Earth. Individual bursts of reconnection, called flux transfer events (FTEs), are thought to open up to 5% of Mercury's polar cap; coupled with the much higher repetition rate of FTEs at Mercury and the short Dungey cycle timescale, this makes FTEs the major driver of Mercury's magnetosphere. However, comparison between spacecraft and ionospheric observations at Earth suggests that the terrestrial contribution of FTEs may have been severely underestimated, by making implicit assumptions about FTE structure. In this study, we consider the implications of removing these assumptions at Mercury; by considering FTE mechanisms based on longer reconnection lines, we find that the contribution of FTEs to Mercury's Dungey cycle could be 5 times greater than previously thought and that FTEs may be able to provide sufficient flux transport to drive Mercury's substorm cycle

    First simultaneous measurements of waves generated at the bow shock in the solar wind, the magnetosphere and on the ground

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    On 5 September 2002 the Geotail satellite observed the cone angle of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) change to values below 30° during a 56 min interval between 18:14 and 19:10 UT. This triggered the generation of upstream waves at the bow shock, 13 <I>R<sub>E</sub></I> downstream of the position of Geotail. Upstream generated waves were subsequently observed by Geotail between 18:30 and 18:48 UT, during times the IMF cone angle dropped below values of 10°. At 18:24 UT all four Cluster satellites simultaneously observed a sudden increase in wave power in all three magnetic field components, independent of their position in the dayside magnetosphere. We show that the 10 min delay between the change in IMF direction as observed by Geotail and the increase in wave power observed by Cluster is consistent with the propagation of the IMF change from the Geotail position to the bow shock and the propagation of the generated waves through the bow shock, magnetosheath and magnetosphere towards the position of the Cluster satellites. We go on to show that the wave power recorded by the Cluster satellites in the component containing the poloidal and compressional pulsations was broadband and unstructured; the power in the component containing toroidal oscillations was structured and shows the existence of multi-harmonic Alfvénic continuum waves on field lines. Model predictions of these frequencies fit well with the observations. An increase in wave power associated with the change in IMF direction was also registered by ground based magnetometers which were magnetically conjunct with the Cluster satellites during the event. To the best of our knowledge we present the first simultaneous observations of waves created by backstreaming ions at the bow shock in the solar wind, the dayside magnetosphere and on the ground

    The effect of diamagnetic drift on motion of the dayside magnetopause reconnection line

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    Magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause occurs with a large density asymmetry and for a large range of magnetic shears. In these conditions, a motion of the X line has been predicted in the direction of the electron diamagnetic drift. When this motion is super Alfvenic, reconnection should be suppressed. We analysed a large data set of Double Star TC-1 dayside magnetopause crossings, which includes reconnection and nonreconnection events. Moreover, it also includes several events during which TC-1 is near the X line. With these close events, we verified the diamagnetic suppression condition with local observations near the X line. Moreover, with the same close events, we also studied the motion of the X line along the magnetopause. It is found that, when reconnection is not suppressed, the X line moves northward or southward according to the orientation of the guide field, which is related to the interplanetary magnetic field BY component, in agreement with the diamagnetic drift

    Systemic long-term metabolic effects of acute non-severe paediatric burn injury

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    A growing body of evidence supports the concept of a systemic response to non-severe thermal trauma. This provokes an immunosuppressed state that predisposes paediatric patients to poor recovery and increased risk of secondary morbidity. In this study, to understand the long-term systemic effects of non-severe burns in children, targeted mass spectrometry assays for biogenic amines and tryptophan metabolites were performed on plasma collected from child burn patients at least three years post injury and compared to age and sex matched non-burn (healthy) controls. A panel of 12 metabolites, including urea cycle intermediates, aromatic amino acids and quinolinic acid were present in significantly higher concentrations in children with previous burn injury. Correlation analysis of metabolite levels to previously measured cytokine levels indicated the presence of multiple cytokine-metabolite associations in the burn injury participants that were absent from the healthy controls. These data suggest that there is a sustained immunometabolic imprint of non-severe burn trauma, potentially linked to long-term immune changes that may contribute to the poor long-term health outcomes observed in children after burn injury

    Anomalous damping of a low frequency vibrating wire in superfluid He-3-B due to vortex shielding

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    We have investigated the behaviour of a large vibrating wire resonator in the B-phase of superfluid He-3 at zero pressure and at temperatures below 200 mu K. The vibrating wire has a low resonant frequency of around 60 Hz. At low velocities the motion of the wire is impeded by its intrinsic (vacuum) damping and by the scattering of thermal quasiparticle excitations. At higher velocities we would normally expect the motion to be further damped by the creation of quasiparticles from pair-breaking. However, for a range of temperatures, as we increase the driving force we observe a sudden decrease in the damping of the wire. This results from a reduction in the thermal damping arising from the presence of quantum vortex lines generated by the wire. These vortex lines Andreev-reflect low energy excitations and thus partially shield the wire from incident thermal quasiparticles