
Flora of Sacred Groves at Sriharikota Island, Andhra Pradesh, India


Sriharikota is botanically interesting place in Andhra Pradesh by virtue of being an island in Nellore District harbouring a rich vegetation and a popular place also because of establishment of Rocket Launching Station. The anecdote behind the same Sriharikota is that there are half a million of Siva Lingams present in the island. The legend derived its strength from the words ‘arc’ (half) and cotti (crore), ‘Sri’ being a qualifying term. However, the fact is that there are a good number of dilapidated temples around which note- worthy vegetation, worth a critical study. It is said that a number of idols also were found during excavation operations while construction programme of SHAR establishment was carried out. One such idol is presently installed at newly constructed temple in the area. Hence a study of flora of sacred groves is undertaken. A good number of medicinal plants are recorded around the sacred groves. However 18 plants only of high importance are reported here, such as Albizzia amara, Lannea coromandelica, Loesneriella obtusifolia, Strychnos nux-vomica and Strychnos potatorum etc

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