8,588 research outputs found

    Magnetostriction of single crystal and polycrystalline Tb0.60Dy0.40 at cryogenic temperatures

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    At cryogenic temperatures, single crystals of TbDy alloys exhibit giant magnetostrictions of nearly 9000 ppm, making these materials promising for engineering service in cryogenic actuators, valves, and positioners. The preparation of single crystals is difficult and costly. Preliminary results on the magnetostriction of textured polycrystalline materials are presented here. For instance, polycrystalline Tb0.60Dy0.40, plane-rolled (one direction of applied stress) to induce crystallographic texture, has shown magnetostrictions at 77 K of 3000 ppm for an applied field of 4.5 kOe and an applied load of 23 MPa, or 48% that of a single crystal under similar conditions. Comparisons are presented between the magnetostrictive response of plane- and form-rolled (two orthogonal directions of applied stress) polycrystalline Tb0.60Dy0.40 at 10 and 77 K. It is reported that at 10 K plane-rolled Tb0.60Dy0.40 exhibits 1600 ppm magnetostriction at an applied field of 4.4 kOe with a minimal applied load of 0.28 MPa. An observed restoration of the initial unstrained state may be a useful feature of polycrystalline materials for engineering service. Finally it is reported that thermal expansion measurements provide a measure of crystallographic texture for comparison with the magnetostriction

    Interpretation, translation and intercultural communication in refugee status determination procedures in the UK and France

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    This article explores the interplay between language and intercultural communication within refugee status determination procedures in the UK and France, using material taken from ethnographic research that involved a combination of participant observation, semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis in both countries over a two-year period (2007–2009). It is concerned, in particular, to examine the role played by interpreters in facilitating intercultural communication between asylum applicants and the different administrative and legal actors responsible for assessing or defending their claims. The first section provides an overview of refugee status determination procedures in the UK and France, introducing the main administrative and legal contexts of the asylum process within which interpreters operate in the two countries. The second section compares the organisation of interpreting services, codes of conduct for interpreters and institutional expectations about the nature of interpreters’ activity on the part of the relevant UK and French authorities. The third section then explores some of the practical dilemmas for interpreters and barriers to communication that exist in refugee status determination procedures in the two countries. The article concludes by emphasising the complex and active nature of the interpreter's role in UK and French refugee status determination procedures

    The mazEF toxin-antitoxin system as a novel antibacterial target in Acinetobacter baumannii

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    Although analysis of toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems can be instructive, to date, there is no information on the prevalence and identity of TA systems based on a large panel of Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolates. The aim of the current study was to screen for functional TA systems among clinical isolates of A. baumannii and to identify the systems' locations. For this purpose, we screened 85 A. baumannii isolates collected from different clinical sources for the presence of the mazEF, relBE and higBA TA genes. The results revealed that the genes coding for the mazEF TA system were commonly present in all clinical isolates of A. baumannii. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction analysis showed that transcripts were produced in the clinical isolates. Our findings showed that TA genes are prevalent, harboured by chromosomes and transcribed within A. baumannii. Hence, activation of the toxin proteins in the mazEF TA system should be investigated further as an effective antibacterial strategy against this bacterium

    Two Qubits in the Dirac Representation

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    A general two qubit system expressed in terms of the complete set of unit and fifteen traceless, Hermitian Dirac matrices, is shown to exhibit novel features of this system. The well-known physical interpretations associated with the relativistic Dirac equation involving the symmetry operations of time-reversal T, charge conjugation C, parity P, and their products are reinterpreted here by examining their action on the basic Bell states. The transformation properties of the Bell basis states under these symmetry operations also reveal that C is the only operator that does not mix the Bell states whereas all others do. In a similar fashion, expressing the various logic gates introduced in the subject of quantum computers in terms of the Dirac matrices shows for example, that the NOT gate is related to the product of time-reversal and parity operators.Comment: 11 page

    Prematurity, hypogammaglobulinemia, and neuropathology with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.

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    Isospin asymmetry and type-I superconductivity in neutron star matter

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    It has been argued by Buckley et. al.(Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 151102, 2004) that nuclear matter is a type-I rather than a type-II superconductor. The suggested mechanism is a strong interaction between neutron and proton Cooper pairs, which arises from an assumed U(2) symmetry of the effective potential, which is supposed to originate in isospin symmetry of the underlying nuclear interactions. To test this claim, we perform an explicit mean-field calculation of the effective potential of the Cooper pairs in a model with a simple four-point pairing interaction. In the neutron star context, matter is very neutron rich with less than 10% protons, so there is no neutron-proton pairing. We find that under these conditions our model shows no interaction between proton Cooper pairs and neutron Cooper pairs at the mean-field level. We estimate the leading contribution beyond mean field and find that it is is small and attractive at weak coupling.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure


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    When chimeric A strain mice tolerant of (A x C57BL/1)F1 hybrid skin grafts are injected with spleen cells from normal A donors the recipients develop weight loss, clinical evidence of runting, and death in some animals. Similar recipients injected with spleen cells from A strain donors immunized against C57BL/1 tissue show a more rapid onset of the runting process and increased mortality. Runting in. these experiments therefore results from an immune attack by the injected A strain lymphoid cells against the (A x C57BL/1)F1 hybrid tissue harbored by the chimeric recipients. Since the hybrid tissues of the chimeric recipients were derived from spleen cell populations we conclude that the immunologic rejection of lymphoid and hematopoietic tissue is sufficient to cause the runting syndrome. C3H mice tolerant of A strain skin grafts because of the prior injection of viable or disrupted A strain spleen material were given 400 r of x-irradiation and an injection of C3H spleen cells. Only the chimeric C3H mice harboring viable A strain cells developed weight loss and clinical evidence of disease, showing again that runting occurs only when an attack can be made against viable lymphoid and hematopoietic tissue. Normal A strain mice injected intravenously with 850 million (A x C57BL/1)F1 hybrid spleen cells reject hybrid skin grafts and do not develop runting, whereas the rejection of similar hybrid tissue present in chimeric A strain mice results in runting. It is concluded that runting will occur only when the immunologic attack is directed against lymphoid and hematopoietic tissue which has become established within host tissues. The possibility that runting may result from hypersensitivity reactions occurring in the lymphoid tissues is discussed

    A review of the Namaqua gecko, Pachydactylus namaquensis (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) from southern Africa, with the description of two new species

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    An analysis of morphological and allozyme variation in the Namaqua gecko, Pachydactylus namaquensis from southern Africa is presented. Three separately evolving lineages, well defined by morphology and allozyme variation, are identified. The isolated southern population, occurring on the southern escarpment and Cape Fold Mountains surrounding the western Little Karoo, is named P. kladamderma sp. nov., and is characterized by a slit-like ear opening, low number of granules bordering the mental (3-6) and mental and adjacent infralabials (513), the frequent (79%) occurence of the supralabial entering the nostril, and its drab brown base colouration. A northern population, occurring in southern Namibia and the Richtersveld is named P. haackei sp. nov., and is characterized by its more rounded or squared ear opening; high number of granules bordering the mental and adjacent infralabials (11-19), the general exclusion of the supralabial from the nostril (only 3.7% entry), and brighter, lighter colouration. It is further differentiated from P. kladaroderma on the basis of fixed differences at 11 allozyme loci. Both new species differ from P. namaquensis,  which is mainly restricted to Little Namaqualand, but is sympatric with P. haackei in the Lower Orange River region, by their more heterogenous dorsal scalation, smaller cloacal spurs, lack of spine-like tubercles on the lateral surfaces of the tail, and more fragile skin. The type locality of P. namaquensis is restricted to ‘the vicinity of Springbok, Little Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, South Africa’