344 research outputs found

    "Справа гідна сил та труду"

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    Рецензія на книгу: Микола Мушинка. Голоси предків. Прияшів: Центр антропологічних студій, 2002. - 256 с

    Sulfur-Containing Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Gel Compositions and Aerogels

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    Methods and materials are described for preparing organic-inorganic hybrid gel compositions where a sulfur-containing cross-linking agent covalently links the organic and inorganic components. The gel compositions are further dried to provide porous gel compositions and aerogels. The mechanical and thermal properties of the dried gel compositions are also disclosed

    Sulfur-Containing Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Gel Compositions and Aerogels

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    Methods and materials are described for preparing organic-inorganic hybrid gel compositions where a sulfur-containing cross-linking agent covalently links the organic and inorganic components. The gel compositions are further dried to provide porous gel compositions and aerogels. The mechanical and thermal properties of the dried gel compositions are also disclosed

    Interpersonal functioning in hoarding : an investigation of the link between hoarding symptoms and social support, social anhedonia, and social rewards

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    Background: One of the key areas of functional impairment in hoarding is interpersonal difficulties, with burgeoning evidence suggesting that these social difficulties are a component of the psychopathology observed in hoarding. The specific nature of these interpersonal difficulties, however, has yet to be fully elucidated. The aim of the current study was to investigate the contribution of social support and motivation to socialise, specifically social anhedonia and rewards from social stimuli, to hoarding symptom severity. Method: A total of 278 participants recruited via the crowd-sourcing website MTurk completed questionnaires assessing hoarding symptoms, social support, social anhedonia, and response to social rewards. Results: Results for social reward processing indicated that hoarding symptoms were associated with finding both negative and positive behaviours towards others more rewarding. Social anhedonia also positively predicted hoarding symptoms. Furthermore, social integration, a component of social support, was inversely associated with hoarding symptoms. These associations remained significant when controlling for depressive symptoms. These results suggest that hoarding may be linked to decreased social support and reduced social motivation, particularly, dysregulated reward processing of social stimuli, and greater social anhedonia. Limitations: Limitations of the current study include utilising an unselected sample, use of self-report measures, and analyses being correlational in nature. Future research utilising longitudinal or experimental research methods in a clinical population may further delineate the clinical conceptualisation of social difficulties in hoarding disorder. Conclusions: Current findings may inform interpersonal conceptualisations for hoarding disorder and suggest additional treatment avenues

    Inverted-S Antenna with Wideband Circular Polarization and Wide Axial Ratio Beamwidth

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    A novel broadband circularly polarized (CP) antenna with wide axial ratio (AR) beamwidth is proposed. It is composed of two curved arms shaped like an inverted “S”. The mechanisms of wideband CP operation and wide AR beamwidth are explained. To validate the concept, a prototype at C-band is manufactured and measured. Experimental results confirm that the antenna achieves an impedance bandwidth of 63% and a CP bandwidth of 42%. Furthermore, maximum AR beamwidth of 140o is achieved and wide AR beamwidth can be maintained in a frequency bandwidth of 35% in nearly all elevation planes. In addition, the antenna has the advantage of being easily extended to arrays. A 4-element array using the proposed antenna is investigated through both simulations and experiments, and achieves 60% CP bandwidth and wide AR beamwidth. The proposed inverted-S antenna can realize wide CP bandwidth and wide AR beamwidth, and is easy to form wideband CP arrays

    A supervised texton based approach for automatic segmentation and measurement of the fetal head and femur in 2D ultrasound images

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    This paper presents a supervised texton based approach for the accurate segmentation and measurement of ultrasound fetal head (BPD, OFD, HC) and femur (FL). The method consists of several steps. First, a non-linear diffusion technique is utilized to reduce the speckle noise. Then, based on the assumption that cross sectional intensity profiles of skull and femur can be approximated by Gaussian-like curves, a multi-scale and multi-orientation filter bank is designed to extract texton features specific to ultrasound fetal anatomic structure. The extracted texton cues, together with multi-scale local brightness, are then built into a unified framework for boundary detection of ultrasound fetal head and femur. Finally, for fetal head, a direct least square ellipse fitting method is used to construct a closed head contour, whilst, for fetal femur a closed contour is produced by connecting the detected femur boundaries. The presented method is demonstrated to be promising for clinical applications. Overall the evaluation results of fetal head segmentation and measurement from our method are comparable with the inter-observer difference of experts, with the best average precision of 96.85%, the maximum symmetric contour distance (MSD) of 1.46 mm, average symmetric contour distance (ASD) of 0.53 mm; while for fetal femur, the overall performance of our method is better than the inter-observer difference of experts, with the average precision of 84.37%, MSD of 2.72 mm and ASD of 0.31 mm