618 research outputs found

    Report of the sensor readout electronics panel

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    The findings of the Sensor Readout Electronics Panel are summarized in regard to technology assessment and recommended development plans. In addition to two specific readout issues, cryogenic readouts and sub-electron noise, the panel considered three advanced technology areas that impact the ability to achieve large format sensor arrays. These are mega-pixel focal plane packaging issues, focal plane to data processing module interfaces, and event driven readout architectures. Development in each of these five areas was judged to have significant impact in enabling the sensor performance desired for the Astrotech 21 mission set. Other readout issues, such as focal plane signal processing or other high volume data acquisition applications important for Eos-type mapping, were determined not to be relevant for astrophysics science goals

    Serological Changes Associated with Gill-Net Capture and Restraint in Three Species of Sharks

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    To investigate the biochemical effects of capture and restraint on sharks, 17 serum constituents were measured in three species (bonnethead shark Sphyrna tiburo, blacktip shark Carcharhinus limbatus, and bull shark C. leucas) after gill-net capture. The relative degree of capture effects on each animal was judged using an index of behavioral response devised for use in tag−recapture studies. Serum from each shark was assayed for glucose, creatinine, uric acid, sodium, chloride, potassium, inorganic phosphate, total and ionized calcium, total protein, albumin, globulin, alkaline phosphatase, lactate, lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase, and total iron. In addition, hematocrit was measured from whole blood for each shark. When correlated with the relative degree of capture effects, there were significant intraspecific changes in the concentration of potassium, lactate, inorganic phosphate, uric acid, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, total and ionized calcium, and glucose. Significant interspecific differences in the concentration of sodium, chloride, potassium, total protein, albumin, globulin, lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase, ionized calcium, alkaline phosphatase, and glucose in minimally stressed animals also were observed. The study suggests that the deleterious effects of gill-net capture and restraint probably involve respiratory and metabolic acidosis and hypoglycemia as well as cellular damage. Species-specific and individual differences in the mortality of sharks caught in gill nets are likely related to an animal\u27s respiratory physiology and degree of struggling upon capture as well as to the extent of net entanglement around the gill area

    A Comparison of Reef Fish Assemblages on the East and West Sides of Central Eleuthera, Bahamas

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    Eleuthera is a long, narrow crescent-shaped Atlantic margin island on the eastern extremity of the Great Bahama Bank in the central Bahamas. It is 144 km long and less than 5 km at its greatest width. Fringing reefs with substantial vertical relief (to 5 m in depths of 6 m) are found approximately 500 m offshore on the eastern side of the island facing the Atlantic Ocean. The western side of the island has stretches of rock cliffs and large fallen boulders providing substrate with similar vertical relief. No open passes exist between the two sides of the island and thus no direct larval transport from one side to the other appears possible. We compared post-settlement fish assemblages and larval supply on either side of central Eleuthera near Governor’s Harbour quarterly from July 2003 until July 2004. Twelve point-counts were performed at two replicate sites on both sides of the island to census juveniles and adults. Abundance, as well as average, maximum and minimum lengths of species present were recorded. Three light traps were moored at each of the same sites 40-50 m from the reef for three to five nights around the new moon to examine larval supply. Fish collected in the light traps were preserved and transported to the lab. They were identified, enumerated, and standard length was measured. Preliminary analyses of point-count and light trap data indicate dissimilar assemblage structure between the two sides of the island, with significantly greater fish abundance and species richness on the eastern side

    The EBEX Experiment

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    EBEX is a balloon-borne polarimeter designed to measure the intensity and polarization of the cosmic microwave background radiation. The measurements would probe the inflationary epoch that took place shortly after the big bang and would significantly improve constraints on the values of several cosmological parameters. EBEX is unique in its broad frequency coverage and in its ability to provide critical information about the level of polarized Galactic foregrounds which will be necessary for all future CMB polarization experiments. EBEX consists of a 1.5 m Dragone-type telescope that provides a resolution of less than 8 arcminutes over four focal planes each of 4 degree diffraction limited field of view at frequencies up to 450 GHz. The experiment is designed to accommodate 330 transition edge bolometric detectors per focal plane, for a total of up to 1320 detectors. EBEX will operate with frequency bands centered at 150, 250, 350, and 450 GHz. Polarimetry is achieved with a rotating achromatic half-wave plate. EBEX is currently in the design and construction phase, and first light is scheduled for 2008.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures. Figure 1 is changed from the one which appeared in the Proceedings of the SPI

    Combination of SAR remote sensing and GIS for monitoring subglacial volcanic activity – recent results from Vatnajökull ice cap (Iceland)

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    This paper presents latest results from the combined use of SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) remote sensing and GIS providing detailed insights into recent volcanic activity under Vatnajökull ice cap (Iceland). Glaciers atop active volcanoes pose a constant potential danger to adjacent inhabited regions and infrastructure. Besides the usual volcanic hazards (lava flows, pyroclastic clouds, tephra falls, etc.), the volcano-ice interaction leads to enormous meltwater torrents (icelandic: jökulhlaup), devastating large areas in the surroundings of the affected glacier. The presented monitoring strategy addresses the three crucial questions: When will an eruption occur, where is the eruption site and which area is endangered by the accompanying jökulhlaup. Therefore, sufficient early-warning and hazard zonation for future subglacial volcanic eruptions becomes possible, as demonstrated for the Bardárbunga volcano under the northern parts of Vatnajökull. Seismic activity revealed unrest at the northern flanks of Bardárbunga caldera at the end of September 2006. The exact location of the corresponding active vent and therefore a potentially eruptive area could be detected by continuous ENVISAT-ASAR monitoring. With this knowledge a precise prediction of peri-glacial regions prone to a devastating outburst flood accompanying a possible future eruption is possible

    Fish Colonization of a Newly Deployed Vessel-reef off Southeast Florida: Preliminary Results

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    Fish colonization on the Ebenezer II, a 25.5m merchant marine vessel, was studied from May 2002 - July 2003. The ship was scuttled in May 2002 off Broward County, Florida at a depth of 21m and was censused 10 times during the study period using a modified Bohnsack and Bannerot visual census method. Adjacent natural reefs and the Mcallister, a nearby, 30m tugboat deployed in June 1998, were censused during the same period. Distinct changes in the fish assemblage on the Ebenezer II were observed throughout the sample period. A pioneer assemblage was observed during the first three months, characterized by the settlement of juvenile fishes «5 cm). Subsequently, numbers of juveniles decreased either through emigration, predation or growth. Resident species made up 52.5% of the total abundance but transient fish species made up 78% of the total fish biomass during the study period. Surprisingly, attraction of adult fish from both natural reefs and the Mcallister was not a major factor in assemblage fonnation. The primary adult fishes attracted to the Ebenezer II were herbivores. These fishes steadily increased in abundance throughout the study period, presumably due to increased food availability as benthic algal communities developed. A similar trend of increasing herbivores with increasing soak time was observed on the Spiegel Grove, a 153m vessel-reef sunk off Key Largo in May 2002. The fish assemblages on the artificial reefs were more similar to each other than to natural reefs. Vessel-reefs had sixty species in common, while the Ebenezer II only had thirty-nine species in common with natural reefs. Several species common to vessel-reefs were absent or rare on nearby natural reefs. This may indicate that vessel-reefs are providing early juvenile and adult habitat that is not available on natural reefs

    Guiding slow polar molecules with a charged wire

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    We demonstrate experimentally the guiding of cold and slow ND3 molecules along a thin charged wire over a distance of ~0.34 m through an entire molecular beam apparatus. Trajectory simulations confirm that both linear and quadratic high-field-seeking Stark states can be efficiently guided from the beam source up to the detector. A density enhancement up to a factor 7 is reached for decelerated beams with velocities ranging down to ~50 m/s generated by the rotating nozzle technique

    Readout electronics for the SiPM tracking plane in the NEXT-1 prototype

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    NEXT is a new experiment to search for neutrinoless double beta decay using a 100 kg radio-pure high-pressure gaseous xenon TPC with electroluminescence readout. A large-scale prototype with a SiPM tracking plane has been built. The primary electron paths can be reconstructed from time-resolved measurements of the light that arrives to the SiPM plane. Our approach is to measure how many photons have reached each SiPM sensor each microsecond with a gated integrator. We have designed and tested a 16-channel front-end board that includes the analog paths and a digital section. Each analog path consists of three different stages: a transimpedance amplifier, a gated integrator and an offset and gain control stage. Measurements show good linearity and the ability to detect single photoelectrons. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the NEXT Collaboration, the DATE team at CERN PH-AID and the CONSOLIDER-INGENIO2010 grant CSD2008-0037 (Canfranc Underground Physics) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Herrero Bosch, V.; Toledo Alarcón, JF.; Català Pérez, JM.; Esteve Bosch, R.; Gil Ortiz, A.; Lorca, D.; Monzó Ferrer, JM.... (2012). Readout electronics for the SiPM tracking plane in the NEXT-1 prototype. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 695:229-232. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2011.12.057S22923269

    Entwicklung eines zwangläufigen Schneid- und Fixiersystems für den Einsatz in einem Tapelegekopf

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    Im Rahmen des Bundesxzellenzclusters MERGE EXC 1075 an der TU Chemnitz erfolgte die Entwicklung einer neuartigen großserientauglichen Technologie zur Herstellung faserverstärkter Thermoplastbauteile. Für die Demonstration der Technologie wurde eine Pilotanlage realisiert, die zum Ablegen des Thermoplasttapes über eine Verlegeeinheit – einen sog. Tapelegekopf – verfügt. Mit Abschluss des Legeprozesses wird das Halbzeug, das aus einer angebremsten Spule abgezogen wird, abgeschnitten und der Prozess wird von neuem begonnen. Für das Schneiden des Materials haben Voruntersuchungen gezeigt, dass konturierte Klingen erforderlich sind, um ein Verlaufen des Bandes zu vermeiden. Darüber hinaus hat sich als zweckmäßig erwiesen eine zusätzliche Fixierung vorzunehmen. Dies verbessert die Schnittqualität und Zuverlässigkeit des Systems. Aufgrund enger Bauraumrestriktionen wurde entschieden die Schneidbewegung und das Fixieren zwangläufig synchronisiert auf einen Antrieb zurück zu führen. Hierfür wurden zwei ungleichmäßige Rastgetriebe synthetisiert, ausgelegt sowie in weiteren Entwicklungsstufen auskonstruiert, gefertigt und getestet. Mit der Inbetriebnahme des Gesamtanlagensystems erfolgte ebenfalls der Funktionsnachweis dieses mechanisch zwangläufigen Schneidsystems, das im Rahmen des Vortrags vorgestellt wird. Diese Arbeiten entstanden im Rahmen des Bundesexzellenzclusters EXC 1075 „Technologiefusion für multifunktionale Leichtbaustrukturen“ und wurde von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft gefördert. Die Autoren danken für die finanzielle Unterstützung

    Enhancing Eco-Engineering of Coastal Infrastructure with Eco-Design: Moving from Mitigation to Integration

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    Eco-design aims to enhance eco-engineering practices of coastal infrastructure projects in support of ecological functions before these projects are developed and implemented. The principle is to integrate eco-engineering concepts in the early phases of project design. Although ecological losses are inherent in any construction project, the goal of eco-design is to introduce environmental considerations upfront during technical design choices, and not just afterwards when evaluating the need for reduction or compensatory mitigation. It seeks to reduce the negative impacts of marine infrastructure by introducing a new reflexive civil engineering approach. It requires a valuation of nature with the aim of reducing impacts by incorporating intelligent design and habitat-centered construction. The principle advocated in this paper is to design coastal infrastructures, at micro- to macro-biological scales, using a combination of fine and large scale physical and chemical modifications to hard substrates, within the scope of civil engineering requirements. To this end, we provide a brief introduction to the factors involved in concrete-biota interactions and propose several recommendations as a basis to integrate ecology into civil engineering projects, specifically addressed to concrete