1,476 research outputs found

    The multi-parameter remote measurement of rainfall

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    The measurement of rainfall by remote sensors is investigated. One parameter radar rainfall measurement is limited because both reflectivity and rain rate are dependent on at least two parameters of the drop size distribution (DSD), i.e., representative raindrop size and number concentration. A generalized rain parameter diagram is developed which includes a third distribution parameter, the breadth of the DSD, to better specify rain rate and all possible remote variables. Simulations show the improvement in accuracy attainable through the use of combinations of two and three remote measurables. The spectrum of remote measurables is reviewed. These include path integrated techniques of radiometry and of microwave and optical attenuation

    A Baseline Load Schedule for the Manual Calibration of a Force Balance

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    A baseline load schedule for the manual calibration of a force balance was developed that takes current capabilities at the NASA Ames Balance Calibration Laboratory into account. The load schedule consists of 18 load series with a total of 194 data points. It was designed to satisfy six requirements: (i) positive and negative loadings should be applied for each load component; (ii) at least three loadings should be applied between 0 % and 100 % load capacity; (iii) normal and side force loadings should be applied at the forward gage location, the aft gage location, and the balance moment center; (iv) the balance should be used in UP and DOWN orientation to get axial force loadings; (v) the constant normal and side force approaches should be used to get the rolling moment loadings; (vi) rolling moment loadings should be obtained for 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees balance orientation. Three different approaches are also reviewed that may be used to independently estimate the natural zeros of the balance. These three approaches provide gage output differences that may be used to estimate the weight of both the metric and non-metric part of the balance. Manual calibration data of NASA s MK29A balance and machine calibration data of NASA s MC60D balance are used to illustrate and evaluate different aspects of the proposed baseline load schedule design

    Mapping Itinerant Electrons around Kondo Impurities

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    We investigate single Fe and Co atoms buried below a Cu(100) surface using low temperature scanning tunneling spectroscopy. By mapping the local density of states of the itinerant electrons at the surface, the Kondo resonance near the Fermi energy is analyzed. Probing bulk impurities in this well-defined scattering geometry allows separating the physics of the Kondo system and the measuring process. The line shape of the Kondo signature shows an oscillatory behavior as a function of depth of the impurity as well as a function of lateral distance. The oscillation period along the different directions reveals that the spectral function of the itinerant electrons is anisotropic.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Physical Review Letter

    Evaluation of Regression Models of Balance Calibration Data Using an Empirical Criterion

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    An empirical criterion for assessing the significance of individual terms of regression models of wind tunnel strain gage balance outputs is evaluated. The criterion is based on the percent contribution of a regression model term. It considers a term to be significant if its percent contribution exceeds the empirical threshold of 0.05%. The criterion has the advantage that it can easily be computed using the regression coefficients of the gage outputs and the load capacities of the balance. First, a definition of the empirical criterion is provided. Then, it is compared with an alternate statistical criterion that is widely used in regression analysis. Finally, calibration data sets from a variety of balances are used to illustrate the connection between the empirical and the statistical criterion. A review of these results indicated that the empirical criterion seems to be suitable for a crude assessment of the significance of a regression model term as the boundary between a significant and an insignificant term cannot be defined very well. Therefore, regression model term reduction should only be performed by using the more universally applicable statistical criterion

    Development of a User Interface for a Regression Analysis Software Tool

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    An easy-to -use user interface was implemented in a highly automated regression analysis tool. The user interface was developed from the start to run on computers that use the Windows, Macintosh, Linux, or UNIX operating system. Many user interface features were specifically designed such that a novice or inexperienced user can apply the regression analysis tool with confidence. Therefore, the user interface s design minimizes interactive input from the user. In addition, reasonable default combinations are assigned to those analysis settings that influence the outcome of the regression analysis. These default combinations will lead to a successful regression analysis result for most experimental data sets. The user interface comes in two versions. The text user interface version is used for the ongoing development of the regression analysis tool. The official release of the regression analysis tool, on the other hand, has a graphical user interface that is more efficient to use. This graphical user interface displays all input file names, output file names, and analysis settings for a specific software application mode on a single screen which makes it easier to generate reliable analysis results and to perform input parameter studies. An object-oriented approach was used for the development of the graphical user interface. This choice keeps future software maintenance costs to a reasonable limit. Examples of both the text user interface and graphical user interface are discussed in order to illustrate the user interface s overall design approach

    The Tropical Transition of the October 1996 Medicane in the Western Mediterranean Sea: A Warm Seclusion Event

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    The processes leading to the tropical transition of the October 1996 medicane in the western Mediterranean are investigated on the basis of a 50-member ensemble of regional climate model (RCM) simulations. By comparing the composites of transitioning and nontransitioning cyclones it is shown that standard extratropical dynamics are responsible for the cyclogenesis and that the transition results from a warm seclusion process. As the initial thermal asymmetries and vertical tilt of the cyclones are reduced, a warm core forms in the lower troposphere. It is demonstrated that in the transitioning cyclones, the upper-tropospheric warm core is also a result of the seclusion process. Conversely, the warm core remains confined below 600 hPa in the nontransitioning systems. In the baroclinic stage, the transitioning cyclones are characterized by larger vertical wind shear and intensification rates. The resulting stronger low-level circulation in turn is responsible for significantly larger latent and sensible heat fluxes throughout the seclusion process

    La conversión de Raimundo Lulio

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    Use of the Ames Check Standard Model for the Validation of Wall Interference Corrections

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    The new check standard model of the NASA Ames 11-ft Transonic Wind Tunnel was chosen for a future validation of the facility's wall interference correction system. The chosen validation approach takes advantage of the fact that test conditions experienced by a large model in the slotted part of the tunnel's test section will change significantly if a subset of the slots is temporarily sealed. Therefore, the model's aerodynamic coefficients have to be recorded, corrected, and compared for two different test section configurations in order to perform the validation. Test section configurations with highly accurate Mach number and dynamic pressure calibrations were selected for the validation. First, the model is tested with all test section slots in open configuration while keeping the model's center of rotation on the tunnel centerline. In the next step, slots on the test section floor are sealed and the model is moved to a new center of rotation that is 33 inches below the tunnel centerline. Then, the original angle of attack sweeps are repeated. Afterwards, wall interference corrections are applied to both test data sets and response surface models of the resulting aerodynamic coefficients in interference-free flow are generated. Finally, the response surface models are used to predict the aerodynamic coefficients for a family of angles of attack while keeping dynamic pressure, Mach number, and Reynolds number constant. The validation is considered successful if the corrected aerodynamic coefficients obtained from the related response surface model pair show good agreement. Residual differences between the corrected coefficient sets will be analyzed as well because they are an indicator of the overall accuracy of the facility's wall interference correction process

    ProSAT2—Protein Structure Annotation Server

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    ProSAT2 is a server to facilitate interactive visualization of sequence-based, residue-specific annotations mapped onto 3D protein structures. As the successor of ProSAT (Protein Structure Annotation Tool), it includes its features for visualizing SwissProt and PROSITE functional annotations. Currently, the ProSAT2 server can perform automated mapping of information on variants and mutations from the UniProt KnowledgeBase and the BRENDA enzyme information system onto protein structures. It also accepts and maps user-prepared annotations. By means of an annotation selector, the user can interactively select and group residue-based information according to criteria such as whether a mutation affects enzyme activity. The visualization of the protein structures is based on the WebMol Java molecular viewer and permits simultaneous highlighting of annotated residues and viewing of the corresponding descriptive texts. ProSAT2 is available at
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