69 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kinerja Peralatan Pemboran Berarah di Lapangan Lepas Pantai “Mln” Laut Jawa

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    Pada operasi pemboran selalu diinginkan lubang yang lurus atau vertikal karena operasinya lebihmudah dan lebih murah. Akan tetapi, terkadang dalam Kenyataannya tidak selalu demikian, banyakmasalah yang timbul ketika melakukan pemboran vertikal. Oleh karena itu, diperlukannyapemboran berarah sebagai solusi untuk mengatasi masalah dalam pemboran vertikal. Terdapatbeberapa hal yang patut diperhatikan dalam pemboran berarah, salah satunya ialah pemilihanrangkaian BHA yang tepat. BHA ialah serangkaian kombinasi peralatan bawah permukaan yangdipasang pada rangkaian drill string sehingga diperoleh suatu performa yang baik dalammembentuk kemiringan atau arah dari lintasan lubang bor dalam mencapai target pada pemboranberarah. Terdapat beberapa hal yang patut diperhatikan dalam pengoperasian pemboran berarah,yaitu faktor formasi dan lithology batuan, pemilihan rangkaian BHA, hidrolika pemboran sertaparameter – parameter pemboran untuk menghasilkan ROP (Rate Of Penetration), WOB (WeightOn Bit) dan RPM (Rotation Per Minute) yang maksimal. Pemboran berarah merupakan salah satuaspek penting dalam operasi pemboran, dimana perlu diketahui target permukaan dan dibawahpermukaan agar dapat direncanakan pola lintasan (Trajectory) dari sumur yang akan di bor. DalamTugas Akhir ini akan dilakukan Evaluasi terhadap kinerja peralatan pemboran berarah yangdigunakan yaitu Down Hole Drilling Motor (DHDM) pada sumur S-02 dan Rotary Steerable System(RSS) pada sumur K-02

    Description of Anxiety Level And Characteristics of Pregnant Mothers During COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic that has lasted for two years has actually caused anxiety disorders for pregnant women. Pregnant women who are positive for COVID-19 are also at higher risk for pregnancy complications. To find out the description of the level of anxiety and characteristics of pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Talia Pratama Clinic in 2022. The sampling technique is Total Sampling with 50 respondents. Research results based on anxiety almost all experienced severe anxiety (58%), based on high school education (34%), based on farmer occupation (38%), based on age 20-35 years old (98%), based on income IDR 1.5 million 2 million (72%), based on multigravida parity (84%). Conclusion The level of characteristics of pregnant women has a very important distribution in influencing the level of anxiety of pregnant women in the future pandemic COVID-1

    Sub-GHz Wrist-Worn Antennas for Wireless Sensing Applications: A Review

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    With recent advances in wearable wrist-worn wireless sensing applications, the demand for smartwatches and wristbands is rapidly increasing due to their widespread adoption in applications such as smart health monitoring, security, and fitness tracking. Currently, these devices primarily operate in the 2.45 GHz band, leveraging the availability of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless technologies. However, the use of Sub-GHz frequencies (e.g., 433 MHz, 868 MHz, 915 MHz, 923 MHz) for wearable systems has also gained interest due to the emergence of wireless technologies like long-range wide area network (LoRaWAN), narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT) and Sigfox, which offer the potential for long-range wireless communications and sensing applications. In recent times, there has been a notable surge in the commercial production of a variety of Sub-GHz wrist-worn wireless sensing devices for health monitoring and tracking applications. Nevertheless, communications at Sub-GHz frequencies present significant challenges in antenna design, primarily due to the practical size constraints of wrist-worn devices and the necessity for using electrically small antennas. This paper meticulously reviews wrist-worn Sub-GHz antennas reported in the literature, analyzing key antenna parameters such as antenna topology, size, impedance bandwidth, peak realized gain, radiation efficiency, and specific absorption rate (SAR). Additionally, it underlines antenna design challenges, limitations, current trends, and presents potential future perspectives. To the best of the author’s knowledge, there is currently no existing literature comprehensively reviewing Sub-GHz wrist-worn antennas. Therefore, this paper represents the inaugural effort to provide a comprehensive review in this specific domain

    Distribution and conservation status of the orang-utan (Pongo spp.) on Borneo and Sumatra: how many remain?

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    In recognition of the fact that orang-utans (Pongo spp.) are severely threatened, a meeting of orang-utan experts and conservationists, representatives of national and regional governmental and non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders, was convened in Jakarta, Indonesia, in January 2004. Prior to this meeting we surveyed all large areas for which orang-utan population status was unknown. Compilation of all survey data produced a comprehensive picture of orang-utan distribution on both Borneo and Sumatra. These results indicate that in 2004 there were c. 6,500 P. abelii remaining on Sumatra and at least 54,000 P. pygmaeus on Borneo. Extrapolating to 2008 on the basis of forest loss on both islands suggests the estimate for Borneo could be 10% too high but that for Sumatra is probably still relatively accurate because forest loss in orang-utan habitat has been low during the conflict in Aceh, where most P. abelii occur. When those population sizes are compared to known historical sizes it is clear that the Sumatran orang-utan is in rapid decline, and unless extraordinary efforts are made soon, it could become the first great ape species to go extinct. In contrast, our results indicate there are more and larger populations of Bornean orang-utans than previously known. Although these revised estimates for Borneo are encouraging, forest loss and associated loss of orang-utans are occurring at an alarming rate, and suggest that recent reductions of Bornean orang-utan populations have been far more severe than previously supposed. Nevertheless, although orang-utans on both islands are under threat, we highlight some reasons for cautious optimism for their long-term conservatio

    The Potential of Electrospinning to Enable the Realization of Energy-Autonomous Wearable Sensing Systems

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    The market for wearable electronic devices is experiencing significant growth and increasing potential for the future. Researchers worldwide are actively working to improve these devices, particularly in developing wearable electronics with balanced functionality and wearability for commercialization. Electrospinning, a technology that creates nano/microfiber-based membranes with high surface area, porosity, and favorable mechanical properties for human in vitro and in vivo applications using a broad range of materials, is proving to be a promising approach. Wearable electronic devices can use mechanical, thermal, evaporative and solar energy harvesting technologies to generate power for future energy needs, providing more options than traditional sources. This review offers a comprehensive analysis of how electrospinning technology can be used in energy-autonomous wearable wireless sensing systems. It provides an overview of the electrospinning technology, fundamental mechanisms, and applications in energy scavenging, human physiological signal sensing, energy storage, and antenna for data transmission. The review discusses combining wearable electronic technology and textile engineering to create superior wearable devices and increase future collaboration opportunities. Additionally, the challenges related to conducting appropriate testing for market-ready products using these devices are also discussed

    Flexible antenna on polymer-conductive textile composite for epidermal electronics

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    In this paper, we investigate the applicability of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-conductive textile composite for realization of a robust flexible antenna for skin-mounted applications. For this purpose, we present the design, manufacture, and testing of an ultra high frequency (UHF) 868 MHz loop antenna with the specified material. The antenna performance has been investigated through simulations and measurements on a human forearm phantom. Apart from having a low-profile implementation and being mechanically flexible, and thus comfortable for on-skin use, the novel antenna presented demonstrates a wide operating bandwidth with acceptable gain for epidermal electronics

    A concertina-shaped vibration energy harvester-assisted NFC sensor with improved wireless communication range

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    The explosive growth of wireless sensor platforms and their emerging wide range of application areas make the development of a sustainable and robust power source, an essential requirement to enable widespread deployment of these wireless devices. As a solution to this cardinal issue, this paper reports the design and fabrication of a resonant Vibration Energy Harvester (VEH) that comprises interleaved springs, manifesting a concertina shaped structure that can enable large mechanical amplitudes of oscillation. Within a relatively small footprint (9cm3), this concertina-VEH yields a large power density of 455.6μW/cm3g2 while operating at a resonant frequency of 75Hz. Additionally, the feasibility of the implemented VEH to support NFC based wireless sensor platform, that is yet uncharted, is also investigated in this work. A very low-power consumption Near Field Communication (NFC) wireless sensor node has been designed and developed for this purpose. The developed concertina VEH has been employed to power the electronics interface of this NFC sensor. Using mechanical energy derived from as low as 0.2g excitation, our study shows that the VEH can enhance the electromagnetic interaction between the transmitting antenna and the reader, resulting in a 120% increase in wireless communication range for the NFC sensor node. Such a high-performance energy harvester assisted NFC sensor node has the potential to be used in a wide range of Internet of Things (IoT) platforms as a reliable and sustainable power solution