222 research outputs found

    Lichen Deterioration About a Coal-Fired Steam Electric Generating Plant

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    A survey of three common epiphytic species of foliose lichens was conducted about a coal-fired steam electric station in North-central Minnesota during the summer of 1977 to assess general lichen health on a gradient basis from a point-source of air pollution. Health, as judged by abnormal form and color, of nearly 3,500 lichen specimens was recorded in 35 vegetation survey plots from a total of 291 trees. Lichen discoloration and degeneration decreased with increased distance from the power plant, and little deterioration was observed beyond 3 miles. Within the plant vicinity, lichen damage was noted on tree boles facing the plant which were impacted with fly ash. Maximum damage of lichens followed the pattern of prevailing winds (NW-SE). Sulfur analysis of lichen thalli was not correlated with visible damage distribution tended to decrease at the most distant plots (30 mi. from source). Considering the sensitivity of foliose lichens to declining air quality (especially S02 pollution), pollution sources in the rural environment are bound to affect lichen communities, as this study indicates. More sophisticated lichen surveys coupled with future monitoring of pollution would be a valuable contribution to the general environmental impact assessment of coal-fired electrical energy production

    Compact 20-pass thin-disk amplifier insensitive to thermal lensing

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    We present a multi-pass amplifier which passively compensates for distortions of the spherical phase front occurring in the active medium. The design is based on the Fourier transform propagation which makes the output beam parameters insensitive to variation of thermal lens effects in the active medium. The realized system allows for 20 reflections on the active medium and delivers a small signal gain of 30 with M2^2 = 1.16. Its novel geometry combining Fourier transform propagations with 4f-imaging stages as well as a compact array of adjustable mirrors allows for a layout with a footprint of 400 mm x 1000 mm.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Status and perspectives of SARNET network

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    43 organisations (research, universities, industry, utilities, safety authorities and TSO) from 22 countries network their capabilities for R&D on Severe Accidents (SA) in SARNET (Severe Accident Research NETwork of excellence) in the EC FP7 for 4 years from April 2009. The overall work represents about 40 persons per year (230 researchers and 20 PhD students). A 43rd partner is currently joining the network: BARC (India). See www.sar-net.e

    Proposed relation between SARNET network on severe accidents and TWG Gen.II/III

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    SA Research Priorities defined in SARNET network should be the basis for proposing in the future relevant R&D programs to address them, when needed, and launch projects with the endorsement of TWG

    Early precipitated micropyrite in microbialites: A time capsule of microbial sulfur cycling

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    Microbialites are organosedimentary rocks that have occurred throughout the Earth’s history. The relationships between diverse microbial metabolic activities and isotopic signatures in biominerals forming within these microbialites are key to understanding modern biogeochemical cycles, but also for accurate interpretation of the geologic record. Here, we performed detailed mineralogical investigations coupled with NanoSIMS (Nanoscale Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) analyses of pyrite S isotopes in mineralising microbial mats from two different environments, a hypersaline lagoon (Cayo Coco, Cuba) and a volcanic alkaline crater lake (Atexcac, Mexico). Both microbialite samples contain two distinct pyrite morphologies: framboids and euhedral micropyrites, which display distinct ranges of δ34S values1. Considering the sulfate-sulfur isotopic compositions associated with both environments, micropyrites display a remarkably narrow range of Δpyr (i.e. Δpyr ≡ δ34SSO4 − δ34Spyr) between 56 and 62‰. These measured Δpyr values agree with sulfate-sulfide equilibrium fractionation, as observed in natural settings characterised by low microbial sulfate reduction respiration rates. Moreover, the distribution of S isotope compositions recorded in the studied micropyrites suggests that sulfide oxidation also occurred at the microbialite scale. These results highlight the potential of micropyrites to capture signatures of microbial sulfur cycling and show that S isotope composition in pyrites record primarily the local micro-environments induced by the microbialite

    Evidence for surface uplift of the Atlas Mountains and the surrounding peripheral plateaux: Combining apatite fission-track results and geomorphic indicators in the Western Moroccan Meseta (coastal Variscan Paleozoic basement)

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    This work represents an initial attempt to link the evolution of the topography in relation to the general tectonic framework of western Morocco. For this purpose, in a section of the Western Moroccan Meseta different tools are combined in order to attain the general objective. Apatite fission-track (AFT) data of granitic rocks of the Rabat–Khenifra area give ages around 200 Ma with track length distributions which are compatible with the thermal models already established for the area. An inverse correlation between AFT ages and elevation is observed which is compatible with previous models indicating northward tilting of the whole Western Moroccan Meseta which is younger than 20–25 Ma. In order to test this possibility a detailed analysis of the topography at different scales in the Western Moroccan Meseta has been performed. Results indicate that two open folds with different amplitudes are recognized and that the one with wider wavelength could correspond to a lithospheric fold as previously stated by other authors on the basis of independent geological arguments. The northward tilting proposed based on the AFT data agrees with the results obtained in the analysis of the topography which reinforces the presence of a very open fold with a wavelength of 200–300 km in the north-western limb of the Western Moroccan Meseta

    Franchising as a Strategy for Combining Small and Large Group Advantages (Logics) in Social Entrepreneurship:A Hayekian Perspective

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    This article develops a Hayekian perspective on social franchising that distinguishes between the end-connected logic of the small group and the rule-connected logic of the big group. Our key claim is that mission-driven social entrepreneurs often draw on the small-group logic when starting their social ventures and then face difficulties when the process of scaling shifts their operations toward a big-group logic. In this situation, social franchising offers a strategy to replicate the small group despite systemwide scaling, to mobilize decentrally accessible social capital, and to reduce agency costs through mechanisms of self-selection and self-monitoring. By employing a Hayekian perspective, we are thus able to offer an explanation as to why social franchising is a suitable scaling strategy for some social entrepreneurship organizations and not for others. We illustrate our work using the Ashoka Fellow Wellcome

    Tempered mlo broad-spectrum resistance to barley powdery mildew in an Ethiopian landrace

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    Recessive mutations in the Mlo gene confer broad spectrum resistance in barley (Hordeum vulgare) to powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei), a widespread and damaging disease. However, all alleles discovered to date also display deleterious pleiotropic effects, including the naturally occurring mlo-11 mutant which is widely deployed in Europe. Recessive resistance was discovered in Eth295, an Ethiopian landrace, which was developmentally controlled and quantitative without spontaneous cell wall appositions or extensive necrosis and loss of photosynthetic tissue. This resistance is determined by two copies of the mlo-11 repeat units, that occur upstream to the wild-type Mlo gene, compared to 11-12 in commonly grown cultivars and was designated mlo-11 (cnv2). mlo-11 repeat unit copy number-dependent DNA methylation corresponded with cytological and macroscopic phenotypic differences between copy number variants. Sequence data indicated mlo-11 (cnv2) formed via recombination between progenitor mlo-11 repeat units and the 3' end of an adjacent stowaway MITE containing region. mlo-11 (cnv2) is the only example of a moderated mlo variant discovered to date and may have arisen by natural selection against the deleterious effects of the progenitor mlo-11 repeat unit configuration

    Cation Exchange in Smectites as a New Approach to Mineral Carbonation

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    Mineral carbonation of alkaline mine residues is a carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategy that can be employed by the mining industry. Here, we describe the mineralogy and reactivity of processed kimberlites and kimberlite ore from Venetia (South Africa) and Gahcho Kué (Canada) diamond mines, which are smectite-rich (2.3–44.1 wt.%). Whereas, serpentines, olivines, hydrotalcites and brucite have been traditionally used for mineral carbonation, little is known about the reactivity of smectites to CO2. The smectite from both mines is distributed as a fine-matrix and is saponite, Mx/mm+Mg3(AlxSi4−x)O10(OH)2·nH2O, where the layer charge deficiency is balanced by labile, hydrated interlayer cations (Mm+). A positive correlation between cation exchange capacity and saponite content indicates that smectite is the most reactive phase within these ultramafic rocks and that it can be used as a source of labile Mg2+ and Ca2+ for carbonation reactions. Our work shows that smectites provide the fast reactivity of kimberlite to CO2 in the absence of the highly reactive mineral brucite [Mg(OH)2]. It opens up the possibility of using other, previously inaccessible rock types for mineral carbonation including tailings from smectite-rich sediment-hosted metal deposits and oil sands tailings. We present a decision tree for accelerated mineral carbonation at mines based on this revised understanding of mineralogical controls on carbonation potential