932 research outputs found

    Analisis Pemberhentian Penyaluran Zakat Produktif Bergulir Di Baitul Mal

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    This study aims to determine the background or consideration of the distribution of revolving productive zakat in the form of machine and boat rickshaws and to analyze the causes of the dismissal of revolving productive zakat transfers in the Baitul Mal City of Banda Aceh. This type of qualitative research, data validity techniques using triangulation method, then using descriptive analysis. As for the background or consideration of the distribution of productive zakat in the form of machine rickshaws, that is first, the machine rickshaw is one of the transportation needed by the community after the tsunami, secondly, mustahik requires a lot of machine rickshaws to run its business and thirdly, the becak driver is easily run by mustahik. Then the distribution of aid in the form of a boat to help mustahik who live in coastal areas and work in the ocean. The cause of the dismissal of productive zakat distribution is first, problematic financing or bad financing. Second, the distribution of productive zakat in the form of a pedicab is stopped to avoid traffic congestion

    EPINETLAB:a software for seizure-onset zone identification from intracranial EEG signal in epilepsy

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    The pre-operative workup of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy requires in some candidates the identification from intracranial EEG (iEEG) of the seizure-onset zone (SOZ), defined as the area responsible of the generation of the seizure and therefore candidate for resection. High-frequency oscillations (HFOs) contained in the iEEG signal have been proposed as biomarker of the SOZ. Their visual identification is a very onerous process and an automated detection tool could be an extremely valuable aid for clinicians, reducing operator-dependent bias and computational time. In this manuscript we present the EPINETLAB software, developed as a collection of routines integrated in the EEGLAB framework that aim to provide clinicians with a structured analysis pipeline for HFOs detection and SOZ identification. The tool implements an analysis strategy developed by our group and underwent a preliminary clinical validation that identifies the HFOs area by extracting the statistical properties of HFOs signal and that provides useful information for a topographic characterization of the relationship between clinically defined SOZ and HFO area. Additional functionalities such as inspection of spectral properties of ictal iEEG data and import and analysis of source-space MEG data were also included. EPINETLAB was developed with user-friendliness in mind to support clinicians in the identification and quantitative assessment of HFOs in iEEG and source space MEG data and aid the evaluation of the SOZ for pre-surgical assessment

    Heat Transfer Studies in Tube Banks with Integral Wake Splitters

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    This paper reports the findings from heat transfer studies with the presence of extended surfaces from tube banks which are termed as integral wake splitter plates. Employing this type of fins, investigations on heat transfer characteristics on a single circular tube as well as tube banks were carried out in cross flow of air in a rectangular duct. Experiments were carried out in the Reynolds number range 5 x 103 to 105 on a single cylinder of various splitter length-to-tube diameter ratios, L/D = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0. Further, tube banks consisting of 12 rows and 3 tubes per row in equilateral triangle arrangements with transverse pitch to diameter ratio, a = 2, were also investigated, the banks being made up of plain tubes or tubes with splitters. Heat transfer characteristics were studied for tubes with L/D = 0, 0.5 and 1.0 under constant heat flux conditions. Tube banks with L/D = 1.0 yielded the highest heat transfer rates. Findings from this work may be adopted to be utilized in various industrial applications such as economizer of a steam boiler, air-conditioning coils or waste heat recovery systems


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    Translation has important role to the development of science field, especially in accounting field which has been expanding in this globalization era. Hence, it is very interesting to analyze the translation of English accounting terms into Indonesian because it contains many accounting typical terms and specific vocabulary usually used by accountant. Furthermore, this research focuses on identifying of accounting terms in English accounting book and their equivalences in Indonesian. The data was collected by note taking and comparing techniques. Then, the data analysis is performed to search the form and category of the English accounting terms. Parallel corpora were used in presenting source language and target language data. Descriptive qualitative methods were applied to analyze all research problems. The theory of translation techniques proposed by Molina and Albir (2002) was applied in order to find translation techniques chosen by translator in translating English accounting terms and the theory of grammatical proposed by Quirk et al (1985) to find the categories of word, compound word and phrase. This research is expected to contribute to further research related to accounting vocabularies consist of a set of words, compound words and phrase which are considered available in all languages of the world

    Environmental Factors and Students\u27 Learning Approaches: a Survey on Malaysian Polytechnics Students

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    Several studies have shown the impact of environmental factors on student learning approaches. Despite the importance of such studies, studies on technical learners are few. Thus, this study aimed to determine the influence of learning environment on Polytechnics students\u27 learning approaches in Malaysia. Learning environment plays an important role in the cognitive, effective and social domains of students because it could improve students\u27 learning outcomes. Learning approaches refer to the ways students deal with academic tasks that are related to learning outcomes. This study used Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) and Revised Two-Factor Study Process Questionnaire (RSPQ-2F) to collect the research data. Data were analyzed using AMOS Version 18. Multiple regressions were conducted to predict learning environment factors that influenced the level of students\u27 learning approaches. The result shows that effective teaching is a major factor that influences students\u27 deep approach followed by the assessment, learning resources and clear objectives

    Coexistence of Magnetic Order and Two-dimensional Superconductivity at LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 Interfaces

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    A two dimensional electronic system with novel electronic properties forms at the interface between the insulators LaAlO3_3 and SrTiO3_3. Samples fabricated until now have been found to be either magnetic or superconducting, depending on growth conditions. We combine transport measurements with high-resolution magnetic torque magnetometry and report here evidence of magnetic ordering of the two-dimensional electron liquid at the interface. The magnetic ordering exists from well below the superconducting transition to up to 200 K, and is characterized by an in-plane magnetic moment. Our results suggest that there is either phase separation or coexistence between magnetic and superconducting states. The coexistence scenario would point to an unconventional superconducting phase in the ground state.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Ultra-Rare Variants Identify Biological Pathways and Candidate Genes in the Pathobiology of Non-Syndromic Cleft Palate Only

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    : In recent decades, many efforts have been made to elucidate the genetic causes of non-syndromic cleft palate (nsCPO), a complex congenital disease caused by the interaction of several genetic and environmental factors. Since genome-wide association studies have evidenced a minor contribution of common polymorphisms in nsCPO inheritance, we used whole exome sequencing data to explore the role of ultra-rare variants in this study. In a cohort of 35 nsCPO cases and 38 controls, we performed a gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) and a hypergeometric test for assessing significant overlap between genes implicated in nsCPO pathobiology and genes enriched in ultra-rare variants in our cohort. GSEA highlighted an enrichment of ultra-rare variants in genes principally belonging to cytoskeletal protein binding pathway (Probability Density Function corrected p-value = 1.57 × 10-4); protein-containing complex binding pathway (p-value = 1.06 × 10-2); cell adhesion molecule binding pathway (p-value = 1.24 × 10-2); ECM-receptor interaction pathway (p-value = 1.69 × 10-2); and in the Integrin signaling pathway (p-value = 1.28 × 10-2). Two genes implicated in nsCPO pathobiology, namely COL2A1 and GLI3, ranked among the genes (n = 34) with nominal enrichment in the ultra-rare variant collapsing analysis (Fisher's exact test p-value < 0.05). These genes were also part of an independent list of genes highly relevant to nsCPO biology (n = 25). Significant overlap between the two sets of genes (hypergeometric test p-value = 5.86 × 10-3) indicated that enriched genes are likely to be implicated in physiological palate development and/or the pathological processes of oral clefting. In conclusion, ultra-rare variants collectively impinge on biological pathways crucial to nsCPO pathobiology and point to candidate genes that may contribute to the individual risk of disease. Sequencing can be an effective approach to identify candidate genes and pathways for nsCPO

    New-onset functional tics during the COVID-19 pandemic::Clinical characteristics of 105 cases from a single centre

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    Background and purpose The COVID-19 pandemic has been associated amongst other things with a sharp increase in adolescents and young adults presenting acutely with functional tics. Initial reports have suggested clinically relevant differences between functional tics and neurodevelopmental tics seen in primary tic disorders such as Tourette syndrome. We aimed to provide confirmatory findings from the largest single-centre cohort to date. Methods In the present study we present data from 105 consecutive patients who developed functional tics during a 3-year period overlapping with the COVID-19 pandemic (April 2020–March 2023). All patients underwent a comprehensive neuropsychiatric assessment at a single specialist centre for tic disorders. Results Female adolescents and young adults accounted for 69% of our sample. Functional tics had an acute/subacute onset in most cases (75% with a peak of severity within 1 month). We found a disproportionately high frequency of complex movements (81%) and vocalizations (75%). A subset of patients (23%) had a pre-existing primary tic disorder (Tourette syndrome with functional overlay). The most common psychiatric co-morbidities were anxiety (70%) and affective disorders (40%). Moreover, 41% of patients had at least one functional neurological disorder in addition to functional tics. Exposure to tic-related social media content was reported by half of the patients. Conclusions Our findings confirm substantial clinical differences between functional tics developed during the pandemic and neurodevelopmental tics. Both patient- and tic-related red flags support the differential diagnostic process and inform ongoing monitoring in the post-pandemic era

    Respon Padi Gogo terhadap Pupuk Hayati di Lahan Kering Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Response of Upland Rice towards Biological Fertilizer on the Dry Land in South Konawe District, South East Sulawesi. As the productivity of upland rice is still low, it requires technology improvement such as high yield variety and biological fertilizer. The purpose of this research was to determine the adaptability of upland rice varieties combined with biological fertilizer application. The experiment was conducted in the dry land of South Konawe District, South East Sulawesi using a factorial randomized block design with four replications of two factors. The first factor was three upland rice varieties namely Inpago LIPI Go1, Inpago LIPI Go2 and local varieties Kolono; the second factor was the combination of inorganic fertilizers and biological fertilizers. The experiment was carried out from December 2013 to March 2014. The results showed that the highest productivity was achieved by Inpago LIPI Go2 (4.5 to 5.2 t/ha) combined with the fertilizer combination as follow; Biofertilizer; Biofertilizer + 25% of recommended inorganic fertilizer; and Biofertilizer + 50% of recommended inorganic fertilizer without loosing the yield
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