448 research outputs found

    The impact of air pollution on hospital admissions: Evidence from Italy

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    In this paper we study the impact of air pollution on hospital admissions for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for 103 Italian provinces, over the period from 2004 to 2009. We use information on annual mean concentrations of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter, and ozone measured at monitoring station level to build province-level indicators of pollution. Hence, we estimate a regression model for hospital admissions, where we allow our aggregate measures of pollution to be subject to measurement error and correlated with the error term. We also adopt standard errors for estimates that are robust to serial and spatial correlation in the error term, to allow for temporal persistence and geographical concentration of unobservable risk factors.We find that higher levels of particulate matter are associated with higher levels of hospitalisation for children, while ozone plays an important role in explaining hospital admissions of the elderly. Other factors that appear to have an effect on hospital admissions for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are precipitation and provincial unemployment rate

    Validation of key behaviourally based mental health diagnoses in administrative data: suicide attempt, alcohol abuse, illicit drug abuse and tobacco use

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Observational research frequently uses administrative codes for mental health or substance use diagnoses and for important behaviours such as suicide attempts. We sought to validate codes (<it>International Classification of Diseases, 9<sup>th </sup>edition, clinical modification </it>diagnostic and E-codes) entered in Veterans Health Administration administrative data for patients with depression versus a gold standard of electronic medical record text ("chart notation").</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three random samples of patients were selected, each stratified by geographic region, gender, and year of cohort entry, from a VHA depression treatment cohort from April 1, 1999 to September 30, 2004. The first sample was selected from patients who died by suicide, the second from patients who remained alive on the date of death of suicide cases, and the third from patients with a new start of a commonly used antidepressant medication. Four variables were assessed using administrative codes in the year prior to the index date: suicide attempt, alcohol abuse/dependence, drug abuse/dependence and tobacco use.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Specificity was high (≥ 90%) for all four administrative codes, regardless of the sample. Sensitivity was ≤75% and was particularly low for suicide attempt (≤ 17%). Positive predictive values for alcohol dependence/abuse and tobacco use were high, but barely better than flipping a coin for illicit drug abuse/dependence. Sensitivity differed across the three samples, but was highest in the suicide death sample.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Administrative data-based diagnoses among VHA records have high specificity, but low sensitivity. The accuracy level varies by different diagnosis and by different patient subgroup.</p

    Evolution of the One CGIAR’s research and innovation portfolio to 2030 : approaches, tools, and insights after the reform

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    In this perspective, we offer insights into the evolution of CGIAR’s research and innovation portfolio from 2019 to 2023, underpinning the transformative journey towards One CGIAR. With this contribution, we aim to strengthen the social and environmental sustainability components of allied, future Research for Development (R4D) portfolios. We explore three interlinked operational frameworks—Quality of Research for Development (QoR4D), Comparative Advantage (CA) Analysis, and Inclusive Innovation—and present practical tools and lessons for enhancing the quality and impact of R4D initiatives. This work is based on insights gained by the Independent Science for Development Council (ISDC) during the review of proposals for the current One CGIAR research portfolio. QoR4D’s four dimensions (relevance, scientific credibility, legitimacy, and effectiveness) guide research strategy, portfolio development, evaluation and performance standards, fostering intentional design and transparent assessment. CA Analysis leverages organisational strengths, facilitating purposeful partnerships, and strategic resource allocation. Inclusive Innovation emphasises stakeholder inclusivity, amplifying legitimacy, relevance, and effectiveness. Insights are drawn from the application of these frameworks, highlighting the importance of collaboration, the need for a mindset shift and institutional reform, specialisation, and impact maximisation. By adopting these lessons, CGIAR and allied organisations can collectively address global food system challenges more effectively, driving sustainable agricultural innovation and societal transformation. This article aims to contribute to advancing sustainable agriculture and underscores the significance of systemic collaborations in creating more resilient and equitable food systems.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Opportunities for advances in climate change economics

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    There have been dramatic advances in understanding the physical science of climate change, facilitated by substantial and reliable research support. The social value of these advances depends on understanding their implications for society, an arena where research support has been more modest and research progress slower. Some advances have been made in understanding and formalizing climate-economy linkages, but knowledge gaps remain [e.g., as discussed in (1, 2)]. We outline three areas where we believe research progress on climate economics is both sorely needed, in light of policy relevance, and possible within the next few years given appropriate funding: (i) refining the social cost of carbon (SCC), (ii) improving understanding of the consequences of particular policies, and (iii) better understanding of the economic impacts and policy choices in developing economies

    Ictal Behaviors During Nonepileptic Seizures Differ in Patients with Temporal Lobe Interictal Epileptiform EEG Activity and Patients Without Interictal Epileptiform EEG Abnormalities

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    Purpose: Ictal behaviors during psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (NES) vary considerably among individuals, and can closely resemble common semiologies of epileptic seizures (ES). We tested the hypothesis that behaviors during NES in patients who have temporal spikes would more closely resemble behaviors during ES in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy than would behaviors during NES in patients who do not have EEG spikes. Methods: We identified 20 patients who had interictal temporal EEG spikes and EEG-video recorded NES (Study Group), 133 patients with temporal EEG spikes and recorded ES, without NES (Epileptic Group), and 24 patients with recorded NES and no epileptiform EEG abnormalities, without ES (Nonepileptic Group). Results: The hypothesis was supported with regard to ictal motor behaviors. Motionless staring or complex automatisms occurred mainly during NES in the Study Group and during ES in the Epileptic Group. In contrast, convulsive movements or flaccid falls were most common during NES in the Nonepileptic Group. Duration of unresponsiveness was longer, and there were fewer postictal states in NES both in the Study and Non-epileptic Groups. Unresponsiveness was briefer and postictal states were more consistent in ES in the Epileptic Group, however. Conclusions: Stereotyped motor activities during NES presumably represent learned behaviors. Processes underlying acquisition of ictal behaviors of NES probably differ in patients with interictal epileptiform EEG abnormalities compared to those without. Prior experiences and temporal lobe dysfunctions that are associated with epilepsy, and psychological characteristics that are unrelated to interictal epileptic dysfunctions, may determine ictal behaviors during NES.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65913/1/j.1528-1157.1998.tb01355.x.pd

    Change in depressive symptoms over higher education and professional establishment - a longitudinal investigation in a national cohort of Swedish nursing students

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There are indications of a high prevalence of psychological distress among students in higher education and also that distress increases over the course of study. However, not all studies on student distress controlled for sociodemographic differences and few followed development of distress over an extended period through professional establishment. We investigated if there is an independent effect of time in education and the first two years in the profession on depressive symptoms and mapped change over the period in a national cohort of students.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data came from LANE, a nation-wide longitudinal panel survey of Swedish nursing students (N = 1700) who responded to annual questionnaires over five years from 2002 to 2007. Depressive symptoms were measured by the Major Depression Inventory and change over time analysed in a linear mixed effects model for repeated measures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was a significant change in level of depressive symptoms over time: an increase from the first to later years in education and a decrease to levels similar to baseline after graduation and a year in the profession. The change in symptoms remained significant after adjustment for sociodemographic factors (p < 0.01). Symptom levels differed due to age, gender, household composition and prior nurse assistant training but change over time was similar in all groups. The correlation among the repeated measures, representing within individual correlation over time, varied between 0.44-0.60.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The findings indicate an independent but transitional effect of time in education and professional establishment on depressive symptoms. We think heightened distress over education abates as the graduate accommodates to the profession. Nevertheless, within education, the differences in depressive symptoms associated to demographic factors can help identify student groups more vulnerable to distress. Also, as individual differences in distress seem to persist over time, perhaps students highly distressed in the beginning of education can be helped by awareness among educators of the elevated levels of distress in late education.</p

    Serum uri acid: neuroprotection in thrombolysis. The Bergen NORSTROKE study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A possible synergic role of serum uric acid (SUA) with thrombolytic therapies is controversial and needs further investigations. We therefore evaluated association of admission SUA with clinical improvement and clinical outcome in patients receiving rt-PA, early admitted patients not receiving rt-PA, and patients admitted after time window for rt-PA.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>SUA levels were obtained at admission and categorized as low, middle and high, based on 33° and 66° percentile values. Patients were categorized as patients admitted within 3 hours of symptom onset receiving rt-PA (rt-PA group), patients admitted within 3 hours of symptom onset not receiving rt-PA (non-rt-PA group), and patients admitted after time window for rt-PA (late group). Short-term clinical improvement was defined as the difference between NIHSS on admission minus NIHSS day 7. Favorable outcome was defined as mRS 0 - 3 and unfavorable outcome as mRS 4 - 6.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>SUA measurements were available in 1136 patients. Clinical improvement was significantly higher in patients with high SUA levels at admission. After adjustment for possible confounders, SUA level showed a positive correlation with clinical improvement (r = 0.012, 95% CI 0.002-0.022, p = 0.02) and was an independent predictor for favorable stroke outcome (OR 1.004; 95% CI 1.0002-1.009; p = 0.04) only in the rt-PA group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>SUA may not be neuroprotective alone, but may provide a beneficial effect in patients receiving thrombolysis.</p

    Air quality and error quantity: pollution and performance in a high-skilled, quality-focused occupation

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    We provide the first evidence that short-term exposure to air pollution affects the work performance of a group of highly-skilled, quality-focused employees. We repeatedly observe the decision-making of individual professional baseball umpires, quasi-randomly assigned to varying air quality across time and space. Unique characteristics of this setting combined with high-frequency data disentangle effects of multiple pollutants and identify previously under-explored acute effects. We find a 1 ppm increase in 3-hour CO causes an 11.5% increase in the propensity of umpires to make incorrect calls and a 10 mg/m3 increase in 12-hour PM2.5 causes a 2.6% increase. We control carefully for a variety of potential confounders and results are supported by robustness and falsification checks

    Mobile phone technologies improve adherence to antiretroviral treatment in a resource-limited setting: a randomized controlled trial of text message reminders

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    There is limited evidence on whether growing mobile phone availability in sub-Saharan Africa can be used to promote high adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART). This study tested the efficacy of short message service (SMS) reminders on adherence to ART among patients attending a rural clinic in Kenya

    The Association between Mental Health and Violence among a Nationally Representative Sample of College Students from the United States

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    Objectives Recent violent attacks on college campuses in the United States have sparked discussions regarding the prevalence of psychiatric disorders and the perpetration of violence among college students. While previous studies have examined the potential association between mental health problems and violent behavior, the overall pattern of findings flowing from this literature remain mixed and no previous studies have examined such associations among college students. Methods The current study makes use of a nationally representative sample of 3,929 college students from the National Epidemiologic Study on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) to examine the prevalence of seven violent behaviors and 19 psychiatric disorder diagnoses tapping mood, anxiety, personality, and substance use disorders. Associations between individual and composite psychiatric disorder diagnoses and violent behaviors were also examined. Additional analyses were adjusted for the comorbidity of multiple psychiatric diagnoses. Results The results revealed that college students were less likely to have engaged in violent behavior relative to the non-student sample, but a substantial portion of college students had engaged in violent behavior. Age- and sex-standardized prevalence rates indicated that more than 21% of college students reported at least one violent act. In addition, more than 36% of college students had at least one diagnosable psychiatric disorder. Finally, the prevalence of one or more psychiatric disorders significantly increased the odds of violent behavior within the college student sample. Conclusions These findings indicate that violence and psychiatric disorders are prevalent on college campuses in the United States, though perhaps less so than in the general population. In addition, college students who have diagnosable psychiatric disorders are significantly more likely to engage in various forms of violent behavior