
Numerical study of large-eddy breakup and its effect on the drag characteristics of boundary layers


The break-up of a field of eddies by a flat-plate obstacle embedded in a boundary layer is studied using numerical solutions to the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. The flow is taken to be incompressible and unsteady. The flow field is initiated from rest. A train of eddies of predetermined size and strength are swept into the computational domain upstream of the plate. The undisturbed velocity profile is given by the Blasius solution. The disturbance vorticity generated at the plate and wall, plus that introduced with the eddies, mix with the background vorticity and is transported throughout the entire flow. All quantities are scaled by the plate length, the unidsturbed free-stream velocity, and the fluid kinematic viscosity. The Reynolds number is 1000, the Blasius boundary layer thickness is 2.0, and the plate is positioned a distance of 1.0 above the wall. The computational domain is four units high and sixteen units long

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