523 research outputs found

    Automated Analysis of Language Production in Aphasia and Right Hemisphere Damage: Frequency and Collocation Strength

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    BACKGROUND: Reliance on formulaic language, i.e., holistically processed multiword chunks, is claimed to distinguish speakers with aphasia, speakers with right-hemisphere damage (RHD), and neurotypical controls (NC). Frequency and collocation strength of word combinations are indicators of formulaic language. AIMS: We aimed to determine frequency and collocation properties of spoken production, as indicators of formulaic language, in people with aphasia, speakers with RHD and NC. METHODS AND PROCEDURES: We used computerized methods to investigate spontaneous language in 40 speakers: 10 with fluent aphasia (fA), 10 with non-fluent aphasia (nfA), 10 with RHD, and 10 NC. Our analysis not only focused on frequency and collocation strength of grammatical combinations as markers of formulaic language (using the British National Corpus as reference), but also looked at word frequency, language fluency, proportion of content words, and measures of lexical and combinatorial diversity. OUTCOME AND RESULTS: Both groups with aphasia differed from neurotypical speakers with regard to lexical features and word combinations. Their language was less fluent, less diverse at the word level, and, in the non-fluent group, contained a higher proportion of content words. Each aphasic group also differed significantly from controls with increased values on at least one marker of formulaic language. Speakers with RHD produced less-frequent combinations, which were more weakly collocated; however, these effects did not reach statistical significance. Conclusions: Our results show that formulaic language use distinguishes aphasic from other speakers and that differences can be tracked with an automated, corpus-based script that uses frequency and collocation variables. We present our study in the context of usage-based frameworks of language

    Language production and implicit statistical learning in typical development and children with acquired language disorders: an exploratory study

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    Statistical properties of language provide important cues for language learning and may be processed by domain-general cognitive systems. We investigated the relationship between implicit statistical learning (the unconscious detection of statistical regularities in input) and language production. Twenty typically developing (TD) children and nine children with acquired language disorders (ALD) (aged 6–18 years) took part in a Boston Cookie Theft picture description task. Using a computerized analysis, we investigated statistical properties, such as usage frequency of words and collocation strength of word combinations. Participants also completed a non-linguistic serial reaction time (SRT) task, which tested non-verbal, implicit statistical learning in the visual-motor modality. We determined age effects, and compared language production and SRT performance between both groups. Older TD children produced more connected language, more words, less frequent function words, more rare or novel combinations, and showed better statistical learning. Children with ALD produced less connected language, more weakly collocated combinations, displayed less lexical diversity and showed poorer statistical learning. Post-hoc analyses found correlations between statistical learning and statistical properties of spoken language. Given the rarity and heterogeneity of children with ALD, group size was small and the study should be considered exploratory. However, we note that results are compatible with the view that language production draws on statistical learning and that impairment of statistical learning can be related to language disorders

    Training flexibility in fixed expressions in non-fluent aphasia: A case series report

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    Background: Many speakers with non-fluent aphasia (NFA) are able to produce some well-formed word combinations such as ‘I like it’ or ‘I don't know’, although they may not use variations such as ‘He likes it’ or ‘I don't know that person’. This suggests that these utterances represent fixed forms. Aims: This case series investigation explored the impact of a novel intervention aimed at enhancing the connected speech of individuals with NFA. The intervention, motivated by usage-based principles, involved filling open slots in semi-fixed sentence frames. Methods & Procedures: Five participants with NFA completed a 6-week intervention programme. The intervention trained participants to insert a range of different lexical items into the open slots of high-frequency phrases such as ‘I like it’ to enable more productive sentences (e.g., ‘they like flowers’). The outcomes and acceptability were examined: The primary outcome measure focused on changes in connected narrative, and the availability of trained constructions (e.g., ‘I like it’) was explored through a story completion test. Two baseline measures of behaviour were taken prior to intervention, and outcomes assessed immediately after intervention and at a 6-week maintenance assessment. Outcome & Results: A pre-/post-treatment comparison of connected speech measures showed evidence of enhanced connected speech for two of the five participants (P2 and P5). An analysis of story completion test scores revealed positive change for two participants (P1 and P2). Findings were mixed with regard to baseline stability of outcome measures and post-intervention stability of language changes. The intervention was acceptable to all participants. Conclusion & Implications: While this pilot study yielded promising findings with regard to the intervention's acceptability and increased connected speech for some participants, the findings were mixed across the sample of five participants. This research helps inform hypotheses and selection criteria for future studies

    "I don't know": a usage-based approach to familiar collocations in non-fluent aphasia

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    Background: Familiar collocations (e.g., “it’s alright”) are an important part of everyday conversation. Such word combinations are often retained in speakers with Broca’s aphasia. However, only few investigations have studied the forms and functions of familiar collocations available to speakers with Broca’s aphasia. // Aims: We first apply a frequency-based perspective to word combinations produced by speakers with Broca’s aphasia and their conversation partners (CPs), and compare the frequency characteristics of word combinations in dyadic and non-dyadic speech. Second, we investigate the conversational functions of one prominent familiar collocation, “I don’t know” (IDK). // Methods & Procedures: In the first analysis, speech samples from interactions of nine dyads (each a speaker with Broca’s aphasia and their CP) were examined. Non-dyadic samples were selected from 39 speakers with Broca’s aphasia from AphasiaBank (MacWhinney et al., 2011). The Frequency in Language Analysis Tool (FLAT; Zimmerer & Wibrow, 2015) was used to estimate collocation strength (the degree of association between words in a combination) of well-formed bigrams (two-word combinations) and trigrams (three-word combinations). The second analysis presents a qualitative investigation of uses of IDK in dyadic exchanges. // Outcomes & Results: Analysis 1 revealed that residual trigrams in Broca’s aphasia were more strongly collocated in comparison to language produced by CPs. There was no difference in frequency-based profiles between dyadic and non-dyadic aphasic speech. Analysis 2 indicated that speakers with Broca’s aphasia and CPs used IDK to achieve a variety of communicative functions. However, patterns specific to each participant group were found. // Conclusions: These findings highlight that frequency-based analysis is useful in explaining residual, grammatically well-formed word combinations in Broca’s aphasia. This study provides evidence that IDK can aid turn construction in aphasia

    Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumen-Spalten: Individuelle Analyse der Lippenspalte durch 3-D-Lasertopometrie

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Mit Gipsmodellen und Fotografien ist die dreidimensionale Analyse einer Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumen-Spalte meist nur unzureichend möglich. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es daher, die 3-D-Lasertopometrie auf ihre Anwendbarkeit zur dreidimensionalen Weichgewebserfassung bei Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumen-Spalten zu testen. Patienten und Methode: Bei 20 Patienten (3-35 Jahre), die eine einseitige, nicht operierte Lippen-, Lippen-Kiefer- oder Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumen-Spalte aufwiesen, wurde mit einem 3-D-Laserscanner die GesichtsoberflĂ€che prĂ€- und postoperativ dreidimensional erfasst. Die dabei erzeugten digitalen DatensĂ€tze wurden in einer virtuellen Umgebung metrisch analysiert und anhand von Quotienten grĂ¶ĂŸenunabhĂ€ngig wiedergegeben. Sie dienten der Auswahl der Operationstechnik und der Beurteilung des Operationsergebnisses. Ergebnisse: Mit dem 3-D-Laserscanner wurden 3-D-OberflĂ€chen guter QualitĂ€t erstellt, die sich im Millimeterbereich ausmessen ließen. Die dreidimensionale Spaltmorphologie konnte in den DatensĂ€tzen reproduzierbar mit Landmarks versehen und vermessen werden. Auch die postoperative Symmetrie ließ sich so kontrollieren und objektivieren. Als nachteilig erwiesen sich die relativ lange Messzeit und die Notwendigkeit zur Kombination mehrerer Ansichten. Schlussfolgerung: Das vorgestellte 3-D-Laserverfahren ermöglicht eine prĂ€zise dreidimensionale Weichteilanalyse der Lippen- und Nasenregion bei Spaltpatienten. Es eignet sich jedoch nur bedingt fĂŒr lebhafte SĂ€uglinge und unkooperative Patiente

    Automated profiling of spontaneous speech in primary progressive aphasia and behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia: An approach based on usage-frequency

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    Language production provides important markers of neurological health. One feature of impairments of language and cognition, such as those that occur in stroke aphasia or Alzheimer's disease, is an overuse of high frequency, “familiar” expressions. We used computerized analysis to profile narrative speech samples from speakers with variants of frontotemporal dementia (FTD), including subtypes of primary progressive aphasia (PPA). Analysis was performed on language samples from 29 speakers with semantic variant PPA (svPPA), 25 speakers with logopenic variant PPA (lvPPA), 34 speakers with non-fluent variant PPA (nfvPPA), 14 speakers with behavioral variant FTD (bvFTD) and 20 older normal controls (NCs). We used frequency and collocation strength measures to determine use of familiar words and word combinations. We also computed word counts, content word ratio and a combination ratio, a measure of the degree to which the individual produces connected language. All dementia subtypes differed significantly from NCs. The most discriminating variables were word count, combination ratio, and content word ratio, each of which distinguished at least one dementia group from NCs. All participants with PPA, but not participants with bvFTD, produced significantly more frequent forms at the level of content words, word combinations, or both. Each dementia group differed from the others on at least one variable, and language production variables correlated with established behavioral measures of disease progression. A machine learning classifier, using narrative speech variables, achieved 90% accuracy when classifying samples as NC or dementia, and 59.4% accuracy when matching samples to their diagnostic group. Automated quantification of spontaneous speech in both language-led and non-language led dementias, is feasible. It allows extraction of syndromic profiles that complement those derived from standardized tests, warranting further evaluation as candidate biomarkers. Inclusion of frequency-based language variables benefits profiling and classification

    Critical role of NKT cells in posttransplant alloantibody production

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    We previously reported that posttransplant alloantibody production in CD8-deficient hosts is IL-4+ CD4+ T cell-dependent and IgG1 isotype-dominant. The current studies investigated the hypothesis that IL-4-producing natural killer T cells (NKT cells) contribute to maximal alloantibody production. To investigate this, alloantibody levels were examined in CD8-deficient WT, CD1d KO and Jα18 KO transplant recipients. We found that the magnitude of IgG1 alloantibody production was critically dependent on the presence of type I NKT cells, which are activated by day 1 posttransplant. Unexpectedly, type I NKT cell contribution to enhanced IgG1 alloantibody levels was interferon-γ-dependent and IL-4-independent. Cognate interactions between type I NKT and B cells alone do not stimulate alloantibody production. Instead, NKT cells appear to enhance maturation of IL-4+ CD4+ T cells. To our knowledge, this is the first report to substantiate a critical role for type I NKT cells in enhancing in vivo antibody production in response to endogenous antigenic stimuli

    Hybridization between wild and cultivated potato species in the Peruvian Andes and biosafety implications for deployment of GM potatoes

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    The nature and extent of past and current hybridization between cultivated potato and wild relatives in nature is of interest to crop evolutionists, taxonomists, breeders and recently to molecular biologists because of the possibilities of inverse gene flow in the deployment of genetically-modified (GM) crops. This research proves that natural hybridization occurs in areas of potato diversity in the Andes, the possibilities for survival of these new hybrids, and shows a possible way forward in case of GM potatoes should prove advantageous in such areas
