887 research outputs found

    Crossing the Gould Belt in the Orion vicinity

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    We present a study of the large-scale spatial distribution of 6482 RASS X-ray sources in approximately 5000 deg^2 in the direction of Orion. We examine the astrophysical properties of a sub-sample of ~100 optical counterparts, using optical spectroscopy. This sub-sample is used to investigate the space density of the RASS young star candidates by comparing X-ray number counts with Galactic model predictions. We characterize the observed sub-sample in terms of spectral type, lithium content, radial and rotational velocities, as well as iron abundance. A population synthesis model is then applied to analyze the stellar content of the RASS in the studied area. We find that stars associated with the Orion star-forming region do show a high lithium content. A population of late-type stars with lithium equivalent widths larger than Pleiades stars of the same spectral type (hence younger than ~70-100 Myr) is found widely spread over the studied area. Two new young stellar aggregates, namely "X-ray Clump 0534+22" (age~2-10 Myr) and "X-ray Clump 0430-08" (age~2-20 Myr), are also identified. The spectroscopic follow-up and comparison with Galactic model predictions reveal that the X-ray selected stellar population in the direction of Orion is characterized by three distinct components, namely the clustered, the young dispersed, and the widespread field populations. The clustered population is mainly associated with regions of recent or ongoing star formation and correlates spatially with molecular clouds. The dispersed young population follows a broad lane apparently coinciding spatially with the Gould Belt, while the widespread population consists primarily of active field stars older than 100 Myr. We expect the "bi-dimensional" picture emerging from this study to grow in depth as soon as the distance and the kinematics of the studied sources will become available from the future Gaia mission.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Abstract shortene

    Córdoba taurina : apuntes biográficos de matadores, banderilleros, picadores, puntilleros, maletas, ganaderos, propietarios de plazas, empresarios, aficionados, revisteros y escritores taurinos antig..uos y modernos

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2011Del texto se deduce impreso con posterioridad a 189

    Hunting for brown dwarf binaries and testing atmospheric models with X-Shooter

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    The determination of the brown dwarf binary fraction may contribute to the understanding of the substellar formation mechanisms. Unresolved brown dwarf binaries may be revealed through their peculiar spectra or the discrepancy between optical and near-infrared spectral type classification. We obtained medium-resolution spectra of 22 brown dwarfs with these characteristics using the X-Shooter spectrograph at the VLT. We aimed to identify brown dwarf binary candidates, and to test if the BT-Settl 2014 atmospheric models reproduce their observed spectra. To find binaries spanning the L-T boundary, we used spectral indices and compared the spectra of the selected candidates to single spectra and synthetic binary spectra. We used synthetic binary spectra with components of same spectral type to determine as well the sensitivity of the method to this class of binaries. We identified three candidates to be combination of L plus T brown dwarfs. We are not able to identify binaries with components of similar spectral type. In our sample, we measured minimum binary fraction of 9.13.0+9.99.1^{+9.9}_{-3.0}. From the best fit of the BT-Settl models 2014 to the observed spectra, we derived the atmospheric parameters for the single objects. The BT-Settl models were able to reproduce the majority of the SEDs from our objects, and the variation of the equivalent width of the RbI (794.8 nm) and CsI (852.0 nm) lines with the spectral type. Nonetheless, these models did not reproduce the evolution of the equivalent widths of the NaI (818.3 nm and 819.5 nm) and KI (1253 nm) lines with the spectral type.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Diffusion limited aggregation, resetting and large deviations of Brownian motion

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    Models of fractal growth commonly consider particles diffusing in a medium and that stick irreversibly to the forming aggregate when making contact for the first time. As shown by the well-known diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) model and its generalisations, the fractal dimension is sensitive to the nature of the stochastic motion of the particles. Here, we study the structures formed by finite-lived Brownian particles, i.e., particles constrained to find the aggregate within a prescribed time, and which are removed otherwise. This motion can be modelled by diffusion with stochastic resetting, a class of processes which has been widely studied in recent years. In the short lifetime limit, a very small fraction of the particles manage to reach the aggregate. Hence, growth is controlled by atypical Brownian trajectories, that move nearly in straight line according to a large deviation principle. In dd dimensions, the resulting fractal dimension of the aggregate decreases from the DLA value and tends to 1, instead of increasing to dd as expected from ballistic aggregation. In the zero lifetime limit one recovers the non-trivial model of "aggregation by the tips" proposed long ago by R. Jullien [J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 19, 2129 (1986)].Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Adsorción-desorción de los metales pesados Pb(II) y Hg(II) por modelos de partículas coloidales del suelo

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    4 páginas, 2 figuras, 1 tabla, 3 referencias.-- Publicado en el Capítulo IV: Contaminación y Medio Ambiente.-- Trabajo presentado a la XVII Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Arcillas, celebrada en Elche (Alicante) y Castellón, del 27-29 de noviembre de 2002.El destino de los metales pesados en el medio ambiente está controlado por las reacciones de adsorción a los coloides del suelo. Por otro lado, las interacciones entre los constituyentes del suelo pueden alterar significativamente la cantidad y naturaleza de la superficie expuesta por los coloides del suelo para la adsorción de contaminantes. Por tanto, las predicciones sobre la extensión de la adsorción basadas en la suma de las capacidades adsorbentes de los constituyentes individuales del suelo pueden desviarse de lo que ocurre en la naturaleza (1). En la bibliografia han sido poco estudiadas las interacciones entre contaminantes y adsorbentes polifásicos, aunque en la última década ha aumentado la atención dada al estudio del comportamiento de modelos de asociaciones coloidales para obtener una interpretación más realista del proceso de adsorción en el suelo (2). En este trabajo se han determinado las capacidades adsorbentes de modelos de partículas coloidales binarias y ternarias que contienen montmorillonita (SW), ferrihidrita (Fh) y ácido húmico (AH) para dos contaminantes inorgánicos, los metales pesados Pb(lI) y Hg(II), Y se compararon con las capacidades de adsorción de los constituyentes individuales. Las partículas modelos se prepararon en el laboratorio y se caracterizaron por análisis elemental, espectroscopía infrarroja, difracción de rayos X y medidas de superficie específica. Se estudió la adsorción-desorción de Pb(lI) y Hg(ll) por parte de los diferentes adsorbentes y se utilizaron las técnicas de espectroscopía infrarroja y difracción de rayos X para analizar los mecanismos de interacción.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el proyecto del MCYT REN2001-1700-C02- 01/TECNO y por el grupo RNM124 del PAI de la Junta de AndalucíaPeer reviewe

    Accretion-ejection connection in the young brown dwarf candidate ISO-Cha1 217

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    As the number of observed brown dwarf outflows is growing it is important to investigate how these outflows compare to the well studied jets from young stellar objects. A key point of comparison is the relationship between outflow and accretion activity and in particular the ratio between the mass outflow and accretion rates (M˙out\dot{M}_{out}/M˙acc\dot{M}_{acc}). The brown dwarf candidate ISO-ChaI 217 was discovered by our group, as part of a spectro-astrometric study of brown dwarfs, to be driving an asymmetric outflow with the blue-shifted lobe having a position angle of \sim 20^{\circ}. The aim here is to further investigate the properties of ISO-ChaI 217, the morphology and kinematics of its outflow, and to better constrain (M˙out\dot{M}_{out}/M˙acc\dot{M}_{acc}). The outflow is spatially resolved in the [SII]λλ6716,6731[SII]\lambda \lambda 6716,6731 lines and is detected out to \sim 1\farcs6 in the blue-shifted lobe and ~ 1" in the red-shifted lobe. The asymmetry between the two lobes is confirmed although the velocity asymmetry is less pronounced with respect to our previous study. Using thirteen different accretion tracers we measure log(M˙acc\dot{M}_{acc}) [Msun_{sun}/yr]= -10.6 ±\pm 0.4. As it was not possible to measure the effect of extinction on the ISO-ChaI 217 outflow M˙out\dot{M}_{out} was derived for a range of values of Av_{v}, up to a value of Av_{v} = 2.5 mag estimated for the source extinction. The logarithm of the mass outflow (M˙out\dot{M}_{out}) was estimated in the range -11.7 to -11.1 for both jets combined. Thus M˙out\dot{M}_{out}/M˙acc\dot{M}_{acc} [\Msun/yr] lies below the maximum value predicted by magneto-centrifugal jet launching models. Finally, both model fitting of the Balmer decrements and spectro-astrometric analysis of the Hα\alpha line show that the bulk of the H I emission comes from the accretion flow.Comment: accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Estudio comparativo de los parámetros calidad de la leche, características tecnológicas y producción quesera de la Raza Merina de Grazalema frente al cruce con razas foráneas

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    En los últimos años se están incorporando masivamente en España, en general, y en Andalucía, en particular, razas ovinas foráneas de aptitud lechera, fundamentalmente las razas Assaf, Awassi y Lacaune. Su introducción está fomentando, asimismo, la realización de cruces indiscriminados con nuestras razas ovinas autóctonas, de aptitud lechera pero de menor especialización, al menos cuantitativamente (Casas et al., 2005). El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar en dos grupos de animales de un mismo rebaño (ovejas puras de raza Merina de Grazalema, y ovejas cruzadas Merina de Grazalema x Awassi) las características de la producción lechera, y proceder a la elaboración de quesos para estudiar las posibles diferencias tecnológicas de los quesos derivados de ambas elaboraciones. A través del mismo se ha comprobado una mayor producción lechera de las ovejas cruzadas (167.35±13.20 kg frente a 136.84±4.25 kg) pero con un porcentaje de grasa (6.25±0.34 % frente a 8.27±0.22 %), proteína (4.71±0.14 % frente a 5.80±0.09 %) y extracto seco (10.97±0.46 % frente a 14.07±0.28 %), estadísticamente inferior. En cuanto a los parámetros de aptitud tecnológica, los valores de tiempo de coagulación medio (24.70±0.77 minutos), dureza media (dureza del coágulo a los 30 minutos) de 25.03±2.27 mm, y el rendimiento en cuajada (327.50±5.70 g/l), mostraron cifras inferiores a las referenciadas por Casas et al. (2005) para la raza ovina Merina de Grazalema. Finalmente, la velocidad de endurecimiento resultó mayor a los valores obtenidos en el trabajo citado anteriormente (4.59±0.54 min.). Por otro lado, estos mismos parámetros mostraron valores inferiores en el tiempo de coagulación (19.60±0.62 minutos), velocidad de endurecimiento (3.97±0.38 min.) y rendimiento en cuajada (290.55±6.67), mientras que la dureza media (32.85±2.03 mm) fue superior en las ovejas cruzadas, respecto a los valores encontrados en esta misma explotación para los animales puros. Como consecuencia de todo ello, el rendimiento quesero real fue del 30.25 % para las ovejas puras frente al 23.70 % de las cruzadas. Esto determina que la producción quesera real que se obtiene por oveja pura, sea superior al de la cruzada (41.38 kg queso fresco/lactación frente a los 39.70 de la cruzada)