1,648 research outputs found

    Feasibility of an Incoherent-scatter Radar Aboard the Space Shuttle

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    The results of a preliminary study to investigate the feasibility of conducting an incoherent scatter radar experiment on board the space shuttle are presented. The results indicate that such an experiment is technically feasible. The more difficult questions to answer are whether the system can be made flexible enough to justify the problems and costs involved. The design parameters and the tradeoffs that are available in the consideration of these questions are evaluated. Some of the more serious limitations pertain to: (1) the presence of ground clutter and F region auroral clutter; (2) available average power; (3) weight and volume associated with required antenna size, transmitter, and energy storage devices; and (4) antenna breakdown associated with high power transmitter problems

    Double-sided coaxial circuit QED with out-of-plane wiring

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    Superconducting circuits are well established as a strong candidate platform for the development of quantum computing. In order to advance to a practically useful level, architectures are needed which combine arrays of many qubits with selective qubit control and readout, without compromising on coherence. Here we present a coaxial circuit QED architecture in which qubit and resonator are fabricated on opposing sides of a single chip, and control and readout wiring are provided by coaxial wiring running perpendicular to the chip plane. We present characterisation measurements of a fabricated device in good agreement with simulated parameters and demonstrating energy relaxation and dephasing times of T1=4.1μT_1 = 4.1\,\mus and T2=5.7μT_2 = 5.7\,\mus respectively. The architecture allows for scaling to large arrays of selectively controlled and measured qubits with the advantage of all wiring being out of the plane.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Stabilizing the intensity of a wave amplified by a beam of particles

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    The intensity of an electromagnetic wave interacting self-consistently with a beam of charged particles as in a free electron laser, displays large oscillations due to an aggregate of particles, called the macro-particle. In this article, we propose a strategy to stabilize the intensity by re-shaping the macro-particle. This strategy involves the study of the linear stability (using the residue method) of selected periodic orbits of a mean-field model. As parameters of an additional perturbation are varied, bifurcations occur in the system which have drastic effect on the modification of the self-consistent dynamics, and in particular, of the macro-particle. We show how to obtain an appropriate tuning of the parameters which is able to strongly decrease the oscillations of the intensity without reducing its mean-value

    Cu-NMR study on the disordered quantum spin magnet with the Bose-glass ground state

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    Cu-NMR study has been performed on the disordered spin-gap system Tl1-xKxCuCl3 In the high-field H > HC=\Delta/\mu_B, where \Delta is the spin-gap, the hyperfine field becomes extremely inhomogeneous at low temperatures due to the field-induced magnetic order, indicating that the ordered spin state must be different from the pure TlCuCl3. In the low field H < HC, a saturating behavior in the longitudinal nuclear spin relaxation rate 1/T1 was observed at low temperatures, indicating existence of the magnetic ground state proposed to be Bose-glass phase by Fisher.Comment: RHMF200

    Protein fold recognition using HMM–HMM alignment and dynamic programming

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    Detecting three dimensional structures of protein sequences is a challenging task in biological sciences. For this purpose, protein fold recognition has been utilized as an intermediate step which helps in classifying a novel protein sequence into one of its folds. The process of protein fold recognition encompasses feature extraction of protein sequences and feature identification through suitable classi- fiers. Several feature extractors are developed to retrieve useful information from protein sequences. These features are generally extracted by constituting protein’s sequential, physicochemical and evolutionary properties. The performance in terms of recognition accuracy has also been gradually improved over the last decade. However, it is yet to reach a well reasonable and accepted level. In this work, we first applied HMM–HMM alignment of protein sequence from HHblits to extract profile HMM (PHMM) matrix. Then we computed the distance between respective PHMM matrices using kernalized dynamic programming. We have recorded significant improvement in fold recognition over the state-of-the-art feature extractors. The improvement of recognition accuracy is in the range of 2.7–11.6% when experimented on three benchmark datasets from Structural Classification of Proteins

    Universal trapping scaling on the unstable manifold for a collisionless electrostatic mode

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    An amplitude equation for an unstable mode in a collisionless plasma is derived from the dynamics on the two-dimensional unstable manifold of the equilibrium. The mode amplitude ρ(t)\rho(t) decouples from the phase due to the spatial homogeneity of the equilibrium, and the resulting one-dimensional dynamics is analyzed using an expansion in ρ\rho. As the linear growth rate γ\gamma vanishes, the expansion coefficients diverge; a rescaling ρ(t)γ2r(γt)\rho(t)\equiv\gamma^2\,r(\gamma t) of the mode amplitude absorbs these singularities and reveals that the mode electric field exhibits trapping scaling E1γ2|E_1|\sim\gamma^2 as γ0\gamma\rightarrow0. The dynamics for r(τ)r(\tau) depends only on the phase eiξe^{i\xi} where dϵk/dz=ϵkeiξ/2d\epsilon_{{k}} /dz=|{\epsilon_{{k}}}|e^{-i\xi/2} is the derivative of the dielectric as γ0\gamma\rightarrow0.Comment: 11 pages (Latex/RevTex), 2 figures available in hard copy from the Author ([email protected]); paper accepted by Physical Review Letter