1,105 research outputs found

    Over-expressing the C3 photosynthesis cycle enzyme Sedoheptulose-1-7 Bisphosphatase improves photosynthetic carbon gain and yield under fully open air CO2fumigation (FACE)

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    Abstract Background Biochemical models predict that photosynthesis in C3 plants is most frequently limited by the slower of two processes, the maximum capacity of the enzyme Rubisco to carboxylate RuBP (Vc,max), or the regeneration of RuBP via electron transport (J). At current atmospheric [CO2] levels Rubisco is not saturated; consequently, elevating [CO2] increases the velocity of carboxylation and inhibits the competing oxygenation reaction which is also catalyzed by Rubisco. In the future, leaf photosynthesis (A) should be increasingly limited by RuBP regeneration, as [CO2] is predicted to exceed 550 ppm by 2050. The C3 cycle enzyme sedoheptulose-1,7 bisphosphatase (SBPase, EC has been shown to exert strong metabolic control over RuBP regeneration at light saturation. Results We tested the hypothesis that tobacco transformed to overexpressing SBPase will exhibit greater stimulation of A than wild type (WT) tobacco when grown under field conditions at elevated [CO2] (585 ppm) under fully open air fumigation. Growth under elevated [CO2] stimulated instantaneous A and the diurnal photosynthetic integral (A') more in transformants than WT. There was evidence of photosynthetic acclimation to elevated [CO2] via downregulation of Vc,max in both WT and transformants. Nevertheless, greater carbon assimilation and electron transport rates (J and Jmax) for transformants led to greater yield increases than WT at elevated [CO2] compared to ambient grown plants. Conclusion These results provide proof of concept that increasing content and activity of a single photosynthesis enzyme can enhance carbon assimilation and yield of C3 crops grown at [CO2] expected by the middle of the 21st century. </jats:sec

    Multigene manipulation of photosynthetic carbon assimilation increases CO2 fixation and biomass yield in tobacco

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    Over the next 40 years it has been estimated that a 50% increase in the yield of grain crops such as wheat and rice will be required to meet the food and fuel demands of the increasing world population. Transgenic tobacco plants have been generated with altered combinations of sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase, fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase, and the cyanobacterial putative-inorganic carbon transporter B, ictB, of which have all been identified as targets to improve photosynthesis based on empirical studies. It is shown here that increasing the levels of the three proteins individually significantly increases the rate of photosynthetic carbon assimilation, leaf area, and biomass yield. Furthermore, the daily integrated measurements of photosynthesis showed that mature plants fixed between 12-19% more CO2 than the equivalent wild-type plants. Further enhancement of photosynthesis and yield was observed when sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase, fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase, and ictB were over-expressed together in the same plant. These results demonstrate the potential for the manipulation of photosynthesis, using multigene-stacking approaches, to increase crop yields

    MESSENGER Observations of Flow Braking and Flux Pileup of Dipolarizations in Mercury’s Magnetotail: Evidence for Current Wedge Formation

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    Similar to Earth, Mercury’s magnetotail experiences frequent dipolarization of the magnetic field. These rapid (~2 s) increases in the northward component of the tail field (ΔBz ~ 30 nT) at Mercury are associated with fast sunward flows (~200 km/s) that enhance local magnetic field convection. Differences between the two magnetospheres, namely Mercury’s smaller spatiotemporal scales and lack of an ionosphere, influence the dynamics of dipolarizations in these magnetotails. At Earth, the braking of fast dipolarization flows near the inner magnetosphere accumulates magnetic flux and develops the substorm current wedge. At Mercury, flow braking and flux pileup remain open topics. In this work, we develop an automated algorithm to identify dipolarizations, which allows for statistical examination of flow braking and flux pileup in Mercury’s magnetotail. We find that near the inner edge of the plasma sheet, steep magnetic pressure gradients cause substantial braking of fast dipolarization flows. The dipolarization frequency and sunward flow speed decrease significantly within a region ~500 km thick located at ~900 km altitude above Mercury’s local midnight surface. Due to the close proximity of the braking region to the planet, we estimate that ~10–20% of dipolarizations may reach the nightside surface of the planet. The remaining dipolarizations exhibit prolonged statistical flux pileup within the braking region similar to large‐scale dipolarization of Earth’s inner magnetosphere. The existence of flow braking and flux pileup at Mercury indicates that a current wedge may form, although the limitations imposed by Mercury’s magnetosphere require the braking of multiple, continuous dipolarizations for current wedge formation.Key PointsDipolarizations in Mercury’s magnetotail encounter strong magnetic pressure gradients near the planet that brake their fast sunward flowOnly a small fraction of dipolarizations reach the nightside surface; most brake and contribute to magnetic flux pileupPileup results from the interaction of multiple dipolarizations and is consistent with Earth‐like substorm current wedge formationPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162780/2/jgra55966.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162780/1/jgra55966_am.pd

    Antisense Suppression of the Small Chloroplast Protein CP12 in Tobacco Alters Carbon Partitioning and Severely Restricts Growth

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    Abstract The thioredoxin-regulated chloroplast protein CP12 forms a multienzyme complex with the Calvin-Benson cycle enzymes phosphoribulokinase (PRK) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). PRK and GAPDH are inactivated when present in this complex, a process shown in vitro to be dependent upon oxidized CP12. The importance of CP12 in vivo in higher plants, however, has not been investigated. Here, antisense suppression of CP12 in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) was observed to impact on NAD-induced PRK and GAPDH complex formation but had little effect on enzyme activity. Additionally, only minor changes in photosynthetic carbon fixation were observed. Despite this, antisense plants displayed changes in growth rates and morphology, including dwarfism and reduced apical dominance. The hypothesis that CP12 is essential to separate oxidative pentose phosphate pathway activity from Calvin-Benson cycle activity, as proposed in cyanobacteria, was tested. No evidence was found to support this role in tobacco. Evidence was seen, however, for a restriction to malate valve capacity, with decreases in NADP-malate dehydrogenase activity (but not protein levels) and pyridine nucleotide content. Antisense repression of CP12 also led to significant changes in carbon partitioning, with increased carbon allocation to the cell wall and the organic acids malate and fumarate and decreased allocation to starch and soluble carbohydrates. Severe decreases were also seen in 2-oxoglutarate content, a key indicator of cellular carbon sufficiency. The data presented here indicate that in tobacco, CP12 has a role in redox-mediated regulation of carbon partitioning from the chloroplast and provides strong in vivo evidence that CP12 is required for normal growth and development in plants.</jats:p

    Optimizing photorespiration for improved crop productivity

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    © 2018 Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences In C3 plants, photorespiration is an energy-expensive process, including the oxygenation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) by ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) and the ensuing multi-organellar photorespiratory pathway required to recycle the toxic byproducts and recapture a portion of the fixed carbon. Photorespiration significantly impacts crop productivity through reducing yields in C3 crops by as much as 50% under severe conditions. Thus, reducing the flux through, or improving the efficiency of photorespiration has the potential of large improvements in C3 crop productivity. Here, we review an array of approaches intended to engineer photorespiration in a range of plant systems with the goal of increasing crop productivity. Approaches include optimizing flux through the native photorespiratory pathway, installing non-native alternative photorespiratory pathways, and lowering or even eliminating Rubisco-catalyzed oxygenation of RuBP to reduce substrate entrance into the photorespiratory cycle. Some proposed designs have been successful at the proof of concept level. A plant systems-engineering approach, based on new opportunities available from synthetic biology to implement in silico designs, holds promise for further progress toward delivering more productive crops to farmer\u27s fields

    Malware Type Recognition and Cyber Situational Awareness

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    Current technologies for computer network and host defense do not provide suitable information to support strategic and tactical decision making processes. Although pattern-based malware detection is an active research area, the additional context of the type of malware can improve cyber situational awareness. This additional context is an indicator of threat capability thus allowing organizations to assess information losses and focus response actions appropriately. Malware Type Recognition (MaTR) is a research initiative extending detection technologies to provide the additional context of malware types using only static heuristics. Test results with MaTR demonstrate over a 99% accurate detection rate and 59% test accuracy in malware typing

    Malware Target Recognition via Static Heuristics

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    Organizations increasingly rely on the confidentiality, integrity and availability of their information and communications technologies to conduct effective business operations while maintaining their competitive edge. Exploitation of these networks via the introduction of undetected malware ultimately degrades their competitive edge, while taking advantage of limited network visibility and the high cost of analyzing massive numbers of programs. This article introduces the novel Malware Target Recognition (MaTR) system which combines the decision tree machine learning algorithm with static heuristic features for malware detection. By focusing on contextually important static heuristic features, this research demonstrates superior detection results. Experimental results on large sample datasets demonstrate near ideal malware detection performance (99.9+% accuracy) with low false positive (8.73e-4) and false negative rates (8.03e-4) at the same point on the performance curve. Test results against a set of publicly unknown malware, including potential advanced competitor tools, show MaTR’s superior detection rate (99%) versus the union of detections from three commercial antivirus products (60%). The resulting model is a fine granularity sensor with potential to dramatically augment cyberspace situation awareness

    A mathematical model for fibro-proliferative wound healing disorders

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    The normal process of dermal wound healing fails in some cases, due to fibro-proliferative disorders such as keloid and hypertrophic scars. These types of abnormal healing may be regarded as pathologically excessive responses to wounding in terms of fibroblastic cell profiles and their inflammatory growth-factor mediators. Biologically, these conditions are poorly understood and current medical treatments are thus unreliable. In this paper, the authors apply an existing deterministic mathematical model for fibroplasia and wound contraction in adult mammalian dermis (Olsenet al., J. theor. Biol. 177, 113–128, 1995) to investigate key clinical problems concerning these healing disorders. A caricature model is proposed which retains the fundamental cellular and chemical components of the full model, in order to analyse the spatiotemporal dynamics of the initiation, progression, cessation and regression of fibro-contractive diseases in relation to normal healing. This model accounts for fibroblastic cell migration, proliferation and death and growth-factor diffusion, production by cells and tissue removal/decay. Explicit results are obtained in terms of the model processes and parameters. The rate of cellular production of the chemical is shown to be critical to the development of a stable pathological state. Further, cessation and/or regression of the disease depend on appropriate spatiotemporally varying forms for this production rate, which can be understood in terms of the bistability of the normal dermal and pathological steady states—a central property of the model, which is evident from stability and bifurcation analyses. The work predicts novel, biologically realistic and testable pathogenic and control mechanisms, the understanding of which will lead toward more effective strategies for clinical therapy of fibro-proliferative disorders

    Large‐Amplitude Oscillatory Motion of Mercury’s Cross‐Tail Current Sheet

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    We surveyed 4 years of MESSENGER magnetic field data and analyzed intervals with observations of large‐amplitude oscillatory motions of Mercury’s cross‐tail current sheet, or flapping waves, characterized by a decrease in magnetic field intensity and multiple reversals of BX, oscillating with a period on the order of ~4 – 25 seconds. We performed minimum variance analysis (MVA) on each flapping wave event to determine the current sheet normal. Statistical results showed that the flapping motion of the current sheet caused it to warp and tilt in the y‐z plane, which suggests that these flapping waves are kink‐type waves propagating in the cross‐tail direction of Mercury’s magnetotail. The occurrence of flapping waves shows a strong preference in Mercury’s duskside plasma sheet. We compared our results with the magnetic double‐gradient instability model and examined possible flapping wave excitation mechanism theories from internal (e.g., finite gyroradius effects of planetary sodium ions Na+ on magnetosonic waves) and external (e.g., solar wind variations and K‐H waves) sources.Key PointsLarge‐amplitude oscillations of Mercury’s cross‐tail current sheet (or flapping waves) with period of ~4 – 25 s were observedFlapping motion of Mercury’s cross‐tail current sheet warped and tilted the current sheet in the y‐z planeFlapping waves preferentially occur in Mercury’s duskside current sheetPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156232/2/jgra55803.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156232/1/jgra55803_am.pd