59 research outputs found

    Legal regulation of public procurement in the EU and the EAEU: Trends to digitalization

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    The article touches upon some problems of legal regulation of public procurement in two organizations — the European Union (EU) and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). A wide EU experience in public procurement regulation could be helpful for the EAEU, as it is facing now the same problems as the EU did, for example the digitalization of public procurement.Russian researchers often refer to European experience in order to find best practices, but the European experience in the legal regulation of public procurement is poorly examined by Russian authors. The aim of the study is to compare the process of digitalization of public procurement regulation in the EU and in the EAEU, highlight the EU instruments in this sphere which could be useful for the EAEU and point some common features and differences of the digitalization process in the sphere of public procurement in these organizations.In the article the authors compare different fields of public procurement legal regulation in the EU and in the EAEU and both general and specific instruments of digitalization in the sphere of public procurement existing in the EU and in the EAEU. The study is based on the analysis of the EU law and legal precedents.As a result the authors make a conclusion that some EU instruments of public procurement legal regulation could be applied in the EAEU or its member states law considering the difference in historical development of public procurement legal regulation of the organizations and positive experience of the EAEU member states

    Новейшие тенденции европейского регулирования водородной энергетики в контексте обеспечения российских интересов

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    The subject of research is the dynamic change in the regulatory and legal framework of the EU and its Member States in the field of energy, in particular, concerning the regulation of hydrogen projects.The purpose of the study is to propose a response from the Russian side to the measures taken by Europe.Methodology. The research methods include both theoretical (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, analogy) and special legal methods of cognition (formal legal and comparative legal).The main results and the scope of the study. The European Union initiated a comprehensive development of the energy sector within the framework of the European Green Deal: the emphasis on certain sectors is no longer placed. At the same time, there is a growing interest in hydrogen projects, which are facing the problem of absence of large-scale regulation and the difficulty of resolving financing issues. In contrast to neighboring countries, the German experience in hydrogen regulation has proved to be successful and closest to Russian interests. New energy (primarily hydrogen) markets in the EU are awaiting supranational regulation. Germany’s technical readiness has allowed it to quickly form the rules of the game in the emerging hydrogen network market, which should suit the Russian side in terms of tariffs and access. The EU is effectively adopting new documents and acts aimed at greater integration of various energy sectors within the Union and “discarding” traditional energy and its actors. The rapid development of the law reduces the chances of successful implementation of projects with the participation of non-EU member states.Conclusions. In the near future, in particular, on the eve of the emergence of hydrogen regulation at the EU level, Russia should reconsider the approaches to organizing the national energy policy and pay more attention to integration development. The opposite will entail economic losses and deprive the Russian side of competitive advantages and leverage. The study of the material can affect the improvement of energy legislation and business processes with the participation of third countries (for example, Russia), as well as their companies, interacting with the EU: for example, “Gazprom” Group is already considering various options for realizing hydrogen projects in Europe. Moreover, the EU experience can be useful for unlocking the energy potential of the Eurasian Economic Union. Separately, countries should consider the quantitative criterion and the phenomenon of 27 EU “heads” (by the number of member states), comprehensively improving energy orders at various levels, despite sometimes arising internal contradictions.Энергетическая политика Европейского Союза (ЕС) исследуется в части поэтапного оформления низкоуглеродной политики, одной из составных элементов которой станет водородное топливо. Изучается новейшая инициатива ЕС – Стратегия ЕС по водороду, предвосхищающая энергетический переход и появление соответствующего регулирования, а также опыт реализации водородных проектов в Германии. Делаются выводы, что немецкий подход оказался передовым и наиболее отвечающим интересам России, что позволит успешно реализовывать совместные международные проекты; однако в ближайшее время ввиду отсутствия определенности относительно содержания будущего водородного регулирования на уровне ЕС (в частности, возможного перекрестного финансирования газовыми участниками водородного рынка) Россия должна пересмотреть подходы к организации национальной энергетической политики и уделить больше внимания интеграционному развитию на разных уровнях, в противном случае лишит себя конкурентных преимуществ и рычагов давления

    Innovative Production Technology of Drinks from Grape Cryopowders

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    A technology, based on the production of wine beverages from grape cryopowders in the mountain-valley zone of the Republic of Dagestan, is proposed. The data on the vacuum microwave drying of grape raw materials and subsequent grinding in a cryomill are presented. The modes of grape raw material preparation and its subsequent dehydration and cryo-grinding, which provide the possibility of successful use in the dried state in the production technology of wine drinks, are proposed. The principal feature is the use of whole grapes as a raw material, with rinds and seeds. The physical and chemical indicators, the content of phenolic substances and the organoleptic indicators of wine beverages made according to the traditional technology and the beverage made from grape cryopowders were studied. A comparative assessment of beverages was made. It is established that vacuum microwave drying conduces to better preservation of the properties of raw materials and finished products. The organoleptic assessment showed that the wine drinks developed according to the proposed technology had a more intense color and a more pronounced flavor of sweetness and sourness than traditional wine beverages. The advantage of this technology is the ability to transport grape cryopowders in unregulated temperature conditions to any point close to the consumer and carry out the production of wine beverages there

    Satisfaction (analysis) with surgical treatment in women with pelvic organ prolapse

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    The aim of the study - to assess the satisfaction with surgical treatment of women with pelvic organ prolapseЦель исследования - оценка удовлетворенности хирургическим лечением женщин с пролапсом тазовых органов

    Neuronal Chemokines: Versatile Messengers In Central Nervous System Cell Interaction

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    Whereas chemokines are well known for their ability to induce cell migration, only recently it became evident that chemokines also control a variety of other cell functions and are versatile messengers in the interaction between a diversity of cell types. In the central nervous system (CNS), chemokines are generally found under both physiological and pathological conditions. Whereas many reports describe chemokine expression in astrocytes and microglia and their role in the migration of leukocytes into the CNS, only few studies describe chemokine expression in neurons. Nevertheless, the expression of neuronal chemokines and the corresponding chemokine receptors in CNS cells under physiological and pathological conditions indicates that neuronal chemokines contribute to CNS cell interaction. In this study, we review recent studies describing neuronal chemokine expression and discuss potential roles of neuronal chemokines in neuron–astrocyte, neuron–microglia, and neuron–neuron interaction

    HIV-1 matrix protein p17 misfolding forms toxic amyloidogenic assemblies that induce neurocognitive disorders

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    © 2017 The Author(s). Human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1)-Associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND) remains an important neurological manifestation that adversely affects a patient's quality of life. HIV-1 matrix protein p17 (p17) has been detected in autoptic brain tissue of HAND individuals who presented early with severe AIDS encephalopathy. We hypothesised that the ability of p17 to misfold may result in the generation of toxic assemblies in the brain and may be relevant for HAND pathogenesis. A multidisciplinary integrated approach has been applied to determine the ability of p17 to form soluble amyloidogenic assemblies in vitro. To provide new information into the potential pathogenic role of soluble p17 species in HAND, their toxicological capability was evaluated in vivo. In C. elegans, capable of recognising toxic assemblies of amyloidogenic proteins, p17 induces a specific toxic effect which can be counteracted by tetracyclines, drugs able to hinder the formation of large oligomers and consequently amyloid fibrils. The intrahippocampal injection of p17 in mice reduces their cognitive function and induces behavioral deficiencies. These findings offer a new way of thinking about the possible cause of neurodegeneration in HIV-1-seropositive patients, which engages the ability of p17 to form soluble toxic assemblies


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    Large-scale improvement is in store for the European financial regulators. Reforms are being carried out at the supranational level of the European Union whereas the national legislation of the EU member-states is being refined. Similarly, the system of financial regulation in the Russian Federation is about to change prompting creation of a mega-regulator for the financial market on the basis of the RF Central Bank to be launched in August of 2013 with the regulation and supervision shared by the RF Ministry of Finance and Central Bank respectively. As a result, the current regulator, Federal Financial Markets Service, will be abolished with its staff to be employed by the Central Bank. Whether the initiative will be successful depends on a number of factors, among them appropriate application of existing regulation models taking into account the following aspects: participation/non-participation of the market and professional community in the regulation; the subject and the field of regulation. Scrutiny of the European regulators active at the level of the European Union, as well as the national experience of the financial regulators of Luxemburg and Belgium gives a better insight into the prospects of the regulatory reform that is supposed to make the future system intelligible, lucid and self-sufficient, which should be reflected in the underlying legislation


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    The principles and methods of thermopower and electrical conductivity measurements at high temperatures (100 – 1000 K) are reviewed. These two properties define the so-called power factor of thermoelect ric materials. Moreover, in combination with thermal conductivity they give the efficiency of thermoelectric conversion. In spite of a principal obtained by different groups and hinders a realistic estimate of the potential thermoelectric efficiency of new materials. The lack of a commonly accepted reference material for thermopower exaggerates the problem. Therefore, it is very important to have a clear understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the measuring methods and set-ups. The review article deals with the definitions of the thermoelectric parameters and principles of their experimental determination. The metrological characteristics of the state-of-the-art experimental set-ups for high temperature measurements are analyzed. simplicity of the measurement methods of these properties, their practical realization is rather complicated, especially at high temperatures. This leads to large uncertainties in determination of the properties, complicates comparison of the result