123 research outputs found

    Akselerasi Pengembangan UKM Bersama CSR Semen Indonesia Menuju Indonesia Mdgs Dalam Menjawab Tantangan Pasar Bebas ASEAN Economic Community 2015

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    Dalam krisis ekonomi yang terjadi di negara kita sejak beberapa waktu lalu,dimana banyak USAha berskala besar yang mengalami stagnasi bahkan berhenti aktifitasnya, sektor USAha Micro Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) lebih tangguh dalam menangani hal tersebut. Saat ini Kementrian Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil Menengah berencana untuk menciptakan 20 juta USAha kecil menengah baru tahun 2020. Kondisi ini membawa sisi positif sekaligus negatif bagi UKM. Menjadi positif apabila produk dan jasa UKM swasta maupun BUMN memilki peran penting memicu pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat.Ini merupakan bentuk kepedulian dan tanggungjawab sosial-moral setiap institusi bisnis atau pelaku USAha dalam menunjang UKM menuju Indonesia MDGs (Millenium Development Goal's) upaya menjawab tantangan pasar bebas ASEAN 2015. Tulisan ini bersifat kajian pustaka (Library Research). Objek dalam penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah peranan CSR PT Semen Indonesia sebagai solusi dalam mengembangkan Usaha Kecil Menengah upaya untuk menjawab tantangan pasar bebas ASEAN economic community 2015 menuju Indonesia Millenium Development Goal's

    Numerical study of large-eddy breakup and its effect on the drag characteristics of boundary layers

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    The break-up of a field of eddies by a flat-plate obstacle embedded in a boundary layer is studied using numerical solutions to the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. The flow is taken to be incompressible and unsteady. The flow field is initiated from rest. A train of eddies of predetermined size and strength are swept into the computational domain upstream of the plate. The undisturbed velocity profile is given by the Blasius solution. The disturbance vorticity generated at the plate and wall, plus that introduced with the eddies, mix with the background vorticity and is transported throughout the entire flow. All quantities are scaled by the plate length, the unidsturbed free-stream velocity, and the fluid kinematic viscosity. The Reynolds number is 1000, the Blasius boundary layer thickness is 2.0, and the plate is positioned a distance of 1.0 above the wall. The computational domain is four units high and sixteen units long

    Santon Diprenilasi dari Kayu Akar Garcinia Tetranda Pierre

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    Garcinia tetranda merupakan salah satu spesies dari famili Clusiaceae yang mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder. Senyawa golongan santon telah berhasil diisolasi dari fraksi S ekstrak etil asetat kayu akar Garcinia tetranda Pierre. Senyawa golongan santon ini adalah α-mangostin 1 yang berupa padatan kuning dengan titik leleh 173-1740C. Metode isolasi yang digunakan yaitu Kromatografi Cair Vakum (KCV) menggunakan silika gel 60 GF254 dan dielusi dengan peningkatan kepolaran pelarut. Penentuan struktur senyawa dilakukan menggunakan analisis UV, IR, 1H dan 13C NMR, DEPT 135, korelasi HSQC dan HMBC serta dibandingkan dengan literatur

    The Aquacultur Business of Jelawat ( Leptobarbus Hoevanii) at the Cages in Ranah Kampar Sub-District, Kampar Regency of Riau Province

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    Research on the aquacultur of Jelawat fish (Leptobarbus hoevanii) in the cages held in February 2015 at the Ranah village and Kampar subdistrict Kampar Regency. This research was aimed to find out how much production costs, how large the contribution costs of seeds and feed costs to the total cost of production as well as how large the profits obtained from the cultivation Jelawat fish in the cages. Based on the results of the research the costs of production incurred amounting to Rp. 40.608.500, the average contribution to the total feed cost is 80.5% while seeds cost total contribution towards total cost was 9.99% and the average profit earned by farmers is Rp. 6.515.500/harves. Thus the business in the cages of Jelawat fish profitable and useful the continued

    Analisis Kesesuaian Penggunaan Lahan Berdasarkan Arahan Fungsi Kawasan Di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Alo Kabupaten Gorontalo (Analysis of the Suitability of Land Use Based on the Direction of the Function of the Area in Alo Basin in Gorontalo District)

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    - Penetapan fungsi kawasan sangat penting guna menjaga kelestarian dan mencegah kerusakan lingkungan, sehingga dapat meningkatan keselamatan, kesejahteraan serta Kenyamanan hidup. Kejadian longsor di Kabupaten Gorontalo sebagian dari wilayah DAS Alo yaitu berada di Kecamatan Pulubala dan Kecamatan Tibawa telah menghancurkan 221 buah rumah, 31 buah rumah di antaranya rusak parah, dan korban luka-luka sejumlah 628 orang. Selain itu yang menjadi faktor penyebab longsoran di DAS Alo diantaranya adalah faktor lereng, jenis tanah, curah hujan yang tinggi dan pemanfaatan lahan oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Memetakan arahan fungsi utama kawasan di DAS Alo berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Pertanian Nomor 837/Kpts/Um/11/1980 (2) Menganalisis kesesuaian penggunaan lahan di DAS Alo berdasarkan arahan fungsi utama kawasan dan menyajikannya dalam bentuk peta. Metode dan analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah skoring, overlay, dan survey lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis DAS Alo memiliki 4 arahan fungsi kawasan yaitu Arahan fungsi kawasan lindung memilki luas 93.09 ha (0.40%), kawasan penyangga 4970.74 ha (21.13), kawasan budidaya tanaman tahunan 3614,56 ha (15,37%), sedangkan kawasan budidaya tanaman semusim dan pemukiman memilki luas sebasar 14.843,3 ha (63,10%). Sebagian besar pemanfaatan lahan di DAS Alo dikatakan sudah sesuai terhadap arahan fungsi kawasan, dimana lahan sesuai memilki luas 18.566,6 ha atau 79,05 % sedangkan lahan yang tidak sesuai 4.920,7 ha atau 20,95 % dari seluruh wilayah DAS Alo. Kata kunci: kesesuaian lahan, arahan fungsi lahan, daerah aliran sungai alo, Gorontal

    Pengembangan secara Spasial Benteng Otanaha di Kawasan Cagar Budaya Gorontalo

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    – This study aims to analyze the development of tourist areas of Benteng Otanaha spatially by using SWOT and GIS analysis. Data obtained in the form of primary data include field observation, interviews, questionnaires, field documentation and secondary data in the form of data collection through document studies and literature study. The results of this study indicate that tourism in Benteng Otanaha in the cultural heritage area has good potential to be developed because it includes cultural preservation based on diversity, uniqueness and distinctiveness of culture and nature as well as human needs for a vacation. The development of Otanaha Fortress in the cultural heritage area requires follow up of local government and community, so it can be one of the tourist destinations in Gorontalo. Keywords: spatial development, swot analysis, gis, otanaha castle, cultural heritage, Gorontal

    Potensi Penggunaan Angkutan Informal Di Kota Bandung

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    Limited size of the road dimension in an area could prevent formal public transport (four-wheeled vehicles) to serve the area. This condition led to the rise of public transport alternatives, such as motorcycle ojek, with flexible routes and rates. Currently, their operation and service tend to increase in many cities in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the potential use of ojek as an alternative to public transport in urban areas.Analyses were performed using the causal relationship between services quality factors with the satisfaction and loyalty of users, using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The results showed that more than 70% of users who will continue to use motorcycle ojek for a long time, especially in suburban areas, and about 30% are likely to switch to alternative modes, especially users with the end destination of employment

    Hubungan Pola Makan Dan Stres Dengan Kejadian Hipertensi Grade 1 Dan 2 Pada Ibu Hamil Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kamonji Kecamatan Palu Barat

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    :One of the psychological changes experienced by pregnant mother are feelings of anxiety, fear, and depressed. If all of them felt by pregnant mother it is called stress. Physical changes of pregnant mother causes increasing metabolism energy, because of that the need of energy and other nutrients increases during pregnancy. The physical changes of pregnant mother are change of appetite and eating habits. If all problem can not be controled by pregnant mother it can cause health problem of pregnant mother, especially hypertension. The purpose of this study was to describe the relationship between dietary pattern and stress with the incidence of hypertension in pregnant women at the working areas of health center Kamonji West Palu Subdistrict.Research Methodsin this analytic survey is using cross sectional approach. Sampling technique is total sampling with a sample size of 35 respondent. The analysis was performed using Fisher Exact test statistic with degrees of confidence of 95% (á=0.05). The results showed that there is a relationship between dietary pattern with hypertension in pregnant women with p-value of 0.012 (<0.05) and there is a relationship between stress with the incidence of hypertension in pregnant women, with p-value of 0.000 (<0,05).Conclusion of the study show that there is correlational of diet and stress with hypertension grade 1 dan 2 pregnant women at the working areas of health center Kamonji West Palu Subdistrict. Suggestion to decrease the hypertension in pregnant women incident, the risk factors need to be managed
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