1,358 research outputs found

    On the DMT of TDD-SIMO Systems with Channel-Dependent Reverse Channel Training

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    This paper investigates the Diversity-Multiplexing gain Trade-off (DMT) of a training based reciprocal Single Input Multiple Output (SIMO) system, with (i) perfect Channel State Information (CSI) at the Receiver (CSIR) and noisy CSI at the Transmitter (CSIT), and (ii) noisy CSIR and noisy CSIT. In both the cases, the CSIT is acquired through Reverse Channel Training (RCT), i.e., by sending a training sequence from the receiver to the transmitter. A channel-dependent fixed-power training scheme is proposed for acquiring CSIT, along with a forward-link data transmit power control scheme. With perfect CSIR, the proposed scheme is shown to achieve a diversity order that is quadratically increasing with the number of receive antennas. This is in contrast with conventional orthogonal RCT schemes, where the diversity order is known to saturate as the number of receive antennas is increased, for a given channel coherence time. Moreover, the proposed scheme can achieve a larger DMT compared to the orthogonal training scheme. With noisy CSIR and noisy CSIT, a three-way training scheme is proposed and its DMT performance is analyzed. It is shown that nearly the same diversity order is achievable as in the perfect CSIR case. The time-overhead in the training schemes is explicitly accounted for in this work, and the results show that the proposed channel-dependent RCT and data power control schemes offer a significant improvement in terms of the DMT, compared to channel-agnostic orthogonal RCT schemes. The outage performance of the proposed scheme is illustrated through Monte-Carlo simulations.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Flora of Sacred Groves at Sriharikota Island, Andhra Pradesh, India

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    Sriharikota is botanically interesting place in Andhra Pradesh by virtue of being an island in Nellore District harbouring a rich vegetation and a popular place also because of establishment of Rocket Launching Station. The anecdote behind the same Sriharikota is that there are half a million of Siva Lingams present in the island. The legend derived its strength from the words ‘arc’ (half) and cotti (crore), ‘Sri’ being a qualifying term. However, the fact is that there are a good number of dilapidated temples around which note- worthy vegetation, worth a critical study. It is said that a number of idols also were found during excavation operations while construction programme of SHAR establishment was carried out. One such idol is presently installed at newly constructed temple in the area. Hence a study of flora of sacred groves is undertaken. A good number of medicinal plants are recorded around the sacred groves. However 18 plants only of high importance are reported here, such as Albizzia amara, Lannea coromandelica, Loesneriella obtusifolia, Strychnos nux-vomica and Strychnos potatorum etc

    Biodiversity Tools For Boosting Immune System Of Homosapiens: An In Vitro Study Of Abutilon Indicium Leaves

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    Climate change is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the compositions of the global atmosphere. Human beings are both agents and victims of environmental change. Therefore, climate change is the main reason for the environmental challenge that the world faces today. To overcome these negative impact on human health, biodiversity has given powerful tools and healing powers in the form of plants and herbs for boosting human body’s immune system which keeps homosapiens finally strong, hale and healthy. Many complex diseases including heart problems require long and expensive treatment which common man in developing countries cannot afford. India has a long history for the treatment of various diseases using traditional medicinal plants. In contrast to synthetic compounds, herbal products are safer with minimum side effects and preferred largely for the treatment of various ailments. Thromboembolism involving the arterial or venous circulation or arising from the heart is a common cause of morbidity and mortality. India with its numerous plants variety offers costless method and inexpensive treatment to a number of disorders such as thromboembolism. The present study explores how to find out the in vitro anticoagulant activities of abutilon indicium leaves extracts, in addition to comparing and contrasting the findings with othersimilarstudiesauthoredbyanumberof medical practitioner

    Computer-Assisted Algorithms for Ultrasound Imaging Systems

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    Ultrasound imaging works on the principle of transmitting ultrasound waves into the body and reconstructs the images of internal organs based on the strength of the echoes. Ultrasound imaging is considered to be safer, economical and can image the organs in real-time, which makes it widely used diagnostic imaging modality in health-care. Ultrasound imaging covers the broad spectrum of medical diagnostics; these include diagnosis of kidney, liver, pancreas, fetal monitoring, etc. Currently, the diagnosis through ultrasound scanning is clinic-centered, and the patients who are in need of ultrasound scanning has to visit the hospitals for getting the diagnosis. The services of an ultrasound system are constrained to hospitals and did not translate to its potential in remote health-care and point-of-care diagnostics due to its high form factor, shortage of sonographers, low signal to noise ratio, high diagnostic subjectivity, etc. In this thesis, we address these issues with an objective of making ultrasound imaging more reliable to use in point-of-care and remote health-care applications. To achieve the goal, we propose (i) computer-assisted algorithms to improve diagnostic accuracy and assist semi-skilled persons in scanning, (ii) speckle suppression algorithms to improve the diagnostic quality of ultrasound image, (iii) a reliable telesonography framework to address the shortage of sonographers, and (iv) a programmable portable ultrasound scanner to operate in point-of-care and remote health-care applications

    Fast Region of Interest detection for fetal genital organs in B-mode ultrasound images

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    Genital organ detection of fetus in B-mode ultrasound images has a considerable significance. It is useful to know any malformations present in the genital organs and also to determine the sex of the fetus. In this paper we propose a Feature from Accelerated Segment Test (FAST) technique for approximate detection of fetal genitals in ultrasound images. FAST algorithm is capable of producing the corner points at a higher speed which falls on the fetal genital organs. A window of size 60×60 pixels being corner point as a center is considered as Region of Interest (ROI), where genital organ of fetus is anticipated. The efficiency of the algorithm is calculated as the ratio of number of images where corner points are placed on the fetus genital organ to the total number of images tested. FAST algorithm is robust to speckles present in the image, machine independent, fast and also computationally less intensive to implement in real time with an efficiency of 96.7%

    Automatic organ validation of b-mode ultrasound images for transmission to cloud

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    Miniaturization in size of Medical ultrasound scanning machine made it to use in point of care applications. Lack of sonographers and their unwillingness to work in rural areas limit the benefits of ultrasound system in rural healthcare. Diagnosis of patients through ultrasound is done by visualizing the ultrasound scanned images of organs. Diagnosis through telemedicine involves transmitting of ultrasound images from rural locations to cloud, where sonographer can remotely access the ultrasound data from cloud and generate the report, thus reducing the geographical separation between patients and doctors. Due to lack of adequate sonographers, ultrasound scanning in remote areas is operated by semi-skilled clinicians. Most of the images generated by semi-skilled clinicians are not useful for diagnosis. Transmitting all these images increases the data in cloud, drains the battery of portable ultrasound machine and increases latency in medication. This paper provides automatic B-mode ultrasound image validation based on organ information present in the image for diagnosis, thus avoiding transmission of invalid images to cloud. Linear kernel SVM classifier trained with first order statistic features of image with/without organs is used to classify the images into valid and invalid for diagnosis. The algorithm resulted with a recognition efficiency of 94.2% in classifying the ultrasound images

    Work from home:Benefits and Pitfalls among software employees

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    Introduction: Work from home is referred to as employees need not go to corporate companies, but instead perform their work at home using an internet connection, by satellite connection. The employees are happier working from home than in the office. Benefits of working from home is the employees can spend time with family, releasing travelling stress. Therefore, the aim of this study is to find work from home : benefits and pitfalls among the software employees Materials and methods: In this study sample size was 100 software employees between the age group of 20-50 years from software companies in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The questionnaire comprising 21 questions were created in google forms and sent to 100 software employees through whats app. And the data is collected and analysed by spss version 23. Descriptive statistics was expressed by means of number and frequency and percentage and the chi square test was used to find out associated between variables. Levels of statistical significance will be P<0.05 Results: Out of the total 101 responses, 67% were males and 33% were females. 40.59% males said yes that their home is office silent and 26.73% said no. And females said 11.88% said yes that their home is office silent and 20.79%said no. 17.82% female said work from home time saving 2.97% said it is stressful. 0.99% males said time saving and 3.96% said stressful Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, it can be concluded that work from home is found to be beneficial among the study participants

    A Study of Phytochemical Composition of a Few Tribal Medicinal Plants from Sriharikota

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    SRIHARIKOTA acquired importance botanically because of rich Island vegetation and due to installation of Rocket Launching Station by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). A few Tribal colonies are domiciled there. Some aged tribal men conversed with herbal medicines and practices. With a fear that this tribal medicinal knowledge of the island may be lost, if urgently not pursued in a recorded manner for the benefit of modern society, a project on Ethnobotany and tribal medicines of Sriharikota Island is taken up three years back in 1996. Regular field tours are conducted covering all the seasons and about 300 medicinal plants are collected along with ample field notes on folklore medicinal uses with the support of local aged tribal men. Out of these, a few plants are selected on the basis of endemism and utility and subjected to phytochemical analysis. Investigation for 11 chemical components is made in 21 samples. All the data is recorded in this paper. The results are mostly in conformity with the medicinal uses and they are discussed

    Antimicrobial Screening of Some Selected Tribal Medicinal Plants from Sriharikota Island, Andhra Pradesh, India

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    Sriharikota Island is important because of its rich vegetational diversity and for the fact that it is the site of a Rocket Launching Station built by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). An aboriginal tribe called ‘Yanadi’ dwells in a few tribal pockets on Sriharikota Island. However, a few aged tribal men are still able to furnish information regarding their traditional practices of medicines and recipes. There is an urgent need to conserve their herbal wealth and preserve their traditional knowledge for the benefit of modern society. It is with this background, along with the need to give a primary scientific basis to the tribal medicinal lore of Sriharikota Island, that a preliminary screening of antimicrobial (antibacterial and antifungal) activity screening was conducted for 81 tribal medicinal samples based on their medicinal importance and endemism/rare occurrence on the island. Of these 81 samples, 28 have shown positive response for antimicrobial tests. Among these 8 species, namely Alangium salvifolium, Aristolochia indica, Ctrullus colocynthis, Datura stramonium, Ficus religiosa, Holoptelia integrifolia, Lawsonia innermis and Ventilago madaraspatana have shown congizable immunity zone of inhibition (i.e. above 20 mm). All the data is recorded in this paper. The results are mostly in conformity of the medicinal uses and they are discussed in detail in this article